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A geographic data processing toolbox based on KML, bash, and XSLT.


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kmlpipe, a geographic data processing toolbox

kmlpipe is a framework to retrieve, aggregate, join, and otherwise process data about geographic places. It was originally designed to rank London real estate property listings according to specific criteria, but the core of the framework is designed to be reusable for a wide variety of use cases.

In some ways kmlpipe can be considered to be a Geographic Information System. Its interface is probably quite different from a typical GIS, though. kmlpipe doesn't have a GUI and doesn't do anything useful "out of the box": it merely provides a set of tools that are meant to be assembled like Lego bricks to achieve a specific purpose.

Most kmlpipe tools read and write KML files. Building a kmlpipe application (also known as a pipeline) mostly involves piping these tools into each other; hence the name "kmlpipe".

Screenshot of the edechamps Home Hunt Pipeline Example output from the edechamps Home Hunt pipeline, as shown in Google Earth. The pipeline retrieved thousands of property listings by querying Nestoria in 20 London areas, merged them, widened them against other data sources (such as distance information from Google Maps), and ranked them. In this screenshot, we can see that the pipeline gave The Heron, a building in Barbican, a high score because of the area, quick commute time, proximity to a supermarket, Hyperoptic availability, and the presence of a concierge.


To test your system, run test/run-scenarios. If all the tests succeed, your system has all the required and optional dependencies (with the possible exception of curl, as tests never make external requests).

To install all required and optional dependencies on an APT-based system, run:

apt install bash xmlstarlet curl jq

Required dependencies

Most kmlpipe tools will not run unless the following is provided:

Optional dependencies

  • curl to make remote calls to external services, such as Google Maps.
  • jq to process data that comes in JSON form.

Quick start

The best way to see kmlpipe in action is to run a real pipeline, for example by taking the edechamps Home Hunt pipeline for a test run.


kmlpipe tools are roughly organized into folders. Currently, these are:

  • util: base tools for generic data manipulation. Frequently used by pipelines and other tools.
  • google: tools for interacting with Google Maps APIs, such as searching for places or computing distances.
  • hyperoptic: tools for importing Hyperoptic site map data into kmlpipe.
  • nestoria: tools for interacting with the Nestoria API, such as fetching property listings.
  • sainsburys: tools for importing Sainsbury's store map data into kmlpipe.

The repository is also meant to host finished kmlpipe applications, or pipelines. Currently, the only pipeline is edechamps-home-hunt which implements a London property search pipeline according to the author's criteria. It is a good example of a real-world application built using kmlpipe.

Fundamental principles and data model

A typical kmlpipe tool takes a KML file as input, processes it, and outputs another KML file. KML is an XML dialect; for this reason, most kmlpipe tools are partially or entirely written in XSLT 1.0, which is a language specifically designed to transform XML documents according to a specific set of rules.

In addition to XSLT scripts ("stylesheets" in XSLT parlance), bash is used to chain tools together and to run tasks that XSLT is not well-suited for, such as querying external services.

KML format constraints

The KML specification is quite extensive and makes it possible to write KML documents with a complex structure. Supporting arbitrary KML document structures (e.g. nested folders) would make kmlpipe much harder to implement. To simplify things, kmlpipe only really supports a subset of valid KML documents. Specifically, kmlpipe will only correctly consume (and produce) KML documents that abide by the following constraints:

  • kmlpipe only uses the Document, Folder, Placemark, Point main KML elements. Other main elements are typically copied over as-is.
  • kmlpipe only supports exactly one document topology: Placemark elements contained in Folder elements contained in a single Document element. Other structures are not supported. In particular, Placemarks that are at the root of the Document will be ignored by kmlpipe. Same for subfolders.

In other words, a typical KML document used in a kmlpipe pipeline will follow a structure that looks like the following:

<kml xmlns="">
            <name>Folder 1</name>
                <name>Placemark 1A</name>
                <!-- ... -->
                <name>Placemark 1B</name>
                <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->
            <name>Folder 2</name>
                <name>Placemark 2A</name>
                <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->

kmlpipe should output valid KML documents that can be opened in KML-enabled software such as Google Earth or Google My Maps. The opposite, however, is not always true, as such software can produce KML files that do not follow the structure that kmlpipe expects. Caveat emptor.

kmlpipe KML extensions

kmlpipe defines its own XML namespace, https:/dechamps/kmlpipe (henceforth referred to using the kmlpipe: prefix), to extend KML with kmlpipe-specific structured data. This namespace is used to carry around kmlpipe metadata that does not have an obvious KML representation. For example, the util/distance tool outputs computed distance information in kmlpipe:Distance elements. Note that these extra elements can confuse third-party KML software, and might have to be removed before such software can open KML files produced by kmlpipe.

Note that, in general, kmlpipe tools try to never permanently remove data from a KML file. Even a tool like util\remove-duplicates will not actually remove duplicate Placemarks; instead, it will move them inside some arbitrary kmlpipe element, such that they become invisible to other kmlpipe tools (and most third-party KML software, for that matter), but the data is technically still there in the output KML file. The rationale is to make troubleshooting easier by enabling traceability of KML elements as they are moved around by various tools. Some tools provide an obliterate option to actually delete data, which is primarily meant to improve performance with large KML files.

