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This repository contains a collection of command line utilities.

  • adjtimex -- list some clock related system settings
  • addrof -- list IP address(es) of network devices
  • arsort -- topologically sort static libraries
  • ascii -- pretty print the ASCII table
  • -- run a command multiple times and report stats
  • -- run a command multiple times and report stats (more features)
  • check2junit -- convert libcheck XML to Jenkins/JUnit compatible XML
  • -- alarm user (or remote-control power socket) when Android battery capacity reaches an upper threshold during charging
  • check-cert -- check approaching expiration/validate certs of remote servers
  • check-dnsbl -- check if mailservers are DNS blacklisted/have rDNS records
  • chromium-extensions -- list installed Chromium extensions
  • cpufreq -- print current CPU frequency using CPU counters
  • dcat -- decompressing cat (autodetects gzip/zstd/bz2/...)
  • dcheck -- run a program under DBX's memory check mode
  • detect-size -- detect and set real height/width of a terminal
  • devof -- list network device names given an address (prefix)
  • disas -- disassemble a certain function
  • dtmemtime -- measure high-water memory usage of a process and its descendants under Solaris
  • exec -- change argv[0] of a command
  • firefox-addons -- list installed Firefox addons
  • gs-ext -- list and manage installed Gnome Shell Extensions
  • hcheck -- health-check command execution using a instance
  • hc_check -- health check mail delivery mail filter
  • inhibit -- temporarily disable Gnome-Shell screen blanking from the terminal
  • isempty -- detect empty images (e.g. in batch scan results)
  • latest-kernel-running -- is the latest installed kernel actually running?
  • link_stats64 -- dump the kernel's rtnl_link_stats64 structs
  • lockf -- protect command execution with a lock
  • -- map ataX kernel log ids to /dev/sdY devices
  • macgen -- randomly generate a private/internal MAC address
  • -- Python implementation of macgen
  • matrixto -- Send messages to a Matrix room from the command line
  • -- Collect metering data from Netio power sockets into CSV files. See also
  • oldprocs -- list running (and possibly restart) old processes/services whose object files were updated
  • pargs -- display argv and other vectors of PIDs/core files
  • pdfmerge -- vertically merge two PDF files (i.e. as two layers)
  • pldd -- list shared libraries linked into a running process
  • pq -- query process and thread attributes
  • pwhatch -- generate secure and easy to communicate passwords
  • remove -- sync USB drive cache, power down and remove device
  • reset-tmux -- reset a tmux session after binary data escaped to the console
  • ripdvd -- copy each DVD track into a nicely named .vob file
  • searchb -- search a binary file in another
  • silence -- silence stdout/stderr unless command fails
  • silencce -- C++ implementation of silence
  • swap -- atomically exchange names of two files on Linux
  • -- read lines from a UART tty device, timestamp and dump them to stdout
  • train-spam -- feed spam maildir messages into gonzofilter and remove them
  • unrpm -- extract an RPM file
  • user-installed -- list manually installed packages on major distributions
  • wipedev -- wipe storage device fast and thoroughly

For example:

$ crontab -l
15 10 * * * silence /home

2016, Georg Sauthoff [email protected]

TOC Tail

To skip over the utility sections:


The adjtimex syscall allows to set and get many clock related system settings. This utility displays some settings that are mainly of interest when dealing with time synchronisation such as NTP and PTP. Example output:

$ ./adjtimex
Clock is synchronized (STA_UNSYNC unset)
Maxerror: 500 us
TAI offset: 37 s
PPS frequency discipline (STA_PPSFREQ): disabled
PPS time discipline (STA_PPSTIME): disabled


In the spirit of pidof these utilities list the IP address(es) of a network devices or the name(s) of network device(s) that use an IP address (prefix).


$ addrof enp0s31f6
$ addrof -4 enp0s31f6
$ devof


This utility pretty-prints the ASCII table. By default, the table has 4 columns. With 4 columns the table is still compact and some properties are easy to spot. For example how upper and lower case conversion is just a matter of toggling one bit. Or the relationship between control characters and pressing Ctrl and a printable character on the same row (think: ESC vs. Ctrl+[, TAB vs. Ctrl+I, CR vs. Ctrl+M etc.)

