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Other Functions and Classes

Asserts that the tensors have the correct rank and compatible shapes.

Shapes (of equal rank) are compatible if corresponding dimensions are all equal or unspecified. E.g. [2, 3] is compatible with all of [2, 3], [None, 3], [2, None] and [None, None].

  • tensors: List of tensors.
  • rank: A scalar specifying the rank that the tensors passed need to have.
  • ValueError: If the list of tensors is empty or fail the rank and mutual compatibility asserts.

Equivalent to values[:, indices].

Performs indexing on batches and sequence-batches by reducing over zero-masked values. Compared to indexing with tf.gather this approach is more general and TPU-friendly, but may be less efficient if num_values is large. It works with tensors whose shapes are unspecified or partially-specified, but this op will only do shape checking on shape information available at graph construction time. When complete shape information is absent, certain shape incompatibilities may not be detected at runtime! See indexing_ops_test for detailed examples.

  • values: tensor of shape [B, num_values] or [T, B, num_values]
  • indices: tensor of shape [B] or [T, B] containing indices.
  • keepdims: If True, the returned tensor will have an added 1 dimension at the end (e.g. [B, 1] or [T, B, 1]).

Tensor of shape [B] or [T, B] containing values for the given indices.

  • Raises: ValueError if values and indices have sizes that are known statically (i.e. during graph construction), and those sizes are not compatible (see shape descriptions in Args list above).

Extract as much static shape information from a tensor as possible.

  • tensor: A Tensor. If with_rank is None, must have statically-known number of dimensions.
  • with_rank: Optional, an integer number of dimensions to force the shape to be. Useful for tensors with no static shape information that must be of a particular rank. Default is None (number of dimensions must be statically known).

An iterable with length equal to the number of dimensions in tensor, containing integers for the dimensions with statically-known size, and scalar Tensors for dimensions with size only known at run-time.

  • ValueError: If with_rank is None and tensor does not have statically-known number of dimensions.

Implements Distributional Double Q-learning as TensorFlow ops.

The function assumes categorical value distributions parameterized by logits, and combines distributional RL with double Q-learning.

See "Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning" by Hessel, Modayil, van Hasselt, Schaul et al. (

  • atoms_tm1: 1-D tensor containing atom values for first timestep, shape [num_atoms].
  • logits_q_tm1: Tensor holding logits for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B, num_actions, num_atoms].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • atoms_t: 1-D tensor containing atom values for second timestep, shape [num_atoms].
  • logits_q_t: Tensor holding logits for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B, num_actions, num_atoms].
  • q_t_selector: Tensor holding another set of Q-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B, num_actions]. These values are used for estimating the best action. In Double DQN they come from the online network.
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: Tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: Tensor containing the values that q_tm1 at actions a_tm1 are regressed towards, shape [B, num_atoms] .
  • ValueError: If the tensors do not have the correct rank or compatibility.

Implements Distributional Q-learning as TensorFlow ops.

The function assumes categorical value distributions parameterized by logits.

See "A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning" by Bellemare, Dabney and Munos. (

  • atoms_tm1: 1-D tensor containing atom values for first timestep, shape [num_atoms].
  • logits_q_tm1: Tensor holding logits for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B, num_actions, num_atoms].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • atoms_t: 1-D tensor containing atom values for second timestep, shape [num_atoms].
  • logits_q_t: Tensor holding logits for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B, num_actions, num_atoms].
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: a tensor containing the values that q_tm1 at actions a_tm1 are regressed towards, shape [B, num_atoms].
  • ValueError: If the tensors do not have the correct rank or compatibility.

Implements Distributional TD-learning as TensorFlow ops.

The function assumes categorical value distributions parameterized by logits.

See "A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning" by Bellemare, Dabney and Munos. (

  • atoms_tm1: 1-D tensor containing atom values for first timestep, shape [num_atoms].
  • logits_v_tm1: Tensor holding logits for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B, num_atoms].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • atoms_t: 1-D tensor containing atom values for second timestep, shape [num_atoms].
  • logits_v_t: Tensor holding logits for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B, num_atoms].
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: Tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: A namedtuple with fields:
    • target: Tensor containing the values that v_tm1 are regressed towards, shape [B, num_atoms].
  • ValueError: If the tensors do not have the correct rank or compatibility.

Computes the entropy 'loss' for a batch of policy logits.

Given a batch of policy logits, calculates the entropy and corrects the sign so that minimizing the resulting loss op is equivalent to increasing entropy in the batch. This loss is optionally normalised to the range [-1, 0] by dividing by the log number of actions. This makes it more invariant to the size of the action space.

This function accepts a nested array of policy_logits in order to allow for multiple discrete actions. In this case, the loss is given by -sum_i(H(p_i)) where p_i are members of the policy_logits nest and H is the Shannon entropy.

  • policy_logits: A (possibly nested structure of) (N+1)-D Tensor(s) with shape [..., A], representing the log-probabilities of a set of Categorical distributions, where ... represents at least one dimension (e.g., batch, sequence), and A is the number of discrete actions (which need not be identical across all tensors). Does not need to be centered.
  • normalise: If True, divide the loss by the sum_i(log(A_i)) where A_i is the number of actions for the i'th tensor in the policy_logits nest. Default is False.
  • name: Optional, name of this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: Entropy 'loss', shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • entropy: Entropy of the policy, shape [B].

Computes a batch of discrete-action policy gradient losses.

See notes by Silver et al here:

From slide 41, denoting by policy the probability distribution with log-probabilities policy_logit:

*   `action` should have been sampled according to `policy`.
*   `action_value` can be any estimate of `Q^{policy}(s, a)`, potentially
    minus a baseline that doesn't depend on the action. This admits
    many possible algorithms:
    * `v_t` (Monte-Carlo return for time t) : REINFORCE
    * `Q^w(s, a)` : Q Actor-Critic
    * `v_t - V(s)` : Monte-Carlo Advantage Actor-Critic
    * `A^{GAE(gamma, lambda)}` : Generalized Avantage Actor Critic
    * + many more.

Gradients for this op are only defined with respect to the policy_logits, not actions or action_values.

This op supports multiple batch dimensions. The first N >= 1 dimensions of each input/output tensor index into independent values. All tensors must having matching sizes for each batch dimension.

  • policy_logits: (N+1)-D Tensor of shape [batch_size_1, ..., batch_size_N, num_actions] containing uncentered log-probabilities.
  • actions: N-D Tensor of shape [batch_size_1, ..., batch_size_N] and integer type, containing indices for the selected actions.
  • action_values: N-D Tensor of shape [batch_size_1, ..., batch_size_N] containing an estimate of the value of the selected actions.
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.
  • loss: N-D Tensor of shape [batch_size_1, ..., batch_size_N] containing the loss. Differentiable w.r.t policy_logits only.
  • ValueError: If the batch dimensions of policy_logits and action_values do not match.

