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Node Rules for Bazel (unsupported)

Rules Description
node_binary Creates a node binary.
node_library Groups node.js sources and deps together.
npm_library Defines an external npm module.
node_internal_module Create an internal node module that can be required as require('module_name').
webpack_build Build JS/CSS/etc with webpack.
node_build Build JS/CSS/etc with a node binary.
mocha_test Defines a node test that uses mocha.
node_test Defines a basic node test.


These rules are a public copy of what we're using at Dropbox. We open sourced them because we think the community will benefit from seeing how we've done things, but they are not supported. Pull requests are welcome, though!

We encourage you use the officially sanctioned nodejs or typescript rules instead, if possible!

A brief overview:

  • node_binary, node_library, mocha_test, node_test all work the way you would expect them to.

  • npm_library downloads npm modules from the public npm repository. We have a fair amount of tooling within Dropbox to support this rule, with a private mirror and way to generate npm_library rules. Simpler versions of those tools are included in node/tools/npm. If you're using this rule for serious development, you should replace the npm_installer with something that pulls from an internal mirror.

  • webpack_build uses webpack to build js/css files. Making the experience of using webpack better within Dropbox was one of the reasons we wrote these rules.

  • node_internal_module is used to create an "internal" node module so that you can easily share code without having to upload it to npm.

Design decisions

  • As much as possible, we try to create a "normal" node environment in the runfiles for node binaries. This simplifies debugging (it's easier to create test cases without Bazel) and reduces the learning curve for node developers.

  • We use the --preserve-symlinks so that node doesn't get the realpath of the file and look up the node_modules outside of its runfiles.

  • The node_modules folder is created in the runfiles and is placed in the package directory that contains the node_binary target. This simplifies things because you can have the main for a binary be inside its node_modules. For example:

    name = 'webpack_bin',
    main = 'node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js',
    deps = ['//npm/webpack'],
  • The contents attr for npm_library is a list of strings that are turned into files instead of a list of labels because files have fewer character restrictions.

  • Compiled node modules are not currently supported.


See examples.


First you must install Bazel.


For Linux, you must add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")

    name = "org_dropbox_rules_node",
    remote = "https:/dropbox/rules_node.git",
    commit = "{HEAD}",

load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "node_repositories")


This will pull in node v6.11.1 built for linux-x64. If you want to use another version of node, you should pass omit_nodejs=True and define another version of nodejs in your WORKSPACE file.


NOTE: These rules have only been tested on Linux.

For macOS, you must add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "org_dropbox_rules_node",
    remote = "https:/dropbox/rules_node.git",
    commit = "{HEAD}",

load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "node_repositories", "NODEJS_BUILD_FILE_CONTENT")


    name = "nodejs",
    url = "",
    strip_prefix = "node-v6.11.1-darwin-x64",
    sha256 = "a2b839259089ef26f20c17864ff5ce9cd1a67e841be3d129b38d288b45fe375b",
    build_file_content = NODEJS_BUILD_FILE_CONTENT,

This will pull in node v6.11.1 built for macOS.



load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "node_binary")
node_binary(name, main, srcs, deps, data, extra_args, node, max_old_memory, expose_gc)

Creates a node binary, which is an executable Node program consisting of a collection of .js source files.

Node binaries are created using --preserve-symlinks.

One quirk of this rule is that if your script uses the pattern:

  if (require.main === module) {

to only execute something if the node script is the "main" script, you'll need to modify it to check BAZEL_NODE_MAIN_ID against the module id instead, like this:

  if (process.env['BAZEL_NODE_MAIN_ID'] === || require.main === module) {

All node modules that this rule depends on, direct and transitive, end up flattened in {package-directory}/node_modules, where package-directory is the directory that the node_binary target is it. This means that, across all of your transitive dependencies tracked by Bazel, you can't depend on different versions of the same node module. (This does not apply to transitive dependencies of npm_library rules, which are not tracked by Bazel.)

The environmental variable NODE_PATH is set to {package-directory}/node_modules so that all the files that end up running can find all the included node modules.

