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sm64-livesplit-autosplitter.asl - Super Mario 64 Livesplit Auto-Splitter

This is my personal autosplitter for livesplit to be used with Project64 1.6 for Super Mario 64.

It is heavily (heavily) inspired by a few other auto-splitters, however these did not quite do it for me*, so I decided to write my own. Still this would not exist without them, so please check them out:

You are welcome to try this splitter as well, it has worked well for me so far, however there might be bugs that slipped in. If you report those, I will try to address them. I also welcome feature requests if you have any.

Here is a list of features of this auto splitter:

  • Zero Configuration: all splitting defaults should be sane for the customs that SM64 community uses. Shouldn't need to configure anything.
  • Automatic ROM Version Detection: the script detects which version is loaded in PJ64 memory automatically.
    • Supports both US and JP game versions.
    • Game ROM version can be switched at any time. No LiveSplit restart required.
    • Setting version in configuration is not required (and even discouraged).
  • Automatic Split Configuration: the script uses the name of the splits for automatic detection. See Split Name Format, it follows the community convention for splitting the game.
  • RTA Mode: automated RTA resetting/splitting to be used with usamune ROM.
  • Miscellaneous Features/Fixes:
    • Resetting after game end resets timer correctly by default.


Stable Version

  • Go to the releases here: https:/fmichea/sm64-livesplit-autosplitter/releases and download the ASL file attached to latest release.
  • Open Livesplit, select your SM64 layout, right click -> Edit Layout.
  • If not already present, click "+" button, "Control" and add "Scriptable Auto Splitter".
  • Click "Layout Settings" and find "Scriptable Auto Splitter" tab.
  • Under Script Path select the ASL script.
  • You should now see settings in the box: DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
  • Save and done.
  • Remember to use an offset of 1.36s for every split file since timer starts on second logo frame (but SM64 time is measured from console start).


Development Version

Please note that development version may contain bugs.

Split Name Format

⚠️ Always edit the splits while the timer is reset! If you feel like your change is not working but follows the format, consider saving your splits as well as restarting livesplit to potentially resolve this issue.

There are a few types of splits that can be defined, here are some examples:

  • Star requirement split (stage, single star): when grabbing a certain number of stars. These split depending on a few conditions.
    • HMC (15)
    • Mips + SSL [24]
  • Bowser stage splits: split when entering the pipe at the end of Dark World, Fire Sea or Sky.
    • Dark World Pipe
  • Bowser fight splits: split on bowser only after the key has been grabbed.
    • Bowser 3
    • Key 1 (9)
  • Door unlock split: split when touching either the basement door or the upstairs door.
    • Upstairs [74]
    • Basement (26)
  • Castle movement split: when measuring time between two stages
    • Lakitu Skip
    • Mips Clip and SBLJ (special, splits on XCAM)
  • Door interaction splits: split happens after a certain number of door interactions, more on this later.
  • Stage entry and exit splits: split happens when entering or exit a specific stage.

A few modifiers are also available and will be explained in the more advanced format below. Remember to use an offset of 1.36s for every split file since timer starts on second logo frame (but SM64 time is measured from console start).

Main Format and Keywords

Star Requirement Split

This splits after a certain number of stars has been collected. To specify a number of stars, add "[10]" or "(10)" somewhere in the split name.

The splitting moment depends on a few conditions. Once the correct number of stars has been grabbed:

  • If the star grab animation with stage exit is happening, the split will happen on fadeout.
  • If the star grab animation does not exit stage (100 coins star), the split happens immediately. Exception: For bowser reds, split happens on pipe entry by default (settings can change this).
  • If the star is grabbed in the castle, not a stage, the split happens when entering the next stage (fade in).

The timing for splitting can be overridden by the following modifiers. If a split uses both one of the following modifiers, and a star count condition, then star count condition must be fulfilled at the time the splitting condition happens.

Bowser Fight Split

To be considered a bowser split, the split name must contain bowser or key. It will split on bowser key grab fadeout.