Computes discrete policy gradient losses for a batch of trajectories.

This wraps discrete_policy_gradient to accept a possibly nested array of policy_logits and actions in order to allow for multiple discrete actions. It also sums up losses along the time dimension, and is more restrictive about shapes, assuming a [T, B] layout.

  • policy_logits: A (possibly nested structure of) Tensor(s) of shape [T, B, num_actions] containing uncentered log-probabilities.
  • actions: A (possibly nested structure of) Tensor(s) of shape [T, B] and integer type, containing indices for the selected actions.
  • action_values: Tensor of shape [T, B] containing an estimate of the value of the selected actions, see discrete_policy_gradient.
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.
  • loss: Tensor of shape [B] containing the total loss for each sequence in the batch. Differentiable w.r.t policy_logits only.

Implements the double Q-learning loss as a TensorFlow op.

The loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between q_tm1[a_tm1] and the target r_t + pcont_t * q_t_value[argmax q_t_selector].

See "Double Q-learning" by van Hasselt. (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding Q-values for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • q_t_value: Tensor of Q-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions, used to estimate the value of the best action, shape [B x num_actions].
  • q_t_selector: Tensor of Q-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions used to estimate the best action, shape [B x num_actions].
  • name: name to prefix ops created within this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [B]
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B]
    • best_action: batch of greedy actions wrt q_t_selector, shape [B]

Implements the Deterministic Policy Gradient (DPG) loss as a TensorFlow Op.

This op implements the loss for the actor, the critic can instead be updated by minimizing the value_ops.td_learning loss.

See "Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithms" by Silver, Lever, Heess, Degris, Wierstra, Riedmiller (

  • q_max: Tensor holding Q-values generated by Q network with the input of (state, a_max) pair, shape [B].
  • a_max: Tensor holding the optimal action, shape [B, action_dimension].
  • dqda_clipping: int or float, clips the gradient dqda element-wise between [-dqda_clipping, dqda_clipping].
  • clip_norm: Whether to perform dqda clipping on the vector norm of the last dimension, or component wise (default).
  • name: name to prefix ops created within this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • q_max: Tensor holding the optimal Q values, [B].
    • a_max: Tensor holding the optimal action, [B, action_dimension].
    • dqda: Tensor holding the derivative dq/da, [B, action_dimension].
  • ValueError: If q_max doesn't depend on a_max or if dqda_clipping <= 0.

Computes an epsilon-greedy distribution over actions.

This returns a categorical distribution over a discrete action space. It is assumed that the trailing dimension of action_values is of length A, i.e. the number of actions. It is also assumed that actions are 0-indexed.

This policy does the following:

  • With probability 1 - epsilon, take the action corresponding to the highest action value, breaking ties uniformly at random.
  • With probability epsilon, take an action uniformly at random.
  • action_values: A Tensor of action values with any rank >= 1 and dtype float. Shape can be flat ([A]), batched ([B, A]), a batch of sequences ([T, B, A]), and so on.
  • epsilon: A scalar Tensor (or Python float) with value between 0 and 1.
  • legal_actions_mask: An optional one-hot tensor having the shame shape and dtypes as action_values, defining the legal actions: legal_actions_mask[..., a] = 1 if a is legal, 0 otherwise. If not provided, all actions will be considered legal and tf.ones_like(action_values).
  • policy: tfp.distributions.Categorical distribution representing the policy.

Computes lambda-returns along a batch of (chunks of) trajectories.

For lambda=1 these will be multistep returns looking ahead from each state to the end of the chunk, where bootstrap_value is used. If you pass an entire trajectory and zeros for bootstrap_value, this is just the Monte-Carlo return / TD(1) target.

For lambda=0 these are one-step TD(0) targets.

For inbetween values of lambda these are lambda-returns / TD(lambda) targets, except that traces are always cut off at the end of the chunk, since we can't see returns beyond then. If you pass an entire trajectory with zeros for bootstrap_value though, then they're plain TD(lambda) targets.

lambda can also be a tensor of values in [0, 1], determining the mix of bootstrapping vs further accumulation of multistep returns at each timestep. This can be used to implement Retrace and other algorithms. See sequence_ops.multistep_forward_view for more info on this. Another way to think about the end-of-chunk cutoff is that lambda is always effectively zero on the timestep after the end of the chunk, since at the end of the chunk we rely entirely on bootstrapping and can't accumulate returns looking further into the future.

The sequences in the tensors should be aligned such that an agent in a state with value V transitions into another state with value V', receiving reward r and pcontinue p. Then V, r and p are all at the same index i in the corresponding tensors. V' is at index i+1, or in the bootstrap_value tensor if i == T.

Subtracting values from these lambda-returns will yield estimates of the advantage function which can be used for both the policy gradient loss and the baseline value function loss in A3C / GAE.

  • rewards: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • pcontinues: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • values: 2-D Tensor containing estimates of the state values for timesteps 0 to T-1. Shape [T, B].
  • bootstrap_value: 1-D Tensor containing an estimate of the value of the final state at time T, used for bootstrapping the target n-step returns. Shape [B].
  • lambda_: an optional scalar or 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.

2-D Tensor with shape [T, B]

Calculates huber loss of input_tensor.

For each value x in input_tensor, the following is calculated:

  0.5 * x^2                  if |x| <= d
  0.5 * d^2 + d * (|x| - d)  if |x| > d

where d is quadratic_linear_boundary.

When input_tensor is a loss this results in a form of gradient clipping. This is, for instance, how gradients are clipped in DQN and its variants.

  • input_tensor: Tensor, input values to calculate the huber loss on.
  • quadratic_linear_boundary: float, the point where the huber loss function changes from a quadratic to linear.
  • name: string, name for the operation (optional).

Tensor of the same shape as input_tensor, containing values calculated in the manner described above.

  • ValueError: if quadratic_linear_boundary <= 0.

Evaluates complex backups (forward view of eligibility traces).

result[t] = rewards[t] +
    pcontinues[t]*(lambda_[t]*result[t+1] + (1-lambda_[t])*state_values[t])
result[last] = rewards[last] + pcontinues[last]*state_values[last]

This operation evaluates multistep returns where lambda_ parameter controls mixing between full returns and boostrapping. It is users responsibility to provide state_values. Depending on how state_values are evaluated this function can evaluate targets for Q(lambda), Sarsa(lambda) or some other multistep boostrapping algorithm.

