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File metadata and controls

569 lines (429 loc) · 18.1 KB

macOS Default Values Command Reference


change file flags

usage: chflags [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] flags file ...

chflags man page


Command line interface to a user's defaults.

❯ defaults


'defaults' [-currentHost | -host <hostname>] followed by one of the following:

  read                                 shows all defaults
  read <domain>                        shows defaults for given domain
  read <domain> <key>                  shows defaults for given domain, key

  read-type <domain> <key>             shows the type for the given domain, key

  write <domain> <domain_rep>          writes domain (overwrites existing)
  write <domain> <key> <value>         writes key for domain

  rename <domain> <old_key> <new_key>  renames old_key to new_key

  delete <domain>                      deletes domain
  delete <domain> <key>                deletes key in domain

  import <domain> <path to plist>      writes all of the keys in path to domain
  export <domain> <path to plist>      saves domain as a binary plist to path
  domains                              lists all domains
  find <word>                          lists all entries containing word
  help                                 print this help

<domain> is ( <domain_name> | -app <application_name> | -globalDomain )
         or a path to a file omitting the '.plist' extension

<value> is one of:
  -string <string_value>
  -data <hex_digits>
  -int[eger] <integer_value>
  -float  <floating-point_value>
  -bool[ean] (true | false | yes | no)
  -date <date_rep>
  -array <value1> <value2> ...
  -array-add <value1> <value2> ...
  -dict <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...
  -dict-add <key1> <value1> ...

Tip: Use defaults domains to to list all domains available.

defaults man page


Unload daemons/agents and generally control launchd

❯ launchctl help

usage: launchctl <subcommand>
    load        Load configuration files and/or directories
    unload      Unload configuration files and/or directories
    start       Start specified job
    stop        Stop specified job
    submit      Submit a job from the command line
    remove      Remove specified job
    bootstrap   Bootstrap launchd
    list        List jobs and information about jobs
    setenv      Set an environmental variable in launchd
    unsetenv    Unset an environmental variable in launchd
    getenv      Get an environmental variable from launchd
    export      Export shell settings from launchd
    debug       Set the WaitForDebugger flag for the target job to true.
    limit       View and adjust launchd resource limits
    stdout      Redirect launchd's standard out to the given path
    stderr      Redirect launchd's standard error to the given path
    shutdown    Prepare for system shutdown
    singleuser  Switch to single-user mode
    getrusage   Get resource usage statistics from launchd
    log         Adjust the logging level or mask of launchd
    umask       Change launchd's umask
    bsexec      Execute a process within a different Mach bootstrap subset
    bslist      List Mach bootstrap services and optional servers
    bstree      Show the entire Mach bootstrap tree. Requires root privileges.
    managerpid  Print the PID of the launchd managing this Mach bootstrap.
    manageruid  Print the UID of the launchd managing this Mach bootstrap.
    managername Print the name of this Mach bootstrap.
    asuser      Execute a subcommand in the given user's context.
    exit        Exit the interactive invocation of launchctl
    quit        Quit the interactive invocation of launchctl
    help        This help output

Tip: Use launchctl list to show the currently set values for launchctl.

launchctl man page


Manage the metadata stores used by Spotlight

Usage: mdutil -pEsa -i (on|off) -d volume ...
       mdutil -t {volume-path | deviceid} fileid
    Utility to manage Spotlight indexes.
    -p             Publish metadata.
    -i (on|off)    Turn indexing on or off.
    -d             Disable Spotlight activity for volume (re-enable using -i on).
    -E             Erase and rebuild index.
    -s             Print indexing status.
    -t             Resolve files from file id with an optional volume path or device id.
    -a             Apply command to all volumes.
    -V vol         Apply command to all stores on the specified volume.
    -v             Display verbose information.
NOTE: Run as owner for network homes, otherwise run as root.

mdutil man page


Manipulate firmware NVRAM variables

nvram [-x] [-p] [-f filename] [-d name] [-c] name[=value] ...
    -x         use XML format for printing or reading variables
               (must appear before -p or -f)
    -p         print all firmware variables
    -f         set firmware variables from a text file
    -d         delete the named variable
    -c         delete all variables
    name=value set named variable
    name       print variable
Note that arguments and options are executed in order.

