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🌀 ControlNeXt-SVD-v2-Training


I found that sometimes, when I change the version of dependencies, the training may not converge at all. I haven't identified the reason yet, but I've listed all our dependencies in the requirements.txt file. It's a bit detailed, but you can focus on the key dependencies like torch, deepspeed, diffusers, accelerate... When issues arise, checking these first may help. (We use: diffusers==0.25.0)

If you find the differences for the training and inference scripts, such as the import path, please refer to the training script!


Due to privacy concerns, we are unable to release certain resources, such as the training data and the SD3-based model. However, we are committed to sharing as much as possible. If you find this repository helpful, please consider giving us a star or citing our work!

The training scripts are intended for users with a basic understanding of Python and Diffusers. Therefore, we will not provide every detail. If you have any questions, please refer to the code first. Thank you! If you encounter any bugs, please contact us and let us know.


We share more training experiences in the Issue and There. We spent a lot of time to find these. Now share with all of you. May these will help you!

Training script

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 accelerate  launch --config_file ./deepspeed.yaml \
 --pretrained_model_name_or_path=stabilityai/stable-video-diffusion-img2vid-xt-1-1 \
 --output_dir= $PATH_TO_THE_SAVE_DIR \
 --dataset_type="ubc" \
 --validation_image_folder=$PATH_TO_THE_GROUND_TRUTH_DIR_FOR_VALIDATION \
 --validation_control_folder=$PATH_TO_THE_POSE_DIR_FOR_VALIDATION \
 --width=576 \
 --height=1024 \
 --lr_warmup_steps 500 \
 --sample_n_frames 21 \
 --interval_frame 3 \
 --learning_rate=1e-5 \
 --per_gpu_batch_size=1 \
 --num_train_epochs=6000 \
 --mixed_precision="bf16" \
 --gradient_accumulation_steps=1 \
 --checkpointing_steps=2000 \
 --validation_steps=500 \
 --gradient_checkpointing \
 --checkpoints_total_limit 4 

# For Resume
 --controlnet_model_name_or_path $PATH_TO_THE_CONTROLNEXT_WEIGHT
 --unet_model_name_or_path $PATH_TO_THE_UNET_WEIGHT

We set --num_train_epochs=6000 to ensure no stopped training, but you can stop the process at any point when you believe the results are satisfactory.

Training validation

Please compile the data for validation like:

    └─── ...
    |      ├───ground_truth
    |      |  ├───0.png
    |      |  ├─── ...
    |      |  └───13.png
    |      |
    |      └───pose
    |      |  ├───0.png
    |      |  ├─── ...
    |      |  └───13.png
    |      |
    |      └───reference_image.png
    └─── ...

And then replace the path to:

--validation_image_folder=$PATH_TO_THE_GROUND_TRUTH_DIR_FOR_VALIDATION \
--validation_control_folder=$PATH_TO_THE_POSE_DIR_FOR_VALIDATION \


When using DeepSpeed for training, you’ll notice the use of a DeepSpeedWrapperModel in training script. This wrapper is necessary because DeepSpeed supports only a single model for parallel training, allowing us to encapsulate different modules, including ControlNet and UNet.

To perform inference with your trained weights, follow these steps:

  1. Convert the generated weights to a .bin file using generated by DeepSpeed (Under the generated weight directory). This will create a file named pytorch_model.bin.
  2. Utilize the script to separate the modules into distinct dictionaries for ControlNet and UNet.
  3. Provide the paths to these weights in your inference script.

Meta info

Please construct the training dataset and provide a list of the data entries in a .json file. We give an example in meta_info_example/meta_info.json (the data list) and meta_info_example/meta_info/1.json(Detailed meta information for each single video recoarding the position and score):


        "video_path": "PATH_TO_THE_SOURCE_VIDEO",
        "meta_info": "PATH_TO_THE_JSON_FILE_RECORD_THE_DETAILED_DETECTION_RESULTS(we give an example in meta_info/1.json)"

GPU memory

It requires substantial memory for training, as we use a high resolution and long frame batches to achieve optimal performance. However, you can implement certain techniques to reduce memory consumption, although they may result in a trade-off with performance.

  1. Adopt bf16 and fp16 (we have already implemented this).
  2. Use DeepSpeed and distributed training across multiple machines.
  3. Reduce the resolution by set --width=576 --height=1024 , such as 512*768
  4. Reduce the --sample_n_frames

If you find this work helpful, please consider citing:

  title={ControlNeXt: Powerful and Efficient Control for Image and Video Generation},
  author={Peng, Bohao and Wang, Jian and Zhang, Yuechen and Li, Wenbo and Yang, Ming-Chang and Jia, Jiaya},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.06070},