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WiFi Keystroke Injection Tool designed for an Atmega 32u4/ESP8266 Paired via Serial (Cactus WHID Firmware). Also features Serial, HTTP, and PASV FTP exfiltration methods and an integrated Credential Harvester Phishing tool called ESPortal.


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Created by Corey Harding / www.Exploit.Agency

ESPloit is a WiFi controlled HID Keyboard Emulator similar to the USB Rubber Ducky by Hak5. This version was created specifically for the Cactus WHID which is a USB stick that utilizes an ESP-12S WiFi module with a serial connection to a 32u4 microcontroller. The device has 4M of flash storage more than capable of storing the firmware and a number of payloads. Unlike the Rubber Ducky this device has WiFi allowing the device to host its own access point or connect to an existing network. This allows users to upload and pick between payloads or even type out "live payloads" without uploading a file, and like the Rubber Ducky, ESPloit allows you to set up a payload to run upon insertion of the device. The device also supports upgrading the firmware over WiFi, deleting payloads, reformatting the file system, WiFi and basic configuration, and more.

ESPloit is distributed under the MIT License. The license and copyright notice can not be removed and must be distributed alongside all future copies of the software.

Video Demo

Video Demo

Initial Flashing

Download and Install the Arduino IDE from
Open Arduino IDE.
Go to File - Preferences. Locate the field "Additional Board Manager URLs:"
Add "" without quotes.
Click "Ok"
If Arduino IDE gives you the following error:
"Error downloading"
Use "https:/esp8266/Arduino/releases/download/2.3.0/package_esp8266com_index.json" instead.
Select Tools - Board - Boards Manager. Search for "esp8266".
Install "esp8266 by ESP8266 community version 2.3.0". Click "Close".
Select Sketch - Include Library - Manage Libraries. Search for "Json".
Install "ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon version 5.11.0" and click "Close"   Download https:/exploitagency/esp8266FTPServer/archive/feature/
Click Sketch - Include Library - Add .ZIP Library and select from your Downloads folder.
The Arduino IDE is now configured and ready for the code.

Use git to clone this repo: https:/exploitagency/ESPloitV2.git
Download/extract the repo as a zip file: https:/exploitagency/ESPloitV2/archive/

Load the esp8266Programmer sketch from the flashing folder.
Select Tools - Board - "LilyPad Arduino USB".
Select the Port your device is connected to under Tools - Port.
Upload the sketch.

Open the ESP_Code sketch from the source folder.
Select Tools - Board - "Generic ESP8266 Module".
Select Tools - Flash Size - "4M (3M SPIFFS)".
Select Sketch - "Export Compiled Binary".

Now flash the firmware to the ESP-12S chip using one of the following tools.
Linux: https:/AprilBrother/esptool
Example: python --port=/dev/ttyACM0 --baud 115000 write_flash 0x00000 ESP_Code.ino.generic.bin --flash_size 32m
Windows: https:/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher

NOTE: Do not try to connect to the access point or test anything yet, the device won't work until after the next step.

Finally open the Arduino_32u4_code sketch from the source folder.
Select Tools - Board - "LilyPad Arduino USB".
Select the Port your device is connected to under Tools - Port.
Upload the sketch.

Your ESPloit is now ready to configure and or use.

Initial configuration

ESPloit by default creates an Access Point with the SSID "Exploit" with a password of "DotAgency".
Connect to this access point and open a web browser pointed to ""
You are now greeted with the main menu of ESPloit. From here there are several options.

Upload Payload: Upload a payload.txt file
Choose Payload: Choose a payload to run
Live Payload Mode: Type out or copy/paste a payload to run without uploading
Duckuino Mode: Convert and optionally run Ducky Script payloads to ESPloit compatible script
Input Mode: Use the device as a keyboard/mouse substitute
List Exfiltrated Data: Lists any exfiltrated data
Configure ESPloit: Configure WiFi and basic settings
Format File System: Format the file system
Upgrade ESPloit Firmware: Upgrade the ESP-12S ESPloit firmware from a web browser
Help: Brings up this help file

The default administration username is "admin" and password "hacktheplanet". This username and password is used to Configure ESPloit or to Upgrade the Firmware.