The number of columns can be changed with the -c option. For example -c8 yields a 8 column table, which is how the ASCII table is usually printed in (old) manuals. Such a table highlights other properties. For example how ASCII somewhat simplifies the conversion of Binary Coded Decimals (BCD) (think: bitwise-or the BCD nibble with 0b011 to get the ASCI decimal character and bitwise-and with 0b1111 for the other direction).

The -x option is useful for looking up lesser used control character abbreviations, e.g.:

$ / -x EOT
EOT = End of Transmission (4)

Example 32x4 table:

   00   01   10   11
  NUL  SPC    @    `  00000
  SOH    !    A    a  00001
  STX    "    B    b  00010
  ETX    #    C    c  00011
  EOT    $    D    d  00100
  ENQ    %    E    e  00101
  ACK    &    F    f  00110
  BEL    '    G    g  00111
   BS    (    H    h  01000
   HT    )    I    i  01001
   LF    *    J    j  01010
   VT    +    K    k  01011
   FF    ,    L    l  01100
   CR    -    M    m  01101
   SO    .    N    n  01110
   SI    /    O    o  01111
  DLE    0    P    p  10000
  DC1    1    Q    q  10001
  DC2    2    R    r  10010
  DC3    3    S    s  10011
  DC4    4    T    t  10100
  NAK    5    U    u  10101
  SYN    6    V    v  10110
  ETB    7    W    w  10111
  CAN    8    X    x  11000
   EM    9    Y    y  11001
   SS    :    Z    z  11010
  ESC    ;    [    {  11011
   FS    <    \    |  11100
   GS    =    ]    }  11101
   RS    >    ^    ~  11110
   US    ?    _  DEL  11111

Placing the column headers on top and the row headers at the right makes it clear how the resulting code is constructed for a character, i.e. the column header is the prefix and the row header is the suffix. Example: the R character has the binary value 0b1010010.


This script calls gnutls-cli for the specified remote services.


$ imap.example.org_993 example.org_443

Any validation errors (including OCSP ones) reported by GnuTLS are printed by the script, which finally returns with exit status unequal zero. The script also warns and exits unsuccessfully if a cert expires in less than 20 days.

If everything is fine the script is silent and exits successfully, thus, check-cert is suitable for a Cron scheduled execution.

Checking a service that does TLS after a STARTTLS command like in

$ mail.example.org_25_smtp

requires GnuTLS version 3.4.x or later (e.g. 3.4.15). For example, RHEL/CentOS 7 comes with GnuTLS 3.3.8, while Fedora 23 provides gnutls 3.4.15.

It may make sense to create a gnutls-cli wrapper script and put it into $PATH such that the right version is called with the right CA bundle, e.g.:

exec /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/gnutls-cli \
  --x509cafile=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem "$@"

The script doesn't use the comparable Openssl command (i.e. openssl s_client) because it doesn't conveniently present the expiration dates and it doesn't even exit with a status unequal zero in case of verification errors.


This utility checks a list of mail servers against some well known blacklists (DNSBL) By default, 30 or so lists are queried, but other/additional ones can be specified via command line arguments or a CSV file.

It also checks, by default, if there are reverse DNS records and if they match the forward ones.

The mail server can be specified as a list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and/or domain names. MX records are followed, by default. Of course, an outgoing mail server doesn't necessarily have to double as MX - in those cases its domain/address has to be additionally specified. In any case, if domains are specified, at last, they are resolved via their A or AAAA records to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

If everything is ok, doesn't generate any output (unless --debug is specified). Otherwise, it prints errors to stderr and exits with a status unequal zero. Thus, it can be used as Cron job for monitoring purposes.


Something is listed:

$ ./
2016-11-05 19:01:13 - ERROR    - There is no reverse DNS record for
2016-11-05 19:01:13 - ERROR    - OMG, is listed in DNSBL ("")
2016-11-05 19:01:19 - ERROR    - OMG, is listed in DNSBL ("See:")
2016-11-05 19:01:19 - ERROR    - is listed in 2 blacklists

Everything is ok:

$ ./
$ echo $?

Note that your default resolving nameserver might reply incorrectly to some blacklist queries. It is thus advisable to test some well known listed/non-listed addresses. See also the --ns option. There are also some options for selecting some predefined public DNS resolvers (e.g. Google Public DNS, Cloudflare, OpenDNS, Quad9). But again, some of those servers may filter out some blacklists. For example, as of 2019-12-29, only Cloudflare and OpenDNS return blacklisting records for and while Google and Quad9 don't. See also the FAQ.


