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How to backup RocksDB

anda0109 edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 10 revisions

Backup API

For the C++ API, see include/rocksdb/utilities/backupable_db.h. The key abstraction is the backup engine, which exposes simple interfaces to create backups, get info about backups, and restore from backup. There are two distinct representations of backup engines: (1) BackupEngine for creating new backups, and (2) BackupEngineReadOnly for restoring from backup. Either one can be used to get info about backups.

Creating and verifying a backup

In RocksDB, we have implemented an easy way to backup your DB and verify correctness. Here is a simple example:

    #include "rocksdb/db.h"
    #include "rocksdb/utilities/backupable_db.h"

    #include <vector>

    using namespace rocksdb;

    int main() {
        Options options;                                                                                  
        options.create_if_missing = true;                                                                 
        DB* db;
        Status s = DB::Open(options, "/tmp/rocksdb", &db);
        db->Put(...); // do your thing

        BackupEngine* backup_engine;
        s = BackupEngine::Open(Env::Default(), BackupableDBOptions("/tmp/rocksdb_backup"), &backup_engine);
        s = backup_engine->CreateNewBackup(db);
        db->Put(...); // make some more changes
        s = backup_engine->CreateNewBackup(db);

        std::vector<BackupInfo> backup_info;

        // you can get IDs from backup_info if there are more than two
        s = backup_engine->VerifyBackup(1 /* ID */);
        s = backup_engine->VerifyBackup(2 /* ID */);
        delete db;
        delete backup_engine;

This simple example will create a couple backups in "/tmp/rocksdb_backup". Note that you can create and verify multiple backups using the same engine.

Backups are normally incremental (see BackupableDBOptions::share_table_files). You can create a new backup with BackupEngine::CreateNewBackup() and only the new data will be copied to backup directory (for more details on what gets copied, see Under the hood).

Once you have some backups saved, you can issue BackupEngine::GetBackupInfo() call to get a list of all backups together with information on timestamp of the backup and the size (please note that sum of all backups' sizes is bigger than the actual size of the backup directory because some data is shared by multiple backups). Backups are identified by their always-increasing IDs.

When BackupEngine::VerifyBackups() is called, it checks the file sizes in the backup directory against the original sizes of the corresponding files in the db directory. However, we do not verify checksums since it would require reading all the data. Note that the only valid use case for BackupEngine::VerifyBackups() is invoking it on a backup engine after that same engine was used for creating backup(s) because it uses state captured during backup time.

Restoring a backup

Restoring is also easy:

    #include "rocksdb/db.h"
    #include "rocksdb/utilities/backupable_db.h"

    using namespace rocksdb;

    int main() {
        BackupEngineReadOnly* backup_engine;
        Status s = BackupEngineReadOnly::Open(Env::Default(), BackupableDBOptions("/tmp/rocksdb_backup"), &backup_engine);
        s = backup_engine->RestoreDBFromBackup(1, "/tmp/rocksdb", "/tmp/rocksdb");
        delete backup_engine;

This code will restore the first backup back to "/tmp/rocksdb". The first parameter of BackupEngineReadOnly::RestoreDBFromBackup() is the backup ID, second is target DB directory, and third is the target location of log files (in some DBs they are different from DB directory, but usually they are the same. See Options::wal_dir for more info). BackupEngineReadOnly::RestoreDBFromLatestBackup() will restore the DB from the latest backup, i.e., the one with the highest ID.

Checksum is calculated for any restored file and compared against the one stored during the backup time. If a checksum mismatch is detected, the restore process is aborted and Status::Corruption is returned.

You must reopen any live databases to see the restored data.

Backup directory structure

├── meta
│   └── 1
├── private
│   └── 1
│       ├── CURRENT
│       ├── MANIFEST-000008
|       └── OPTIONS-000009
└── shared_checksum
    └── 000007_1498774076_590.sst

LATEST_BACKUP is a file containing the highest backup ID. In our example above, it contains "1". It was used to for getting latest backup number, but no longer needed since there're easier ways to get the number from META. The file will be removed in RocksDB 5.0.

meta directory contains a "meta-file" describing each backup, where its name is the backup ID. For example, a meta-file contains a listing of all files belonging to that backup. The format is described fully in the implementation file (utilities/backupable/

private directory always contains non-SST files (options, current, manifest, and WALs). In case Options::share_table_files is unset, it also contains the SST files.

shared directory (not shown) contains SST files when Options::share_table_files is set and Options::share_files_with_checksum is unset. In this directory, files are named using only by their name in the original DB. So, it should only be used to backup a single RocksDB instance; otherwise, filenames can conflict.

shared_checksum directory contains SST files when both Options::share_table_files and Options::share_files_with_checksum are set. In this directory, files are named using their name in the original database, size, and checksum. These attributes uniquely identify files that can come from multiple RocksDB instances.