Resetting to default configuration/Recovering device

Plug the device into your computer.
Open the Arduino IDE.
Select Tools - Board - "LilyPad Arduino USB".
Select Tools - Port and the port the device is connected to.
Select Tools - "Serial Monitor".
Select "38400 baud".
Now type in "ResetDefaultConfig:". Without the quotes but be sure to include the colon symbol.
Click Send.
You should now receive the following reply "Resetting configuration files back to default settings."
Wait about 15 seconds or until the LED blinks and unplug and replug in the device.
The device has now been reset back to default settings.
Connect to the Access Point with the SSID "Exploit" with a password of "DotAgency".
Open a web browser pointed to ""
The default administration username is "admin" and password "hacktheplanet".

NOTE: Certain devices seem to have trouble connecting to a password protected ESP8266 access point. The symptoms of this involve repeatedly being prompted to enter the password and being unable to connect to the ESP8266 via WiFi. This can be solved by following the above instructions but instead issuing the command "ResetDefaultConfig:OpenNetwork" via serial. The device will be restored to the factory defaults(with the exception of now being an unsecured network). The device will reboot and you may now connect to it as an unsecured WiFi access point with an SSID of "Exploit". You should now be able to establish a connection.

Configure ESPloit

Default credentials to access the configuration page:
username "admin"
password "hacktheplanet"

WiFi Configuration

Network Type
Access Point Mode: Create a standalone access point(No Internet Connectivity-Requires Close Proximity)
Join Existing Network: Join an existing network(Possible Internet Connectivity-Could use Device Remotely)

Hidden: Choose whether or not to use a hidden SSID when creating an access point

SSID: SSID of the access point to create or of the network you are choosing to join
Password: Password of the access point which you wish to create or of the network you are choosing to join
Channel: Channel of the access point you are creating

IP: IP to set for ESPloit
Gateway: Gateway to use, make it the same as ESPloit's IP if an access point or the same as the router if joining a network
Subnet: Typically set to

ESPloit Administration Settings:

Username: Username to configure/upgrade ESPloit
Password: Password to configure/upgrade ESPloit

Payload Settings

Delay Between Sending Lines of Code in Payload: Delay in milliseconds between sending lines from payload or when manually inserting a "DELAY" in the payload(Default: 2000)

Automatically Deploy Payload Upon Insetion: Choose Yes or No to automatically deploy a payload when inserting the device

Automatic Payload: Choose the location of the payload to run upon insertion

Scripting a Payload

ESPloit uses its own scripting language and not Ducky Script,
although a Ducky Script to ESPloit converter is available at:

Examples of ESPloit's scripting language can be seen below.

COMMANDS ARE CASE SENSITIVE! Do not insert any spaces after a command unless intentional and as part of a string, etc. Do not place any blank lines in a payload!

Commenting code:
--"Rem: Comment"
--Set comments

Set the default delay for a specific payload:
--Overrides the default delay set in the ESPloit configuration portal but only for this specific payload
--Delay is in milliseconds and defined as the wait between sending lines in the payload
--Example: "DefaultDelay:10000" will wait 10 seconds between sending each line in the payload

Set a one time delay between sending lines in payload
--The default delay will still apply for all other lines except this one
--Example: "CustomDelay:5000" will ignore the default delay for this line and waits 5 seconds before sending the next line in the payload

To make a generic delay:
--"Delay" would wait for The Default Delay x 2 before proceeding to next item in payload

For individual keypresses or combinations of key presses:
-"Press:X" or "Press:X+Y" or "Press:X+Y+Z" and so forth
--Expects Decimal Key Code Values for X,Y,Z,etc
--Sending the following "Press:131+114" with the device's USB plugged into a Windows machine would output KEY_LEFT_GUI(Windows_Key)+r thus launching the RUN prompt
--List of modifier keys(GUI,ALT,CTRL,ETC) at
--ASCII table lookup at

To type out strings of text:
-"Print:XYZ" Types out "XYZ"
--Sending the following via software serial "Print:www.Exploit.Agency" would type out "www.Exploit.Agency" on the machine connected via USB

To type out strings of text and presses ENTER:
-"PrintLine:XYZ" Types out "XYZ" then presses ENTER
--Sending the following "PrintLine:www.Exploit.Agency" would type out "www.Exploit.Agency" on the machine connected via USB and then would press and release the ENTER key

Move Mouse:
--"MouseMoveUp:X", "MouseMoveDown:X", "MouseMoveLeft:X", "MouseMoveRight:X"
--Valid range of values for X is 1-127
--Moves mouse up, down, left, or right by X amount
--X must be a number

Mouse Click:
--"MouseClickLEFT:", "MouseClickRIGHT:", "MouseClickMIDDLE:"
--Clicks the LEFT, RIGHT, or MIDDLE mouse button
--Case Sensitive

Blink LED:
--X=# of times to blink the LED 750ms ON 500ms OFF
--"BlinkLED:3" Blinks the LED 3 times
--Useful for knowing what stage of a payload you are on(add to the end of payload).

