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Out of the box starting point for managing Zodiac Roles permissions


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Out of the box starting point for managing Zodiac Roles permissions

Keep the configuration of your Zodiac Roles Modifier as declarative statements in code. The provided tooling automatically applies updates in a consistent and efficient way.

Learn more about the motivation behind this approach in our blog "Permissions as Code".

Getting Started

Use this template to create a repository for your roles configuration.

Initial Setup

After creating your own repository, clone it to work locally and open the project in a code editor such as VSCode.

To initialize the project, open a terminal window and run the following command in the project root directory:
yarn (If you encounter a 'command not found' error, ensure that you have installed Yarn and try again.)

Creating a New Role

Roles are defined as folders in the roles/ directory. Folder names correspond to role keys. The template includes two example roles: eth_wrapping and position_management. You can either rename these folders or create new ones for your role. Inside the role folder, create or edit the permissions.ts file with the following boilerplate content:

export default [
  // <- define your permissions here
] satisfies Permissions;

Configuring Allowed Target Contracts

As a preparatory step before actually defining the role permissions, configure the addresses of all contracts you want to allow calling to. Then, you can run a command that fetches the ABIs of these contracts. This will provide automatic suggestions and correctness checks while authoring permissions.

Open contracts.ts in the editor and add labels and addresses of any contracts you plan to use as targets in your permissions. At the top level of the exported object, define the host blockchain. The following values are supported: mainnet, gnosis, polygon, arbitrumOne, avalanche, base, polygonMumbai, sepolia

Then, insert all target contract addresses as records using recognizable labels:

import type { Contracts } from "./.lib/types";

export default {
  mainnet: {
    // <label>: "<contract address>",
    weth: "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2",

    // Optionally, group contracts in labeled categories:
    uniswap: {
      positions_nft: "0xC36442b4a4522E871399CD717aBDD847Ab11FE88",
} satisfies Contracts;

The following values are supported:

  1. Save your changes in the contracts.ts file and run the following command in the terminal window:
    yarn setup
  2. Open the VSCode command palette:
    Mac: Cmd + Shift + P
    Windows: Ctrl + Shift + P
  3. Type restart and select the option TypeScript: Restart TS server from the suggestions list

Edit Permissions

In the permissions.ts for your role, type allow.. You will see suggestions appearing next to your cursor. Select the path to the target contract as previously defined in contracts.ts.

Using suggestion to complete permissions

If the suggestions you see in the editor do not match the structure of your contracts.ts records, ensure you have followed the three steps described above.

Set Conditions on Parameters

To limit allowed values for individual function parameters, you can use the Roles Modifier's conditions system. Condition functions are available under the global c variable.

Read more about conditions in the documentation.

Apply Updates

Once you have defined all permissions for the role, you can apply the update to your Roles mod. If you need to set up a new Roles mod from scratch, refer to this tutorial.

In your terminal, run the following command:

yarn apply <role_key> <prefixed_address>

For example, to apply the role eth_wrapping to a mainnet Roles mod at address 0x1234123412341234123412341234123412341234:

yarn apply eth_wrapping eth:0x1234123412341234123412341234123412341234

This will direct you to the Roles app, where you can review the updates that will be made to your role and confirm them by signing the apply transaction.

Applying permissions for the first time will create a new role. Subsequent applications will update the existing role, efficiently removing, updating, and adding permissions so that the role configuration on chain accurately reflects the permissions defined in code.

Folder Structure and Conventions

  • contracts.ts – Lists all contracts that are used as targets in permissions
  • roles/ – Host directory for role configurations
    • role_key/ – Each subfolder represents a distinct role. The folder name will be used as the role key.

There are some additional files and folders in the template repository, which you won't usually need to edit. They contain the necessary wiring for automatically applying the permissions.

Role Keys

In the Zodiac Roles Modifier, every role is identified by a bytes32 string. Choose a role key that accurately describes the purpose of the role. We recommend using only the following characters for role keys: a...z, 0...9, _ The length must be less than 32 characters.

Prefixed Addresses

The Roles tooling adopts EIP-3770 chain-specific addresses for identifying a contract on a specific chain in a compact way:


Chain prefixes for the supported chains are as follows:

  • Mainnet: eth
  • Gnosis Chain: gno
  • Polygon: matic
  • Arbitrum One: arb1
  • Avalanche: avax
  • Base: base
  • Polygon Mumbai Testnet: maticMumbai
  • Sepolia Testnet: sep


Out of the box starting point for managing Zodiac Roles permissions





