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Implementing ThriftServer in C++

Cpp2 ThriftServer

This is a re-implementation of both the generated cpp code, and a fully asynchronous version of the c++ server code. In many ways it is similar to the older first-generation implementation:

  • Can run code inline, or in a ThreadManager queue.

  • Has a single acceptor thread, and hands off the accepts to IO threads.

  • Has many options to handle server overload.

  • Uses libevent.

  • Maintains wire-format and IDL backwards compatibility.

And many differences:

  • Updated for C++11.

  • Can optionally provide an asynchronous callback, or future interface, as well as the previous synchronous server interface.

  • Responses can be sent to the client out of order, and processed in parallel.

  • Supports dynamic compression and tracing via the header.

  • Uses eventfd instead of pipes for notification.

  • Uses buffer chains (folly/io/IOBuf.h) to prevent large allocations of memory.

  • Allows true zero-copy from client to server and back using IOBufs (vs. previous generated code that used std::string for binary type).

  • It's about 4x as fast as NonblockingServer in our load tests (perf/cpp) for small requests. Latency is also much improved depending on how parallel processing and out of order responses are used.


This document assumes you are familiar with basic Thrift usage. We recommend the following to become familiar: Apache Thrift, Thrift: The Missing Guide, and SETT on Apache Thrift.


Useful (but not complete set of) options that can be set on the ThriftServer:

  • setPort(int) - set port to listen on.

  • setIdleTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds) - milliseconds before we close idle connections.

:::caution Idle timeout will not work for Rocket connections unless the rocket_set_idle_connection_timeout Thrift Flag is set to true. :::

  • setTaskExpireTime(std::chrono::milliseconds) - milliseconds before we timeout any individual request. This can also be set on a per-function bases by overriding the appropriate generated code method.

  • setNumIOWorkerThreads(int) - Number of IO async worker threads. Defaults to number of cores.

  • setNumCPUWorkerThreads(int) - Number of synchronous pool threads. Defaults to number of IO threads. If you do a lot of blocking synchronous work, you may want to increase this. This controls the number of normal priority threads; the Thrift thread manager can create additional threads for other priorities.

  • setInterface(std::shared_ptr<ServerInterface>) - Your Thrift handler interface that subclasses the generated code.

  • setMaxRequests(uint32_t) - The maximum number of outstanding requests.

  • setSSLContext(context) - Allow SSL connections.

Code example

A service like the following

service TestService {
  string sendResponse(1:i64 size)

Will generate an interface similar to

class TestServiceSvIf : public TestServiceSvAsyncIf, public apache::thrift2::ServerInterface {
  virtual void sendResponse(std::string& _return, int64_t size);
  virtual void async_sendResponse(std::unique_ptr<apache::thrift2::HandlerCallback<std::unique_ptr<std::string>>> callback, int64_t size) = 0;
  virtual folly::Future<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> future_sendResponse(int64_t size);

So you have three choices of handler type to implement:

  1. sendResponse(...) is the synchronous method. It will be read and deserialized in an IO thread, and then passed to a pool thread to be executed. When it returns, _return must contain the result, which will be passed back to the original IO thread to serialize the result and send it on the wire. You can block in this handler as long as you wish, although you may need to tune the server more.

  2. async_sendResponse(callback...) is a callback-style handler. The base callback types are defined in AsyncProcessor.h. Your handler method is called in the context of the receiving IO thread: This is meant so that you can make additional IO bound calls. If you need to do CPU bound work, it would be better to transfer it to the ThreadManager thread pool instead of blocking IO. Pseudocode Example:

     virtual void async_sendResponse(std::unique_ptr<apache::thrift2::HandlerCallback<std::unique_ptr<std::string>>> callback, int64_t size) {
       auto client = getClient();
       client->forwardSendRespose([=](Result& result){
       }, size);

(In production code, care would have to be taken with the lifetime of the callback object, and which thread it is called on. See AsyncProcessor.h for more info on Callback objects).

