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Thailand Covid testing and case data gathered and combined from various sources for others to download or view

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Thailand COVID-19 Data

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Thailand COVID-19 case/test/vaccination data gathered and combined from various government sources for others to view or download.

  • Updated daily 8-9am summary info, 1-3pm from full briefing. Testing data is updated every 1-3 weeks. last update was.

NEW Excess Deaths


Data offered here is offered as is with no guarantees. As much as possible government reports and data feeds have been used effort has gone into making this data collection accurate and timely. This sites only intention is to give an accurate representation of all the available Covid data for Thailand in one place.

Links to all data sources are including in Downloads


Got a question about covid in Thailand? Try asking it in Q&A discussion

Weekly data from Oct 1st

From Oct 1st 2022 all covid data from the DDC has been released in weekly chunks. Data here will be displayed as daily averages and updates will be once per week (mondays?). In addition many of the data sources have stopped being published so many plots will no longer be change.


Hospitalisation as % of Peak Daily Averages as % of Peak Bi-weekly change Covid Variant Surviellance


Deaths by Major Variant (Extrapolated from Surviellance)

Covid Variant Surviellance

COVID-19 Deaths

Thailand Covid Deaths by Reason

Thailand Covid Deaths by Region

Thailand Covid Deaths by Region

Deaths Top Provinces

Deaths Trending up Provinces

COVID-19 Deaths Age Range

Thailand Covid Death Age Range

Thailand Covid Death Age Range

COVID-19 Death Comorbidities and Risks

Thailand Covid Deaths Comorbidies

Thailand Covid Deaths Risk


Estimated Daily Infections

No longer updated so model is inaccurate

  • IHME: stopped updating predictions from 2022-12-16 so estimates become less reliable the further past that date.
  • Note: no country tests everyone so modelling is needed to estimate the real number of infections in the community including asymtematic infections. Modelling includes many factors such as the estimated deaths, immunity and fatality rate of the variants for a given demographic.
  • ATK+ from the DDC Dashboard is not clear if this is an estimate or some measure of reported infections to MOPH. Interpoloated from weekly figure.
  • ATK (Probable Cases) has stopped being reported
  • As of 1st June 2022, only severe cases are tested for PCR and report cases only includes PCR results so the trend of cases doesn't indicate infections as well as it did previously.
  • For forecasts of total infections/deaths/hospitalisations see IHME Thailand | IHME Thailand Report | ICL Thailand | LSHTM Thailand | OWID Covid Models for Thailand | Google mobility data
  • Source: IHME COVID estimates, MOPH Covid-19 Dashboard, CCSA Daily Briefing

Cases by Region

Cases/100k by Region Bangkok Region - Central - Eastern - Western - Northeast A-N - Northeast N-Y - Northern C-N - Northern P-U - Southern C-P - Southern R-Y

Cases by Region

Cases by Province

Provinces with Most Cases

Provinces with Most Cases/100k

Trending Up Confirmed Cases (by Provinces)

Cases by Patient Type

Cases by Patient Type

Cases by Risk Classification

Cases by Risk

Trending Up Unknown Cases | Trending Up Contact Cases

Cases by Where Tested

Source of Confirmed Cases

Cases by Age

Ages of Confirmed cases

Cases and Social Distancing

Number of confirmed cases and reduced movement of people

  • see also Cases and people movement from April 2021
  • Mobility (based on mobile phone data) estimates are from IHME dataset. The data is transformed and scaled to show relative social distancing (reduced mobility) compared to peak.
  • The chart then shows how reduced mobility and number of new cases progresses in time.
  • Source: IHME COVID estimates

Cases in Non-Thai

Cases by non-Thai nationality

Case Fatality Rate


Vaccinations by Manufacturer

Manufacturer Vaccinations in Thailand

Vaccinations by Priority Groups

Daily Vaccinations in Thailand

Vaccinations in Thailand

Progress towards Full Vaccination

Progress towards booster Vaccination

Vaccinations by Region/Province

Vaccinated given by Region

Vaccinated given by Region

Daily Vaccinations

Vaccine Doses given by Region Vaccine Doses given by Region Vaccine Doses given by Region

