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Ubuntu Build Windows Build Mac OS Build


Sign and verify ZIP archives.


  • create private key and certificate for signing
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

  • create a zip archive
    echo 42 > answer.txt
    zip -r answer.txt

  • sign the archive
    zipsign sign -f -p key.pem -c cert.pem

  • verify signature of the archive
    zipsign verify -f -c cert.pem

Command line options


Sign an archive.

zipsign sign -f <filename> -p <private-key> -c <signers certificate> [-i <intemerdiate> ...]
Short Long Argument Description
-f --file Required. ZIP file to sign.
-p --private-key key.pem Required. Filename of signers private key.
-c --certificate cert.pem Required. Filename of signers certificate.
-i --intermediate inter.pem Optional. Filename of intermediate certifiacte to embed.
-e --embed-certificate none Optional. Embed signers certificate in signature.
-v --verbose none Optional. Enable additional output.

During signing the ZIP file will be altered (ZIP comment will be re-written).

It is possible to specifify none, one or more intermediate certificates, that will be embedded in the signature. Embedding intermediate certificates are used to close then chain of trust for later verfication.

It is also possible to specify one or more signers by adding private key and certificate pairs.
Note: It is recommended to embed signers certificates when using multiple signers.


Verfiy an archive.

zipsign verify -f <filename> -c <signers certificate> [-k <keyring>]
Short Long Argument Description
-f --file Required. ZIP file to verify.
-c --certificate cert.pem Required. Filename of signers certificate.
-k --keyring keyring.pem Optional. Filename of PKI.
-v --verbose none Optional. Enable additional output.

If the archive is signed by multiple signers, multiple certificates can be specified for validation.

Note: Verfication is done only against the given certificates. Other signers are ignored, even if the archive is signed by multiple signers.

Note: Only one keyring can be specified.

Return Codes

Return Code Description
0 Verification succeeded
1 General error
2 Error - signature is missing
3 Error - invalid certificate chain
4 Error - invalid signature


Prints signature of ZIP archive in human readable form.

zipsign info -f <filename>
Short Long Argument Description
-f --file Required. ZIP file to print info.

How it works

ZIP file format specifies a comment field, which is located at the very end of the archive. This allows to create a CMS signature over the full archive (excluding the comment) and stores it Base64-encoded as new comment.

For verification, the comment is read from the archive and verified against archives contents.

Signature format

ZipSign used the following format for the signature


The signature data consists of base64 encoded PEM data.

To print the signature from a previously signed ZIP archive, one can use the following command.

> unzip -z

Sign and verify using keyring (PKI)

Verification using a PKI is supported via --keyring option during validation.
Setup a CA suitable for signing is a complex topic. A good starting point might be the PKI tutorial at

The test directory contains a bash script, which creates a small PKI used within unit tests.

# sign archive alice key and certificate
zipsign sign -f -p certs/alice.key -c certs/alice.crt

# verify archive using keyring
zipsign verify -f -c certs/alice.crt -k keyring.pem

Include intermediate certificates

To complete chain of trust, on or more intermediate certificates can be specified.

# sign archive with alice's key and certificate, add signing CA as intermediate
zipsign sign -f -p certs/alice.key -c certs/alice.crt -i ca/signing-ca.crt

# verify archive using root CA as keyring
zipsign verify -f -c certs/alice.crt -k ca/root-ca.crt

Multiple signers

An archive can be signed by multiple signers.
This might come in handy during certiface changes, e.g. when one certificate will expire shortly and the new one should be used simultaniously.

To sign an archive with multiple signers, you can specify one certificate and one private key per signer. The certificates should be embedded in the archives signature, so they can be located during verification.

zipsign sign -f \
  -p certs/alice.key -c certs/alice.cert \
  -p self-signed/key.pem -c self-signed/cert.pem \

During verification, you can choose the proper signer (or both).

# verify against self signed certificate
zipsign verfiy -f -c self-signed/cert.pem

# verify against alice's certificates
zipsign verify -f -c certs/alice.crt -k keyring.pem

# verify against both certificates
zipsign verify -f \
  -c self-signed/cert.pem \
  -c certs/alice.crt -k keyring.pem

Known Limitations

  • ZIP comments are limited to a maximum of 64 KBytes.
    CMS allows to include signer certificates, intermediate certificates as well as multiple signatures. When overused, this might not fit into the comment.


To build the project, cmake is used.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Build using Docker

There are some dockerfiles provided in docker subdirectory.

docker build --rm --build-arg "USER_ID=`id -u`" --tag zipsign-ubuntu -f docker/ubuntu.dockerfile .

To run the docker container, use

docker run --rm --user="`id -u`" -it zipsign-ubuntu


External references