Tip: Use nvram -xp to show all firmware variables in XML format.

nvram man page


Read and write values to plists

❯ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy

Usage: PlistBuddy [-cxh] <file.plist>
    -c "<command>" execute command, otherwise run in interactive mode
    -x output will be in the form of an xml plist where appropriate
    -h print the complete help info, with command guide

PListBuddy help

❯ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -h

Command Format:
    Help - Prints this information
    Exit - Exits the program, changes are not saved to the file
    Save - Saves the current changes to the file
    Revert - Reloads the last saved version of the file
    Clear [<Type>] - Clears out all existing entries, and creates root of Type
    Print [<Entry>] - Prints value of Entry.  Otherwise, prints file
    Set <Entry> <Value> - Sets the value at Entry to Value
    Add <Entry> <Type> [<Value>] - Adds Entry to the plist, with value Value
    Copy <EntrySrc> <EntryDst> - Copies the EntrySrc property to EntryDst
    Delete <Entry> - Deletes Entry from the plist
    Merge <file.plist> [<Entry>] - Adds the contents of file.plist to Entry
    Import <Entry> <file> - Creates or sets Entry the contents of file

Entry Format:
    Entries consist of property key names delimited by colons.  Array items
    are specified by a zero-based integer index.  Examples:


    Set :CFBundleIdentifier
        Sets the CFBundleIdentifier property to
    Add :CFBundleGetInfoString string "App version 1.0.1"
        Adds the CFBundleGetInfoString property to the plist
    Add :CFBundleDocumentTypes: dict
        Adds a new item of type dict to the CFBundleDocumentTypes array
    Add :CFBundleDocumentTypes:0 dict
        Adds the new item to the beginning of the array
    Delete :CFBundleDocumentTypes:0 dict
        Deletes the FIRST item in the array
    Delete :CFBundleDocumentTypes
        Deletes the ENTIRE CFBundleDocumentTypes array

PlistBuddy man page


Manipulate power management settings


  • Use pmset -g to show the currently settings.
  • Use pmset -g ps to show power source info.
❯ pmset -g
Active Profiles:
Battery Power       -1*
AC Power        -1
Currently in use:
 standbydelay         86400
 standby              1
 halfdim              1
 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
 darkwakes            0
 gpuswitch            2
 disksleep            10
 sleep                10
 autopoweroffdelay    14400
 hibernatemode        3
 autopoweroff         1
 ttyskeepawake        1
 displaysleep         2
 acwake               0
 lidwake              1
❯ pmset -g ps
Now drawing from 'Battery Power'
 -InternalBattery-0 98%; discharging; 4:52 remaining

pmset man page


Manage system configuration parameters

Usage: scutil
    interactive access to the dynamic store.

   or: scutil --prefs [preference-file]
    interactive access to the [raw] stored preferences.

   or: scutil [-W] -r nodename
   or: scutil [-W] -r address
   or: scutil [-W] -r local-address remote-address
    check reachability of node, address, or address pair (-W to "watch").

   or: scutil -w dynamic-store-key [ -t timeout ]
    -w  wait for presense of dynamic store key
    -t  time to wait for key

   or: scutil --get pref
   or: scutil --set pref [newval]
   or: scutil --get filename path key
    pref    display (or set) the specified preference.  Valid preferences
            ComputerName, LocalHostName, HostName
    newval  New preference value to be set.  If not specified,
        the new value will be read from standard input.

   or: scutil --dns
    show DNS configuration.

   or: scutil --proxy
    show "proxy" configuration.

   or: scutil --nwi
    show network information

   or: scutil --nc
    show VPN network configuration information. Use --nc help for full command list

scutil man page


Configuration tool for certain machine settings in System Preferences.

❯ systemsetup -help

systemsetup Help Information
Usage: systemsetup -getdate
    Display current date.

