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Enhances the johnny-five framework with HT16K33 display support for 14-segment alphanumeric displays.


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HT16K33 Display Library

Table of Contents


This HT16K33 Display Library is a JavaScript module designed to interface with the HT16K33 Quad 14 Segment Alphanumeric Display Module using the Johnny-Five robotics and IoT library. This library provides a class-based structure to easily control and manipulate the display, offering functionalities such as setting blink rates, adjusting brightness, displaying characters and text, scrolling messages, and clearing the display.


Gareth Blake Hall


  • Class-Based Structure: Encapsulates all display functionalities within a reusable class.
  • Blink Rate Control: Set the display to blink at various rates or remain steady.
  • Brightness Adjustment: Dynamically adjust the display brightness from minimum to maximum.
  • Character Display: Render individual characters with optional decimal points.
  • Text Display: Show up to four characters simultaneously.
  • Text Scrolling: Scroll longer messages across the display.
  • Display Clearing: Easily clear all segments and decimal points.
  • Debugging Support: Logs I2C communication data in binary format for troubleshooting.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https:/gbhall/johnny-five.git
    cd johnny-five
  2. Install Dependencies:

    Ensure you have Node.js installed. Then, install the necessary packages:

    npm install johnny-five
  3. Library Files:

    Ensure that the following files are present in your project directory:

    • ht16k33.js — The main display control class.
    • bitmap.js — Contains the bitmap mappings for characters.

    Note: Ensure that the bitmap.js file is correctly referenced in ht16k33.js.


Importing the Library

First, import the HT16K33Display class into your project:

const five = require("johnny-five");
const HT16K33Display = require('./ht16k33'); // Adjust the path as necessary

Initializing the Display

Initialize the Johnny-Five board and the HT16K33 display within the board's ready event:

const board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  // Initialize the HT16K33 Display
  const display = new HT16K33Display(this);
  // Optionally set initial blink rate and brightness
  display.setBlinkRate(HT16K33.BLINK_OFF); // No blink
  display.setBrightness(15); // Maximum brightness
  // Your additional code here...

Control Methods

Setting Blink Rate

Control the blink rate of the display. Available rates:

  • HT16K33.BLINK_OFF (0): No blinking.
  • HT16K33.BLINK_2HZ (1): 2 Hz blink.
  • HT16K33.BLINK_1HZ (2): 1 Hz blink.
  • HT16K33.BLINK_HALFHZ (3): 0.5 Hz blink.
// Turn off blinking

// Set to blink at 1 Hz

Setting Brightness

Adjust the brightness level of the display. Brightness levels range from 0 (minimum) to 15 (maximum).

// Set brightness to half

// Set brightness to maximum

Writing Characters

Display a single character at a specified position with an optional decimal point.

// Write 'A' to position 0 without DP
display.writeCharacter('A', 0, false);

// Write '3' to position 1 with DP
display.writeCharacter('3', 1, true);

Writing Text

Display a string of up to four characters with optional decimal points for each character.

// Display "A3B2" with DPs on 'A' and 'B'
display.writeText("A3B2", [true, false, true, false]);

Scrolling Text

Scroll a longer text message across the display at specified intervals.

// Start scrolling "HELLO" with no DPs and 500ms interval
const scrollInterval = display.scrollText("HELLO", 500, [false, false, false, false], false);

// To stop scrolling after one complete cycle
// const scrollInterval = display.scrollText("HELLO", 500, [false, false, false, false], true);

Clearing the Display

Clear all characters and decimal points from the display.


API Documentation

HT16K33Display Class

The HT16K33Display class provides methods to control the HT16K33 Quad 14 Segment Alphanumeric Display.


new HT16K33Display(board, address = 0x70)
  • Parameters:

    • board (object): The Johnny-Five board instance.
    • address (number, optional): The I2C address of the HT16K33 display. Default is 0x70.
  • Description: Initializes the display by configuring I2C communication, turning on the oscillator, setting the blink rate, and initializing brightness.


  • Parameters:

    • rate (number): Blink rate setting.
      • HT16K33.BLINK_OFF (0): No blinking.
      • HT16K33.BLINK_2HZ (1): 2 Hz blink.
      • HT16K33.BLINK_1HZ (2): 1 Hz blink.
      • HT16K33.BLINK_HALFHZ (3): 0.5 Hz blink.
  • Description: Sets the blink rate of the display based on predefined constants.

