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Note: This is version 2, a major version including several new features, the most important addition being the support of several new tunnel mechanisms in addition to SSH. Compatibility should be preserved for terraform code already using version 1 : new variables were added but the former ones are usable as-is and the module output does not change.

Some of these additions are adapted from the multiple forks of this project. I had a look to the changes committed in these forks and integrated the ideas I found interesting. Github is not the ideal place to ask permission for this. So, if you think I shouldn't have taken an idea from your code without telling you, feel free to contact me. Once again, thanks to all who give time and energy to the community.

Of course, comments and suggestions, especially regarding the new tunnel mechanisms, are always welcome.

This terraform module allows to manage a 'remote' resource via a tunnel. A tunnel (aka gateway, aka bastion host) provides a bidirectionnal connection between a 'public' area and a 'private' area. Terraform runs on a host located in the 'public ' area and will use the gateway to access a target host & port located in the 'private' area.

This can be used, for instance, to create and configure databases on AWS RDS instances. Creating RDS instances is obvious, as it uses the public AWS API, but creating databases is more complex because it requires connecting to the RDS instance which , usually, is accessible from private subnets only.

Running terraform on a host inside the private area is a possible solution, often used by Terraform automation software like Atlantis but complex to install and manage. It also does not allow accessing more than one private areas from a single location. So, for a lot of users, using tunnels is the solution.

Initially, only SSH tunnels were supported, hence the module name. Version 2 added suport for other tunnel mechanisms. The module now supports :

You can also provide your own shell script if your gateway is not supported yet.

Supported gateways


Initially, it was the only supported gateway. It remains the default.

In order to use this gateway, you need to have a bastion host running some SSH server software. This host must be directly accessible from the host running terraform. It must also have a direct access to the target host & port.

You cannot use passwords to open the SSH connection. So, every potential user must be registered on the bastion host along with the appropriate public key. In order to avoid this key management, an alternative is to share a key between authorized users but keeping a shared secret secure is quite complex.

See below the default value for the 'ssh_cmd' input variable. These are the command and options used by default to launch the SSH client. You can change them if the default value does not correspond to your environment or if you need specific options to be added to the command line. This can be needed, for instance, to sspecify the path of the private key to use.

Using multiple SSH gateways (ProxyJump)

Please note that the module cannot be used to create a tunnel running through a set of several SSH gateways, each one opening an SSH connection to the next one. This is technically possible using the 'ProxyJump' feature introduced in OpenSSH v7.3 and the feature might appear in a future version if there's a real user's demand.

Target host name resolution

Note that, when supplying a target DNS name, the name is resolved by the bastion host, not by the client you're running terraform on. So, you can use a private DNS name, like '' without having to convert it to an IP address first.


The feature is adapted from the terraform-ssm-tunnel fork by Joseph Ligier. Many thanks to Joseph for this addition.

If you're using AWS, you can open a tunnel using AWS SSM (AWS Systems manager). In this case, a 'Session Manager SSH session' is opened from your desktop to an EC2 instance via the AWS API. This session is, then, connected with another connection to the target host.

The benefits of using SSM, compared to a bare SSH tunnel, are :

  • you don't need to maintain a bastion host anymore,
  • you still need an EC2 instance but this instance does not have to expose any port, as the connection is done via the much safer AWS API public endpoints,
  • permissions can be managed per user/group using IAM roles and policies (no more public key management).

Note that, since all traffic goes through the AWS API, this can be used on a fully-private platform (a platform without public subnets).

Of course, this requires an AWS SSM agent to be installed and configured correctly on the EC2 gateway. SSM agent version must be 2.3.672.0 or later.

How to activate the SSM variant :

  • Configure the EC2 gateway and attach appropriate policies
  • Configure security groups so that the EC2 gateway can access the target host & port,
  • set 'type' to 'ssm'
  • set 'gateway_host' to the instance ID of the EC2 gateway
  • set 'gateway_user' to the appropriate name (see documentation), generally 'ec2-user' ('ubuntu' when using Ubuntu-based AMIs).
  • Optional: set ssm_role to assume a role before opening the SSM session (e.g. into a different AWS account)
  • Optional: set ssm_profile to specify a non-default AWS profile to use

Google IAP

This gateway uses the Google Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) feature to create a tunnel to a private target host and port.

