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Organize files based on regex rules, file extensions by default. (GitLab mirror)


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Organize files based on regex rules, file extensions by default.


Using cargo (require Rust)

Install it by running

$ cargo install organize-rt

It will download & compile binary to ~/.cargo/bin. Add this directory to your path or copy binary to /usr/bin/

Compiling from source (require Rust)

Just clone this repo and build this project:

$ git clone --depth=1
$ cd organize-rt
$ cargo build --release

After compiling, you can use binary ./target/release/organize-rt. For example, you could copy it to /usr/bin.

Using pre-build binaries

Download binaries from GitLab release section.

Arch Linux (stable version)

Use package from AUR

Arch Linux (git version)

Clone repo and use makepkg:

$ git clone --depth=1
$ makepkg -sri


Available in COPR:

sudo dnf copr enable atim/organize-rt -y
sudo dnf install organize-rt


$ organize-rt --help
organize-rt 1.0.0
Tool for organizing files in garbage dirs like 'Downloads'

    organize-rt [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --output <output> --source <source>

        --dry-run      Prints where the file would move, but does not move
    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -H, --hidden       Include hidden files/directories
    -q, --quiet        Quiet run, empty output
    -r, --recursive
    -u, --undo         Undo action (require log)
    -V, --version      Prints version information
    -v, --verbose      Show more info

        --log <log-path>     Path to save/load log [default: ./organize-rt.log]
    -o, --output <output>    Output directory
    -s, --source <source>    Directory to organize

Recommended mode: organize-rt -rH

If you have several file with the same name, program will save them like file, file.COPY<id>, file.COPY<id>..., where id isn't a copy number, but a unique number. Also, program will skip all file errors like Bad permissions and print about them (if --quiet flag isn't specified).

When you run this program, after all moves it will save its actions in log (--log option, default "./organize-rt.log"). If you want to discard changes, run with --undo option. For example organize-rt --undo --log ./badrun.log will discard changes, saved in badrun.log. Some important notes about undo:

  • It use absolute paths, so you can run it from anywhere.
  • Due to absolute paths, you can't undid changes if output dir was moved
  • It will skip errors (deleted files from output dir)
  • You can delete source directory, undo mode will restore it


Normal mode:

$ organize-rt -s in -o out -rH --dry-run
in/avi.avi -> out/Video/avi.avi
in/compressed.tar.bz2 -> out/Compressed/compressed.tar.bz2
in/ogg.ogg -> out/Audio/ogg.ogg
in/conf.conf -> out/Configuration/conf.conf
in/archlinux.iso -> out/ISO/archlinux.iso
in/compressed.tar.gz -> out/Compressed/compressed.tar.gz
in/dir/document.docx -> out/Documents/document.docx
in/dir/image.png -> out/Images/image.png
in/unsorted.norule -> out/Unsorted/unsorted.norule
in/.hidden.conf -> out/Configuration/.hidden.conf
in/mp3.mp3 -> out/Audio/mp3.mp3

Undo this action (# hide absolute path):

$ organize-rt --undo --dry-run
#/out/Video/avi.avi -> #/in/avi.avi
#/out/Compressed/compressed.tar.bz2 -> #/in/compressed.tar.bz2
#/out/Audio/ogg.ogg -> #/in/ogg.ogg
#/out/Configuration/conf.conf -> #/in/conf.conf
#/out/ISO/archlinux.iso -> #/in/archlinux.iso
#/out/Compressed/compressed.tar.gz -> #/in/compressed.tar.gz
#/out/Unsorted/unsorted.norule -> #/in/unsorted.norule
#/out/Audio/mp3.mp3 -> #/in/mp3.mp3

Writing own rules

Just edit ~/.config/organize-rt/organize-rt.toml. This file will appear after the first run, you can also use organize-rt.toml.default from this repository. File structure:

rules = [

With this rule, file, that match REGEX rule, but didn't match previous rules will move to OUTPUT_DIR/OUTPUT_SUBDIR, where OUTPUT_DIR is --output option.

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Project status

The project is alive, but I have no ideas for new functionality. Waiting for your pull request, issue or email, if you don't have GitLab account.


Organize files based on regex rules, file extensions by default. (GitLab mirror)








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