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=== Encyclopedia / Glossary / Wiki ===
Contributors: dhoppe
Tags: encyclopedia, lexicon, lexikon, glossary, glossar, dictionary, knowledge base, wiki, wikipedia,				widget, Post, plugin, admin, posts, sidebar, comments, google, images, page, image, links
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: trunk
Donate link:
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Supercharged tool to build your own awesome Glossary / Encyclopedia / Lexicon / Wiki / Dictionary / Knowledge base project in a breath.

== Description ==
Encyclopedia is *the* state of the art **WordPress encyclopedia / lexicon / glossary / wiki / dictionary plugin** which enables you to create, manage and present a knowledge base, completely fused in your WordPress and fully compatible with all the cool publishing tools you like. Really!

Enjoy the easy way to manage your contents with WordPress in combination with a whole bunch of smart features like automatically term linking in your websites contents. Additionally an own glossary gives search engines more content which results in better rankings for you!

> #### Kick-Start
> Read the feature list below or [take an eye on the screenshots](!

= Facts & Features =
* Manage and organize your terms as **encyclopedia, lexicon, glossary, Wiki, dictionary or knowledge base**
* Automatically generated **index page with all terms**, sorted alphabetically, with prefix filter on top (optional)
* Every term has its own page with unique URL
* **SEO conform** URL structure for all kind of pages
* **Tags and categories**¹ to classify your terms (both tags and categories are disjunct from your post tags and post categories)
* **Prefix filter** (A|B|C...X|Y|Z) above single view and archive index page which allows a letter-by-letter term filtering
* Works with Latin, Arabian, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, and all other **UTF-8** compliant languages!
* Automatic association of **related terms** (based on common tags)
* Automatic linking of all your terms appearing in your post and page contents (**cross linking**)
* You can define the target of the links of the automatically linked terms
* Selectable content types (pages, posts, media, custom posts types) in which the terms should be linked automatically¹
* **Completely translatable** - .pot file is included
* Already available in German, French, Spanish, Polish, Indonesian, Norwegian
* Supports **WPML** flawless and enables you to create a multilingual knowledge base
* Supports the WordPress theme template hierarchy and the parent-child-theme paradigm
* Supports **user defined HTML templates**
* Supports **revisions** for your terms – perfect if you have multiple authors
* Supports term **comments**²
* Supports **featured images** as term thumbnails²
* Supports **excerpts** for your entered terms (the same way you already know from regular posts)
* Supports WordPress **user rights** and capabilities¹
* Supports the **WordPress menus** and enables you to add all components of your encyclopedia to any menu
* Supports **RSS feeds** for the index page and for the comments
* **Clean and intuitive** user interface
* Flawless integration of audio, video, multimedia elements and shortcodes in the content of your terms
* Search function for **exclusive searching in encyclopedia** or glossary terms
* Widget to display the exclusive encyclopedia search in the sidebar
* Auto-complete and term **suggestions for search phrases**¹
* Automatic redirect of a user to the term page if he searches for an exact term title
* Widget to display the terms in your sidebar
* Widget to display the tag and categories of your encyclopedia in the sidebar
* Includes a **bunch of filters** to give you the control of the behavior of this piece of code
* **Import and export** directly via the official "[WordPress Importer](" by Automattic Inc.
* Works great with **WordPress Multisite**
* Personal **one-on-one real-time support** by the developer¹
* No ads or branding anywhere - perfect white label solution¹

¹ Available in [Encyclopedia Pro](<br>
² Your theme needs to support this too.

= Use cases =
* **Dictionary**		- Create a dictionary of specifically used terms on your site.
* **Tooltip**		- Add links and title description to predefined terms that are contained in your site.
* **Knowledge base**	- Create a knowledge base of useful terms and definitions.
* **Encyclopedia**		- Build an internal encyclopedia for your site.
* **Synonyms**		- Keep and displays synonyms of terms that you are using.
* **Lexicon**		- Build a lexicon of terms.
* **Vocabulary**		- Build a vocabulary of custom words and expressions.
* **Explanations**		- Explain the meanings of words in your posts or pages.
* **Translate**		- Translate terms and definitions into any defined language using Google Translate.
* **Wikipedia**		- Add Wikipedia content to your site.
* **YouTube/Vimeo**	- Show YouTube / Vimeo videos in your terms.
* **Music**			- Include mp3 voice or music file for each term.

= Getting started / First aid =
1. View [Installation guide on](
1. View [Frequently Asked Questions on](
1. View the [Encyclopedia Pro documentation](
1. Get exclusive [personal one-on-one support](

= Settings =
You can find the settings page in your Dashboard -> Settings -> Encyclopedia.