  • Parameters:

    • level (number): Brightness level (0 to 15).
  • Description: Adjusts the brightness of the display. Ensures that the brightness level stays within the valid range.

writeCharacter(char, position, dot = false)
writeCharacter(char, position, dot = false)
  • Parameters:

    • char (string): The character to display.
    • position (number): The display position (0 to 3).
    • dot (boolean, optional): Whether to illuminate the decimal point (DP). Default is false.
  • Description: Writes a single character to a specified position on the display, optionally activating the DP.

writeText(str, dots = [])
writeText(str, dots = [])
  • Parameters:

    • str (string): The string to display (maximum 4 characters).
    • dots (array of boolean, optional): Indicates which characters have DPs (e.g., [false, true, false, true]).
  • Description: Displays a string on the 4x14 segment display, handling up to four characters and their respective DPs.

scrollText(text, interval = 500, dots = [], stop = false)
scrollText(text, interval = 500, dots = [], stop = false)
  • Parameters:

    • text (string): The text to scroll.
    • interval (number, optional): Interval in milliseconds between scroll steps. Default is 500.
    • dots (array of boolean, optional): Indicates which characters have DPs.
    • stop (boolean, optional): Whether to stop scrolling after one complete cycle. Default is false.
  • Returns:

    • Interval ID (object): The Interval ID for the scrolling process, which can be used to stop scrolling.
  • Description: Scrolls a given text across the display at specified intervals. Pads the text with spaces to ensure smooth scrolling.

  • Description: Clears all characters and DPs from the display by writing zeros to all segment registers.
  • Parameters:

    • byte (number): The byte to convert.
  • Returns:

    • string: Binary representation of the byte with leading zeros.
  • Description: Converts a byte to its binary string representation, prefixed with 0b and padded with leading zeros for consistency in logging.


Below is an example demonstrating how to use the HT16K33Display class within a Johnny-Five board setup. This example initializes the display, sets blink rate and brightness, displays text, scrolls a message, and handles graceful shutdown.

// example.js

const five = require("johnny-five");
const HT16K33Display = require('./ht16k33'); // Adjust the path as necessary

const board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  // Initialize the HT16K33 Display
  const display = new HT16K33Display(this);

  // Set blink rate to 1 Hz

  // Set brightness to medium

  // Display "Hi! "
  display.writeText("Hi! ", [false, false, false, false]);

  // Scroll "Welcome" across the display every 500ms
  const scrollInterval = display.scrollText("Welcome", 500, [false, false, false, false], false);

  // Stop scrolling after 10 seconds
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("Scrolling stopped and display cleared.");
  }, 10000);

Running the Example:

  1. Ensure Hardware Connection:

    • Connect the HT16K33 display module via I2C to your microcontroller (e.g., Arduino).
  2. Execute the Script:

    node example.js

Expected Behavior:

  • The display will blink at 1 Hz.
  • Brightness is set to a medium level.
  • The text "Hi! " is displayed initially.
  • The word "Welcome" scrolls across the display every 500 milliseconds.
  • After 10 seconds, scrolling stops, and the display is cleared.


Common Issues

  1. I2C Communication Errors:

    • Symptom: Display not responding or showing unexpected characters.
    • Solution:
      • Verify the I2C connections between the microcontroller and the display.
      • Ensure the correct I2C address is used (0x70 by default).
      • Check for loose wires or faulty connections.
  2. Brightness Not Adjusting:

    • Symptom: Changes in brightness level have no effect.
    • Solution:
      • Confirm that the setBrightness method is called with valid values (0 to 15).
      • Ensure that the display is properly initialized.
  3. Blink Rate Not Changing:

    • Symptom: Display does not blink or blinks at incorrect rates.
    • Solution:
      • Ensure that the setBlinkRate method is called with valid constants (HT16K33.BLINK_OFF, HT16K33.BLINK_2HZ, etc.).
      • Verify I2C communication.
  4. Display Not Clearing:

    • Symptom: Characters remain displayed even after calling clearDisplay.
    • Solution:
      • Check the clearDisplay method implementation for correctness.
      • Ensure no other parts of the code are writing to the display concurrently.

Debugging Tips

  • Enable Verbose Logging:

    • Utilize the toBinary method within the class to log I2C commands and verify correct data transmission.
  • Use a Multimeter:

    • Verify voltage levels on the I2C lines to ensure proper communication.
  • Simplify Your Code:

    • Start with basic functionality (e.g., displaying a single character) to isolate issues before implementing more complex features.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Enhances the johnny-five framework with HT16K33 display support for 14-segment alphanumeric displays.







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