Special Characters/Known Issues:
Currently the only character that has been found not to work is the "less than" symbol, "<".
This bug does NOT apply to Live Payload Mode.
This only applies if you are using Upload Payload, the script will stop uploading when it reaches the "<" symbol.
The work around for writing a script that requires a "<" is to replace all instances of "<" with "&lt;".
The script will upload properly and when viewed and/or ran it will replace "&lt;" with "<".

Uploading a Payload

Click browse and choose a payload to upload.

Names should not contain any special characters and should stick to letters and numbers only.

Names must be shorter than 21 characters. The SPIFFS file system used has a 31 character limit, 10 characters are used for the folder structure "/payloads/".

You may save several characters by naming payloads without using an extension.

Choose a Payload

This is a list of all payloads that have been uploaded.

You may click the payload name to see the contents of a payload.

Click "Run Payload" to run the payload or click "Delete Payload" to delete the payload.

The file size and filesystem information is also listed on this page.

Live Payload Mode

Here you may type out or copy/paste a payload to run without uploading.

Input Mode

Use the device as a keyboard/mouse substitute.

Duckuino Mode

Convert Ducky Script to ESPloit Script and then optionally run the script.
Paste Ducky Script on the text area to the left.
Click convert and the ESPloit compatible script appears on the right.

List Exfiltrated Data

Displays any data that has been collected from the victim using ESPloit's exfiltration methods.

Format File System

This will erase the contents of the SPIFFS file system including ALL Payloads that have been uploaded.
Formatting may take up to 90 seconds.
All current settings will be retained unless you reboot your device during this process.

Upgrade ESPloit Firmware

Authenticate using your username and password set in the configuration page.

Default credentials to access the firmware upgrade page:
username "admin"
password "hacktheplanet"

Select "Browse" choose the new firmware to be uploaded to the ESP-12S chip and then click "Upgrade".

You will need to manually reset the device upon the browser alerting you that the upgrade was successful.

If you are using this mode to swap the firmware loaded on the ESP-12S chip, and if the new firmware does not support this mode then you must reflash the ESP-12S manually by uploading the programmer sketch to the 32u4 chip and then flash the ESP-12S this way.

Exfiltrating Data

Serial Exfiltration Method:
Find the victims com port
Set the baud rate to 38400
Send the text "SerialEXFIL:" followed by the data to exfiltrate
Exfiltrated data will be saved to the file SerialEXFIL.txt
See the example payloads for more info

WiFi Exfiltration Methods:
To exfiltrate data using WiFi methods be sure ESPloit and Target machine are on the same network.
Either set ESPloit to join the Target's network or set the Target to join ESPloit's AP.

Example commands to force victim to connect to ESPloit's network(when set as AP):
Windows: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="SSID-HERE" key="WIFI-PASSWORD-HERE"
Linux: nmcli dev wifi connect SSID-HERE password WIFI-PASSWORD-HERE

For HTTP exfiltration method point the target machine to the url listed below:
The victim is forced to access the URL above and now under "List Exfiltrated Data" you will see the file "FILENAME.TXT" containing the exfiltrated data "EXFILTRATED-DATA-HERE".

For FTP exfiltration method use the credentials configured in the "Configure ESPloit" page. Also note that only Passive Mode FTP is supported.

See the example payloads for more in depth examples.

ESPortal Credential Harvester(Phisher)

NOTE: Modifying any ESPortal related setting requires a reboot of the ESPloit device.
When enabled ESPloit main menu will appear on http://IP-HERE/esploit
Do not leave any line blank or as a duplicate of another.

A social engineering attack vector.
Redirects HTTP requests to a fake login page. Does not support HTTPS requests nor does it override cached HTTPS redirects.
You can define a custom template for up to 3 specific domains, a welcome portal, and a catch-all.
Captured credentials are stored on the exfiltration page in the file "esportal-log.txt".