Bowser Stage Split

To be considered a bowser stage split, the split name must contain pipe. It will split on pipe entry fadeout.

Castle Movement Split

If split is not in any other category, it is a castle movement split, which means it splits on next level entry. The previous level exited does not count, which allows re-entering it to EXIT COURSE back to castle lobby.

Advanced Format

Key Door Unlock Split

To be considered a key door split, the split name must contain either basement or upstairs in its name. It will split on the key door unlock animation. If the door is already unlocked, it will not split.

Star Door Entry Split

To be considered a star door entry split, it must contain the following splitter instruction: [star-door=70]. Acceptable star doors are 8, 30, 50 and 70. It will split when the door is being entered. Can be used to split the two BLJs separately in 16 star for example.

Stage Entry and Exit

This forces the split to happen when entering or exiting a specific stage. The syntax is [entry=bob] or [exit=36]. All vanilla stages have a shortcut (here) but numbers are allowed for both instructions in order to support ROM Hacks.


  • For standard star count requirement splits, it is possible to change the default splitting time using [fade] or [immediate].
  • It is possible to prevent emulator reset from resetting run on specific split using [noreset]. If reset happens twice in a row within 5 seconds then the reset does happen (force timer reset).
  • If a split is marked with [manual] then you are responsible for splitting.
  • Bowser stage and key can also be configured using [key], [bowser] or [pipe]. Also available, is [mips] or [30s-door-clip].
  • Importantly: all instructions can be merged into one block comma separated, eg. [26,immediate,noreset]
  • To force splitting to only happen on final star grab (eg. for Bingo splits), use [final-star-grab]

Hiding Auto-Splitter Instructions.

If you do not like the defaults for auto splitter instructions, or do not like more complex instructions showing up in your splits, you may try the new Splits or SubSplits layouts fork which hide any instructions as described in Miscellaneous prefixed with AS:. Example, a split named Bomb Clip AS:[1] under Edit Splits will display as Bomb Clip. A split named Sky AS:[120,pipe] will display as Sky. However a split named WF [8] will still display the same because the splitter instruction is not prefixed.

You can find these forks release here:

Drop the DLL in your Components directory for livesplit, then under Layout settings, add SplitsFAS or SubSplitsFAS to your layout, and configure it like Splits or SubSplits was configured.


70 Star

  • "WF (9)" would split on stage exit at 9 stars.
  • "THI + Toad (43)", toad is grabbed after the stage, split happens on TTM entry.

16 Star

  • "Mips Clip" is a castle movement split and splits on stage entry to DDD (on the xcam because it's mips clip).
  • "BLJs" splits movement from FS to Sky. Note that it is fine to re-enter FS to exit to lobby. This is the only stage that can be re-entered without splitting.

Advanced Info

Within the ASL script, there is a section called USER_CUSTOMIZATION_BEGIN, in which you can customize all of the keywords for bowser fight, bowser stage and key unlock if the default ones do not fit your needs. Remember to port these changes every time you upgrade the script.

RTA Mode

RTA mode is enabled when keyword [run-mode=rta] is present in the first split. It adds reset and start conditions, with usamune ROM in mind. It aims to time similarly to how leaderboard runs are expected to be timed.

Reset: If either of the dpad down or L button is pressed, the timer is reset.

Additional start conditions:

  • A star is selected on the mission select scene. (timer offset: 0.20)
  • Stage is exited (fade-out)
  • A key door is touched.

Additional end condition: immediate split on last star grab (can be delayed with [fade] keyword).

Splitting conditions (incl. last split) are identical. Note that for RTA done on the 120 file, you will have to specify [120] for each split. This will split immediately on 100 coin stars. To avoid this issue, use [120,fade].


Non-Stop mode is supported similarly to vanilla runs, one thing to note is that [immediate] works with non-stop and can be used to do very detailed splitting.

RomHack Support

RomHack support is limited with this splitter as it is trying to keep accuracy as high as possible for vanilla, but adding the keyword run-mode=romhack to first segment will disable some checks which can help splitting on fade-out.