Jenkins comes with the JUnit plugin that draws some nice graphs and creates reports from XML generated by JUnit testsuite runs. For example, there is a graph with the number of successful/failed testcases over the builds and there are graphs that display the duration of single test cases over the builds.

The [libcheck][check] unittest C library also supports the generation of an XML report.

This scripts converts the libcheck XML format into the XML format supported by the Jenkins JUnit plugin.

Example (e.g. part of a build script):

CK_XML_LOG_FILE_NAME=test1.xml ./check_network
CK_XML_LOG_FILE_NAME=test2.xml ./check_backend test1.xml test2.xml > junit.xml

The JUnit plugin can be configured in the Jenkins job configuration, basically it has to be added as another post-build action (where the input filename can be set, e.g. to junit.xml).


  • The C++ unittest library Catch has JUnit XML output support built in.
  • Related to the integration of unittest results is also the integration of coverage reports into Jenkins. A good solution for this is to use the Jenkins Cobertura plugin, generate the coverage report with lcov and convert it with the lcov-to-cobertura-xml script. The lcov HTML reports can also be included with the Jenkins HTML publisher plugin
  • Easiest to integrate with C/C++ builds is the Jenkins Warnings plugin as it natively suports GCC warnings.


Disas is a small wrapper around objdump/gdb for disassembling a given function.


$ disas a.out main
$ disas a.out 10144 -a    # dump function that includes this addr
$ disas a.out foobar -f   # also dump functions that call foobar
$ disas a.out '.*xyz'     # dump all functions regex match
# disas a.out cmpte --gdb # disassemble using gdb instead of objdump

Note that recent versions of objdump support the --disassemble=fn option (e.g. on Fedora 31), but e.g. the objdump on CentOS 7 doesn't. The wrapper doesn't require this option and thus also runs on older systems.

The wrapper doesn't always use gdb, because objdump is more widely available and is more flexible when it comes to dumping multiple functions.


The cpufreq utility prints the current CPU frequency of each CPU core. It computes the frequency from a set of CPU counters (see the help text in and further source code comments there for details).

Thus, it doesn't rely on frequency-scaling support being enabled in the Linux kernel. When frequency-scaling support is disabled in the kernel and/or the BIOS the files /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq don't exist, commands like cpupower frequency-info don't work, and (as of 2020) the frequency obtained via /proc/cpuinfo isn't necessarily correct.

In any case, this tool can be used to cross-check CPU frequency assumptions and frequency scaling results.


The dcat utility automatically decompresses files with the right algorithm, on-the-fly. Thus, it's a decompressing cat. It detects the compression file format by looking at the first magic bytes and thus ignores any file extension. Uncompressed files or files it doesn't recognize the dcat concatenates as is.


$ echo 'Hello World' | zstd -c | ./dcat
Hello World
$ ./dcat foo.txt.gz bar.txt.zst baz.txt

For the actual decompressing, dcat execs a helper like zcat or bzcat. Currently, it autodetects gzip, Zstandard, LZ4, bzip2 and XZ.


The utility runs a program with the supplied arguments inside the DBX debugger with memory checking mode enabled.


$ dcheck someprog arg1 arg2

For each memory access issue the problem details and a stacktrace are printed and the execution is resumed. After the leak report is printed the DBX is automatically exited. The main work does Ksh function that is called by the wrapper (cf. check.dbx). Yes, DBX embeds a Ksh 88 compatible interpreter (in contrast to GDB which supports Guile and Python scripting).

The memory check feature of Solaris Studio's DBX detects reads of uninitialized memory and heap based memory issues like buffer overflowing reads and writes (i.e. out-of-bounds writes). It also tracks allocations for detecting memory leaks. The DBX dynamically install hardware watch points for the access checking.

On Solaris/SPARC it is a good and relatively widely available alternative to a subset of the functionality of excellent open source tools like Valgrind (memcheck) or the Address/Leak Sanitizers (which aren't available on Solaris/SPARC).


This utility measures the high-water memory usage of a process and all its descendants under Solaris. The main work does a DTrace script that hooks into some syscalls (hence the name). It's designed to work under Solaris 10 (or later).


