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Dpl (dee-pee-ell) is a deploy tool made for continuous deployment. Developed and used by Travis CI.

Supported Providers:

Dpl supports the following providers:


Dpl is published to rubygems.

  • Dpl requires ruby with a version greater than 1.8.7
  • To install: gem install dpl


###Security Warning:

Running dpl in a terminal that saves history is insecure as your password/api key will be saved as plain text by it.

###Global Flags

  • --provider=<provider> sets the provider you want to deploy to. Every provider has slightly different flags, which are documented in the section about your provider following.
  • Dpl will deploy by default from the latest commit. Use the --skip_cleanup flag to deploy from the current file state. Note that many providers deploy by git and could ignore this option.



  • api-key: Heroku API Key
  • strategy[git/anvil]: Deployment strategy for Dpl. Defaults to anvil.
  • app: Heroku app name. Defaults to the name of your git repo.
  • username: heroku username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy.
  • password: heroku password. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy.

Git vs Anvil Deploy:

  • Anvil will run the buildpack compilation step on the Travis CI VM, whereas the Git strategy will run it on a Heroku dyno, which provides the same environment the application will then run under and might be slightly faster.
  • The Git strategy allows using user and password instead of api-key.
  • When using Git, Heroku might send you an email for every deploy, as it adds a temporary SSH key to your account.

As a rule of thumb, you should switch to the Git strategy if you run into issues with Anvil or if you're using the user-env-compile plugin.


dpl --provider=heroku --api-key=`heroku auth:token`
dpl --provider=heroku --strategy=git --username=<username> --password=<password>  --app=<application>



  • file: Path to a descriptor file, containing information for the Bintray upload.
  • user: Bintray user
  • key: Bintray API key
  • passphrase: Optional. In case a passphrase is configured on Bintray and GPG signing is used.
  • dry-run: Optional. If set to true, skips sending requests to Bintray. Useful for testing your configuration.

Descriptor file example:

	/* Bintray package information.
	   In case the package already exists on Bintray, only the name, repo and subject
	   fields are mandatory. */

	"package": {
		"name": "auto-upload", // Bintray package name
		"repo": "myRepo", // Bintray repository name
		"subject": "myBintrayUser", // Bintray subject (user or organization)
		"desc": "I was pushed completely automatically",
		"website_url": "",
 		"issue_tracker_url": "https:/bintray/bintray-client-java/issues",
 		"vcs_url": "https:/bintray/bintray-client-java.git",
		"github_use_tag_release_notes": true,
		"github_release_notes_file": "RELEASE.txt",
 		"licenses": ["MIT"],
 		"labels": ["cool", "awesome", "gorilla"],
 		"public_download_numbers": false,
 		"public_stats": false,
 		"attributes": [{"name": "att1", "values" : ["val1"], "type": "string"},
     				   {"name": "att2", "values" : [1, 2.2, 4], "type": "number"},
     				   {"name": "att5", "values" : ["2014-12-28T19:43:37+0100"], "type": "date"}]

	/* Package version information.
	   In case the version already exists on Bintray, only the name fields is mandatory. */

	"version": {
		"name": "0.5",
		"desc": "This is a version",
		"released": "2015-01-04",
		"vcs_tag": "0.5",
	 	"attributes": [{"name": "VerAtt1", "values" : ["VerVal1"], "type": "string"},
  					   {"name": "VerAtt2", "values" : [1, 3.3, 5], "type": "number"},
					   {"name": "VerAtt3", "values" : ["2015-01-01T19:43:37+0100"], "type": "date"}],
		"gpgSign": false

	/* Configure the files you would like to upload to Bintray and their upload path.
	You can define one or more groups of patterns.
	Each group contains three patterns:

	includePattern: Pattern in the form of Ruby regular expression, indicating the path of files to be uploaded to Bintray.
	excludePattern: Optional. Pattern in the form of Ruby regular expression, indicating the path of files to be removed from the list of files specified by the includePattern.
	uploadPattern: Upload path on Bintray. The path can contain symbols in the form of $1, $2,... that are replaced with capturing groups defined in the include pattern.

	In the example below, the following files are uploaded,
	1. All gem files located under build/bin/ (including sub directories),
	except for files under a the do-not-deploy directory.
	The files will be uploaded to Bintray under the gems folder.
	2. All files under build/docs. The files will be uploaded to Bintray under the docs folder.

