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643 lines (400 loc) · 24.1 KB

File metadata and controls

643 lines (400 loc) · 24.1 KB


2.7.0 (11 October 2024)

  • Explicit namespaces can now also be defined using constant assignments.

    While constant assignments like

    # coordinates.rb
    Coordinates = Data.define(:x, :y)

    worked for most objects, they did not for classes and modules that were also namespaces (i.e., those defined by a file and matching subdirectories). In such cases, their child constants could not be autoloaded.

    This limitation has been removed.

  • TracePoint is no longer used.

  • Requires Ruby 3.2 or later.

    Gems that work with previous versions of Zeitwerk also work with this one. If they support Ruby versions older than 3.2 they can specify a relaxed version constraint for Zeitwerk like "~> 2.6", for example.

    In client projects, Bundler takes the Ruby requirement into account when resolving dependencies, so Gemfile.lock will get one compatible with the Ruby version being used.

2.6.18 (2 September 2024)

  • Fixes a bug in which projects reopening the main namespace of a gem dependency managed by its own Zeitwerk loader could not reload the constants they added to that external namespace.

2.6.17 (29 July 2024)

  • Fix log message when eager loading a directory ends.

2.6.16 (15 June 2024)

  • Logging prints a message when a directory that was not ignored is skipped anyway because it contains no Ruby files.

  • Internal refactors.

2.6.15 (26 May 2024)

  • Internal improvements.

2.6.14 (14 May 2024)

  • Implements Zeitwerk::Loader#all_expected_cpaths, which returns a hash that maps the absolute paths of the files and directories managed by the receiver to their expected constant paths.

    Please, check its documentation for further details.

2.6.13 (6 February 2024)

  • There is a new experimental null inflector that simply returns its input unchanged:

    loader.inflector =

    Projects using this inflector are expected to define their constants in files and directories with names exactly matching them:

    User.rb       -> User
    HTMLParser.rb -> HTMLParser
    Admin/Role.rb -> Admin::Role

    Please see its documentation for further details.

  • Documentation improvements.

2.6.12 (25 September 2023)

  • Maintenance release with some internal polishing.

2.6.11 (2 August 2023)

  • Let on_load callbacks for implicit namespaces autoload other implicit namespaces.

2.6.10 (30 July 2023)

  • Improve validation of the values returned by the inflector's camelize.

2.6.9 (25 July 2023)

  • Given a path as a string or Pathname object, Zeitwerk::Loader#cpath_expected_at returns a string with the corresponding expected constant path.

    Some examples, assuming that app/models is a root directory:

    loader.cpath_expected_at("app/models")                  # => "Object"
    loader.cpath_expected_at("app/models/user.rb")          # => "User"
    loader.cpath_expected_at("app/models/hotel")            # => "Hotel"
    loader.cpath_expected_at("app/models/hotel/billing.rb") # => "Hotel::Billing"

    This method returns nil for some input like ignored files, and may raise errors too. Please check its documentation for further details.

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#load_file raises with a more informative error if given a hidden file or directory.

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#eager_load_dir does nothing if the argument is a hidden file or directory. This is coherent with its existing behavior for eager load exclusions and ignored paths. Before, that kind of argument would result in a non-deliberate NameError.

  • Documentation improvements.

2.6.8 (28 April 2023)

  • The new Zeitwerk::Loader.for_gem_extension gives you a loader configured according to the conventions of a gem extension.

    Please check its documentation for further details.

2.6.7 (10 February 2023)

  • Reset module state on Zeitwerk::NameError.

    If an autoload is triggered, the file is loaded successfully, but the expected constant does not get defined, Ruby resets the state of the module. In particular, autoload? returns nil for that constant name, and constants does not include the constant name (starting with Ruby 3.1).

    Zeitwerk is more strict, not defining the expected constant is an error condition and the loader raises Zeitwerk::NameError. But this happens during the require call and the exception prevents Ruby from doing that cleanup.