$ cat
find "$1" | sed 's@/[^/]\+$@@' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -k 1,1 -r | head
$ dtmemtime /usr/share
pid 23066 (#1) (gsed) runtime: 691 ms, highwater memory: 116208 bytes
pid 23065 (#1) (gfind) runtime: 691 ms, highwater memory: 968176 bytes
pid 23069 (#1) (gsort) runtime: 1584 ms, highwater memory: 8619504 bytes
pid 23067 (#1) (gsort) runtime: 1560 ms, highwater memory: 8619504 bytes
pid 23063 (#1) ( runtime: 1601 ms, highwater memory: 97208 bytes
pid 23070 (#1) (ghead) runtime: 1583 ms, highwater memory: 91632 bytes
pid 23068 (#1) (guniq) runtime: 1559 ms, highwater memory: 91632 bytes
total runtime: 1601 ms, highwater memory: 18571096 bytes

Say executes some processes in parallel, e.g. with a shell-pipe command, then the high-water memory measurement takes the memory usages of all those processes into account.

The DTrace script installs some syscall and process probes, e.g. a probe into the brk syscall and probes into syscalls used for managing anonymous memory mappings. Note that the Solaris 10 libc memory management exclusively uses brk. The easiest way to get a more modern memory allocator that also creates anonymous memory mappings (like under Linux) is to link against libumem and set an environment variable.

Firefox Addons

It lists the installed Firefox addons. Useful for disaster recovery purposes. It also solves this problem: you have a bunch of Firefox addons installed that you want to replicate to another user account.


As user X on computer A:

$ ./ -o addons.csv

Transfer the file to user Y on computer B and execute:

$ cut -f1 -d, addon.csv | tail -n +2 | xargs firefox

After that, you 'just' have to click a bunch of 'Add to Firefox' buttons and close some tabs.


The hcheck tool health-checks a command execution, i.e. it reports command forking and exit status to a instance. is a notification service for monitoring periodic jobs. It's open-source and can be self-hosted, however there is also a public instance. An healthchecks instance basically pages you when a cron-job doesn't keep it's schedule or fails. In other words, it implements an external dead-man switch like monitoring approach.

Example usage:

export hcheck_uuid=20fc5ce7-53f2-401f-a5ac-a0b5a718c5fc
hcheck /usr/local/bin/ /home/juser

As a results the healthchecks events log contains the (externally) measured script runtime and exit status for each command execution. Depending on the check's configuration, you get notified when the script runs too long or completely misses a schedule.

For jobs that aren't 100 % silent even in the good case, you can combine hcheck with silence, to avoid superfluous mails from the cron daemon.

See also's list of similar tools (Section Command Runners, Shell Wrappers).

Latest Kernel

This script checks if the system actually runs the latest installed kernel. This might not be the case if something like yum-cron automatically installs updates or if somebody forgot to restart the system after a kernel update.

A mismatch in kernel versions is reported via the exit status. With option -v a diagnostic message is printed, as well.

Thus, the script can be used to send out notification mails (e.g. when running it as cron job).

Alternatively, the result can be used to initiate a restart of a machine that already runs yum-cron. If the machine provides a clustered service, the restart can be coordinated with something like etcd.

This check complements what tracer does. Tracer checks if outdated applications or libraries are loaded but (currently) doesn't check the kernel (cf. Issue 45).


The link_stats64 utility dumps for each network interface its link_stats64 struct.

Inspecting the raw fields of this struct may be useful since other views (such as procfs or ip -s l) aggregate some fields together (e.g. drops) or might miss recent additions, such as rx_otherhost_dropped.

In particular the rx_otherhost_dropped field is interesting for detecting misconfigured network devices that yield unicast flooding on switches. See also the utility for sending ICMP echo request for non-existant destinations.

However, as of 6.2 Linux kernel timeframe, at least some network drivers don't maintain rx_otherhost_dropped (since they install MAC address filters and their hardware might not have a hardware counter for this) and thus the field is only ever incremented when the network device is in promiscuous mode.

This repository also contains which just dumps the rx_otherhost_dropped field using the drgn programmable debugger.

Link_stats64 is perhaps also a simple example of how to communicate with the Linux kernel over netlink in general, and sending RTM_GETSTATS/IFLA_STATS_LINK_64 requests in particular, which doesn't seem to documented much elsewhere.

It doesn't use libnl since it doesn't seem to be beneficial for this use case. Also, digging through the netlink interface and structs felt like less work than dealing with the arguably lightly documented libnl.


lockf only executes a provided command if a lock can be aquired. Thus, it is able to serialize command execution and guard access to exclusive actions. It provides several locking methods:

All of the methods are available on Linux. They also specified by POSIX, except flock() which comes from BSD.