= Template files =
All plugin outputs can be changed via user defined HTML templates. Just put the templates you want to overwrite inside your theme folder (no matter if parent theme or child theme). You can find the default templates in the plugin folder in "templates/". You can find a list of the available template files in documentation of the pro version. *Please do not modify the original templates! You would lose all your modifications when updating the plugin!*

= Questions and support requests =
Please use the support forum on only for this free lite version of the plugin. For the pro version there is a separate support package available. *Please do not use the support forum for questions about the pro version* or questions about my services! Of course you can hire me for consulting, support, programming and customizations at any time.

= Language =
* This Plugin is available in English.
* Diese Erweiterung ist in Deutsch verfügbar. ([Dennis Hoppe](
* Cette extension est traduite en français. ([Gilles Santacreu](
* Ta wtyczka jest dostępna po Polsku. ([Andrzej Opejda](
* Plugin ini tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia ([Nasrulhaq Muiz](
* Este plugin está disponible en español. ([Fátima Da Silva](
* Dette istikket er omsett til nynorsk. ([Erik Bolstad](
* Este plugin está disponível em português. (Mauro Mascarenhas)
* Deze plugin is beschikbaar in het Nederlands. ([Erik-Jan Kuipers](

= Translate this plugin =
If you have translated this plugin in your language or updated the language file please feel free to send me the language file (.po file) via E-Mail with your name and this translated sentence: "This plugin is available in %YOUR_LANGUAGE_NAME%." So I can add it to the plugin and a link to your website to this page.

You can find the *Translation.pot* file in the *language/* folder in the plugin directory.

* Copy it.
* Rename it (to your language code).
* Translate everything.
* Send it via E-Mail to &lt; Mail [@t] [DennisHoppe]( [dot] de &gt;.
* Thats it. Thank you! =)

= Real life examples =
* [EUROPARC Junior Ranger](
* [Connect45+](
* [Website as Service](
* [Forêts Anciennes](
* [](
* [](
* [BetterHealthKare](
* [](
* [Wartenberg & Co](

= Limitations of the lite version =
The most features are available but you cannot select every option. You will find a small notice for each unavailable option on the settings page. The maximal number of encyclopedia terms is limited to twelve.

== Installation ==

= Minimum Requirements =
* WordPress 3.6 or greater
* PHP version 5.3 or greater
* MySQL version 5.0 or greater

= Automatic installation =
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you do not need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Encyclopedia, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click "Add New".

In the search field type "Encyclopedia" and click "Search Plugins". Once you have found my plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking "Install now".

= Manual installation =
The manual installation method involves downloading the plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains [instructions on how to do this here](

= Updating =
Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I embed the term archive page in my website? =
At Encyclopedia settings page (Dashboard -> Settings -> Encyclopedia) you will find the archive link for your Encyclopedia in the right sidebar box named "Archive URL". Copy the first link and paste it anywhere on your website, for example in a menu or a sidebar widget. Use the second link if you want to embed an RSS feed for Encyclopedia archive.

= How do I create relations between my Encyclopedia terms? =
To create relations between your terms you need to classify your terms by using tags.

= Can Encyclopedia display and sort terms in other than Latin characters? =
Yes, Encyclopedia can handle every existing character. All strings are handled as UTF-8. So it works for Arabian, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, and all other UTF-8 compliant languages.

= Is it possible to search for Encyclopedia terms only? =
Yes, it is. For this purpose place the "Encyclopedia Search" Widget in a sidebar of your choice. The search result will display Encyclopedia terms only.

= What can I do when I have problems with installing or setting up the Encyclopedia? =
First of all read the installation guide on this site. Follow the guide step by step. If you do so and still have problems, there could be an incompatibility with another plugin: Deactivate all other plugins, try to install/set up Encyclopedia again. If it works re-activate plugin by plugin again to see which one causes the problem. If you need personal assistance or coaching or if you want us to install and set up Encyclopedia on your website, please contact us via [support form]( on our website (this is a business service and you need to buy the support package to make use of it).

= Does Encyclopedia display tool tips when hovering linked terms in my contents? =
Maybe: The linked encyclopedia terms have a title tag which displays the excerpt of the term description. If you hover it with your mouse you can see it. If your theme supports tool tips it will show the term description as tool tip. If you need this implemented please use our [support form](

== Screenshots ==
01. Example archive index page in TwentyTwelve theme
02. Example single term view in TwentyTwelve theme
03. Encyclopedia tags
04. Edit screen of an encyclopedia tag
05. Edit screen of an encyclopedia term
06. Encyclopedia items in your WordPress menus
07. Encyclopedia options page
08. Encyclopedia "Related terms" widget
09. Encyclopedia taxonomy widget
10. Encyclopedia taxonomy cloud
11. Encyclopedia term list

== Upgrade Notice ==
If you update from 1.5.11 or lower to 1.5.12 or higher, please do not affright that the plugin gets deactivated! Just reactivate it in the plugins section. All your terms and settings are safe!