	Note: Regular expressions defined as part of the includePattern and excludePattern properties must be wrapped with brackets. */

		{"includePattern": "build/bin(.*)*/(.*\.gem)", "excludePattern": ".*/do-not-deploy/.*", "uploadPattern": "gems/$2"},
		{"includePattern": "build/docs/(.*)", "uploadPattern": "docs/$1"}
	"publish": true

Debian Upload

When artifacts are uploaded to a Debian repository using the Automatic index layout, the Debian distribution information is required and must be specified. The information is specified in the descriptor file by the matrixParams as part of the files closure as shown in the following example:

        [{"includePattern": "build/bin/(.*\.deb)", "uploadPattern": "$1",
		"matrixParams": {
			"deb_distribution": "vivid",
			"deb_component": "main",
			"deb_architecture": "amd64"}


dpl --provider=bintray --file=<path> --user=<username> --key=<api-key>
dpl --provider=bintray --file=<path> --user=<username> --key=<api-key> --passphrase=<passphrase>



  • username: Nodejitsu Username
  • api-key: Nodejitsu API Key


dpl --provider=nodejitsu --username=<username> --api-key=<api-key>



  • api-key Modulus Authentication Token
  • project-name Modulus Project to Deploy


dpl --provider=modulus --api-key=<api-key> --project-name=<project-name>

Engine Yard:


  • api-key: Engine Yard Api Key
  • username: Engine Yard username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy.
  • password: Engine Yard password. Not necessary if api-key is used.
  • app: Engine Yard Application name. Defaults to git repo's name.
  • environment: Engine Yard Application Environment. Optional.
  • migrate: Engine Yard migration commands. Optional.


dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key=<api-key>
dpl --provider=engineyard --username=<username> --password=<password> --environment=staging
dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key=<api-key> --app=<application> --migrate=`rake db:migrate`



  • user: Openshift Username.
  • password: Openshift Password.
  • domain: Openshift Application Domain.
  • app: Openshift Application. Defaults to git repo's name.


dpl --provider=openshift --user=<username> --password=<password> --domain=<domain>
dpl --provider=openshift --user=<username> --password=<password> --domain=<domain> --app=<app>



  • email: cloudControl email.
  • password: cloudControl password.
  • deployment: cloudControl Deployment. Follows the format "APP_NAME/DEP_NAME".


dpl --provider=cloudcontrol --email=<email> --password<password> --deployment=`APP_NAME/DEP_NAME`



  • api-key: Rubygems Api Key.


dpl --provider=rubygems --api-key=<api-key>



  • user: PyPI Username.
  • password: PyPI Password.
  • server: Optional. Only required if you want to release to a different index. Follows the form of "".
  • distributions: A space-separated list of distributions to be uploaded to PyPI. Defaults to 'sdist'.
  • docs_dir: A path to the directory to upload documentation from. Defaults to 'build/docs'


dpl --provider=pypi --user=<username> --password=<password>
dpl --provider=pypi --user=<username> --password=<password> --server='' --distributions='sdist bdist_wheel'



  • email: NPM email.
  • api-key: NPM api key. Can be retrieved from your ~/.npmrc file.


dpl --provider=npm --email=<email> --api-key=<api-key>



  • user: biicode username.
  • password: biicode password.


dpl --provider=biicode --user=<user> --password=<password>



  • access-key-id: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from here.
  • secret-access-key: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from here.
  • bucket: S3 Bucket.
  • region: S3 Region. Defaults to us-east-1.
  • endpoint: S3 Endpoint. Defaults to
  • upload-dir: S3 directory to upload to. Defaults to root directory.
  • local-dir: Local directory to upload from. Can be set from a global perspective (~/travis/build) or relative perspective (build) Defaults to project root.
  • detect-encoding: Set HTTP header Content-Encoding for files compressed with gzip and compress utilities. Defaults to not set.
  • cache_control: Set HTTP header Cache-Control to suggest that the browser cache the file. Defaults to no-cache. Valid options are no-cache, no-store, max-age=<seconds>,s-maxage=<seconds> no-transform, public, private.
  • expires: This sets the date and time that the cached object is no longer cacheable. Defaults to not set. The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -ZONE.
  • acl: Sets the access control for the uploaded objects. Defaults to private. Valid options are private, public_read, public_read_write, authenticated_read, bucket_owner_read, bucket_owner_full_control.
  • dot_match: When set to true, upload files starting a ..
  • index_document_suffix: Set the index document of a S3 website.

File-specific Cache-Control and Expires headers

It is possible to set file-specific Cache-Control and Expires headers using value: file[, file] format.