More information about a forward view is given here:

Please note that instead of evaluating traces and then explicitly summing them we instead evaluate mixed returns in the reverse temporal order by using the recurrent relationship given above.

The parameter lambda_ can either be a constant value (e.g for Peng's Q(lambda) and Sarsa(_lambda)) or alternatively it can be a tensor containing arbitrary values (Watkins' Q(lambda), Munos' Retrace, etc).

The result of evaluating this recurrence relation is a weighted sum of n-step returns, as depicted in the diagram below. One strategy to prove this equivalence notes that many of the terms in adjacent n-step returns "telescope", or cancel out, when the returns are summed.

Below L3 is lambda at time step 3 (important: this diagram is 1-indexed, not 0-indexed like Python). If lambda is scalar then L1=L2=...=Ln. g1,...,gn are discounts.

Weights:  (1-L1)        (1-L2)*l1      (1-L3)*l1*l2  ...  L1*L2*...*L{n-1}
Returns:    |r1*(g1)+     |r1*(g1)+      |r1*(g1)+          |r1*(g1)+
          v1*(g1)         |r2*(g1*g2)+   |r2*(g1*g2)+       |r2*(g1*g2)+
                        v2*(g1*g2)       |r3*(g1*g2*g3)+    |r3*(g1*g2*g3)+
                                       v3*(g1*g2*g3)               ...
  • rewards: Tensor of shape [T, B] containing rewards.
  • pcontinues: Tensor of shape [T, B] containing discounts.
  • state_values: Tensor of shape [T, B] containing state values.
  • lambda_: Mixing parameter lambda. The parameter can either be a scalar or a Tensor of shape [T, B] if mixing is a function of state.
  • back_prop: Whether to backpropagate.
  • sequence_lengths: Tensor of shape [B] containing sequence lengths to be (reversed and then) summed, same as in scan_discounted_sum.
  • name: Sets the name_scope for this op.
Tensor of shape `[T, B]` containing multistep returns.

Returns an op to periodically update a list of target variables.

The update_target_variables op is executed every update_period executions of the periodic_target_update op.

The update rule is: target_variable = (1 - tau) * target_variable + tau * source_variable.

  • target_variables: a list of the variables to be updated.
  • source_variables: a list of the variables used for the update.
  • update_period: inverse frequency with which to apply the update.
  • tau: weight used to gate the update. The permitted range is 0 < tau <= 1, with small tau representing an incremental update, and tau == 1 representing a full update (that is, a straight copy).
  • use_locking: use tf.variable.Assign's locking option when assigning source variable values to target variables.
  • counter: an optional tensorflow variable to use as a counter relative to update_period, which be passed to periodic_ops.periodically. See description in periodic_ops.periodically for details.
  • name: sets the name_scope for this op.

An op that periodically updates target_variables with source_variables.

Periodically performs a tensorflow op.

The body tensorflow op will be executed every period times the periodically op is executed. More specifically, with n the number of times the op has been executed, the body will be executed when n is a non zero positive multiple of period (i.e. there exist an integer k > 0 such that k * period == n).

If period is 0 or None, it would not perform any op and would return a tf.no_op().

  • body: callable that returns the tensorflow op to be performed every time an internal counter is divisible by the period. The op must have no output (for example, a
  • period: inverse frequency with which to perform the op.
  • counter: an optional tensorflow variable to use as a counter relative to the period. It will be incremented per call and reset to 1 in every update. In order to ensure that body is run in the first count, initialize the counter at a value bigger than period. If not given, an internal counter will be created in the graph. (not that this is incompatible with Tensorflow 2 behavior)
  • name: name of the variable_scope.
  • TypeError: if body is not a callable.
  • ValueError: if period is negative.

An op that periodically performs the specified op.

Implements the persistent Q-learning loss as a TensorFlow op.

The loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between q_tm1[a_tm1] and r_t + pcont_t * [(1-action_gap_scale) max q_t + action_gap_scale qa_t]

See "Increasing the Action Gap: New Operators for Reinforcement Learning" by Bellemare, Ostrovski, Guez et al. (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding Q-values for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • q_t: Tensor holding Q-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions]. These values are used for estimating the value of the best action. In DQN they come from the target network.
  • action_gap_scale: coefficient in [0, 1] for scaling the action gap term.
  • name: name to prefix ops created within this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].

Calculate n-step Q-learning loss for pixel control auxiliary task.

For each pixel-based pseudo reward signal, the corresponding action-value function is trained off-policy, using Q(lambda). A discount of 0.9 is commonly used for learning the value functions.

Note that, since pseudo rewards have a spatial structure, with neighbouring cells exhibiting strong correlations, it is convenient to predict the action values for all the cells through a deconvolutional head.

See "Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Auxiliary Tasks" by Jaderberg, Mnih, Czarnecki et al. (

  • observations: A tensor of shape [T+1,B, ...]; ... is the observation shape, T the sequence length, and B the batch size. T and B can be statically unknown for observations, actions and action_values.
  • actions: A tensor, shape [T,B], of the actions across each sequence.
  • action_values: A tensor, shape [T+1,B,H,W,N] of pixel control action values, where H, W are the number of pixel control cells/tasks, and N is the number of actions.
  • cell_size: size of the cells used to derive the pixel based pseudo-rewards.
  • discount_factor: discount used for learning the value function associated to the pseudo rewards; must be a scalar or a Tensor of shape [T,B].
  • scale: scale factor for pixels in observations.
  • crop_height_dim: tuple (min_height, max_height) specifying how to crop the input observations before computing the pseudo-rewards.
  • crop_width_dim: tuple (min_width, max_width) specifying how to crop the input observations before computing the pseudo-rewards.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].
  • ValueError: if the shape of action_values is not compatible with that of the pseudo-rewards derived from the observations.

Calculates pixel control task rewards from observation sequence.

The observations are first split in a grid of KxK cells. For each cell a distinct pseudo reward is computed as the average absolute change in pixel intensity for all pixels in the cell. The change in intensity is averaged across both pixels and channels (e.g. RGB).

The observations provided to this function should be cropped suitably, to ensure that the observations' height and width are a multiple of cell_size. The values of the observations tensor should be rescaled to [0, 1]. In the UNREAL agent observations are cropped to 80x80, and each cell is 4x4 in size.

See "Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Auxiliary Tasks" by Jaderberg, Mnih, Czarnecki et al. (

  • observations: A tensor of shape [T+1,B,H,W,C...], where
    • T is the sequence length, B is the batch size.
    • H is height, W is width.
    • C... is at least one channel dimension (e.g., colour, stack).
    • T and B can be statically unknown.
  • cell_size: The size of each cell.