    With this change, the parent module is left in a state that makes more sense and is consistent with what Ruby does.

  • A message is logged if an autoload did not define the expected constant.

    When that happens, Zeitwerk::NameError is raised and you normally see the exception. But if the error is shallowed, and you are inspecting the logs to investigate something, this new message may be helpful.

  • By default, Zeitwerk::Loader#dirs filters ignored root directories out. Please, pass ignored: true if you want them included.

    It is very strange to configure a root directory and also ignore it, the edge case is supported only for completeness. However, in that case, client code listing root directories rarely needs the ignored ones.

  • Documentation improvements.

  • Enforcement of private interfaces continues with another gradual patch.

2.6.6 (8 November 2022)

  • The new eager_load_namespace had a bug when eager loading certain namespaces with collapsed directories. This has been fixed.

2.6.5 (6 November 2022)

  • Controlled errors in a couple of situations:

    • Attempting to eager load or reload without previously invoking setup now raises Zeitwerk::SetupRequired.

    • The method Zeitwerk::Loader#push_dir raises Zeitwerk::Error if it gets an anonymous custom namespace.

    These should be backwards compatible, because they raise in circumstances that didn't work anyway. The goal here is to provide a meaningful error upfront.

  • Enforcement of private interfaces continues with another gradual patch.

2.6.4 (1 November 2022)

Ruby does not have gem-level visibility, so sometimes you need things to be public for them to be accessible internally. But they do not belong to the public interface of the gem.

A method that is undocumented and marked as @private in the source code is clearly private API, regardless of its formal Ruby visibility.

This release starts a series of gradual patches in which private interface is enforced with stricter formal visibility.

2.6.3 (31 October 2022)

  • v2.6.2 introduced a regression in the logic that checks whether two loaders want to manage the same root directories. It has been fixed.

2.6.2 (31 October 2022)

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#load_file allows you to load an individual Ruby file. Check its documentation for details.

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#eager_load_dir allows you to eager load a directory, recursively. Check its documentation for details.

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#eager_load_namespace allows you to eager a namespace, recursively. Namespaces are global, this method loads only what the receiver manages from that namespace, if anything. Check its documentation for details.

  • Zeitwerk::Loader.eager_load_namespace broadcasts eager_load_namespace to all registered loaders. Check its documentation for details.

  • Documents shadowed files. They always existed, but were not covered by the documentation.

  • Other assorted documentation improvements.

2.6.1 (1 October 2022)

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#dirs allows you to instrospect the root directories configured in the receiver. Please check its documentation for details.

2.6.0 (13 June 2022)

  • Directories are processed in lexicographic order.

    Different file systems may list directories in different order, and with this change we ensure that client code eager loads consistently across platforms, for example.

  • Before this release, subdirectories of root directories always represented namespaces (unless ignored or collapsed). From now on, to be considered namespaces they also have to contain at least one non-ignored Ruby file with extension .rb, directly or recursively.

    If you know beforehand a certain directory or directory pattern does not represent a namespace, it is intentional and more efficient to tell Zeitwerk to ignore it.

    However, if you don't do so and have a directory tasks that only contains Rake files, arguably that directory is not meant to represent a Ruby module. Before, Zeitwerk would define a top-level Tasks module after it; now, it does not.

    This feature is also handy for projects that have directories with auxiliary resources mixed in the project tree in a way that is too dynamic for an ignore pattern to be practical. See #216.

    In the unlikely case that an existing project has an empty directory for the sole purpose of defining a totally empty module (no code, and no nested classes or modules), such module has now to be defined in a file.

    Directories are scanned again on reloads.

  • On setup, loaders created with Zeitwerk::Loader.for_gem issue warnings if lib has extra, non-ignored Ruby files or directories.

    This is motivated by existing gems with directories under lib that are not meant to define Ruby modules, like directories for Rails generators, for instance.

    This warning can be silenced in the unlikely case that the extra stuff is actually autoloadable and has to be managed by Zeitwerk.

    Please, check the documentation for further details.