The methods lockf(), fcntl() and flock() support waiting on a lock without polling (-b option).

Whether different lock methods do interact depends is system specific. For example, on recent Linux, fcntl() and flock() don't interact unless they are on NFS. And POSIX allows interaction between lockf() and fcntl() but doesn't require it.

Not all methods are necessarily supported and work reliable over NFS. Especially in a heterogenous environment. Existing implementation may chose to return success even if they implement a locking API as null operation. Also, with some NFS implementations some methods may become unreliable in case of packet loss or a rebooting NFS server. For NFS, the methods worth looking into are lockf(), fcntl(), open() and link(). mkdir() is not specified by NFS to be atomic. Linux supports flock() over NFS since kernel 2.6.37, but only because it is emulated via fcntl() then.

Similar utilties:

See also:


When creating network interfaces (dummy, bridge, tap, macvlan, macvtap, veth, ...) on usually can omit a MAC address because the Linux kernel automatically generates and assigns one. Those MAC addresses come from the private/internal unicast namespace which is described by the following regular expression:


(cf. locally administered addresses

The macgen scripts also randomly generate MAC addresses from this namespace. Those can be used for explicitly specifying MAC addresses in network setup scripts. For example, to get reproducible results or to avoid having to query MAC addresses of just newly created virtual interfaces.


The oldprocs utility lists processes and services that need to be restarted because their executable or one of its libraries has changed, e.g. after a dnf update and before the next system reboot.

It detects if a process belongs to a systemd service and prints the matching systemctl command line to restart it. Optionally, with --restart the utility automatically restarts the detected services.

Thus, it's well suited for automatic system updates. Think: something like dnf -y update runs from a cron-job followed by oldprocs --restart. This makes sense for systems where it's more important to get a required security update as fast as possible than avoiding a potential service breakage due to the new update. Arguably, depending on you distribution and package selection this risk is rather small, anyways.

Another use case is to verify that all processes run current binaries and thus nobody forgot to restart some services or reboot the system, when necessary.

Cases where a service can't be restarted (i.e. dbus), a restart wasn't sufficient (e.g. old processes are still around), a restart would eject a user from a graphical session or there are other non-service processes are signaled via an exit status unequal zero and diagnostic messages.

Example output when running with root privileges:

# ./oldprocs
You have to restart the following system services:

systemctl restart libvirtd.service

You have to restart the following user services:

sudo -u '#1000' systemctl --user restart evolution-addressbook-factory.service
sudo -u '#1000' systemctl --user restart evolution-calendar-factory.service
sudo -u '#1000' systemctl --user restart evolution-source-registry.service
sudo -u '#1000' systemctl --user restart gnome-terminal-server.service

The following user processes must be restarted manually
(or a session logoff/login might take care of them):

/usr/bin/clementine (deleted) (uid 1000) - pids: 20826
/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader (deleted) (uid 1000) - pids: 20831 20832 20833 20834
/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox (deleted) (uid 1000) - pids: 2601 2696 2981 7154 21053
/usr/libexec/gnome-shell-calendar-server (uid 1000) - pids: 2142
/usr/libexec/goa-daemon (uid 1000) - pids: 2163
# echo $?

To automatically restart all old system processes:

# ./oldprocs --restart

The auto-restart just includes processes belonging to systemd services that belong to the systemd instance the user has direct access to.

Example output when user with id 1000 executes it:

$ ./oldprocs
You have to restart the following user services:

systemctl --user restart evolution-addressbook-factory.service
systemctl --user restart evolution-calendar-factory.service
systemctl --user restart evolution-source-registry.service
systemctl --user restart gnome-terminal-server.service

The following user processes must be restarted manually
(or a session logoff/login might take care of them):

/usr/bin/clementine (deleted) (uid 1000) - pids: 20826
/usr/bin/clementine-tagreader (deleted) (uid 1000) - pids: 20831 20832 20833 20834
/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox (deleted) (uid 1000) - pids: 2601 2696 2981 7154 21053
/usr/libexec/gnome-shell-calendar-server (uid 1000) - pids: 2142
/usr/libexec/goa-daemon (uid 1000) - pids: 2163

The difference is that the restart commands for the systemd user services are generated from the user's perspective - and the old system processes are not included as permissions are lacking to access the relevant directories and files under /proc.

