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Week 3 Lab - Exploratory Data Analysis with SQL


  1. Explore the Database
  2. Basic Querying - Selecting From Tables
  3. Selecting specific attributes of a table
  4. Where clause/ filtering
  5. Aggregation functions: counting
  6. Aggregation functions: AVG
  7. Intervals, Ranges, and sorting
  8. Subqueries



Structured Query Language (SQL for short) is the bread and butter of a working with data. Whether generating reports, grabbing data for a machine learning model, or implementing a data product — SQL is an important skill to master as an engineer, scientist, or entrepreneur. In this activity, we'll be gaining some familiarity with SQL fundamentals. We'll start with basic querying, and move on to joins, aggregations, subqueries, and working with sets.

Today, you will be working with a dataset called ReadyChef, a social media application for food lovers.

Loading the database

In this repo, there's a SQL dump of the data we'll be using today. This data is typical of the type of data you might encounter in industry. It is normalized, which is a way of minimizing the disk space required to store the data, but which can sometimes require more effort to get data, since most queries will require information stored across multiple tables. As an example, the events table has ids for both users and meals, but in order to get the price of the meal, we have to look up that meal in the id table. This allows us to use only the id to refer to the meal anywhere it may appear, but does mean that to get meal details we almost always have to join. Data Analysts, Scientists, Financial Experts and Researchers write a lot of SQL in order to get data from various tables into a single location where they can use it.

*You'll be using the interactive SQL shell from the console for most of your work. Once you have a satisfactory answer to a question, remember to copy your SQL query to a text file for safe keeping. You'll submit all your finished queries at the end of the day as a pull request. *

  1. If you are on your personal computer and haven't set up postgres yet, follow these instructions The MEET machines should be already configured but if you run into any installation problems, please find and instructor or TA.

  2. From the command line run psql and then this command to create the database.

    CREATE DATABASE readychef;

    The psql command opens a Postgres SQL Terminal similar to the python shell where you can execute commands on your database. To exit this shell and return to the regular terminal just type \q and press Enter.

  3. Navigate to where you cloned this very repository and run the following commands to import the database:

    psql readychef < readychef.sql

    You should see a bunch of SQL commands flow through the terminal. This is loading the readychef.sql file into the empty database you created in the previous step.

  4. To enter the interactive Postgres prompt, now enter the following to be connected or your database.

    psql readychef

Now we are in a command line client. This is how we will explore the database to gain an understanding of what data we are playing with.

Basic Exploration

First, we will want to see what the available tables are. Remember, now that we are in the database, all of our commands or actions will be on the readychef database.

  1. What are the tables in our database? Run \d to find out.

  2. What columns does each table have? Run \d tablename (where 'tablename' is replace with the table you want to explore) to find out.

Select statements

To get an understanding of the data, run a SELECT statement on each table. Keep all the columns and limit the number of rows to 10. SELECT * FROM EVENTS LIMIT 10;

Adding an item to your database

Refer to the tutorial on INSERT INTO to create a new meal in the meals table. You need to specify the type and the price and set the date to 2016-11-17

Updating an item

Now use UPDATE to change the event from 'like' to 'bought'

Deleting an item

Finally use the DELETE command to remove the database entry you created.

  1. Write a SELECT statement that would get just the userids.

  2. Maybe you're just interested in what the campaign ids are. Use 'SELECT DISTINCT' to figure out all the possible values of that column.

    Note: Pinterest=PI, Facebook=FB, Twitter=TW, and Reddit=RE

Where Clauses / Filtering

Now that we have the lay of the land, we're interested in the subset of users that came from Facebook (FB). If you're unfamiliar with SQL syntax, the WHERE clause can be used to add a conditional to SELECT statements. This has the effect of only returning rows where the conditional evaluates to TRUE.

Note: Make sure you put string literals in single quotes, like campaign_id='TW'.

  1. Using the WHERE clause, write a new SELECT statement that returns all rows where Campaign_ID is equal to FB.

  2. We don't need the campaign id in the result since they are all the same, so only include the other two columns.

    Your output should be something like this:

     userid |     dt
          3 | 2013-01-01
          4 | 2013-01-01
          5 | 2013-01-01
          6 | 2013-01-01
          8 | 2013-01-01

Aggregation Functions

Let's try some aggregation functions now.

COUNT is an example aggregate function, which counts all the entries and you can use like this:


Your output should look something like:

(1 row)
  1. Write a query to get the count of just the users who came from Facebook.

  2. Now, count the number of users coming from each service. Here you'll have to group by the column you're selecting with a GROUP BY clause.

    Try running the query without a group by. Postgres will tell you what to put in your group by clause!

  3. Use COUNT (DISTINCT columnname) to get the number of unique dates that appear in the users table.

  4. There's also MAX and MIN functions, which do what you might expect. Write a query to get the first and last registration date from the users table.

  5. Calculate the mean price for a meal (from the meals table). You can use the AVG function. Your result should look like this:

    (1 row)
  6. Now get the average price, the min price and the max price for each meal type. Don't forget the group by statement!