    This method returns an instance of a private subclass of Zeitwerk::Loader now, but you cannot rely on the type, just on the interface.

2.5.4 (28 January 2022)

  • If a file did not define the expected constant, there was a reload, and there were on_unload callbacks, Zeitwerk still tried to access the constant during reload, which raised. This has been corrected.

2.5.3 (30 December 2021)

  • The change introduced in 2.5.2 implied a performance regression that was particularly dramatic in Ruby 3.1. We'll address #198 in a different way.

2.5.2 (27 December 2021)

  • When Module#autoload triggers the autovivification of an implicit namespace, $LOADED_FEATURES now gets the corresponding directory pushed. This is just a tweak to Zeitwerk's Kernel#require decoration. That way it acts more like the original, and cooperates better with other potential Kernel#require wrappers, like Bootsnap's.

2.5.1 (20 October 2021)

  • Restores support for namespaces that are not hashable. For example namespaces that override the hash method with a different arity as shown in #188.

2.5.0 (20 October 2021)

Breaking changes

  • Requires Ruby 2.5.

  • Deletes the long time deprecated preload API. Instead of:


    just reference the constant on setup:

    loader.on_setup { User }

    If you want to eager load a namespace, use the constants API:

    loader.on_setup do
      Admin.constants(false).each { |cname| Admin.const_get(cname) }

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug in which a certain valid combination of overlapping trees managed by different loaders and ignored directories was mistakenly reported as having conflicting directories.

  • Detects external namespaces defined with Module#autoload. If your project reopens a 3rd party namespace, Zeitwerk already detected it and did not consider the namespace to be managed by the loader (automatically descends, ignored for reloads, etc.). However, the loader did not do that if the namespace had only an autoload in the 3rd party code yet to be executed. Now it does.


  • Implements Zeitwerk::Loader#on_setup, which allows you to configure blocks of code to be executed on setup and on each reload. When the callback is fired, the loader is ready, you can refer to project constants in the block.

    See the documentation for further details.

  • There is a new catch-all Zeitwerk::Loader#on_load that takes no argument and is triggered for all loaded objects:

    loader.on_load do |cpath, value, abspath|
      # ...

    Please, remember that if you want to trace the activity of a loader, Zeitwerk::Loader#log! logs plenty of information.

    See the documentation for further details.

  • The block of the existing Zeitwerk::Loader#on_load receives also the value stored in the constant, and the absolute path to its corresponding file or directory:

    loader.on_load("Service::NotificationsGateway") do |klass, abspath|
      # ...

    Remember that blocks can be defined to take less arguments than passed. So this change is backwards compatible. If you had

    loader.on_load("Service::NotificationsGateway") do
      Service::NotificationsGateway.endpoint = ...

    That works.

  • Implements Zeitwerk::Loader#on_unload, which allows you to configure blocks of code to be executed before a certain class or module gets unloaded:

    loader.on_unload("Country") do |klass, _abspath|

    These callbacks are invoked during unloading, which happens in an unspecified order. Therefore, they should not refer to reloadable constants.

    You can also be called for all unloaded objects:

    loader.on_unload do |cpath, value, abspath|
      # ...

    Please, remember that if you want to trace the activity of a loader, Zeitwerk::Loader#log! logs plenty of information.

    See the documentation for further details.


  • Performance improvements.

  • Documentation improvements.

  • The method Zeitwerk::Loader#eager_load accepts a force flag:

    loader.eager_load(force: true)

    If passed, eager load exclusions configured with do_not_eager_load are not honoured (but ignored files and directories are).

    This may be handy for test suites that eager load in order to ensure all files define the expected constant.

  • Eliminates internal use of File.realpath. One visible consequence is that in logs root dirs are shown as configured if they contain symlinks.

  • When an autoloaded file does not define the expected constant, Ruby clears state differently starting with Ruby 3.1. Unloading has been revised to be compatible with both behaviours.

  • Logging prints a few new traces.