By Province

Top Provinces by Vaccination 2nd Jab Lowest Provinces by Vaccination 2nd Jab

Top Provinces by Vaccination 3rd Jab

By Group

Vacccinated Over 60s - 2nd Dose - by Region

Vacccinated Risk of 7 Diseases - 2nd Dose - by Region

Active Cases/Hospitalisations

Thailand Active Cases

Thailand Cases in ICU

  • Break down of active case status only available from 2020-04-24 onwards.
  • Other Active Cases + ICU + Ventilator + Field hospitals = Hospitalised, which is everyone who is confirmed (for 14days at least)
  • see Thailand Active Cases 2020-2021
  • Source: CCSA Daily Briefing


Positive Rate

Positive Rate

Positive Rate by Region - Thailand

Positive Rate by Health District - Thailand

PCR Tests in Thailand by day

Private and Public Tests

Private and Public Positive Results

PCR Tests by Health District

Tests by health District

Excess Deaths

Shows Deaths from all causes in comparison to the min, max and mean of Deaths from the 5 years pre-pandemic.

  • Note: there are many possible factors that alter deaths up or down other than uncounted Covid Deaths

Thailand Excess deaths with Covid Deaths

All Deaths compared to Previous Years

Thailand Excess Deaths by Age

All Deaths compared to Previous Years

Thailand Excess Deaths by Region

All Deaths compared to Previous Years

Thailand Deaths Years Compared

Testing, isolation and Vaccine assistance

How to contribute

  • As the different sources of the data has increased so has the code needed fetch, extract and display this data. All the code is fairly simple python however. It is a fun way to learn scraping data and/or pandas and matplotlib.
  • Find a github issue and have a go. Many are marked as suitable for beginners
    • making new plots
    • improve existing plots
    • adding tests so it's faster to make future fixes
    • improving scrapers that miss past data, e.g. vaccination reports
    • Spotting breaking updates and submitting a pull request to revise the scraper
    • If unsure if you are on the right track, submit a draft pull request and request a review
  • Spotted a problem or got an idea how to improve? Submit an issue and then have a go making it happen.
  • Got Questions? Start a discussion or comment on an issue


  • If you are using anaconda you will need to also run this

    conda install -c conda-forge python-crfsuite
  • To install (requires python >=3.9)

    python -m venv .venv
    .venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Running just plots (or latest files)

The plots are produced from csv files made in

  1. Get the latest datasets release to speed up the process.
  • Manually: extract latest datasets into the top level of the project. It will put csv files into api and inputs/json folders.

  • CLI: linux(or WSL); change into the root directory of your clone of the repository and then:

    wget https:/djay/covidthailand/releases/download/1/datasets.tar.gz && \
    tar xzf datasets.tar.gz && \
    rm datasets.tar.gz
  1. You can run only the plot function using the USE_CACHE_DATA=True MAX_DAYS=0 env vars
  • CLI (linux)
USE_CACHE_DATA=True MAX_DAYS=0 bin/python
  • IDE: setup a run profile in your IDE similar to this
          "name": "covidthailand - plot",
          "type": "python",
          "request": "launch",
          "program": "",
          "console": "integratedTerminal",
          "env": {
  1. You can comment out parts of to skip some plots.
    • In USE_CACHE_DATA only *_3.svg files are produced. 3 is for 3rd wave (since April 2021).
  • When debugging, to scrape just one part first, rearrange the lines in so that the scraping function you want to debug gets called before the others do

Running full code

  1. Extract the latest input files (~1.3G). This get the latest cache of documents to speed up scraping.
  • Manually: extract latest input files (~1.3G) into the top level of the project. It will put documents/json etc inputs/* folders.

  • CLI: linux(or WSL); change into the root directory of your clone of the repository and then:

wget https:/djay/covidthailand/releases/download/1/inputs.tar.gz && \
tar xzf inputs.tar.gz && \
rm inputs.tar.gz
  • Manually
  1. To build the CSV files needed for plotting from the inputs downloaded above, from the root directory of the repo, run:
USE_CACHE_DATA=True python
  1. If many days have passed since the last run then return to step 1. or slightly slow but smaller download is to download the latest datasets files which will speed up dashboard scrapping which is the slowest part.