A tensor of pixel control rewards calculated from the observation. The shape is [T,B,H',W'], where H' and W' are determined by the cell_size. If evenly-divisible, H' = H/cell_size, and similar for W.

Calculates entropy 'loss' for policies represented by a distributions.

Given a (possible nested structure of) batch(es) of policies, this calculates the total entropy and corrects the sign so that minimizing the resulting loss op is equivalent to increasing entropy in the batch.

This function accepts a nested structure of policies in order to allow for multiple distribution types or for multiple action dimensions in the case where there is no corresponding mutivariate form for available for a given univariate distribution. In this case, the loss is sum_i(H(p_i, p_i)) where p_i are members of the policies nest. It can be shown that this is equivalent to calculating the entropy loss on the Cartesian product space over all the action dimensions, if the sampled actions are independent.

The entropy loss is optionally scaled by some function of the policies. E.g. for Categorical distributions there exists such a scaling which maps the entropy loss into the range [-1, 0] in order to make it invariant to the size of the action space - specifically one can divide the loss by sum_i(log(A_i)) where A_i is the number of categories in the i'th Categorical distribution in the policies nest).

  • policies: A (possibly nested structure of) batch distribution(s) supporting an entropy method that returns an N-D Tensor with shape equal to the batch_shape of the distribution, e.g. an instance of tfp.distributions.Distribution.
  • policy_vars: An optional (possibly nested structure of) iterable(s) of Tensors used by policies. If provided is used in scope checks.
  • scale_op: An optional op that takes policies as its only argument and returns a scalar Tensor that is used to scale the entropy loss. E.g. for Diag(sigma) Gaussian policies dividing by the number of dimensions makes entropy loss invariant to the action space dimension.
  • name: Optional, name of this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B1, B2, ...].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • entropy: entropy of the policy, shape [B1, B2, ...]. where [B1, B2, ... ] == policy.batch_shape

Computes policy gradient losses for a batch of trajectories.

See policy_gradient_loss for more information on expected inputs and usage.

  • policies: A distribution over a batch supporting a log_prob method, e.g. an instance of tfp.distributions.Distribution. For example, for a diagonal gaussian policy: policies = tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(mus, sigmas)
  • actions: An action batch Tensor used as the argument for log_prob. Has shape equal to the batch shape of the policies concatenated with the event shape of the policies (which may be scalar, in which case concatenation leaves shape just equal to batch shape).
  • action_values: A Tensor containing estimates of the values of the actions. Has shape equal to the batch shape of the policies.
  • policy_vars: An optional iterable of Tensors used by policies. If provided is used in scope checks. For the multivariate normal example above this would be [mus, sigmas].
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.
  • loss: Tensor with same shape as actions containing the total loss for each element in the batch. Differentiable w.r.t the variables in policies only.

Computes policy gradient losses for a batch of trajectories.

This wraps policy_gradient to accept a possibly nested array of policies and actions in order to allow for multiple action distribution types or independent multivariate distributions if not directly available. It also sums up losses along the time dimension, and is more restrictive about shapes, assuming a [T, B] layout for the batch_shape of the policies and a concatenate([T, B], event_shape of the policies) shape for the actions.

  • policies: A (possibly nested structure of) distribution(s) supporting batch_shape and event_shape properties along with a log_prob method (e.g. an instance of tfp.distributions.Distribution), with batch_shape equal to [T, B].
  • actions: A (possibly nested structure of) N-D Tensor(s) with shape [T, B, ...] where the final dimensions are the event_shape of the corresponding distribution in the nested structure (the shape can be just [T, B] if the event_shape is scalar).
  • action_values: Tensor of shape [T, B] containing an estimate of the value of the selected actions.
  • policy_vars: An optional (possibly nested structure of) iterable(s) of Tensors used by policies. If provided is used in scope checks.
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.
  • loss: Tensor of shape [B] containing the total loss for each sequence in the batch. Differentiable w.r.t policy_logits only.

Implements Peng's and Watkins' Q(lambda) loss as a TensorFlow op.

This function is general enough to implement both Peng's and Watkins' Q-lambda algorithms.

See "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Sutton and Barto. (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding a sequence of Q-values starting at the first timestep; shape [T, B, num_actions]
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding a sequence of action indices, shape [T, B]
  • r_t: Tensor holding a sequence of rewards, shape [T, B]
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding a sequence of pcontinue values, shape [T, B]
  • q_t: Tensor holding a sequence of Q-values for second timestep; shape [T, B, num_actions]. In a target network setting, this quantity is often supplied by the target network.
  • lambda_: a scalar or Tensor of shape [T, B] specifying the ratio of mixing between bootstrapped and MC returns; if lambda_ is the same for all time steps then the function implements Peng's Q-learning algorithm; if lambda_ = 0 at every sub-optimal action and a constant otherwise, then the function implements Watkins' Q-learning algorithm. Generally lambda_ can be a Tensor of any values in the range [0, 1] supplied by the user.
  • name: a name of the op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [T, B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [T, B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [T, B].

Implements the Q-learning loss as a TensorFlow op.

The loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between q_tm1[a_tm1] and the target r_t + pcont_t * max q_t.

See "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Sutton and Barto. (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding Q-values for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • q_t: Tensor holding Q-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • name: name to prefix ops created within this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].

Implements the QV loss as a TensorFlow op.

The loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between q_tm1[a_tm1] and the target r_t + pcont_t * v_t, where v_t is separately learned through temporal difference learning (c.f. value_ops.td_learning).

See "Two Novel On-policy Reinforcement Learning Algorithms based on TD(lambda)-methods" by Wiering and van Hasselt (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding Q-values for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • v_t: Tensor holding state-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B].
  • name: name to prefix ops created within this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].

Implements the QVMAX learning loss as a TensorFlow op.

The QVMAX loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between v_tm1 and the target r_t + pcont_t * max q_t, where q_t is separately learned through QV learning (c.f. action_value_ops.qv_learning).

See "The QV Family Compared to Other Reinforcement Learning Algorithms" by Wiering and van Hasselt (2009). (

  • v_tm1: Tensor holding values at previous timestep, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • q_t: Tensor of action values at current timestep, shape [B, num_actions].
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for v_tm1, shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].

Retrace algorithm loss calculation op.

Given a minibatch of temporally-contiguous sequences of Q values, policy probabilities, and various other typical RL algorithm inputs, this Op creates a subgraph that computes a loss according to the Retrace multi-step off-policy value learning algorithm. This Op supports the use of target networks, but does not require them.

For more details of Retrace, refer to the arXiv paper.