One side-effect of that is that node libraries have access to all the transitive dependencies for the node binary that depends on them.


    name = 'mybin',
    srcs = [
    main = 'mybin.js',
    deps = [
    name = 'lib',
    srcs = ['lib.js'],
    deps = [

    name = 'bin',
    srcs = ['bin.js'],
    deps = [


  • name: (Name; required) A unique name for this rule.

  • main: (Label; required) The name of the source file that is the main entry point of the application.

  • srcs: (List of labels; optional) The list of source files that are processed to create the target.

  • deps: (List of labels; optional) The list of other libraries included in the binary target.

  • data: (List of labels; optional) The list of files needed by this binary at runtime.

  • extra_args: (List of strings; optional) Command line arguments that bazel will pass to the target when it is executed either by the run command or as a test. These arguments are passed before the ones that are specified on the bazel run or bazel test command line.

  • node: (Label; defaults to @nodejs//:node) The node binary used to run the binary. Must be greater than 6.2.0.

  • max_old_memory: (Integer; optional) Node, by default, doesn't run its garbage collector on old space until a maximum old space size limit is reached. This overrides the default (of around 1.4gb) with the provided value in MB.

  • expose_gc: (Boolean; optional) Expose global.gc() in the node process to allow manual requests for garbage collection.


load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "node_library")
node_library(name, srcs, deps, data)

Groups node.js sources and deps together. Similar to py_library rules.

NOTE: This does not create an internal module that you can then require. For that, you need to use node_internal_module.


  • name: (Name; required) A unique name for this rule.

  • srcs: (List of labels; optional) The list of source files that are processed to create the target.

  • deps: (List of labels; optional) The list of other libraries or node modules needed to be linked into the target library.

  • data: (List of labels; optional) The list of files needed by this library at runtime.


load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "npm_library")
npm_library(name, npm_req, no_import_main_test, shrinkwrap, contents,
            npm_installer, npm_installer_args)

Defines an external npm module.

This rule should usually be generated using //node/tools/npm:gen_build_npm, like this:

bazel run @org_dropbox_rules_node//node/tools/npm:gen_build_npm -- [email protected] ~/myrepo/npm/my-module

The module and its dependencies are downloaded using npm_installer.

All of the module's dependencies are declared in the shrinkwrap but aren't known by Bazel. This is to work around Bazel's restrictions on circular dependencies, which are commonplace in the node ecosystem. By doing things this way, Bazel will know about your direct npm dependencies, but not your indirect dependencies.

One restriction that this rule places on it's output is that all the files output must either be in the module's directory or in '.bin'. E.g. if the module is named module-name, then this list of contents is legal:

contents = [

But this list of contents is not:

contents = [

This allows us to be reasonably sure that any two modules can be used together (except when '.bin' has conflicts, which should be rare).


  • name: (Name; required) A unique name for this rule.

  • npm_req: (String; required) The npm string used to download this module. Must be in the form [email protected].

  • no_import_main_test: (Boolean; defaults to False) Don't test that the npm library can be required as if it has a main file.

    We test that all imports can be imported like: require('module'). For some imports that don't have a main js file to execute, this import will fail. For example, @types/ npm modules will fail. Set this to True to disable that check.

    NOTE: This rule will still generate a test to make sure that module version is correct.

  • shrinkwrap: (String; required) The shrinkwrap file that lists out all the node modules to install. Should usually be npm-shrinkwrap.json.

  • contents: (List of strings; required) All of the files included in the module.

    This should usually be autogenerated.

    contents is a string list instead of a label list to get around Bazel's restrictions on label names, which are violated by npm packages pretty often. Some restrictions still exist, like the restriction that file names cannot contain whitespace.

  • npm_installer: (Label; defaults to `@org_dropbox_rules_node//node/tools/npm:install) The binary to use to install the npm modules.

    The default npm_installer downloads them from the public npm registry, but ideally you should replace it with a binary that downloads from your private mirror.

  • npm_installer_args: (List of strings; optional) Extra arguments to pass to npm_installer.


load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "node_internal_module")
node_internal_module(name, srcs, deps, data, require_name, package_json, main)

Create an internal node module that can be included in the deps for other rules and that can be required as require('module_name').

The module name used to require the module (i.e. require('module_name')) defaults to the name of the target.


  • name: (Name; required) A unique name for this rule.