Example scenario 1: Target capturing login credentials from a specific domain name when victim connects to a fake free WiFi hotspot. Setup ESPloitV2 to act as a free WiFi hotspot(AP Mode, SSID: "Free WiFi", Open Network=Leave Password Blank). Set ESPortal to Enabled, Site 1 Domain( User now connects to the open network "Free WiFi", browses to, they see a login prompt, user attempts to login, ESPortal gives an error, user gets frustrated and gives up. Meanwhile the credentials the user entered are logged and displayed on the Exfiltrated Data page in the file "esportal-log.txt". To make the attack even more effective I have included the ability for the attacker to make their own html templates for the login pages. If the user were to browse to another page not specified as a domain in the settings they will be greeted with a generic login prompt set from the spoof_other.html template.

Example scenario 2: Thinking slightly outside of the box... ESPloit is connected the victims network(and is not in AP mode), in this example ESPloit's IP is, FTP mode is enabled. Under ESPortal settings set the Welcome Domain to the ESPloit's IP address( and set Welcome Page On(/login). Now upload a custom login template to ESPloit named welcome.html(do not use the included welcome.html template as that is simply a greeting and we want a login page so use and rename the included template spoof_other.html to welcome.html and upload it via FTP), here is a Linux example for uploading the custom template via FTP(curl -T spoof_other.html ftp://ftp-admin:[email protected]/welcome.html). Now when you browse to you are redirected to a login prompt at You can now create a payload to open this webpage on the victims pc and customize the template to whatever you want. Even though there are easier ways you could use it to capture user login credentials from the victim PC, so you could fullscreen the browser window and make the custom html template look like the PC's lock screen. Or you could make it look like a login page for a website for which you wish to phish credentials. It could also be used to hide ESPloit's admin panel, perhaps when a user browses to ESPloit's IP they go to a "corporate server login page" which user is not authorized to access, remember in ESPortal mode ESPloit's admin panel shows up on http://esploitIP/esploit vs being able to access it from the default http://esploitIP when ESPortal mode is disabled. Remember social engineering is all about being creative.

Custom html templates can be uploaded for the ESPortal login credential harvester via FTP(PASV Mode only).
If a custom html template is found it will override the default settings.
Upon deletion the default settings are automatically restored.

The filenames must match the below exactly in order to apply a template override.
captiveportal.html - The catch all that handles the redirects.(Would be rare to override this part)
welcome.html - The welcome page for the "free wifi" hotspot.
spoof_other.html - The generic login credential harvester for a site not in the list.
spoof_site1.html - The 1st login credential harvester site in the list with a custom layout.
spoof_site2.html - The 2nd login credential harvester site in the list with a custom layout.
spoof_site3.html - The 3rd login credential harvester site in the list with a custom layout.
error.html - Display some sort of custom error when the user enters login credentials.

Changing the VID/PID

WARNING! This information is being provided for educational purposes only, it is illegal to use a VID/PID that you do not own.

Find and edit boards.txt, it may be located somewhere similar to
Linux: /root/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.6.19/
Windows: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.6.19\

Add the below quote to the end of the boards.txt file.
Now select Cactus WHID under Tools - Boards instead of LilyPad Arduino USB when you upload the Arduino_32u4_Code sketch.

    ############################################################## WHID


    CactusWHID.bootloader.lock_bits=0x2F"Cactus WHID""April Brother"{build.usb_flags}

Replace this portion with your spoofed VID/PID.
"0x0000" and "0xFFFF" are only placeholders and should not be used.
Replace these with your own personal VID/PID combination"Cactus WHID""April Brother"

On Apple Devices you can theoretically bypass the unknown keyboard hurdle by spoofing an Apple VID/PID.
This will run the payload upon insertion vs having to identify the keyboard first.
DO NOT DO THIS! It is illegal to use a VID/PID that you do not own."Aluminum Keyboard IT USB""Apple Inc."

Changing the Keyboard Locale

This is an easy to use solution from BlueArduino20 that is based off the work from NURRL at https:/Nurrl/LocaleKeyboard.js
Linux: https:/BlueArduino20/LocaleKeyboard.SH
Windows: https:/BlueArduino20/LocaleKeyboard.BAT

Licensing Information

Cactus WHID manufactured by April Brother:
Cactus WHID hardware design by Luca Bongiorni:

ESPloitV2 by Corey Harding:
Code available at: https:/exploitagency/ESPloitV2
ESPloitV2 software is licensed under the MIT License
MIT License

Copyright (c) [2017] [Corey Harding]

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.



WiFi Keystroke Injection Tool designed for an Atmega 32u4/ESP8266 Paired via Serial (Cactus WHID Firmware). Also features Serial, HTTP, and PASV FTP exfiltration methods and an integrated Credential Harvester Phishing tool called ESPortal.







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