In argument descriptions, T counts the number of transitions over which the Retrace loss is computed, and B is the minibatch size. Note that all tensor arguments list a first-dimension (time dimension) size of T+1; this is because in order to compute the loss over T timesteps, the algorithm must be aware of the values of many of its inputs at timesteps before and after each transition.

All tensor arguments are indexed first by transition, with specific details of this indexing in the argument descriptions.

  • lambda_: Positive scalar value or 0-D Tensor controlling the degree to which future timesteps contribute to the loss computed at each transition.
  • qs: 3-D tensor holding per-action Q-values for the states encountered just before taking the transitions that correspond to each major index. Since these values are the predicted values we wish to update (in other words, the values we intend to change as we learn), in a target network setting, these nearly always come from the "non-target" network, which we usually call the "learning network". Shape is [(T+1), B, num_actions].
  • targnet_qs: Like qs, but in the target network setting, these values should be computed by the target network. We use these values to compute multi-step error values for timesteps that follow the first timesteps in each sequence and sequence fragment we consider. Shape is [(T+1), B, num_actions].
  • actions: 2-D tensor holding the indices of actions executed during the transition that corresponds to each major index. Shape is [(T+1), B].
  • rewards: 2-D tensor holding rewards received during the transition that corresponds to each major index. Shape is [(T+1), B].
  • pcontinues: 2-D tensor holding pcontinue values received during the transition that corresponds to each major index. Shape is [(T+1), B].
  • target_policy_probs: 3-D tensor holding per-action policy probabilities for the states encountered just before taking the transitions that correspond to each major index, according to the target policy (i.e. the policy we wish to learn). These probabilities usually derive from the learning net. Shape is [(T+1), B, num_actions].
  • behaviour_policy_probs: 2-D tensor holding the behaviour policy's probabilities of having taken actions action during the transitions that correspond to each major index. These probabilities derive from whatever policy you used to generate the data. Shape is [(T+1), B].
  • stop_targnet_gradients: bool that enables a sensible default way of handling gradients through the Retrace op (essentially, gradients are not permitted to involve the targnet_qs inputs). Can be disabled if you require a different arrangement, but you'll probably want to block some gradients somewhere.
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: Tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: None

Retrace algorithm core loss calculation op.

Given a minibatch of temporally-contiguous sequences of Q values, policy probabilities, and various other typical RL algorithm inputs, this Op creates a subgraph that computes a loss according to the Retrace multi-step off-policy value learning algorithm. This Op supports the use of target networks, but does not require them.

This function is the "core" Retrace op only because its arguments are less user-friendly and more implementation-convenient. For a more user-friendly operator, consider using retrace. For more details of Retrace, refer to the arXiv paper.

Construct the "core" retrace loss subgraph for a batch of sequences.

Note that two pairs of arguments (one holding target network values; the other, actions) are temporally-offset versions of each other and will share many values in common (nb: a good setting for using IndexedSlices). This op does not include any checks that these pairs of arguments are consistent---that is, it does not ensure that temporally-offset arguments really do share the values they are supposed to share.

In argument descriptions, T counts the number of transitions over which the Retrace loss is computed, and B is the minibatch size. All tensor arguments are indexed first by transition, with specific details of this indexing in the argument descriptions (pay close attention to "subscripts" in variable names).

  • lambda_: Positive scalar value or 0-D Tensor controlling the degree to which future timesteps contribute to the loss computed at each transition.
  • q_tm1: 3-D tensor holding per-action Q-values for the states encountered just before taking the transitions that correspond to each major index. Since these values are the predicted values we wish to update (in other words, the values we intend to change as we learn), in a target network setting, these nearly always come from the "non-target" network, which we usually call the "learning network". Shape is [T, B, num_actions].
  • a_tm1: 2-D tensor holding the indices of actions executed during the transition that corresponds to each major index. Shape is [T, B].
  • r_t: 2-D tensor holding rewards received during the transition that corresponds to each major index. Shape is [T, B].
  • pcont_t: 2-D tensor holding pcontinue values received during the transition that corresponds to each major index. Shape is [T, B].
  • target_policy_t: 3-D tensor holding per-action policy probabilities for the states encountered just AFTER the transitions that correspond to each major index, according to the target policy (i.e. the policy we wish to learn). These usually derive from the learning net. Shape is [T, B, num_actions].
  • behaviour_policy_t: 2-D tensor holding the behaviour policy's probabilities of having taken action a_t at the states encountered just AFTER the transitions that correspond to each major index. Derived from whatever policy you used to generate the data. All values MUST be greater that 0. Shape is [T, B].
  • targnet_q_t: 3-D tensor holding per-action Q-values for the states encountered just AFTER taking the transitions that correspond to each major index. Since these values are used to calculate target values for the network, in a target in a target network setting, these should probably come from the target network. Shape is [T, B, num_actions].
  • a_t: 2-D tensor holding the indices of actions executed during the transition AFTER the transition that corresponds to each major index. Shape is [T, B].
  • stop_targnet_gradients: bool that enables a sensible default way of handling gradients through the Retrace op (essentially, gradients are not permitted to involve the targnet_q_t input). Can be disabled if you require a different arragement, but you'll probably want to block some gradients somewhere.
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: Tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: A namedtuple with fields:
    • retrace_weights: Tensor containing batch of retrace weights, shape [T, B].
    • target: Tensor containing target action values, shape [T, B].

Implements the SARSA loss as a TensorFlow op.

The loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between q_tm1[a_tm1] and the target r_t + pcont_t * q_t[a_t].

See "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Sutton and Barto. (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding Q-values for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • q_t: Tensor holding Q-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • a_t: Tensor holding action indices for second timestep, shape [B].
  • name: name to prefix ops created within this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].

Implements SARSA(lambda) loss as a TensorFlow op.

See "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Sutton and Barto. (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding a sequence of Q-values starting at the first timestep; shape [T, B, num_actions]
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding a sequence of action indices, shape [T, B]
  • r_t: Tensor holding a sequence of rewards, shape [T, B]
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding a sequence of pcontinue values, shape [T, B]
  • q_t: Tensor holding a sequence of Q-values for second timestep; shape [T, B, num_actions].
  • a_t: Tensor holding a sequence of action indices for second timestep; shape [T, B]
  • lambda_: a scalar specifying the ratio of mixing between bootstrapped and MC returns.
  • name: a name of the op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [T, B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [T, B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [T, B].

Implements the SARSE (Expected SARSA) loss as a TensorFlow op.

The loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between q_tm1[a_tm1] and the target r_t + pcont_t * (sum_a probs_a_t[a] * q_t[a]).