  1. future_sendResponse(...) future interface [currently fb only]. Your handler must return a future object. When the future completes, the result will be sent.

You only need to override one of these methods in your handler. They will be called in turn until an overridden method is found. If you do not override any method, you will get a runtime error when the method is called.

New generated code features

The compiler was rewritten from scratch. We have found that adding new features was difficult, especially where we needed to manage changes to .h, .cpp, and .tcc files simultaneously. Instead, the python framework automatically knows which file changes need to go in.

  • Compatibility mode: Typedefs generated structs to be the original cpp implementation. This is useful in that you can mix cpp and cpp2 code freely, assuming they are in different namespaces. This precludes using some of the newer features below, however.

  • Full Zero Copy binary type: To change the default binary type to IOBuf, do something like

      typedef binary (cpp.type = "std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>")

    You can also change the map and other complex types to whatever you want this way.

  • enum class: Enums are now generated with C++11's enum class feature.

  • Arguments on heap: By default, complex arguments are on the heap, so they can be moved between threads without a copy. To disable this, use option stack_arguments.

  • Support for floats was added.

Serialization using IOBufs

An IOBuf is a network chained memory buffer, similar to FreeBSD's mbuf, or the Linux kernel's sk_buff. They can have the memory internally if small enough, or externally malloced and shared. This is opaque to the user and done mostly for performance reasons, similar to fbstring. The IOBuf header itself can point to a subregion of the allocated memory, like a view.

The main use in Thrift is to allow readahead for incoming data, and support chaining + writev for outgoing data. Both of these will reduce the usage of expensive syscalls. A secondary advantage is that we only need malloc small blocks of data at a time, which is much easier on the allocator than trying to allocate large megabytes of data.

IO Readahead

When the Thrift channel reads the last part of a frame, it clones the IOBuf. There are now two 'views' on the same shared memory segment: One part has the first part of the buffer (which is the last part of the frame), the other is the last part of the buffer, which is the first part of the readahead data.

IO Write Buffering

Write buffering is similar but in reverse: When sending a response, we serialize it, then add it to an IOBuf queue. Once per TEventBase loop, we call writeV with the whole of the queue.


  • The standard memory allocator for glibc generally has high overhead, especially in a threaded environment. There are two factors involved: locking and fragmentation. The glibc allocator uses a global mutex to allow threads to share a common heap. Since the heap is used extensively in Thrift serialization/deserialization and elsewhere (e.g. std::shared_ptr, std::bind) there is a great deal of contention for that lock. Alternative allocators such as jemalloc maintain per-thread heap resources such that locking is much less of an issue. They also tend to fragment memory less, though because allocation algorithms differ they can use more or less process memory than glibc. Although tcmalloc has been used with excellent results, jemalloc has in some cases demonstrated even better performance and has the advantage of being actively supported and enhanced by Facebook engineer Jason Evans.

  • Using the load generator, we get some good numbers for QPS. This one is Noop's, one thread per core, and sending up to 100 outstanding requests to fill up the buffer and show off the readahead / write queueing. (Note that performance is similar to previous Thrift servers if there is only one outstanding request at a time). In practice, it seems raw qps for in-memory type servers (like key-value store or similar) is at least 20% better than previous servers.

    Thrift Noop Performance

    To show off the out of order responses, we send a mix of burn (which happens in a task queue), and noop. We would expect noop to have a much lower std dev if out of order is working properly.

    Thrift Out Of Order Performance

    (times in ms, QPS happen to be in k, but these numbers highly dependent on burn time) In practice, out of order does indeed reduce latency by almost 50% if your service has interleaved long and short requests, but we only saw the improvement at p75 and above.

  • The previous Thrift ThreadManager used mutexs and condition variables to queue tasks and wake up threads. In practice, this limited the throughput to around 300k qps. We have overhauled ThreadManager to use a lockless MPMC queue, as well as adding LIFO worker thread semantics. This improved the throughput to just under 1M qps. Unfortunately, it is still sensitive to tuning for the number of worker and IO threads, due to context switching overhead.