Examples (with Usamune ROM Interaction)

Segment RTA (Stage EXIT)

16 Star - HMC exit to end

This relies heavily on Usamune providing the right configuration for this segment. In this case, we are doing RTA from HMC exit to end of the game.

To reset:

  • Enter HMC stage.
  • Under "MENU > DATA > For 16 Star" select "15". To reset your splits, flip between "9" and "15".
  • Do a quick star in HMC to exit stage, timer will start on exit.

Segment RTA (Door)

70 Star - Upstairs RTA

Like previously, Usamune ROM needs to provide configuration you need. In this case we will do 70 upstairs RTA from door touch.

To reset:

  • Exit to lobby.
  • Under "MENU > DATA > For 70 Star" select "34". To reset your splits, flip between "OFF" and "34".
  • Touch the upstairs door, timer will star with door unlocking animation.


⚠️ Please leave all boxes unchecked unless you know what you are doing.

General Settings

Delayed Reset

When resetting the game, the timer will reset and start in two distinct events by default. To use sound effects, it is sometimes necessary to make those two events happen on same frame to avoid the effect from being cut-off.

Enable this option if you would like timer reset to be delayed until timer start.

Start on game launch instead of logo

This should basically never be checked. Timer will start by default on the second frame of the logo, which is exactly 1.36s from console boot on real N64. Therefore timer should be configured with 1.36s offset.

If instead you would like to start on "console start" (emulator start), you may check this option, however it is highly recommended against, because emulation start is visibly inconsistent and will result in inconsistent timing. Only use if default is not working.

Disable reset after end

Touching the grand star will not cause a split if on the last split. Useful only for ROM hacks.

Disable RTA Mode

Enable this option to disable RTA mode, this should be unnecessary as RTA mode only activates for splits with "run-mode=rta" in first segment's name.

Disable Bowser Reds Delayed Split

By default, getting the reds star inside the bowser level will not split immediately (like normal stars without stage exit would) but instead waits for pipe entry before splitting. Enable this setting if you would like split to happen immediately by default.

Game Region

Game Region is detected automatically, you will not have to tick this unless it fails to detect for your ROM (it wont).

Additional Notes


  • Among the issues I ran into in various other auto-splitters:
    • Too much configuration. Needs to be configured for each split file (category) differently.
    • Does not support castle movement splits.
    • Only supports one game version (only US, only JP).
    • Issues with split undo not being possible, eg. on final star last split.
    • Misses (reset, ...) due to refresh rate.
    • Generally liked some features of each one, but couldn't quite use any 100%.

Split Names Shortcuts

For entry and exit splits, here are all of the shortcuts that can be used to refer to the different stages in vanilla:

Full Stage Name Shortcut
Aquarium aqua
Big Boo's Haunt bbh
Bob-Omb Battlefield bob
Bowser 1 bow1
Bowser 2 bow2
Bowser 3 bow3
Bowser in the Dark World dw
Bowser in the Fire Sea fs
Bowser in the Sky sky
Cavern of the Metal Cap cotmc
Cool Cool Mountain ccm
Dire, Dire Docks ddd
Hazy Maze Cave hmc
Jolly Roger Bay jrb
Lethal Lava Land lll
Rainbow Ride rr
Shifting Sand Land ssl
Snowman's Land sl
Tall, Tall Mountain ttm
The Princess's Secret Slide pss
Tick Tock Clock ttc
Tiny Huge Island thi
Tower of the Wing Cap totwc
Vanish Cap Under the Moat vcutm
Wet Dry World wdw
Whomp's Fortress wf
Wing Mario Over the Rainbow wmotr

Developing / Debugging

The program called "DbgView" can be used to see all printed log statenments by the auto splitter, as well as log made from livesplit when it loads the auto splitter, which can be used to find syntax errors and the like. The process ID can be filtered once it is known in the program directly to avoid the other spam.