Backup performance

Beware that backup engine's Open() takes time proportional to the number of existing backups since we initialize info about files in each existing backup. So if you target a remote file system (like HDFS), and you have a lot of backups, then initializing the backup engine can take some time due to all the network round-trips. We recommend to keep your backup engine alive and not to recreate it every time you need to do a backup or restore.

Another way to keep engine initialization fast is to remove unnecessary backups. To delete unnecessary backups, just call PurgeOldBackups(N), where N is how many backups you'd like to keep. All backups except the N newest ones will be deleted. You can also choose to delete arbitrary backup with call DeleteBackup(id).

Also beware that performance is decided by reading from local db and copying to backup. Since you may use different environments for reading and copying, the parallelism bottleneck can be on one of the two sides. For example, using more threads for backup (See Advanced usage) won't be helpful if local db is on HDD, because the bottleneck in this condition is disk reading capability, which is saturated. Also a poor small HDFS cluster cannot show good parallelism. It'll be beneficial if local db is on SSD and backup target is a high-capacity HDFS. In our benchmarks, using 16 threads will reduce the backup time to 1/3 of single-thread job.

Under the hood

When you call BackupEngine::CreateNewBackup(), it does the following:

  1. Disable file deletions
  2. Get live files (this includes table files, current, options and manifest file).
  3. Copy live files to the backup directory. Since table files are immutable and filenames unique, we don't copy a table file that is already present in the backup directory. For example, if there is a file 00050.sst already backed up and GetLiveFiles() returns 00050.sst, we will not copy that file to the backup directory. However, checksum is calculated for all files regardless if a file needs to be copied or not. If a file is already present, the calculated checksum is compared against previously calculated checksum to make sure nothing crazy happened between backups. If a mismatch is detected, backup is aborted and the system is restored back to the state before BackupEngine::CreateNewBackup() is called. One thing to note is that a backup abortion could mean a corruption from a file in backup directory or the corresponding live file in current DB. Options, manifest and current files are always copied to the private directory, since they are not immutable.
  4. If flush_before_backup was set to false, we also need to copy log files to the backup directory. We call GetSortedWalFiles() and copy all live files to the backup directory.
  5. Re-enable file deletions

Advanced usage

We can store user-defined metadata in the backups. Pass your metadata to BackupEngine::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata() and then read it back later using BackupEngine::GetBackupInfo(). For example, this can be used to identify backups using different identifiers from our auto-incrementing IDs.

We also backup and restore the options file now. After restore, you can load the options from db directory using rocksdb::LoadLatestOptions() or rocksdb:: LoadOptionsFromFile(). The limitation is that not everything in options object can be transformed to text in a file. You still need a few steps to manually set up missing items in options after restore and load. Good news is that you need much less than previously.

You need to instantiate some env and initialize BackupableDBOptions::backup_env for backup_target. Put your backup root directory in BackupableDBOptions::backup_dir. Under the directory the files will be organized in the structure mentioned above.

BackupableDBOptions::share_table_files controls whether backups are done incrementally. If true, SST files will go under a "shared/" subdirectory. Conflicts can arise when different SST files use the same name (e.g., when multiple databases have the same target backup directory).

BackupableDBOptions::share_files_with_checksum controls how shared files are identified. If true, shared SST files are identified using checksum, size, and seqnum. This prevents the conflicts mentioned above when multiple databases use a common target backup directory.

BackupableDBOptions::max_background_operations controls the number of threads used for copying files during backup and restore. For distributed file systems like HDFS, it can be very beneficial to increase the copy parallelism.

BackupableDBOptions::info_log is a Logger object that is used to print out LOG messages if not-nullptr. See Logger wiki.

If BackupableDBOptions::sync is true, we will use fsync(2) to sync file data and metadata to disk after every file write, guaranteeing that backups will be consistent after a reboot or if machine crashes. Setting it to false will speed things up a bit, but some (newer) backups might be inconsistent. In most cases, everything should be fine, though.

If you set BackupableDBOptions::destroy_old_data to true, creating new BackupEngine will delete all the old backups in the backup directory.

BackupEngine::CreateNewBackup() method takes a parameter flush_before_backup, which is false by default. When flush_before_backup is true, BackupEngine will first issue a memtable flush and only then copy the DB files to the backup directory. Doing so will prevent log files from being copied to the backup directory (since flush will delete them). If flush_before_backup is false, backup will not issue flush before starting the backup. In that case, the backup will also include log files corresponding to live memtables. Backup will be consistent with current state of the database regardless of flush_before_backup parameter.

Further reading

For the implementation, see utilities/backupable/


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