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The template_analyzer package offers an API to analyze the Django template structure. It can be used to find nodes of a particular type, e.g. to do automatic detection of placeholder tags.

Supported features

The scanner finds tags in various situations, including:

  • Extend nodes
  • Include nodes
  • Overwritten blocks with new definitions
  • Blocks with or without {{ block.super }}
  • Reorganized blocks
  • Ignoring nodes outside blocks in extending templates
  • Handling multiple levels of super includes

The returned nodes are provided in a natural ordering, as they would be expected to appear in the outputted page.

While Django offers a template.nodelist.get_nodes_of_type() function, this function does not produce the same results.

API example

from django.template.loader import get_template
from mycms.templatetags.placeholdertags import Placeholder
from template_analyzer.djangoanalyzer import get_node_instances

# Load a Django template
template = get_template("mycms/default-page.html")

# Find all tags in the template:
placeholders = get_node_instances(template, Placeholder)

# Read information from the template tag themselves:
# (this is an example, accessing a custom method on the Placeholder object)
placeholder_names = [p.get_name() for p in placeholders]


First install the module, preferably in a virtual environment. It can be installed from PyPI:

pip install django-template-analyzer

Or the current folder can be installed:

pip install .


  • This package is based on the work of Django CMS.
  • Many thanks to the contributors of cms/utils/ / cms/utils/ in Django CMS!