See "A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Expected Sarsa" by Seijen, van Hasselt, Whiteson et al. (

  • q_tm1: Tensor holding Q-values for first timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • a_tm1: Tensor holding action indices, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • q_t: Tensor holding Q-values for second timestep in a batch of transitions, shape [B x num_actions].
  • probs_a_t: Tensor holding action probabilities for second timestep, shape [B x num_actions].
  • debug: Boolean flag, when set to True adds ops to check whether probs_a_t is a batch of (approximately) valid probability distributions.
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for q_tm1[a_tm1], shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].

Evaluates a cumulative discounted sum along dimension 0.

if reverse = False:
  result[1] = sequence[1] + decay[1] * initial_value
  result[k] = sequence[k] + decay[k] * result[k - 1]
if reverse = True:
  result[last] = sequence[last] + decay[last] * initial_value
  result[k] = sequence[k] + decay[k] * result[k + 1]

Respective dimensions T, B and ... have to be the same for all input tensors. T: temporal dimension of the sequence; B: batch dimension of the sequence.

if sequence_lengths is set then x1 and x2 below are equivalent:

x1 = zero_pad_to_length(
      sequence[:length], decays[:length], **kwargs), length=T)
x2 = scan_discounted_sum(sequence, decays,
                         sequence_lengths=[length], **kwargs)
  • sequence: Tensor of shape [T, B, ...] containing values to be summed.
  • decay: Tensor of shape [T, B, ...] containing decays/discounts.
  • initial_value: Tensor of shape [B, ...] containing initial value.
  • reverse: Whether to process the sum in a reverse order.
  • sequence_lengths: Tensor of shape [B] containing sequence lengths to be (reversed and then) summed.
  • back_prop: Whether to backpropagate.
  • name: Sets the name_scope for this op.

Cumulative sum with discount. Same shape and type as sequence.

Constructs a TensorFlow graph computing the A2C/GAE loss for sequences.

This loss jointly learns the policy and the baseline. Therefore, gradients for this loss flow through each tensor in policies and through each tensor in baseline_values, but no other input tensors. The policy is learnt with the advantage actor-critic loss, plus an optional entropy term. The baseline is regressed towards the n-step bootstrapped returns given by the reward/pcontinue sequence. The baseline_cost parameter scales the gradients w.r.t the baseline relative to the policy gradient, i.e. d(loss) / d(baseline) = baseline_cost * (n_step_return - baseline)`.

This function is designed for batches of sequences of data. Tensors are assumed to be time major (i.e. the outermost dimension is time, the second outermost dimension is the batch dimension). We denote the sequence length in the shapes of the arguments with the variable T, the batch size with the variable B, neither of which needs to be known at construction time. Index 0 of the time dimension is assumed to be the start of the sequence.

rewards and pcontinues are the sequences of data taken directly from the environment, possibly modulated by a discount. baseline_values are the sequences of (typically learnt) estimates of the values of the states visited along a batch of trajectories as observed by the agent given the sequences of one or more actions sampled from policies.

The sequences in the tensors should be aligned such that an agent in a state with value V that takes an action a transitions into another state with value V', receiving reward r and pcontinue p. Then V, a, r and p are all at the same index i in the corresponding tensors. V' is at index i+1, or in the bootstrap_value tensor if i == T.

For n-dimensional action vectors, a multivariate distribution must be used for policies. In case there is no multivariate version for the desired univariate distribution, or in case the actions object is a nested structure (e.g. for multiple action types), this function also accepts a nested structure of policies. In this case, the loss is given by sum_i(loss(p_i, a_i)) where p_i are members of the policies nest, and a_i are members of the actions nest. We assume that a single baseline is used across all action dimensions for each timestep.

  • policies: A (possibly nested structure of) distribution(s) supporting batch_shape and event_shape properties & log_prob and entropy methods (e.g. an instance of tfp.distributions.Distribution), with batch_shape equal to [T, B]. E.g. for a (non-nested) diagonal multivariate gaussian with dimension A this would be: policies = tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(mus, sigmas) where mus and sigmas have shape [T, B, A].
  • baseline_values: 2-D Tensor containing an estimate of the state value with shape [T, B].
  • actions: A (possibly nested structure of) N-D Tensor(s) with shape [T, B, ...] where the final dimensions are the event_shape of the corresponding distribution in the nested structure (the shape can be just [T, B] if the event_shape is scalar).
  • rewards: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • pcontinues: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • bootstrap_value: 1-D Tensor with shape [B].
  • policy_vars: An optional (possibly nested structure of) iterables of Tensors used by policies. If provided is used in scope checks. For the multivariate normal example above this would be [mus, sigmas].
  • lambda_: an optional scalar or 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B] for Generalised Advantage Estimation as per
  • entropy_cost: optional scalar cost that pushes the policy to have high entropy, larger values cause higher entropies.
  • baseline_cost: scalar cost that scales the derivatives of the baseline relative to the policy gradient.
  • entropy_scale_op: An optional op that takes policies as its only argument and returns a scalar Tensor that is used to scale the entropy loss. E.g. for Diag(sigma) Gaussian policies dividing by the number of dimensions makes entropy loss invariant to the action space dimension. See policy_entropy_loss for more info.
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the total loss, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • entropy: total loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • entropy_loss: scaled entropy loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • baseline_loss: scaled baseline loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • policy_gradient_loss: policy gradient loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • advantages: advantange estimates per timestep, shape [T, B].
    • discounted_returns: discounted returns per timestep, shape [T, B].

Calculates the loss for an A2C update along a batch of trajectories.

Technically A2C is the special case where lambda=1; for general lambda this is the loss for Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE), modulo chunking behaviour if passing chunks of episodes (see generalized_lambda_returns for more detail).

Note: This function takes policy logits as input, not the log-policy like learning.deepmind.lua.rl.learners.Reinforce does.

This loss jointly learns the policy and the baseline. Therefore, gradients for this loss flow through each tensor in policy_logits and baseline_values, but no other input tensors. The policy is learnt with the advantage actor-critic loss, plus an optional entropy term. The baseline is regressed towards the n-step bootstrapped returns given by the reward/pcontinue sequence. The baseline_cost parameter scales the gradients w.r.t the baseline relative to the policy gradient. i.e: d(loss) / d(baseline) = baseline_cost * (n_step_return - baseline).

rewards and pcontinues are the sequences of data taken directly from the environment, possibly modulated by a discount. baseline_values are the sequences of (typically learnt) estimates of the values of the states visited along a batch of trajectories as observed by the agent given the sequences of one or more actions sampled from the policy_logits.

