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  • Node (20)
  • Android Studio (latest)
  • XCode (latest)
  • Java JDK 17

Follow this guide for setting up React Native development environment.


git clone https:/fmidev/weather-app.git

cd weather-app

yarn install


  1. Obtain Google Maps API key and place it in .env as depicted in .env.default. Guides and troubleshooting from react-native-maps documentation

  2. Create a file in android/ folder:

    cd android && touch

    and add placeholder content:


    Alternatively these can be provided as environment variables (e.g. in CI/CD pipeline):


    Gradle will throw an error if one of the above is missing on yarn android. To sign the app on release builds you must create a keystore file, see android documentation and change the contents of or environment variables accordingly.


Before running iOS or Android start metro: yarn start. Also make sure you have a valid DefaultConfig.ts.

Run in development environment (Android)

  1. Open {PROJECT_DIR}/android in Android Studio and wait build to be completed

  2. Create / open Android virtual device (tested with: Pixel 2, API Level 29, Android 10.0)

    • Click AVD Manager from top bar
    • Create virtual device
  3. yarn android

Run the development version on Android phone

  1. Do the above (Run in development environment (Android)) first!
  2. Check all relevant instructions from React Native's own page: Most importantly, install adb by either the Android Studio or Android's own instructions: Platform tools may not be installed to PATH. The installation path can be found in Android Studio in Tools -> SDK Manager. Example path: /Users/oksman/Library/Android/sdk
  3. Plug your device to the USB port.
  4. Build the APK with Android Studio: Build -> Build Bundles(s) / APK(s) -> Build APK(s).
  5. Copy the built APK to the device and install it to the device.
  6. Check that your device show's in adb's list of devices, for example:
➜  sdk ./platform-tools/adb devices
List of devices attached
R5CR207HAFP	device
  1. Connect to the development server, for example:
➜  sdk ./platform-tools/adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
  1. The application should run now when opened in the device.

Run in development environment (iOS)

If you have arm-based mac, do these before running:

  1. Open Project's build settings in Xcode (Project not Targets)
  2. Add Any iOS Simulator SDK + "arm64" to Debug and Release under Architectures - Excluded Architectures
  3. Add following lines to end of your Podfile under ios -folder:

post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64" end end

  1. Delete VALID_ARCHS from main project's and Pods project's build settings.
  2. Clean project + rebuild

If you have problems you might need to do these as well:

rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ && pod deintegrate && pod update

You might need to install ios-deploy to be able to run from command line npm install -g ios-deploy

If installing Node with nvm and try to start app from Xcode you might need to do this so Xcode finds Node. ln -s $(which node) /usr/local/bin/node

Run project:

  1. cd ios && pod install && cd ..
  2. npx react-native run-ios


Changing Metro server port

By default, the Metro server and the application use port 8081 to communicate with each other. In some environments, the port can be reserved, which causes the application to fail with the following error message:

"Unable to load script. Make sure you're either running Metro (run 'npx react-native start') or that your bundle '' is packaged correctly for release."

This behaviour can be fixed by changing the port to e.g. 8080. To change the port, the following commands must be run:

  • yarn start --port 8080
  • yarn android --port 8080 (or npx react-native run-android --port 8080)


  1. cp defaultConfig.ts.example defaultConfig.ts

  2. edit defaultConfig.ts


The units supported by the application are described on the table below. Note that you can only use the depicted unit abbreviations.

Parameter Units
temperature 'C', 'F'
precipitation 'mm', 'in'
wind 'm/s', 'km/h', 'mph', 'bft', 'kn'
pressure 'hPa', 'inHg', 'mmHg', 'mbar'

Table of abbreviations and their corresponding units.

Abbreviation Unit
'C' celsius
'F' fahrenheit
'mm' millimeter
'in' inch
'm/s' meters per second
'km/h' kilometers per hour
'mph' miles per hour
'bft' beaufort
'kn' knot
'hPa' hehtopascal
'inHg' inch of mercury
'mmHg' millimeter of mercury
'mbar' millibar