== Changelog ==

= 1.6.4 =
* Removed empty ajax-requests class
* pushed the nomenclature for method names

= 1.6.3 =
* Added "select" to the skip-elements of the cross linker

= 1.6.2 =
* Updated I18n class

= 1.6.1 =
* Added new filter: encyclopedia_link_terms_in_post
* renamed function isEncyclopediaArchive
* renamed function isEncyclopediaSearch

= 1.6 =
* Moved the classes and widgets to separated folders
* Fixed: WPML incompatibility
* Refactored all componentents in abstract classes
* Fixed widget translations and empty titles

= 1.5.37 =
* Added: Translations Deutsch und Deutsch (Sie)

= 1.5.36 =
* Added Dutch translation by [Erik-Jan Kuipers](
* Fixed prefix filter WPML bug
* Added a new "no-cross-linking" class to prevent cross linking

= 1.5.35 =
* Converted the i18n class to static 

= 1.5.34 =
* Cleaned up the widgets code

= 1.5.33 =
* Patched: Trim slashes (left) from permalink structure

= 1.5.32 =
* Patched: Changed translation file loading hook
* Added a warning if you have more than 20 entries

= 1.5.31 =
* Added support for template tags "the_category()"
* Added support for template tags "the_tags()"
* Added new option to enable custom fields

= 1.5.30 =
* Updated taxonomy link structure
* Updated cross linker: will escape empty tags now
* Updated WPML class: does have a pointer to the core anymore
* Changed search-widget is rendered by searchform-encyclopedia.php now

= 1.5.29 =
* Added content filter for bbPress forums, topics and replys
* Removed excerpt_length filter for cross link titles

= 1.5.28 =
* Fix: Cross linker removed JS sometimes when it was at the beginning of the content

= 1.5.27 =
* Rollback: Removed all banners to the pro version

= 1.5.26 =
* Changed the encyclopedia post type to non-hierarchally

= 1.5.25 =
* Added support for search template: search-encyclopedia.php
* Fixed TwentyFourteen styles for prefix filter

= 1.5.24 =
* Added Portuguese translation translation file
* Updated option page

= 1.5.23 =
* Added Multibyte String fallbacks

= 1.5.22 =
* Fixed RSS feed

= 1.5.21 =
* Fixed edge case when XPath cannot be loaded in cross linker

= 1.5.20 =
* Rewritten cross linker
* Rewritten options data handler
* Patched default theme styles

= 1.5.19 =
* Added styles for Twenty Fifteen
* Tested with WordPress 4.1

= 1.5.18 =
* Fixed: Prefixfilter does not give any output if there are no filters
* Fixed: Convert shortcode attributes to an array in every case

= 1.5.17 =
* Fixed: concatenated terms can auto linked now
* Permalinks will be rewritten on plugin acitvation now

= 1.5.16 =
* Fixed options page meta box handlers

= 1.5.15 =
* Added arguments filter for Get_Tag_Related_Terms()
* Patched related-terms template
* Moved the related entries to the end of the content by default

= 1.5.14 =
* Added the filter depth options for archive and single view

= 1.5.13 =
* Disabled auto link method call for excerpts

= 1.5.12 =
* Moved the plugin loader to a separate file
* Added warning if PHP version is lower than 5.3

= 1.5.11 =
* Fixed multilingual Prefix filter

= =
* Declared the rewrite_rules plugin property to avoid warning on activation
* Added WPML Workaround for translated post type slugs

= 1.5.10 =
* Changed the behavior of the prefix filter: It works taxonomy sensitive now
* Renamed template "encyclopedia-term-filter" to "encyclopedia-prefix-filter"

= =
* Removed all if-class-exists-conditions to speed up the plugin

= 1.5.9 =
* Removed: the excerpt_more filter from the auto link titles

= =
* Changed the HTML_Entity_Decode calls to make them compatible with older PHP versions

= 1.5.8 =
* Fixed: Terms with a slash will not occur a warning anymore
* Patched: Word boundary which prevented auto links for terms with special chars
* Added some tags which were skipped for auto links

= 1.5.7 =
* Fixed: Disappearing elements which contains auto linked terms
* Added: new filter "encyclopedia_auto_link_skip_elements"

= 1.5.6 =
* Added: Option to change the number of words of the auto linked terms links.