2.4.2 (27 November 2020)

  • Implements Zeitwerk::Loader#on_load, which allows you to configure blocks of code to be executed after a certain class or module have been loaded:

    # config/environments/development.rb
    loader.on_load("SomeApiClient") do
      SomeApiClient.endpoint = ""
    # config/environments/production.rb
    loader.on_load("SomeApiClient") do
      SomeApiClient.endpoint = ""

    See the documentation for further details.

2.4.1 (29 October 2020)

  • Use __send__ instead of send internally.

2.4.0 (15 July 2020)

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#push_dir supports an optional namespace keyword argument. Pass a class or module object if you want the given root directory to be associated with it instead of Object. Said class or module object cannot be reloadable.

  • The default inflector is even more performant.

2.3.1 (29 June 2020)

  • Saves some unnecessary allocations made internally by MRI. See #125, by @casperisfine.

  • Documentation improvements.

  • Internal code base maintenance.

2.3.0 (3 March 2020)

  • Adds support for collapsing directories.

    For example, if booking/actions/create.rb is meant to define Booking::Create because the subdirectory actions is there only for organizational purposes, you can tell Zeitwerk with collapse:


    The method also accepts glob patterns to support standardized project structures:


    Please check the documentation for more details.

  • Eager loading is idempotent, but now you can eager load again after reloading.

2.2.2 (29 November 2019)

  • Zeitwerk::NameError#name has the name of the missing constant now.

2.2.1 (1 November 2019)

  • Zeitwerk raised NameError when a managed file did not define its expected constant. Now, it raises Zeitwerk::NameError instead, so it is possible for client code to distinguish that mismatch from a regular NameError.

    Regarding backwards compatibility, Zeitwerk::NameError is a subclass of NameError.

2.2.0 (9 October 2019)

  • The default inflectors have API to override how to camelize selected basenames:

    loader.inflector.inflect "mysql_adapter" => "MySQLAdapter"

    This addresses a common pattern, which is to use the basic inflectors with a few straightforward exceptions typically configured in a hash table or case expression. You no longer have to define a custom inflector if that is all you need.

  • Documentation improvements.

2.1.10 (6 September 2019)

  • Raises Zeitwerk::NameError with a better error message when a managed file or directory has a name that yields an invalid constant name when inflected. Zeitwerk::NameError is a subclass of NameError.

2.1.9 (16 July 2019)

  • Preloading is soft-deprecated. The use case it was thought for is no longer. Please, if you have a legit use case for it, drop me a line.

  • Root directory conflict detection among loaders takes ignored directories into account.

  • Supports classes and modules with overridden name methods.

  • Documentation improvements.

2.1.8 (29 June 2019)

  • Fixes eager loading nested root directories. The new approach in 2.1.7 introduced a regression.

2.1.7 (29 June 2019)

  • Prevent the inflector from deleting parts un multiword constants whose capitalization is the same. For example, point_2d should be inflected as Point2d, rather than Point. While the inflector is frozen, this seems to be just wrong, and the refinement should be backwards compatible, since those constants were not usable.

  • Make eager loading consistent with auto loading with regard to detecting namespaces that do not define the matching constant.

  • Documentation improvements.

2.1.6 (30 April 2019)

  • Fixed: If an eager load exclusion contained an autoload for a namespace also present in other branches that had to be eager loaded, they could be skipped.

  • loader.log! is a convenient shortcut to get traces to $stdout.

  • Allocates less strings.

2.1.5 (24 April 2019)

  • Failed autoloads raise NameError as always, but with a more user-friendly message instead of the original generic one from Ruby.

  • Eager loading uses const_get now rather than require. A file that does not define the expected constant could be eager loaded, but not autoloaded, which would be inconsistent. Thanks to @casperisfine for reporting this one and help testing the alternative.

2.1.4 (23 April 2019)

  • Supports deletion of root directories in disk after they've been configured.

    push_dir requires root directories to exist to prevent misconfigurations, but after that Zeitwerk no longer assumes they exist. This might be convenient if you removed one in a web application while a server was running.