The sequences in the tensors should be aligned such that an agent in a state with value V that takes an action a transitions into another state with value V', receiving reward r and pcontinue p. Then V, a, r and p are all at the same index i in the corresponding tensors. V' is at index i+1, or in the bootstrap_value tensor if i == T.

This function accepts a nested array of policy_logits and actions in order to allow for multidimensional discrete action spaces. In this case, the loss is given by sum_i(loss(p_i, a_i)) where p_i are members of the policy_logits nest, and a_i are members of the actions nest. We assume that a single baseline is used across all action dimensions for each timestep.

  • policy_logits: A (possibly nested structure of) 3-D Tensor(s) with shape [T, B, num_actions] and possibly different dimension num_actions.
  • baseline_values: 2-D Tensor containing an estimate of state values [T, B].
  • actions: A (possibly nested structure of) 2-D Tensor(s) with shape [T, B] and integer type.
  • rewards: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • pcontinues: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • bootstrap_value: 1-D Tensor with shape [B].
  • lambda_: an optional scalar or 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B] for Generalised Advantage Estimation as per
  • entropy_cost: optional scalar cost that pushes the policy to have high entropy, larger values cause higher entropies.
  • baseline_cost: scalar cost that scales the derivatives of the baseline relative to the policy gradient.
  • normalise_entropy: if True, the entropy loss is normalised to the range [-1, 0] by dividing by the log number of actions. This makes it more invariant to the size of the action space. Default is False.
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the total loss, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • entropy: total loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • entropy_loss: scaled entropy loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • baseline_loss: scaled baseline loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • policy_gradient_loss: policy gradient loss per sequence, shape [B].
    • advantages: advantange estimates per timestep, shape [T, B].
    • discounted_returns: discounted returns per timestep, shape [T, B].

Constructs a TensorFlow graph computing the L2 loss for sequences.

This loss learns the baseline for advantage actor-critic models. Gradients for this loss flow through each tensor in state_values, but no other input tensors. The baseline is regressed towards the n-step bootstrapped returns given by the reward/pcontinue sequence.

This function is designed for batches of sequences of data. Tensors are assumed to be time major (i.e. the outermost dimension is time, the second outermost dimension is the batch dimension). We denote the sequence length in the shapes of the arguments with the variable T, the batch size with the variable B, neither of which needs to be known at construction time. Index 0 of the time dimension is assumed to be the start of the sequence.

rewards and pcontinues are the sequences of data taken directly from the environment, possibly modulated by a discount. state_values are the sequences of (typically learnt) estimates of the values of the states visited along a batch of trajectories.

The sequences in the tensors should be aligned such that an agent in a state with value V that takes an action transitions into another state with value V', receiving reward r and pcontinue p. Then V, r and p are all at the same index i in the corresponding tensors. V' is at index i+1, or in the bootstrap_value tensor if i == T.

See "High-dimensional continuous control using generalized advantage estimation" by Schulman, Moritz, Levine et al. (

  • state_values: 2-D Tensor of state-value estimates with shape [T, B].
  • rewards: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • pcontinues: 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • bootstrap_value: 1-D Tensor with shape [B].
  • lambda_: an optional scalar or 2-D Tensor with shape [T, B].
  • name: Customises the name_scope for this op.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • temporal_differences, Tensor of shape [T, B]
    • discounted_returns, Tensor of shape [T, B]

Implements the TD(0)-learning loss as a TensorFlow op.

The TD loss is 0.5 times the squared difference between v_tm1 and the target r_t + pcont_t * v_t.

See "Learning to Predict by the Methods of Temporal Differences" by Sutton. (

  • v_tm1: Tensor holding values at previous timestep, shape [B].
  • r_t: Tensor holding rewards, shape [B].
  • pcont_t: Tensor holding pcontinue values, shape [B].
  • v_t: Tensor holding values at current timestep, shape [B].
  • name: name to prefix ops created by this function.

A namedtuple with fields:

  • loss: a tensor containing the batch of losses, shape [B].
  • extra: a namedtuple with fields:
    • target: batch of target values for v_tm1, shape [B].
    • td_error: batch of temporal difference errors, shape [B].

Returns an op to update a list of target variables from source variables.

The update rule is: target_variable = (1 - tau) * target_variable + tau * source_variable.

  • target_variables: a list of the variables to be updated.
  • source_variables: a list of the variables used for the update.
  • tau: weight used to gate the update. The permitted range is 0 < tau <= 1, with small tau representing an incremental update, and tau == 1 representing a full update (that is, a straight copy).
  • use_locking: use tf.Variable.assign's locking option when assigning source variable values to target variables.
  • name: sets the name_scope for this op.
  • TypeError: when tau is not a Python float
  • ValueError: when tau is out of range, or the source and target variables have different numbers or shapes.

An op that executes all the variable updates.

V-trace from log importance weights.

Calculates V-trace actor critic targets as described in

"IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures" by Espeholt, Soyer, Munos et al.

In the notation used throughout documentation and comments, T refers to the time dimension ranging from 0 to T-1. B refers to the batch size. This code also supports the case where all tensors have the same number of additional dimensions, e.g., rewards is [T, B, C], values is [T, B, C], bootstrap_value is [B, C].

  • log_rhos: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] representing the log importance sampling weights, i.e. log(target_policy(a) / behaviour_policy(a)). V-trace performs operations on rhos in log-space for numerical stability.
  • discounts: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] with discounts encountered when following the behaviour policy.
  • rewards: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] containing rewards generated by following the behaviour policy.
  • values: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] with the value function estimates wrt. the target policy.
  • bootstrap_value: A float32 of shape [B] with the value function estimate at time T.
  • clip_rho_threshold: A scalar float32 tensor with the clipping threshold for importance weights (rho) when calculating the baseline targets (vs). rho^bar in the paper. If None, no clipping is applied.
  • clip_pg_rho_threshold: A scalar float32 tensor with the clipping threshold on rho_s in \rho_s \delta log \pi(a|x) (r + \gamma v_{s+1} - V(x_s)). If None, no clipping is applied.
  • name: The name scope that all V-trace operations will be created in.

A VTraceReturns namedtuple (vs, pg_advantages) where:

  • vs: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B]. Can be used as target to train a baseline (V(x_t) - vs_t)^2.
  • pg_advantages: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B]. Can be used as the advantage in the calculation of policy gradients.

V-trace for softmax policies.

Calculates V-trace actor critic targets for softmax polices as described in

"IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures" by Espeholt, Soyer, Munos et al.

Target policy refers to the policy we are interested in improving and behaviour policy refers to the policy that generated the given rewards and actions.

In the notation used throughout documentation and comments, T refers to the time dimension ranging from 0 to T-1. B refers to the batch size and NUM_ACTIONS refers to the number of actions.