= 1.5.5 =
* Added: Norwegian translation by [Erik Bolstad](

= 1.5.4 =
* Fixed: terms will be linked in their own content now

= 1.5.3 =
* Removed pro versions links from options page

= 1.5.2 =
* Added upgrade button to post edit section

= 1.5.1 =
* Still cleaning up the options page
* Fixed a few typos

= 1.5 =
* Cleanup options page
* Changed number of available terms
* Removed post type icon support for WP <= 3.7.3

= 1.4.15 =
* Updates custom style sheets for WP default themes

= 1.4.14 =
* Added Hebrew and Turkish translation files

= 1.4.13 =
* Fixed: Terms will not link to itself in their post contents anymore

= 1.4.12 =
* Fixed: Broken iFrame tags in post contents

= 1.4.11 =
* Updated the search widget front end

= 1.4.10 =
* Patched the widget forms for more WP 3.8 compliance

= 1.4.9 =
* Plugin works in symlinks now

= 1.4.8 =
* Added Dashicons
* Patches default style for Twenty14 Theme

= 1.4.7 =
* Added encyclopedia_term_link_title filter

= 1.4.6 =
* Added term excerpt as link title for auto linked terms
* Changed the hierarchical property of the encyclopedia term to false

= 1.4.5 =
* Fixed: post_title_like works now without using the ignore_filter_request parameter

= 1.4.4 =
* Added Workaround for BuddyPress "loop-start" Filter bug

= 1.4.3 =
* Fixed the pagination bug for filtered archive pages.
* Fixed the trailing Slash bug in Archive urls.

= 1.4.2 =
* Fixed Filter URL Generator for permalink structures which are not ending with "/"

= 1.4.1 =
* Fixed rewrite rules applying when activating the plugin

= 1.4.0 =
* Added SEO friendly Filter URLs
* Added the Term filter for single term views
* Small bug fixes

= 1.3.14 =
* Fixed the Empty-Post-Content bug which let appear the DocType definition in the posts content.

= 1.3.13 =
* Added the letter navigation to the terms single view.

= 1.3.12 =
* Added Support for the letter navigation in the single view of a term.

= 1.3.11 =
* Added the "Is_Main_Query" condition to display the term filter
* Cleanup the Get_Tag_Related_Terms function

= 1.3.10 =
* Cleaned up some HTML on the options page

= 1.3.9 =
* Added Wiki and Knowledge base to the encyclopedia types

= 1.3.8 =
* Fixed an encoding bug in the auto linking feature

= 1.3.7 =
* Added Spanish translation by [Fátima Da Silva](
* Added PHP 5.4 and lower patch: Set UTF-8 encoding for HTMLEntities.

= 1.3.6 =
* Added post type support: comments, trackbacks, featured image, revisions

= 1.3.5 =
* Made Taxonomy slugs translatable

= 1.3.4 =
* Fixed a small issue which occurs the appearance of the term filter on taxonomy archives
* Added a management column for each taxonomy to the encyclopedia term management page

= 1.3.3 =
* Fixed the delayed appearance of the term filter

= 1.3.2 =
* Changed the usage of DOMDocument::saveHTML in the auto link feature
* Added title attribute to auto linked terms

= 1.3.1 =
* Fixed the auto link terms algorithm. Does not break iframes anymore.
* Added some new options

= 1.3 =
* Added Search Widget

= 1.2.8 =
* Improved prefix filter (faster!)
* Improved multibyte support

= 1.2.7 =
* Cleaned up the code to avoid PHP notices.

= 1.2.6 =
* Fixed the letter filter bug in genesis

= 1.2.5 =
* Rewriting permalinks when activating the plugin
* Improved term linking in contents

= 1.2.4 =
* Made the auto linked content terms working with WPML
* Made the term filter work with WPML
* Allow URL Slug translation via WPML now

= 1.2.3 =
* Fixed the "order by" list in the cloud widget
* Fixed some German translations

= 1.2.2 =
* Added the "encyclopedia" class to all auto generated links

= 1.2.1 =
* Fixed translation bug for the widgets
* Added Support for Windows machines

= 1.2 =
* Fixed an incompatibility with Jetpack
* Added the automatic term links in post contents
* Changed the labels of the taxonomies in the menu editor
* removed post meta information from search results page in Twenty Twelve

= 1.1.1 =
* Added French translation.

= 1.1 =
* Added Indonesian translation.
* Small bug fixes

= 1.0 =
* Everything works fine.


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  • PHP 90.8%
  • CSS 9.2%