    Your output should look like this:

        type    |         avg         | min | max
     mexican    |  9.6975945017182131 |   6 |  13
     french     | 11.5420000000000000 |   7 |  16
     japanese   |  9.3804878048780488 |   6 |  13
     italian    | 11.2926136363636364 |   7 |  16
     chinese    |  9.5187165775401070 |   6 |  13
     vietnamese |  9.2830188679245283 |   6 |  13
    (6 rows)
  7. It's often helpful for us to give our own names to columns. We can always rename columns that we select by doing AVG(price) AS avg_price. This is called aliasing. Alias all the above columns so that your table looks like this:

        type    |      avg_price      | min_price | max_price
     mexican    |  9.6975945017182131 |         6 |        13
  8. Maybe you only want to consider the meals which occur in the first quarter (January through March). Use date_part to get the month like this: date_part('month', dt). Add a WHERE clause to the above query to consider only meals in the first quarter of 2013 (month<=3 and year=2013).

  9. There are also scenarios where you'd want to group by two columns. Modify the above query so that we get the aggregate values for each month and type. You'll need to add the month to both the select statement and the group by statement.

    It'll be helpful to alias the month column and give it a name like month so you don't have to call the date_time function again in the GROUP BY clause.

    Your result should look like this:

        type    | month |      avg_price      | min_price | max_price
     italian    |     2 | 11.2666666666666667 |         7 |        16
     chinese    |     1 | 11.2307692307692308 |         8 |        13
  10. From the events table, write a query that gets the total number of buys, likes and shares for each meal id. Extra: To avoid having to do this as three separate queries you can do the count of the number of buys like this: SUM(CASE WHEN event='bought' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END).


  1. Let's start with a query which gets the average price for each type. It will be helpful to alias the average price column as 'avg_price'.

  2. To make it easier to read, sort the results by the type column. You can do this with an ORDER BY clause.

  3. Now return the same table again, except this time order by the price in descending order (add the DESC keyword).

  4. Sometimes we want to sort by two columns. Write a query to get all the meals, but sort by the type and then by the price. You should have an order by clause that looks something like this: ORDER BY col1, col2.

  5. For shorthand, people sometimes use numbers to refer to the columns in their order by or group by clauses. The numbers refer to the order they are in the select statement. For instance SELECT type, dt FROM meals ORDER BY 1; would order the results by the type column.


Now we are ready to do operations on multiple tables. A JOIN allows us to combine multiple tables.

  1. Write a query to get one table that joins the events table with the users table (on userid) to create the following table.

     userid | campaign_id | meal_id | event
          3 | FB          |      18 | bought
          7 | PI          |       1 | like
         10 | TW          |      29 | bought
         11 | RE          |      19 | share
         15 | RE          |      33 | like
  2. Also include information about the meal, like the type and the price. Only include the bought events. The result should look like this:

     userid | campaign_id | meal_id |    type    | price
          3 | FB          |      18 | french     |     9
         10 | TW          |      29 | italian    |    15
         18 | TW          |      40 | japanese   |    13
         22 | RE          |      23 | mexican    |    12
         25 | FB          |       8 | french     |    14

    If your results are different, make sure you filtered it so you only got the bought events. You should be able to do this without using a where clause, only on clause(s)!

  3. Write a query to get how many of each type of meal were bought.

    You should again be able to do this without a where clause!

Phew! If you've made it this far, congratulations! You're ready to move on to subqueries.

Extra Credit (pt. 1)


In a subquery, you have a select statement embedded in another select statement.

  1. Write a query to get meals that are above the average meal price.

    Start by writing a query to get the average meal price. Then write a query where you put price > (SELECT ...) (that select statement should return the average price).

  2. Write a query to get the meals that are above the average meal price for that type.

    Here you'll need to use a join. First write a query that gets the average meal price for each type. Then join with that table to get ones that are larger than the average price for that meal. Your query should look something like this:

    SELECT meals.*
    FROM meals
    JOIN (SELECT ...) average
    ON ...

    Note that you need to fill in the select statement that will get the average meal price for each type. We alias this table and give it the name average (you can include the AS keyword, but it doesn't matter).

  3. Modify the above query to give a count of the number of meals per type that are above the average price.

  4. Calculate the percentage of users which come from each service. This query will look similar to #2 from aggregation functions, except you have to divide by the total number of users.

    Like with many programming languages, dividing an int by an int yields an int, and you will get 0 instead of something like 0.54. You can deal with this by casting one of the values as a real like this: CAST (value AS REAL)

    You should get a result like this:

     campaign_id |      percent
     RE          | 0.156046343229544
     FB          | 0.396813902968863
     TW          | 0.340695148443157
     PI          | 0.106444605358436
    (4 rows)

Extra Credit (pt. 2)

  1. Answer the question, "What user from each campaign bought the most items?"

    It will be helpful to create a temporary table that contains the counts of the number of items each user bought. You can create a table like this: CREATE TABLE mytable AS SELECT...

  2. For each day, get the total number of users who have registered as of that day. You should get a table that has a dt and a cnt column. This is a cumulative sum.

  3. What day of the week gets meals with the most buys?

  4. Which month had the highest percent of users who visited the site purchase a meal?

  5. Find all the meals that are above the average price of the previous 7 days.

  6. What percent of users have shared more meals than they have liked?

  7. For every day, count the number of users who have visited the site and done no action.

  8. Find all the dates with a greater than average number of meals.

  9. Find all the users who bought a meal before liking or sharing a meal.


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