Usage: systemsetup -setdate <mm:dd:yy>
    Set current date to <mm:dd:yy>.

Usage: systemsetup -gettime
    Display current time.

Usage: systemsetup -settime <hh:mm:ss>
    Set current time to <hh:mm:ss>.

Usage: systemsetup -gettimezone
    Display current time zone.

Usage: systemsetup -settimezone <timezone>
    Set current time zone to <timezone>. Use "-listtimezones" to list time zones.

Usage: systemsetup -listtimezones
    List time zones supported by this machine.

Usage: systemsetup -getusingnetworktime
    Display whether network time is on or off.

Usage: systemsetup -setusingnetworktime <on off>
    Set using network time to either <on> or <off>.

Usage: systemsetup -getnetworktimeserver
    Display network time server.

Usage: systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver <timeserver>
    Set network time server to <timeserver>.

Usage: systemsetup -getsleep
    Display amount of idle time until computer, display and hard disk sleep.

Usage: systemsetup -setsleep <minutes>
    Set amount of idle time until computer, display and hard disk sleep to <minutes>.
    Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.

Usage: systemsetup -getcomputersleep
    Display amount of idle time until computer sleeps.

Usage: systemsetup -setcomputersleep <minutes>
    Set amount of idle time until compputer sleeps to <minutes>.
    Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.

Usage: systemsetup -getdisplaysleep
    Display amount of idle time until display sleeps.

Usage: systemsetup -setdisplaysleep <minutes>
    Set amount of idle time until display sleeps to <minutes>.
    Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.

Usage: systemsetup -getharddisksleep
    Display amount of idle time until hard disk sleeps.

Usage: systemsetup -setharddisksleep <minutes>
    Set amount of idle time until hard disk sleeps to <minutes>.
    Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.

Usage: systemsetup -getwakeonmodem
    Display whether wake on modem is on or off.

Usage: systemsetup -setwakeonmodem <on off>
    Set wake on modem to either <on> or <off>.

Usage: systemsetup -getwakeonnetworkaccess
    Display whether wake on network access is on or off.

Usage: systemsetup -setwakeonnetworkaccess <on off>
    Set wake on network access to either <on> or <off>.

Usage: systemsetup -getrestartpowerfailure
    Display whether restart on power failure is on or off.

Usage: systemsetup -setrestartpowerfailure <on off>
    Set restart on power failure to either <on> or <off>.

Usage: systemsetup -getrestartfreeze
    Display whether restart on freeze is on or off.

Usage: systemsetup -setrestartfreeze <on off>
    Set restart on freeze to either <on> or <off>.

Usage: systemsetup -getallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer
    Display whether the power button is able to sleep the computer.

Usage: systemsetup -setallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer <on off>
    Enable or disable whether the power button can sleep the computer.

Usage: systemsetup -getremotelogin
    Display whether remote login is on or off.

Usage: systemsetup -setremotelogin <on off>
    Set remote login to either <on> or <off>. Use "systemsetup -f -setremotelogin off" to suppress prompting when turning remote login off.

Usage: systemsetup -getremoteappleevents
    Display whether remote apple events are on or off.

Usage: systemsetup -setremoteappleevents <on off>
    Set remote apple events to either <on> or <off>.

Usage: systemsetup -getcomputername
    Display computer name.

Usage: systemsetup -setcomputername <computername>
    Set computer name to <computername>.

Usage: systemsetup -getlocalsubnetname
    Display local subnet name.

Usage: systemsetup -setlocalsubnetname <name>
    Set local subnet name to <name>.

Usage: systemsetup -getstartupdisk
    Display current startup disk.

Usage: systemsetup -setstartupdisk <disk>
    Set current startup disk to <disk>.

Usage: systemsetup -liststartupdisks
    List startup disks on this machine.

Usage: systemsetup -getwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure
    Get the number of seconds after which the computer will start up after a power failure.

Usage: systemsetup -setwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure <seconds>
    Set the number of seconds after which the computer will start up after a power failure. The <seconds> value must be a multiple of 30 seconds.