--cache_control="no-cache: index.html"
--expires="\"2012-12-21 00:00:00 -0000\": *.css, *.js"


dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --acl=public_read
dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --detect-encoding --cache_control=max-age=99999 --expires="2012-12-21 00:00:00 -0000"
dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --region=us-west-2 --local-dir= BUILD --upload-dir=BUILDS



  • access-key-id: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from here.
  • secret-access-key: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from here.
  • app-id: The app ID.
  • migrate: Migrate the database. (Default: false)
  • wait-until-deployed: Wait until the app is deployed and return the deployment status. (Default: false)


dpl --provider=opsworks --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --app-id=<app-id> --migrate --wait-until-deployed



  • email: Appfog Email.
  • password: Appfog Password.
  • app: Appfog App. Defaults to git repo's name.


dpl --provider=appfog --email=<email> --password=<password>
dpl --provider=appfog --email=<email> --password=<password> --app=<app>


  • api-key: API key
  • environment: Which environment (development, staging, production) to deploy to


dpl --provider=divshot --api-key=<api-key> --environment=<environment>

Cloud Foundry:


  • username: Cloud Foundry username.
  • password: Cloud Foundry password.
  • organization: Cloud Foundry target organization.
  • api: Cloud Foundry api URL
  • space: Cloud Foundry target space
  • skip_ssl_validation: Skip ssl validation. Optional.


dpl --provider=cloudfoundry --username=<username> --password=<password> --organization=<organization> --api=<api> --space=<space> --skip-ssl-validation



  • api_key: dotCloud api key.
  • app: dotcloud app.
  • service: dotcloud service to run commands on. Defaults to 'www'.


dpl --provider=dotcloud --api_key=<api_key> --app=<app>
dpl --provider=dotcloud --api_key=<api_key> --app=<app> --service=<service>

Rackspace Cloud Files:


  • username: Rackspace Username.
  • api-key: Rackspace API Key.
  • region: Cloud Files Region. The region in which your Cloud Files container exists.
  • container: Container Name. The container where you would like your files to be uploaded.
  • dot_match: When set to true, upload files starting a ..


dpl --provider=cloudfiles --username=<username> --api-key=<api-key> --region=<region> --container=<container>

GitHub Releases:


  • api-key: GitHub oauth token with public_repo orrepo permission.
  • user: GitHub username. Not necessary if api-key is used.
  • password: GitHub Password. Not necessary if api-key is used.
  • repo: GitHub Repo. Defaults to git repo's name.
  • file: File to upload to GitHub Release.
  • file_glob: If files should be interpreted as globs (* and ** wildcards). Defaults to false.
  • release-number: Overide automatic release detection, set a release manually.

GitHub Two Factor Authentication

For accounts using two factor authentication, you have to use an oauth token as a username and password will not work.


dpl --provider=releases --api-key=<api-key> --file=build.tar.gz

Cloud 66


  • redeployment_hook: The redeployment hook URL. Available from the Information menu within the Cloud 66 portal.


dpl --provider=cloud66 --redeployment_hook=<url>



  • auth_token: Ninefold deploy auth token
  • app_id: Ninefold deploy app ID


dpl --provider=ninefold --auth_token=<auth_token> --app_id=<app_id>



  • username: Hackage username.
  • password: Hackage password.


dpl --provider=hackage --username=<username> --password=<password>



  • controller: Deis controller e.g.
  • username: Deis username
  • password: Deis password
  • app: Deis app
  • cli_version: Install a specific deis cli version


dpl --provider=deis --username=travis --password=secret --app=example

Google Cloud Storage:


  • access-key-id: GCS Interoperable Access Key ID. Info about Interoperable Access Key from here.
  • secret-access-key: GCS Interoperable Access Secret.
  • bucket: GCS Bucket.
  • upload-dir: GCS directory to upload to. Defaults to root directory.
  • local-dir: Local directory to upload from. Can be set from a global perspective (~/travis/build) or relative perspective (build) Defaults to project root.
  • dot_match: When set to true, upload files starting a ..
  • detect-encoding: Set HTTP header Content-Encoding for files compressed with gzip and compress utilities. Defaults to not set.
  • cache_control: Set HTTP header Cache-Control to suggest that the browser cache the file. Defaults to not set. Info is here
  • acl: Sets the access control for the uploaded objects. Defaults to not set. Info is here


dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket>
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --local-dir= BUILD
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --acl=public-read
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --detect-encoding --cache_control=max-age=99999
dpl --provider=gcs --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key=<secret-access-key> --bucket=<bucket> --local-dir=BUILD --upload-dir=BUILDS

Elastic Beanstalk:


  • access-key-id: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from here.
  • secret-access-key: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from here.
  • region: AWS Region the Elastic Beanstalk app is running in. Defaults to 'us-east-1'. Please be aware that this must match the region of the elastic beanstalk app.
  • app: Elastic Beanstalk application name.
  • env: Elastic Beanstalk environment name which will be updated.
  • zip-file: The zip-file that you want to deploy. Note: you also need to use the skip-cleanup or the zipfile you are trying to upload will be removed during cleanup.
  • bucket_name: Bucket name to upload app to.
  • bucket_path: Location within Bucket to upload app to.


dpl --provider=elasticbeanstalk --access-key-id=<access-key-id> --secret-access-key="<secret-access-key>" --app="example-app-name" --env="example-app-environment" --region="us-west-2"