Functionally, the mechanism is quite similar to AWS SSM as it requires an existing Google VM instance to be used as gateway but it does not require this instance to expose anything on the public networks. Actually, an SSH tunnel is created between the Google internal IAP hosts and the target host & port, going through the bastion VM.

Kubernetes port forwarding

In order to access a server running in a Kubernetes pod, you can use the 'kubectl' gateway. This gateway uses Kubernetes 'port forwarding' mechanism to create a bidirectionnal tunnel to the target server. Of course, it requires the target object to expose at least one port.

This gateway is activated by setting the 'type' variable to 'kubectl'.

The 'gateway_host' input variable has the same syntax as the 'kubectl port-forward' command argument : 'pod/xxx', 'deployment/xxx', 'service/xxx'... Targeting a K8S service, if it exists, should be preferred to benefit from the K8S load-balancing features.

The 'kubectl_context' and 'kubectl_namespace' input variables should be set to determine the target context and namespace. If it is not set, the current context and namespace (as set in your kube config file) will be used, which is probably not what you want. You can also enrich the 'kubectl_cmd' variable with additional options.


If a tunnel mechanism is not supported yet, you can provide the code for it. Just set 'type' to 'external', write a shell script file and set its path as 'external_script'. The script will be sourced by a shell interpreter in order to create the tunnel.

Refer to the existing scripts in the 'gateways' subdirectory as examples to understand how to get the parameters. Your script must also set an environment variable named TUNNEL_PID. This must contain the PID of the process handling the tunnel.

If other users may be interested, feel free to move it into the 'gateways' subdirectory, add the required documentation in the file, and submit a pull request.

Module output

The module returns two values : 'host' and 'port'. These values define the tunnel's 'local' endpoint. When you connect a subsequent provider to this endpoint, it will transparently access the target resource. Obviously, each remote resource corresponds to a separate tunnel. If you're accessing multiple remote resources, you need to create one tunnel per resource, so one module call per resource and, then, one provider instance per tunnel. For instance, accessing multiple 'private' RDS instances requires one tunnel per RDS instance and each module call will output a different 'port' value.

By default, the local host and port values are automatically determined, automatically choosing an unused port on the host where terraform is running. In special cases and if you know what you're doing, you can force these values via the 'local_host' and 'local_port' input variables. Once again, do this at your own risk, the default behavior should be fine in most cases.

Tunnel conditional creation

When the 'create' input variable is false or the 'gateway_host' input variable is an empty string, no tunnel is created and the target host and port are returned as outputs, causing a direct connection to the target.

This makes the module usable in a scenario where you cannot determine in advance whether the connection will require a tunnel or not.


The SSH client process inherits your environment, including a possible SSH agent configuration to retrieve your private key.

If you want to set and/or replace environment variables before creating the tunnel, you can provide a non-empty 'env' input variable. This string will be 'eval'uated before launching the command to create the tunnel.


Posix shell

A Posix-compatible shell should be available.

We use 'bash' by default but you can change it to another string by setting the 'shell_cmd' input variable.

On Windows, it should run with the cygwin environment but I never tested it.

'timeout' utility

This module requires the 'timeout' utility to be installed on the host.

On MacOS, the 'timeout' utility is not installed by default. You can install it via homebrew with 'brew install coreutils' (source:

'nohup' utility

You also need the 'nohup' utility. On MacOS again, it seems 'nohup' may be missing and people have reported using 'gnohup' instead.

If you are on MacOS and can provide some logic to check for this and determine the command to use, please tell me.

SSH client

In order to use the 'ssh' or 'ssm' gateways, an SSH client software must be installed on the terraform host. The command to launch this client can be modified via the 'ssh_cmd' variable.


The 'ssm' gateway type requires AWS CLI to be installed and configured (if a profile name is passed as 'ssm_profile', it must be defined).

The EC2 gateway instance must run an SSM agent configured to allow SSM SSH sessions and permissions must be set accordingly. IAM policies must also allow access from the EC2 gateway to the target host & port.


In order to use the 'kubectl' gateway, you need the 'kubectl' utility to be installed on the terraform host.