2.1.3 (22 April 2019)

  • Documentation improvements.
  • Internal work.

2.1.2 (11 April 2019)

  • Calling reload with reloading disabled raises Zeitwerk::ReloadingDisabledError.

2.1.1 (10 April 2019)

  • Internal performance work.

2.1.0 (9 April 2019)

  • loaded_cpaths is gone, you can ask if a constant path is going to be unloaded instead with loader.to_unload?(cpath). Thanks to this refinement, Zeitwerk is able to consume even less memory. (Change included in a minor upgrade because the introspection API is not documented, and it still isn't, needs some time to settle down).

2.0.0 (7 April 2019)

  • Reloading is disabled by default. In order to be able to reload you need to opt-in by calling loader.enable_reloading before setup. The motivation for this breaking change is twofold. On one hand, this is a design decision at the interface/usage level that reflects that the majority of use cases for Zeitwerk do not need reloading. On the other hand, if reloading is not enabled, Zeitwerk is able to use less memory. Notably, this is more optimal for large web applications in production.

1.4.3 (26 March 2019)

  • Faster reload. If you're using bootsnap, requires at least version 1.4.2.

1.4.2 (23 March 2019)

  • Includes an optimization.

1.4.1 (23 March 2019)

  • Fixes concurrent autovivifications.

1.4.0 (19 March 2019)

  • Trace point optimization for singleton classes by @casperisfine. See the use case, explanation, and patch in #24.

  • Zeitwerk::Loader#do_not_eager_load provides a way to have autoloadable files and directories that should be skipped when eager loading.

1.3.4 (14 March 2019)

  • Files shadowed by previous occurrences defining the same constant path were being correctly skipped when autoloading, but not when eager loading. This has been fixed. This mimics what happens when there are two files in $LOAD_PATH with the same relative name, only the first one is loaded by require.

1.3.3 (12 March 2019)

  • Bug fix by @casperisfine: If the superclass or one of the ancestors of an explicit namespace N has an autoload set for constant C, and n/c.rb exists, the autoload for N::C proper could be missed.

1.3.2 (6 March 2019)

  • Improved documentation.

  • Zeitwerk creates at most one trace point per process, instead of one per loader. This is more performant when there are multiple gems managed by Zeitwerk.

1.3.1 (23 February 2019)

  • After module vivification, the tracer could trigger one unnecessary autoload walk.

1.3.0 (21 February 2019)

  • In addition to callables, loggers can now also be any object that responds to debug, which accepts one string argument.

1.2.0 (14 February 2019)

  • Use pretty_print in the exception message for conflicting directories.

1.2.0.beta (14 February 2019)

  • Two different loaders cannot be managing the same files. Now, Zeitwerk::Loader#push_dir raises Zeitwerk::ConflictingDirectory if it detects a conflict.

1.1.0 (14 February 2019)

  • New class attribute Zeitwerk::Loader.default_logger, inherited by newly instantiated loaders. Default is nil.
  • Traces include the loader tag in the prefix to easily distinguish them.
  • Loaders now have a tag.

1.0.0 (12 February 2019)

  • Documentation improvements.

1.0.0.beta3 (4 February 2019)

  • Documentation improvements.
  • Zeitwerk::Loader#ignore accepts glob patterns.
  • New read-only introspection method Zeitwerk::Loader.all_dirs.
  • New read-only introspection method Zeitwerk::Loader#dirs.
  • New introspection predicate Zeitwerk::Loader#loaded?(cpath).

1.0.0.beta2 (22 January 2019)

  • do_not_eager_load has been removed, please use ignore to opt-out.
  • Documentation improvements.
  • Pronunciation section in the README, linking to sample audio file.
  • All logged messages have a "Zeitwerk:" prefix for easy grepping.
  • On reload, the logger also traces constants and autoloads removed.

1.0.0.beta (18 January 2019)

  • Initial beta release.