Usage: systemsetup -getdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged
    Get whether or not the keyboard should be disabled when the X Serve enclosure lock is engaged.

Usage: systemsetup -setdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged <yes no>
    Set whether or not the keyboard should be disabled when the X Serve enclosure lock is engaged.

Usage: systemsetup -version
    Display version of systemsetup tool.

Usage: systemsetup -help
    Display help.

Usage: systemsetup -printCommands
    Display commands.

Tip: Use systemsetup -printCommands to show the available commands.

❯ systemsetup -printCommands
systemsetup -getdate
systemsetup -setdate <mm:dd:yy>
systemsetup -gettime
systemsetup -settime <hh:mm:ss>
systemsetup -gettimezone
systemsetup -settimezone <timezone>
systemsetup -listtimezones
systemsetup -getusingnetworktime
systemsetup -setusingnetworktime <on off>
systemsetup -getnetworktimeserver
systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver <timeserver>
systemsetup -getsleep
systemsetup -setsleep <minutes>
systemsetup -getcomputersleep
systemsetup -setcomputersleep <minutes>
systemsetup -getdisplaysleep
systemsetup -setdisplaysleep <minutes>
systemsetup -getharddisksleep
systemsetup -setharddisksleep <minutes>
systemsetup -getwakeonmodem
systemsetup -setwakeonmodem <on off>
systemsetup -getwakeonnetworkaccess
systemsetup -setwakeonnetworkaccess <on off>
systemsetup -getrestartpowerfailure
systemsetup -setrestartpowerfailure <on off>
systemsetup -getrestartfreeze
systemsetup -setrestartfreeze <on off>
systemsetup -getallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer
systemsetup -setallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer <on off>
systemsetup -getremotelogin
systemsetup -setremotelogin <on off>
systemsetup -getremoteappleevents
systemsetup -setremoteappleevents <on off>
systemsetup -getcomputername
systemsetup -setcomputername <computername>
systemsetup -getlocalsubnetname
systemsetup -setlocalsubnetname <name>
systemsetup -getstartupdisk
systemsetup -setstartupdisk <disk>
systemsetup -liststartupdisks
systemsetup -getwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure
systemsetup -setwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure <seconds>
systemsetup -getdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged
systemsetup -setdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged <yes no>
systemsetup -version
systemsetup -help
systemsetup -printCommands

systemsetup man page


Time Machine utility

❯ tmutil
Usage: tmutil help <verb>

Usage: tmutil version

Usage: tmutil enable

Usage: tmutil disable

Usage: tmutil startbackup [-a | --auto] [-b | --block] [-r | --rotation] [-d | --destination dest_id]

Usage: tmutil stopbackup

Usage: tmutil enablelocal

Usage: tmutil disablelocal

Usage: tmutil snapshot

Usage: tmutil delete snapshot_path ...

Usage: tmutil restore [-v] src dst

Usage: tmutil compare [-a@esmugtndEX] [-D depth] [-I name]
       tmutil compare [-a@esmugtndEX] [-D depth] [-I name] snapshot_path
       tmutil compare [-a@esmugtndEUX] [-D depth] [-I name] path1 path2

Usage: tmutil setdestination [-a]  mount_point
       tmutil setdestination [-ap] afp://user[:pass]@host/share

Usage: tmutil removedestination destination_id

Usage: tmutil destinationinfo [-X]

Usage: tmutil addexclusion [-p] item ...

Usage: tmutil removeexclusion [-p] item ...

Usage: tmutil isexcluded item ...

Usage: tmutil inheritbackup machine_directory
       tmutil inheritbackup sparse_bundle

Usage: tmutil associatedisk [-a] mount_point volume_backup_directory

Usage: tmutil latestbackup

Usage: tmutil listbackups

Usage: tmutil machinedirectory

Usage: tmutil calculatedrift machine_directory

Usage: tmutil uniquesize path ...

Use `tmutil help <verb>` for more information about a specific verb.

tmutil man page