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Using drake with RStudio Background Jobs

The Problem

I have a drake workflow with a long-running step that I want to build using the RStudio Job launcher. But without additional work, running drake::make() as an RStudio job invalidates targets that depend on functions sourced into the global environment. Running drake::make() or drake::r_make() from a standard environment after running make() inside the RStudio job launcher will again invalidate old targets, including those just built by the job launcher.

The following demonstrates the issue but requires manual intervention due to the job launcher.

Utlimately, loading dependencies into a new environment instead of the global environment allows all import dependencies to be correctly discovered and tracked by drake, as demonstrated at the end.


Start with a clean project.

if (dir.exists(".drake")) unlink(".drake", recursive = TRUE)
if (file.exists("data/mtcars.rds")) unlink("data/mtcars.rds")

The project (based on the drake mtcars example), has a couple long-running targets, regression1 and regression2 using the small and large data sets.

## # A tibble: 16 x 2
##    target             command                                              
##    <chr>              <expr>                                               
##  1 data               import_data(file_in("data/mtcars.csv"))             …
##  2 report             knitr::knit(knitr_in("report.Rmd"), file_out("report…
##  3 small              simulate(48, data)                                  …
##  4 large              simulate(64, data)                                  …
##  5 regression1_small  reg1(small)                                         …
##  6 regression1_large  reg1(large)                                         …
##  7 regression2_large  reg2(large)                                         …
##  8 regression2_small  reg2(small)                                         …
##  9 summ_regression1_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression1_large$residuals…
## 10 summ_regression1_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression1_small$residuals…
## 11 summ_regression2_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression2_large$residuals…
## 12 summ_regression2_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression2_small$residuals…
## 13 coef_regression1_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression1_large))$coeffic…
## 14 coef_regression1_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression1_small))$coeffic…
## 15 coef_regression2_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression2_large))$coeffic…
## 16 coef_regression2_… suppressWarnings(summary(regression2_small))$coeffic…

In this example, the regression targets build quickly, but in my real-world use case they could be long-running model fits or cross validation steps that potentially take hours. Because I’d rather not lock up my console for that long, I would like to build these targets in the background using the RStudio Jobs launcher. To do this, I’ve created a small script called _drake_rstudio-job.R that simply contains

make(plan, targets = c(
  "regression1_small", "regression1_large",
  "regression2_small", "regression2_large"

Starting from a clean project:

##  [1] "coef_regression1_large" "coef_regression1_small" "coef_regression2_large"
##  [4] "coef_regression2_small" "data"                   "large"                 
##  [7] "regression1_large"      "regression1_small"      "regression2_large"     
## [10] "regression2_small"      "report"                 "small"                 
## [13] "summ_regression1_large" "summ_regression1_small" "summ_regression2_large"
## [16] "summ_regression2_small"

Run _drake_rstudio-job.R in an RStudio background job.

target data
target large
target small
target regression1_large
target regression2_large
target regression1_small
target regression2_small

And then save the cache log manually.

cl <- drake::drake_cache_log()
readr::write_tsv(cl, "cache_log/01a-after-RStudio-job.log")
hash type name
a7afcfc52a180687 target data
a44bdd51b1e985e3 import import_data
7b6504d4c0dcceab target large
503a24ae76dad431 import knitr::knit
e48820305a44c4d2 import file data/mtcars.csv
7a456ee58df699be import file report.Rmd
db84c9f752635a13 import random_rows
21935c86f12692e2 import reg1
69ade4b78f15a3f9 import reg2
e1501ed9d62b846e target regression1_large
2a400716e73eac8f target regression1_small
fe8ac4561279fb68 target regression2_large
c0f94be64233efe8 target regression2_small
9b31e33768015e24 import simulate
78414659cd5e9997 target small

Run _drake_rstudio-job.R in an RStudio background job again.

All targets are already up to date.

Back in RStudio console, run

target data
target large
target small
target regression1_large
target regression2_large
target regression1_small
target regression2_small
target summ_regression1_large
target coef_regression1_large
target summ_regression2_large
target coef_regression2_large
target summ_regression1_small
target coef_regression1_small
target coef_regression2_small
target summ_regression2_small
target report

Notice that the targets we made in the RStudio job were re-made!

cl <- drake::drake_cache_log()
readr::write_tsv(cl, "cache_log/01b-after-r_make.log")

But none of the hashes changed between the RStudio background job run and the r_make() job.