You also need :

  • the 'kubectl_context' you pass to be defined in the kube config file,
  • appropriate permissions to access the corresponding cluster,
  • the namespace you set as 'kubectl_namespace' to exist
  • and, of course, the target resource must exist in this namespace.

gcloud CLI

The 'iap' gateway type requires gcloud CLI to be installed and configured on the terraform host.

IAP and the bastion host must also be configured to allow creating an SSH tunnel from the IAP hosts ( according to the Google documentation) to the target host & port (see this page for more details).


If you have ideas/suggestions on the issues below, please share.

Running terraform apply from plan out

When running terraform apply from a plan output this module does not work.

terraform plan -input=false -out tf.plan
terraform apply -input=false -auto-approve tf.plan


You may be interested by the terraform-ssh-tunnel-databases module, which uses SSH tunnels to manage MySql/PostgreSql databases, roles, and permissions.

# On AWS, if your bastions are in an autoscaling group,here's a way
# to get a public IP address to use as a gateway :

data aws_instances bastions {
  instance_tags = {
    "aws:autoscaling:groupName" = "replace_with_bastion_autoscaling_group_name"


module db_tunnel {
  # You can also retrieve this module from the terraform registry
  source       = "flaupretre/tunnel/ssh"
  version      = "2.0.0"

  target_host  = aws_db_instance.mydb.address
  target_port  = aws_db_instance.mydb.port

  gateway_host = data.aws_instances.bastions.public_ips[0]


provider mysql {
  alias    = "tunnel"

  endpoint = "${}:${module.db_tunnel.port}"

  # Target credentials
  username = aws_db_instance.mydb.username
  password = aws_db_instance.mydb.password

#---- DB resources

resource mysql_database this {
  provider = mysql.tunnel
  name =

resource mysql_user user {
  provider = mysql.tunnel

To do

If you want to contribute to the project, here are somme ideas and suggestions.

Add support for Azure bastion host tunnels

This document gives information about Azure bastion hosts. These can be used as gateways to open a CLI connection to a target virtual machine using the az CLI command. I don't know if it can connect to service like DB instances.


No requirements.


Name Version
external n/a


No modules.


Name Type
external_external.free_port data source
external_external.ssh_tunnel data source


Name Description Type Default Required
create If false, do nothing and return target host bool true no
env An array of name -> value environment variables any {} no
external_script External only - Path of shell script to run to open the tunnel string "undef" no
gateway_host Gateway (syntax and meaning depend on gateway type - empty if no gateway (direct connection) any "" no
gateway_port Gateway port number 22 no
gateway_user User to use on gateway (default for SSH : current user) any "" no
gcloud_cmd Alternate 'gcloud' command (GCP only) string "gcloud" no
iap_project IAP only - GCP project in which the gateway host is located string "" no
iap_zone IAP only - GCP zone in which the gateway host is located string "" no
kubectl_cmd Alternate command for 'kubectl' (including options) string "kubectl" no
kubectl_context Kubectl target context string "" no
kubectl_namespace Kubectl target namespace string "" no
local_host Local host name or IP. Set only if you cannot use default value string "" no
local_port Local port to use. Default causes the system to find an unused port number number "0" no
parent_wait_sleep extra time to wait in the parent process for the child to create the tunnel string "3" no
putin_khuylo Do you agree that Putin doesn't respect Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity? More info:! bool true no
shell_cmd Alternate command to launch a Posix shell string "bash" no
ssh_cmd Alternate command to launch the SSH client (including options) string "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no" no
ssm_document_name AWS SSM only - SSM Document Name string "AWS-StartSSHSession" no
ssm_options AWS SSM only - Options to add to the 'aws ssm start-session' command line string "" no
ssm_profile AWS SSM only - AWS profile (default: empty) string "" no
ssm_role AWS SSM only - Role to assume before starting the session (default: empty) string "" no
target_host Target host string n/a yes
target_port Target port number number n/a yes
timeout Timeout value ensures tunnel won't remain open forever - do not change string "30m" no
tunnel_check_sleep extra time to wait for the tunnel to become available string "0" no
type Gateway type string "ssh" no


Name Description
host Host to connect to
port Port number to connect to