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Migration from 2.x to 3.0


This is a guide to highlight breaking changes in the API and to help the migration of projects from versions 2.X (based on ESP-IDF 4.4) to version 3.0 (based on ESP-IDF 5.1) of the Arduino ESP32 core.

All the examples on the version 3.0.0 were updated to be compatible to the new API. The old examples from the versions below 3.0.0 will be not compatible with the version 3.0.0 or newer releases.

For more information about all changes and new features, check project RELEASE NOTES.


Removed APIs

  • analogSetClockDiv
  • adcAttachPin
  • analogSetVRefPin


Changes in APIs

  • Changed APIs return and parameter type from std::string to Arduino style String.
  • Changed UUID data type from uint16_t to BLEUUID class.
  • BLEScan::start and BLEScan::getResults methods return type changed from BLEScanResults to BLEScanResults*.

Hall Sensor

Hall sensor is no longer supported.

Removed APIs

  • hallRead


The I2S driver has been completely redesigned and refactored to use the new ESP-IDF driver. For more information about the new API, check :doc:`/api/i2s`.


The LEDC API has been changed in order to support the Peripheral Manager and make it easier to use, as LEDC channels are now automatically assigned to pins. For more information about the new API, check :doc:`/api/ledc`.

Removed APIs

  • ledcSetup
  • ledcAttachPin

New APIs

  • ledcAttach used to set up the LEDC pin (merged ledcSetup and ledcAttachPin functions).
  • timerGetFrequency used to get the actual frequency of the timer.
  • timerAttachInterruptArg used to attach the interrupt to a timer using arguments.

Changes in APIs

  • ledcDetachPin renamed to ledcDetach.
  • In all functions, input parameter channel has been changed to pin.


For more information about the new API, check :doc:`/api/rmt`.

Removed APIs

  • _rmtDumpStatus
  • rmtSetTick
  • rmtWriteBlocking
  • rmtEnd
  • rmtBeginReceive
  • rmtReadData

New APIs

  • rmtWriteAsync
  • rmtTransmitCompleted
  • rmtSetRxMinThreshold

Changes in APIs

  • In all functions, input parameter rmt_obj_t* rmt has been changed to int pin.
  • rmtInit return parameter changed to bool.
  • rmtInit input parameter bool tx_not_rx has been changed to rmt_ch_dir_t channel_direction.
  • rmtInit new input parameter uint32_t frequency_Hz to set frequency of RMT channel (as function rmtSetTick was removed).
  • rmtWrite now sending data in blocking mode. It only returns after sending all data or through a timeout. For Async mode use the new rmtWriteAsync function.
  • rmtWrite new input parameter uint32_t timeout_ms.
  • rmtLoop renamed to rmtWriteLooping.
  • rmtRead input parameters changed to int pin, rmt_data_t* data, size_t *num_rmt_symbols, uint32_t timeout_ms.
  • rmtReadAsync input parameters changed to int pin, rmt_data_t* data, size_t *num_rmt_symbols.
  • rmtSetRxThreshold renamed to rmtSetRxMaxThreshold and input parameter uint32_t value has been changed to uint16_t idle_thres_ticks.
  • rmtSetCarrier input parameters uint32_t low, uint32_t high have been changed to uint32_t frequency_Hz, float duty_percent.


SigmaDelta has been refactored to use the new ESP-IDF driver. For more information about the new API, check :doc:`/api/sigmadelta`.

Removed APIs

  • sigmaDeltaSetup
  • sigmaDeltaRead

New APIs

  • sigmaDeltaAttach used to set up the SigmaDelta pin (channel is acquired automatically).
  • timerGetFrequency used to get the actual frequency of the timer.
  • timerAttachInterruptArg used to attach the interrupt to a timer using arguments.

Changes in APIs

  • sigmaDeltaDetachPin renamed to sigmaDeltaDetach.
  • sigmaDeltaWrite input parameter channel has been changed to pin.


Timer has been refactored to use the new ESP-IDF driver and its API got simplified. For more information about the new API check :doc:`/api/timer`.

Removed APIs

  • timerGetConfig
  • timerSetConfig
  • timerSetDivider
  • timerSetCountUp
  • timerSetAutoReload
  • timerGetDivider
  • timerGetCountUp
  • timerGetAutoReload
  • timerAlarmEnable
  • timerAlarmDisable
  • timerAlarmWrite
  • timerAlarmEnabled
  • timerAlarmRead
  • timerAlarmReadMicros
  • timerAlarmReadSeconds
  • timerAttachInterruptFlag

New APIs

  • timerAlarm used to set up Alarm for the timer and enable it automatically (merged timerAlarmWrite and timerAlarmEnable functions).
  • timerGetFrequency used to get the actual frequency of the timer.
  • timerAttachInterruptArg used to attach the interrupt to a timer using arguments.

Changes in APIs

  • timerBegin has now only 1 parameter (frequency). There is an automatic calculation of the divider using different clock sources to achieve the selected frequency.
  • timerAttachInterrupt has now only 2 parameters. The edge parameter has been removed.

UART (HardwareSerial)

Changes in APIs

  • setHwFlowCtrlMode input parameter uint8_t mode has been changed to SerialHwFlowCtrl mode.
  • setMode input parameter uint8_t mode has been changed to SerialMode mode.

Functional changes

  • It is now possible to detach UART0 pins by calling end() with no previous call of begin().
  • It is now possible to call setPins() before begin() or in any order.
  • setPins() will detach any previous pins that have been changed.
  • begin(baud, rx, tx) will detach any previous attached pins.
  • setPins() or begin(baud, rx, tx) when called at first, will detach console RX0/TX0, attached in boot.
  • Any pin set as -1 in begin() or setPins() won't be changed nor detached.
  • begin(baud) will not change any pins that have been set before this call, through a previous begin(baud, rx, tx) or setPin().
  • If the application only uses RX or TX, begin(baud, -1, tx) or begin(baud, rx) will change only the assigned pin and keep the other unchanged.