Place IDs

Probably the most important kmlpipe-specific element is kmlpipe:Place and in particular its place-id attribute. This element sits as a child of the KML Placemark element and assigns a unique ID to the Placemark. It is similar in purpose to the KML id attribute but is meant to be more robust and (ideally) globally unique, such that it can unambiguously identify a specific entry even between multiple KML files.

The main purpose of Place IDs is to simplify tool implementation, which can use the ID as a string key to refer to any Placemark.

Most kmlpipe tools expect all Placemarks in the input KML file to have a kmlpipe Place ID. kmlpipe tools that create Placemarks from scratch (e.g. from the results of a Google Maps search) are responsible for coming up with an appropriate Place ID for each Placemark that they generate.

The format of a kmlpipe place ID is a URI. kmlpipe tools that generate new Placemarks should choose a sensible URI prefix; aside from that, the format of the URI is up to the tool that generates them. For example, Google Place Search tools generate Place IDs in the form google-place-id:ChIJq7pi-GsDdkgR6azWnuyKtz8, where ChIJq7pi-GsDdkgR6azWnuyKtz8 is the Google Place ID of that specific place. Place IDs are meant to be opaque strings and should not be parsed. Information should be extracted from the contents of Placemark elements, not Place IDs.

Links and Link Sets

Links are a very powerful concept in kmlpipe, as they make it possible to join places together and then run tools that operate not on individual places, but on pairs of places. The most obvious use case is to compute distances between places.

A directed edge between two places is called a Link, represented by a kmlpipe:Link element. The place-id attribute on that element indicates which place the link points to. Links are themselves stored in a Link Set, stored in a kmlpipe:LinkSet element. A Link Set is a direct child of a Placemark element which represents the origin of all the links contained therein. A Link Set element has a name attribute which identifies the Link Set for use in tools.

Typically, a given Link Set name will appear in many places in a KML file. When a Link Set name is specified to a tool, the tool will process all Link Sets of that name in all the places in which it appears. Different Link Set names are used to separate various types of Links such that they can be processed separately from each other.

Here's an example of a KML file that uses Link Sets:

        <name>Folder 1</name>
            <name>Placemark 1</name>
            <kmlpipe:Place place-id="p1" />
            <kmlpipe:LinkSet name="Link Set X">
                <kmlpipe:Link place-id="p2" />
                <kmlpipe:Link place-id="p3" />
            <kmlpipe:LinkSet name="Link Set Y">
                <kmlpipe:Link place-id="p3" />
                <kmlpipe:Link place-id="p4" />
            <name>Placemark 2</name>
            <kmlpipe:Place place-id="p2" />
            <kmlpipe:LinkSet name="Link Set X">
                <kmlpipe:Link place-id="p1" />
                <kmlpipe:Link place-id="p3" />
            <name>Placemark 3</name>
            <kmlpipe:Place place-id="p3" />
            <name>Placemark 4</name>
            <kmlpipe:Place place-id="p4" />
            <kmlpipe:LinkSet name="Link Set Y">
                <kmlpipe:Link place-id="p1" />

This example defines the following Link Sets:

  • Link Set X
    • p1p2
    • p1p3
    • p2p1
    • p2p3
  • Link Set Y
    • p1p3
    • p1p4
    • p4p1

Link Sets and Links do nothing useful on their own, but some tools use them as the basis for computations. For example, running the util/distance tool on the above file for a specific Link Set name will generate an output where each Link element is augmented with a Distance element that contains the distance between the places at both ends of the Link.

More generally, running kmlpipe tools that operate on pairs of places is usually a three-step process:

  1. Generate Links for the pairs of places that you care about (e.g. using util/link-folders);
  2. Run the tool to do the actual computation (e.g. util/distance) with the name of the Link Sets you just created;
  3. Extract the data (e.g. distance information) that the tool added to each Link element.

kmlpipe provides a number of off-the-shelf Link-related tools that, when combined, can solve surprisingly complex problems. For example, if you have a list of potential houses, and a list of supermarkets, a typical question to ask is "how far away is each house from its nearest supermarket?". In kmlpipe, assuming there is one Folder that contains the houses and another that contains the supermarkets, answering that question is as simple as running util/link-folders, util/distance, util/distance-sort, and util/link-truncate, one after the other. The resulting file will contain, for each house, a single Link that points to the nearest supermarket, along with its distance to the house.


A kmlpipe Zone is a special kind of Placemark that represents an area in the form of a circle (more specifically, a disc) centred on the coordinates of the Placemark. A Zone Placemark has a kmlpipe:Radius child element with a miles attribute that indicates the radius of the zone in miles.

(TODO: the use of the mile unit here is due to the fact that the concept of Zones was originally specific to the Nestoria interface. We should really change that to use meters.)