  • access_token: Optinoal. The access_token which can be found in the .bitballoon file after a deployment using the bitballoon CLI. Only required if no .bitballoon file is present.
  • site_id: Optional. The site_id which can be found in the .bitballoon file after a deployment using the bitballoon CLI. Only required if no .bitballoon file is present.
  • local_dir: Optional. The sub-directory of the built assets for deployment. Default to current path.


dpl --access-token=<access-token> --site-id=3f932c1e-708b-4573-938a-a07d9728c22e
dpl --access-token=<access-token> --site-id=3f932c1e-708b-4573-938a-a07d9728c22e --local-dir=build

Puppet Forge:


  • user: Required. The user name at Puppet forge.
  • password: Required. The Puppet forge password.
  • url: Optional. The forge URL to deploy to. Defaults to


dpl --provider=puppetforge --user=puppetlabs --password=s3cr3t



  • username: Required. The username.
  • token: Required. The api token.
  • repository: Required. The repository to push to.
  • local_dir: Optional. The sub-directory of the built assets for deployment. Default to current path.
  • dist: Required for deb and rpm. The complete list of supported strings can be found on the docs


dpl --provider=packagecloud --username=packageuser --token=t0k3n --repository=myrepo
dpl --provider=packagecloud --username=packageuser --token=t0k3n --repository=myrepo --dist=ubuntu/precise
dpl --provider=packagecloud --username=packageuser --token=t0k3n --repository=myrepo --local-dir="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/pkgs" --dist=ubuntu/precise

Chef Supermarket:



dpl --provider=chef-supermarket --user-id=chef --client-key=.travis/client.pem --cookbook-category=Others



  • function_name: Required. The name of the Lambda being created / updated.
  • role: Required. The ARN of the IAM role to assign to this Lambda function.
  • handler_name: Required. The function that Lambda calls to begin execution. For NodeJS, it is exported function for the module.
  • module_name: Optional. The name of the module that exports the handler. Defaults to index.
  • zip: Optional. Either a path to an existing packaged (zipped) Lambda, a directory to package, or a single file to package. Defaults to Dir.pwd.
  • description: Optional. The description of the Lambda being created / updated. Defaults to "Deploy build #{context.env['TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER']} to AWS Lambda via Travis CI"
  • timeout: Optional. The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Defaults to 3 (seconds).
  • memory_size: Optional. The amount of memory in MB to allocate to this Lambda. Defaults to 128.


Deploy contents of current working directory using default module:

    dpl --provider="lambda" \
        --access_key_id="${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" \
        --secret_access_key="${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" \
        --function_name="test-lambda" \
        --role="${AWS_LAMBDA_ROLE}" \

Deploy contents of a specific directory using specific module name:

    dpl --provider="lambda" \
        --access_key_id="${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}" \
        --secret_access_key="${AWS_SECRET_KEY}" \
        --function_name="test-lambda" \
        --role="${AWS_LAMBDA_ROLE}" \
        --zip="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/dist"  \
        --module_name="copy" \


Your Android(apk)/iOS(ipa) file will be uploaded to TestFairy, and your testers can start testing your app.


  • api-key: TestFairy API Key ( run "travis encrypt --add deploy.api-key" on your repo.
  • app-file: Path to the app file that will be generated after the build (APK/IPA).
  • symbols-file: Path to the symbols file.
  • keystore-file: Path to your keystore-file (must, only for android).
  • storepass: storepass (must, only for android).
  • alias: alias (must, only for android).
  • testers-groups: You can set a tester group to be notified about this build (group1,group1).
  • notify: If true, an email you a changelog will be sent to your users.
  • auto-update: If true, all the previous installations of this app will be automatically all upgraded to this version.
  • video-quality: Video quality settings, "high", "medium" or "low". Default is "high".
  • screenshot-interval: You can choose "1""2""10" sec.
  • max-duration: Maximum session recording length, eg "20m" or "1h". Default is "10m". Maximum "24h".
  • advanced-options: For example (option1,option2)
  • data-only-wifi: If true, video and recorded metrics will be sent only when connected to a wifi network.
  • record-on-background: If true, data will be collected while the app on background.
  • video: If true, Video recording settings "true", "false". Default is "true".
  • icon-watermark: Add a small watermark to app icon. Default is "false".
  • metrics: Comma-separated list of metrics to record. View list on


dpl --provider=testfairy --api-key=<api-key> --app-file="out/Sample.apk" --keystore-file="out/keystore" --storepass=<storepass> --alias=<alias>



  • email: ExoScale email or Organization ID.
  • password: ExoScale password.
  • deployment: ExoScale Deployment. Follows the format "APP_NAME/DEP_NAME".


dpl --provider=exoscale --email=<email> --password<password> --deployment=`APP_NAME/DEP_NAME`


No description, website, or topics provided.



Security policy





No packages published


  • Ruby 100.0%