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Bug Fix Oct,12,2021.

Previous data loader uses 512 image resolution rather than 1333 image resolution. New data loader has been updated.


please choose --output_dir for training. Otherwise, the checkpoint and log will not been stored.

New Data augmentation following Pix2Seq (Oct 15)

Large Jitter and Color Augmenatation still under testing. Results will be shared later.

This augmentation contain serious bug. We are rewriting a new data augmentation pipeline and will release it after fully testing.

News on new augmentation (Oct 29)

With new augmentation, Stable-Pix2seq can achieve 36 mAP at 256 epoch. Beam search will additionly improve 1-2 mAP. The estimated mAP is 37-38mAP at 256 epoch. The new augmentation will be released in several weeks.

Final pix2seq with pretrained model is released(Nov 3)

Pretrained Pix2Seq. Pretrain Pix2seq repo contain many differences with this version of release which can improve mAP by 7-10. That's the reason we decide to recreate a new repo holding new code and pre-trained model.


A full-fledged version of Pix2Seq

What it is. This is a full-fledged version of Pix2Seq. Compared with unofficial-pix2seq, stable-pix2seq contain most of the tricks mentioned in Pix2Seq like Sequence Augmentation, Batch Repretation, Warmup, Linear decay leanring rate and beam search(to be add later).

Difference between Pix2Seq. In sequence augmentation, we only augment random bounding box while original paper will mix with virual box from ground truth plus noise. Pix2seq also use input sequence dropout to regularize the training process.

Usage - Object detection

There are no extra compiled components in Stable-Pix2Seq and package dependencies are minimal, so the code is very simple to use. We provide instructions how to install dependencies via conda. First, clone the repository locally:

git clone https:/gaopengcuhk/Stable-Pix2Seq.git

Then, install PyTorch 1.5+ and torchvision 0.6+:

conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision

Install pycocotools (for evaluation on COCO) and scipy (for training):

conda install cython scipy
pip install -U 'git+https:/cocodataset/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI'

That's it, should be good to train and evaluate detection models.

Data preparation

Download and extract COCO 2017 train and val images with annotations from We expect the directory structure to be the following:

  annotations/  # annotation json files
  train2017/    # train images
  val2017/      # val images


To train baseline Stable-Pix2Seq on a single node with 8 gpus for 300 epochs run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port=3141 --nproc_per_node 8 --use_env --coco_path ./coco/ --batch_size 4 --lr 0.0005 --output_dir ./output/

A single epoch takes 50 minutes on 8 V100, so 300 epoch training takes around 10 days on a single machine with 8 V100 cards.

Why slower than DETR and Unofficial-Pix2Seq?. Stable-Pix2Seq use batch repeat which double the training time. Besides, stable-pix2seq use 1333 image resolution will the time report in unofficial-pix2seq is trained on low resolution 512.

We train DETR with AdamW setting learning rate using a linear warmup and decay schedule. Due to batch repeat, the real barch size is 64. Horizontal flips, scales and crops are used for augmentation. Images are rescaled to have min size 800 and max size 1333. The transformer is trained with dropout of 0.1, and the whole model is trained with grad clip of 0.1.

Please use the learning rate 0.0005 with causion. It is tested on batch 198.


To evaluate Stable-Pix2Seq R50 on COCO val5k with multiple GPU run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port=3142 --nproc_per_node 8 --use_env --coco_path ./coco/ --batch_size 4 --eval --resume checkpoint.pth




A full-fledged version of Pix2Seq







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