  2. If you really need to ensure all the files are scraped again then

  • To run the full scrape (warning this will take a long time as it downloads all the documents into a local cache)


Running Tests (scraping)

  • To run the tests (will only get files needed for tests)

  • To add a test

    • Only add test data for dates where the format changed and so the scraper had to get updated. See commit history for dates where this happened or use code coverage.
    • Logs from a full scrape can be used to also identify files/dates that are not scraped correctly
      • if you are trying to add in past regression tests you can also use git blame on the scraping function to see the dates that lines were added or changed. in some cases comments indicated important dates where code had to change.
    • Add empty file in tests/scraper_type/dl_name.json
      • for some tests can be use date of file instead or (the date is ignored but helps for readability)
    • Run tests. This will download just the document needed for that test, scrape it and compare the results against the json.
      • of course this will fail but you can look at the generated data and compare it to the original file or other sources to make sure it looks right
    • If the results are correct there is commented out code in the test function to export the data to the test json file.
      • if you are using vscode to run pytests you need to refresh the tests list at this point for some reason
    • Note that not all scrapers have a test framework setup yet. But follow the existing code to add one or ask for help.

Building Site

$ sudo gem update bundler
$ bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
$ bundler install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve



Made with python/pandas/matplotlib. Dylan Jay gave a talk on how easy it is to extract data from PDFs and powerpoints and plot data at [Bangkok's Monthly ThaiPy Event]( [Video: "How I scraped Thailand's covid data" (1h mark)](

Why do this? Originally to answer the question "Was Thailand doing enough testing?" for myself and because too many people were wrong on the internets.


!Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Other sources of visualisations/Data for Thailand

Change log

  • No longer updated. see commits instead
  • 2021-08-16 - Move ATK to tests plot and remove from types plot
  • 2021-08-16 - Plots of more age ranges for deaths, excess deaths and cases
  • 2021-08-15 - Dashboard parsing for provinces and ages with downloads
  • 2021-08-02 - Add ATK cases parsing from dashboard and put in case_types plot
  • 2021-07-30 - Add plots for excess deaths
  • 2021-07-18 - Add data on vaccines by manufacturer from vaccine slides
  • 2021-07-17 - Add estimate of death ages
  • 2021-07-13 - Remove import vaccines due to coldchain data being restricted
  • 2021-07-10 - Switch province plots to per 100,000
  • 2021-07-10 - Put actuals on main case plots
  • 2021-06-29 - Use coldchain data to plot deliveries and province vac data
  • 2021-06-22 - Add trending provinces for contact cases
  • 2021-06-12 - Add vaccination daily and improve cumulative vaccinations
  • 2021-06-05 - update vaccination reports to parse summary timeline data only (missing source)
  • 2021-06-30 - death reasons and hospitalisation critical plots
  • 2021-05-21 - Estimate of infections from deaths
  • 2021-05-18 - Include prisons as separate province/health district (because briefings do)
  • 2021-05-15 - improve highest positive rate plot to show top 5 only
  • 2021-05-10 - parse unofficial RB tweet to get cases and deaths earlier
  • 2021-05-07 - add trending up and down provinces for cases
  • 2021-05-06 - add top 5 fully vaccinated provinces
  • 2021-05-05 - added recovered to active cases
  • 2021-05-04 - plots of deaths and vaccinations
  • 2021-04-28 - rolling averages on area graphs to make them easier to read
  • 2021-04-25 - Add graph of cases by risk and active cases (inc severe)
  • 2021-04-25 - Scrape hospitalisation stats from briefing reports
  • 2021-04-23 - Fixed mistake in testing data where private tests was added again
  • 2021-04-22 - data for sym/asymptomatic and pui private vs pui public
  • 2021-04-20 - Added case age plot
  • 2021-04-18 - Added clearer positive rate by district plot and made overall positive rate clearer
  • 2021-04-15 - Quicker province case type breakdowns from daily briefing reports
  • 2021-04-13 - get quicker PUI count from
  • 2021-04-12 - Put in "unknown area" for tests and cases by district so totals are correct
  • 2021-04-05 - add tweets with province/type break down to get more up to date stats

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