bg <- readr::read_tsv("cache_log/01a-after-RStudio-job.log")
cs <- readr::read_tsv("cache_log/01b-after-r_make.log")

both <- dplyr::full_join(bg, cs, by = c("type", "name"), suffix = c(".bg", ".console"))
both <- dplyr::select(both, type, name, dplyr::everything())
type name hash.console
target data a7afcfc52a180687 a7afcfc52a180687
import import_data a44bdd51b1e985e3 a44bdd51b1e985e3
target large 7b6504d4c0dcceab 7b6504d4c0dcceab
import knitr::knit 503a24ae76dad431 503a24ae76dad431
import file data/mtcars.csv e48820305a44c4d2 e48820305a44c4d2
import file report.Rmd 7a456ee58df699be 7a456ee58df699be
import random_rows db84c9f752635a13 db84c9f752635a13
import reg1 21935c86f12692e2 21935c86f12692e2
import reg2 69ade4b78f15a3f9 69ade4b78f15a3f9
target regression1_large e1501ed9d62b846e e1501ed9d62b846e
target regression1_small 2a400716e73eac8f 2a400716e73eac8f
target regression2_large fe8ac4561279fb68 fe8ac4561279fb68
target regression2_small c0f94be64233efe8 c0f94be64233efe8
import simulate 9b31e33768015e24 9b31e33768015e24
target small 78414659cd5e9997 78414659cd5e9997
target coef_regression1_large NA 4e6e4d4c0bcda263
target coef_regression1_small NA 5ad25785a84e0cac
target coef_regression2_large NA b2662785d55b28c1
target coef_regression2_small NA 23c66b36be56905b
target file NA fa9a77f4ba63574e
target report NA f3bb623354b52fa1
target summ_regression1_large NA 065f93613f1cb914
target summ_regression1_small NA 2362318068e2692d
target summ_regression2_large NA c2c95619e31d7fa8
target summ_regression2_small NA c7dc974fa996335f

If we had paused between the background job and the second make step, we would have seen the following:

deps_profile("data", config)
## # A tibble: 4 x 4
##   hash     changed old_hash         new_hash
##   <chr>    <lgl>   <chr>            <chr>
## 1 command  FALSE   40c2ded1562d6fda 40c2ded1562d6fda
## 2 depend   TRUE    ""               4f18907a711e6c41
## 3 file_in  FALSE   a0775797ef1a5066 a0775797ef1a5066
## 4 file_out FALSE   ""               ""

deps_target("data", config)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   name            type
##   <chr>           <chr>
## 1 import_data     globals
## 2 data/mtcars.csv file_in

Expected behavior

To see what I was expecting to happen, reset the project and repeat the process without using the RStudio Job Launcher.

##  [1] "coef_regression1_large" "coef_regression1_small" "coef_regression2_large"
##  [4] "coef_regression2_small" "data"                   "large"                 
##  [7] "regression1_large"      "regression1_small"      "regression2_large"     
## [10] "regression2_small"      "report"                 "small"                 
## [13] "summ_regression1_large" "summ_regression1_small" "summ_regression2_large"
## [16] "summ_regression2_small"

I’ll use callr::rscript() as a replacement for what I expected to happen.

callr::rscript("_drake_rstudio-job.R", show = TRUE)
target data
target large
target small
target regression1_large
target regression2_large
target regression1_small
target regression2_small
target coef_regression2_small
target summ_regression1_large
target summ_regression1_small
target summ_regression2_large
target summ_regression2_small
target coef_regression1_large
target coef_regression1_small
target coef_regression2_large
target report

Possible Cause: Differences in Global Environment

I think the cause of the target invalidating is related to some global environment shenaningans that happens in the RStudio job launcher.

The script ls_GlobalEnv.R lists the global environment objects after sourcing _drake.R. Running this script from the R console returns the following.

# In fresh session
callr::rscript("ls_GlobalEnv.R", show = TRUE)
[1] ".Random.seed" "config"       "import_data"  "plan"         "r_files"     
[6] "random_rows"  "reg1"         "reg2"         "simulate"    

But running the same script in a Local RStudio Job indicates that there are additional objects added to the global environment by the RStudio Job launcher.

# Must be run manually in RStudio
rsjob <- new.env()
rstudioapi::jobRunScript("ls_GlobalEnv.R", workingDir = getwd(), exportEnv = "rsjob")
 [1] ".Random.seed"       "config"             "emitProgress"      
 [4] "import_data"        "plan"               "r_files"           
 [7] "random_rows"        "reg1"               "reg2"              
[10] "simulate"           "sourceWithProgress"

In particular, emitProgress and sourceWithProgress.

Possible Resolution: Source function dependencies into specific environment

A possible solution (workaround?) is demonstrated in _drake_env.R, where a specific environment is created to hold the project’s function dependencies.

drake_env <- new.env()

r_files <- fs::dir_ls("R")
purrr::walk(r_files, sys.source, envir = drake_env)

We then need to point drake to this environment in drake_config(), make(), etc. with the envir argument.

config <- drake_config(plan, envir = drake_env)

Having done this, the plan is now made reproducibly using RStudio Jobs.


Run _drake_env.R in an RStudio background job

target data
target large
target small
target regression1_large
target regression2_large
target regression1_small
target regression2_small

and again save the state of the drake cache after this step (not shown, but stored here).

cl <- drake::drake_cache_log()
readr::write_tsv(cl, "cache_log/02a-after-RStudio-job.log")

Running make again will now correctly build only the unbuilt targets.

callr::r_safe(function() {
  make(config = config)
}, show = TRUE)
target coef_regression2_small
target summ_regression1_large
target summ_regression1_small
target summ_regression2_large
target summ_regression2_small
target coef_regression1_large
target coef_regression1_small
target coef_regression2_large
target report
cl <- drake::drake_cache_log()
readr::write_tsv(cl, "cache_log/02b-after-make.log")

(View cache log.)


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