  • srcs: (List of labels; optional) The list of source files that are processed to create the target.

  • deps: (List of labels; optional) The list of other libraries included in the target.

  • data: (List of labels; optional) The list of files needed by this target at runtime.

  • require_name: (String; optional) The name for the internal node module. E.g. if require_name = "my-module", it should be used like require('my-module'). The default is the target name.

  • package_json: (String; optional) The package.json for the project. Cannot be specified along with main.

  • main: (String; optional) Defaults to the main field in the package.json or index.js if that doesn't exist. Cannot be specified along with package_json.


load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "webpack_build")
webpack_build(name, srcs, deps, data, outs, extra_args, env, config,

Build JS/CSS/etc with webpack.

It's recommend that you use the internal node module dbx-bazel-utils (@org_dropbox_rules_node//node/dbx-bazel-utils). If you use it like this:

var dbxBazelUtils = require('dbx-bazel-utils');
var env = dbxBazelUtils.initBazelEnv(__dirname);

Then it will set the working directory to the directory that contains webpack.config.js, which is usually what you want, and you should output to the directory in env.outputRoot.

If the webpack build is run outside of Bazel, then env.outputRoot will be __dirname.

Defaults to using [email protected]. You can specify your own webpack target with webpack_target.


# webpack_build/BUILD
load('@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl', 'webpack_build')

    name = 'webpack_build',
    srcs = glob([
    outs = ['bundle.js'],
    config = 'webpack.config.js',
    deps = [
// webpack_build/webpack.config.js
var path = require('path');
var dbxBazelUtils = require('dbx-bazel-utils');
var env = dbxBazelUtils.initBazelEnv(__dirname);

module.exports = {
  entry: ['entry.ts'],
  output: {
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    path: env.outputRoot,


  • name: (Name; required) A unique name for this rule.

  • srcs: (List of labels; optional) The list of source files that are processed to create the target.

  • deps: (List of labels; optional) The list of other libraries included in the target.

  • data: (List of labels; optional) The list of files needed by this target at runtime.

  • outs: (List of labels; required) The list of files output by this rule.

  • extra_args: (List of strings; optional) The list of additional args for this build.

  • env: (Dict of strings; optional) Additional environmental variables to set for the build.

  • config: (Label; required) The webpack.config.js file.

  • webpack_target: (Label; defaults to @org_dropbox_rules_node//npm/webpack) The webpack target to use.


load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "node_build")
node_build(name, outs, data, builder, extra_args, env, optimize_flag)

Build JS/CSS/etc with a node binary.

This is a low-level rule, and is only recommended for completely custom node builds. If you're using webpack, you should use the webpack_build rule. If you're using another standard JS build system (rollup, gulp, grunt, ...), you should write a macro that follows the conventions of webpack_build.

This rule does not have a srcs attribute because it expects all the srcs needed for the build to be included in the builder binary.

The environmental variable BAZEL_OUTPUT_DIR is set for all builds. The builder binary should output to that directory.


  • name: (Name; required) A unique name for this rule.

  • data: (List of labels; optional) The list of files needed by this target at runtime.

  • outs: (List of labels; required) The list of files output by this rule.

  • builder: (Label; required) The node binary used to build.

  • env: (Dict of strings; optional) Additional environmental variables to set for the build.

  • extra_args: (List of strings; optional) The list of additional args for this build.

  • optimize_flag: (String; optional) The flag to pass to the build when it's run in "opt" mode. If this flag is not defined, then no flag is passed in "opt" mode.


load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "mocha_test")
mocha_test(name, srcs, deps, extra_args, mocha_target, chai_target, **kwargs)

Defines a node test that uses mocha. Takes the same args as node_binary, except that you can't pass a main arg, because mocha is run as the main js file.

Includes dependencies on [email protected] and [email protected] by default. You can change those dependencies by setting mocha_target and chai_target.


Takes the same arguments as node_binary, except for the following:

  • mocha_target: The target to use for including 'mocha'.

  • chai_target: The target to use for including 'chai'.


load("@org_dropbox_rules_node//node:defs.bzl", "node_test")

Defines a basic node test. Succeeds if the program has a return code of 0, otherwise it fails.


Has the same arguments as node_binary.


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