  • behaviour_policy_logits: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B, NUM_ACTIONS] with un-normalized log-probabilities parametrizing the softmax behaviour policy.
  • target_policy_logits: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B, NUM_ACTIONS] with un-normalized log-probabilities parametrizing the softmax target policy.
  • actions: An int32 tensor of shape [T, B] of actions sampled from the behaviour policy.
  • discounts: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] with the discount encountered when following the behaviour policy.
  • rewards: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] with the rewards generated by following the behaviour policy.
  • values: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] with the value function estimates wrt. the target policy.
  • bootstrap_value: A float32 of shape [B] with the value function estimate at time T.
  • clip_rho_threshold: A scalar float32 tensor with the clipping threshold for importance weights (rho) when calculating the baseline targets (vs). rho^bar in the paper.
  • clip_pg_rho_threshold: A scalar float32 tensor with the clipping threshold on rho_s in \rho_s \delta log \pi(a|x) (r + \gamma v_{s+1} - V(x_s)).
  • name: The name scope that all V-trace operations will be created in.

A VTraceFromLogitsReturns namedtuple with the following fields:

  • vs: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B]. Can be used as target to train a baseline (V(x_t) - vs_t)^2.
  • pg_advantages: A float 32 tensor of shape [T, B]. Can be used as an estimate of the advantage in the calculation of policy gradients.
  • log_rhos: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] containing the log importance sampling weights (log rhos).
  • behaviour_action_log_probs: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] containing behaviour policy action log probabilities (log \mu(a_t)).
  • target_action_log_probs: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] containing target policy action probabilities (log \pi(a_t)).

double_qlearning_extra(target, td_error, best_action)


Alias for field number 2

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

qlearning_extra(target, td_error)

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

loss_output(loss, extra)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0



Alias for field number 0

sequence_advantage_actor_critic_extra(entropy, entropy_loss, baseline_loss, policy_gradient_loss, advantages, discounted_returns)


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0

Compute the KL divergence KL(dist1, dist2) between two Gaussians.

The KL is factorised into two terms - kl_mean and kl_cov. This factorisation is specific to multivariate gaussian distributions and arises from its analytic form. Specifically, if we assume two multivariate Gaussian distributions with rank k and means, M1 and M2 and variance S1 and S2, the analytic KL can be written out as:

D_KL(N0 || N1) = 0.5 * (tr(inv(S1) * S0) + ln(det(S1)/det(S0)) - k + (M1 - M0).T * inv(S1) * (M1 - M0))

The terms on the first row correspond to the covariance factor and the terms on the second row correspond to the mean factor in the factorized KL. These terms can thus be used to independently control how much the mean and covariance between the two gaussians can vary.

This implementation ensures that gradient flow is equivalent to calling tfp.distributions.kl_divergence once.

More details on the equation can be found here:

  • dist1_mean: The mean of the first Multivariate Gaussian distribution.
  • dist1_covariance_or_scale: The covariance or scale of the first Multivariate Gaussian distribution. In cases where both distributions are Gaussians with diagonal covariance matrices (for instance, if both are instances of tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag), then the scale can be passed in instead and the both_diagonal flag must be set to True. A more efficient sparse computation path is used in this case. For all other cases, the full covariance matrix must be passed in.
  • dist2_mean: The mean of the second Multivariate Gaussian distribution.
  • dist2_covariance_or_scale: The covariance or scale tensor of the second Multivariate Gaussian distribution, as for dist1_covariance_or_scale.
  • both_diagonal: A bool indicating that both dist1 and dist2 are diagonal matrices. A more efficient sparse computation is used in this case.

A tuple consisting of (kl_mean, kl_cov) which correspond to the mean and the covariance factorisation of the KL.

Produces a cumulative categorical distribution on a new support.

  • support: Tensor defining support of a categorical distribution(s). Must be of rank 1 or of the same rank as weights. The size of the last dimension has to match that of weights.
  • weights: Tensor defining weights on the support points.
  • new_support: Tensor holding positions of a new support.
  • reverse: Whether to evalute cumulative from the left or right.

Cumulative distribution on the supplied support. The foolowing invariant is maintained across the last dimension: result[i] = (sum_j weights[j] for all j where support[j] < new_support[i]) if reverse == False else (sum_j weights[j] for all j where support[j] > new_support[i])

Projects distribution (support, weights) onto new_support.

  • support: Tensor defining support of a categorical distribution(s). Must be of rank 1 or of the same rank as weights. The size of the last dimension has to match that of weights.
  • weights: Tensor defining weights on the support points.
  • new_support: Tensor holding positions of a new support.

Projection of (support, weights) onto the new_support.

dpg_extra(q_max, a_max, dqda)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

Projects one categorical distribution onto another.

  • support: A Tensor of type float32.
  • weights: A Tensor of type float32.
  • new_support: A Tensor of type float32.
  • method: A Tensor of type int32.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type float32.

Projects one categorical distribution onto another.

  • support: A Tensor of type float32.
  • weights: A Tensor of type float32.
  • new_support: A Tensor of type float32.
  • method: A Tensor of type int32.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type float32.

Check shapes of the indices and the tensor to be indexed.

If all input shapes are known statically, obtain shapes of arguments and perform compatibility checks. Otherwise, print a warning. The only check we cannot perform statically (and do not attempt elsewhere) is making sure that each action index in actions is in [0, num_actions).

  • value_shape: static shape of the values.
  • index_shape: static shape of the indices.

pixel_control_extra(spatial_loss, pseudo_rewards)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0



Alias for field number 0

sequence_a2c_extra(entropy, entropy_loss, baseline_loss, policy_gradient_loss, advantages, discounted_returns)


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3

retrace_core_extra(retrace_weights, target)


Alias for field number 0

Alias for field number 1

td_extra(target, td_error)

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

td_lambda_extra(temporal_differences, discounted_returns)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

VTraceFromLogitsReturns(vs, pg_advantages, log_rhos, behaviour_action_log_probs, target_action_log_probs)


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 0

VTraceReturns(vs, pg_advantages)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

Computes action log-probs from policy logits and actions.

In the notation used throughout documentation and comments, T refers to the time dimension ranging from 0 to T-1. B refers to the batch size and NUM_ACTIONS refers to the number of actions.

  • policy_logits: A float32 tensor of shape [T, B, NUM_ACTIONS] with un-normalized log-probabilities parameterizing a softmax policy.
  • actions: An int32 tensor of shape [T, B] with actions.

A float32 tensor of shape [T, B] corresponding to the sampling log probability of the chosen action w.r.t. the policy.