Zones are typically used as a filtering mechanism. For example, one can build Links between places and Zones and then use util/filter-zones to identify which places fall into which Zones.

Practical considerations

To simplify tool implementation, and to reduce the likelihood of invalid calls, kmlpipe is very strict and opinionated about command line parsing. Command line options must be specified as --option value; --option=value will not work. Non-option arguments must always come after a -- separator; e.g. util/lskml example.kml won't work, but util/lskml -- example.kml will.

Set the KMLPIPE_DEBUG environment variable to increase log verbosity. Set the KMLPIPE_QUIET environment variable to decrease log verbosity.

Many kmlpipe tools need to create temporary files. mktemp(1) is used to create a temporary folder, which is then robustly destroyed when the tool ends, even on failure. If the KMLPIPE_TMPDIR environment variable is set then kmlpipe will create temporary directories under that location, and will not destroy them afterwards. This can be used to look at the contents of temporary files after the fact.

kmlpipe tools that want to use the current time will get it from the system clock, unless the KMLPIPE_TIMESTAMP environment variable is set, in which case they will use that as the current Unix timestamp. Just like the replay system described below, this can improve repeatability of runs by reducing the influence of the external environment.

External requests and replay system

All external HTTP requests made by kmlpipe (e.g. to query Google Maps) go through util/fetch, which is a wrapper around curl. The main purpose of this wrapper is to make it possible to store and replay requests using the KMLPIPE_FETCH_REPLAY_DIR environment variable. The way this works is that each HTTP request (including all parameters) is stored in a file, and the corresponding response is stored alongside it. If util/fetch is called again with an identical request, curl is not called and the response is served from the replay file instead.

This system can be very useful both for development and production pipeline runs for the following reasons:

  • During development, it can be used to easily inspect external requests and responses, and even run a tool with a simulated response.
  • In production, it can be used to help troubleshoot pipelines after-the-fact. It also makes it possible to re-run an entire pipeline with the guarantee that external calls will return the exact same data, so that pipelines can be re-run in the exact same conditions as the first run.
  • When re-running tools and pipelines, the replay system can be used as a cache to avoid repeatedly sending queries that were answered previously. This is especially useful with services like Google Maps where each additional query can cost actual money. (util/cache can also be used for more robust caching.)
  • This feature is also used in the kmlpipe test suite to ensure tests never have to send external requests (hermeticity).

See the usage information in util/fetch for more information about this feature.


kmlpipe comes with a full test suite that covers almost every single tool and even large parts of the bundled pipelines. The test suite can be found in the test directory. To run the test suite, run test/run-scenarios. Individual scenarios can be run from test/scenarios/.../run.

A typical test scenario calls a tool with a given input, and compares the output with a "golden" expected output. (This is commonly known as a "change detector" test.) If the test fails because of changes in the output, but the changes are deliberate, the test can be made to pass again by running it with the KMLPIPE_REGOLDEN environment variable set, which instructs the test to regenerate its golden output.

A more complicated case is when the tool under test makes external requests. In that case, the replay system (see above) is used to simulate the external service. This ensures tests are self-contained, repeatable, deterministic and do not depend on the availability of the external service. In fact, tests always run with KMLPIPE_HERMETIC set, which means external requests will fail if there is no corresponding replay file. When making changes to replay request files, util/fetch-replay-fix can be used to easily regenerate the request hashes.

Caveats, limitations, areas for improvement

Writing a kmlpipe tool or pipeline requires skills in advanced bash scripting and XSLT. XSLT in particular is an obscure language that is unusual in many respects and has a fairly steep learning curve.

The set of currently available kmlpipe tools is mostly geared towards a very specific use case: searching for London properties according to the kmlpipe author's (fairly contrived) criteria. While kmlpipe was designed as a generic framework that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases, using kmlpipe in a very different context is likely to require some non-trivial amount of groundwork, for example adding new data sources.

KML coordinates are longitude,latitude (e.g. Buckingham Palace in London is at -0.141,51.501). This can lead to surprises, because pretty much everything else uses the opposite order of latitude,longitude (e.g. 51.501,-0.141). Care should be taken when interacting with external services, such as Google Maps, that use the opposite order.

The author worked on kmlpipe on and off over the course of a year. This is a pet project done on the author's free time with limited resources, mostly to help the author find a place to live. As a result, the framework is somewhat unpolished and contains some rough edges. These include, among other things, inconsistencies in file formatting, code style (e.g. structure of XSLT stylesheets), naming conventions, tool expectations (e.g. some tools assume the specified Folders or Link Sets don't already exist in the input, while others assume the opposite), gaps in error handling and test coverage, etc. Patches to improve this state of affairs are more than welcome.

kmlpipe can handle reasonably large KML files, but most tools struggle to scale to really huge files. Some of the XSLT processing in kmlpipe is suspected to have O(n²) complexity in many cases, which limits kmlpipe's ability to run quickly (and within reasonable memory limits) on files that contain more than a few thousands of places.


A geographic data processing toolbox based on KML, bash, and XSLT.








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