How does it work: oldprocs scans through /proc to find out which processes are running, which executables they were started with, whether those were replaced, changed dates, which shared objects are linked into the process, whether those were changed, which systemd service the process is part of, if any, etc.

Related tools: There is tracer which also lists outdated processes and provides restart commands for some services. It is written in Python and in my experience, it sometimes runs very slow and the output sometimes contains inaccuracies (e.g. wrong restart commands, false negatives, wrong diagnostics such as a required system reboot which isn't really necessary). As of 2018, tracer doesn't support the automatic restarting of outdated services.

In contrast to that, oldprocs is written in C++, runs very fast, supports the automatic restarting of outdated services and provides some fresh diagnostics.

The utility complements oldprocs as it checks whether a system reboot is necessary due to a previous kernel update.


Pargs displays the argument vector (argv) of a running process or the one that is included in the core file of a process, under Linux. In addition, it supports printing the environment vector (envp) and the auxiliary vector (auxv) including some pretty printing and dereferencing some interesting addresses (e.g. the executable filename or the platform string).


$ pargs $pid
$ pargs -l $pid
$ pargs -aex $pid
$ pargs -aexv some_core

It is inspired by Solaris' pargs command. Similar to Linux, Solaris also has a /proc filesystem that provides much information about each process. In contrast to Linux, the pseudo files all contain binary data, i.e. following some struct definitions. Thus, it's natural that Solaris has a whole p-family of commands to deal with processes. Some like pgrep and pkill are also available on Linux, for a long time, but to the authors knowledge, this pargs in this repository is the first Linux pargs.

The default mode, displaying the argument vector of running process (pargs $pid) can be approximated under Linux like this:

$ tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/$pid/cmdline

Displaying the environment vector works analogously, but the auxiliary vector (/proc/$pid/auxv) is more complicated because it's just an array of integers (64 or 32 bit depending on the architecture/process) that also references addresses in the processes address space.

The complexity grows when we want to obtain the same information from a core file. Some can be displayed from gdb, but this requires the availability of the executable file, as well. pargs just requires the core file.

In comparison to Solaris, some parts arguably can be obtained more easily (e.g. /proc/$pid/{cmdline,environ}) while others require more effort, on Linux. On Solaris, the core file contains some structs that include copies of the argument and environment vectors, thus, it's straight forward to access that information. This is not the case on Linux, where one has to search for the vectors in the right memory section.

Tested on:

  • Fedora 26 x86-64, both with 32/64 bit executables/core files, and with core files from different byte-order architectures
  • RHEL 6 (needs -s there)
  • Debian 8 ppc64 (PowerPC), both with 32/64 bit executables/core files, and with core files from different byte-order architectures

In general, the code is portable, e.g. when reading core files, pargs supports word sizes and byte orders (i.e. little vs. big endian) different from the native one. For example, pargs running on x86-64 Linux is able to print the argument vector, auxiliary vector etc. of a core file that was generated on a big-endian PowerPC Linux system.


The pdfmerge utility merges two PDF files such that the pages of the second PDF overlay the ones of the first one. In that sense it's a vertical merge. Example:

$ ./pdfmerge text-only.pdf image-only.pdf doc.pdf

Main use case for this is to merge a text-only (transparent) PDF file (OCR result) with an image-only PDF file (scan result). See also for a complete workflow.

It supports both the PyPDF2 and pdfrw packages (cf. the --pdfrw option), thus, it's also a small case study of the different PDF manipulation APIs. Fedora packages these dependencies as python3-PyPDF2 and python3-pdfrw.

Related PDF tools:

  • PDFtk - supports vertical merging, as well (pdftk text-only.pdf multibackground image-only.pdf output doc.pdf), but it isn't widely available anymore. At least Fedora has removed it from its main repository. Since parts of it are written Java it's arguably harder to install than this tiny Python utility.
  • pdf-stapler - supports a small subset of pdftk functionality, but, currently, doesn't support such a merge operation
  • mutool - from the makers of mupdf, doesn't support such a merge
  • poppler-utils - derived from the xpdf utils, doesn't support vertical merging (just horizontal merging with pdfunite)


The pldd command lists all shared libraries loaded into a running process. Often, the result is similar to what ldd prints for the executable. But the running process may actually end up with a different set of loaded shared libraries, e.g. due to a modified environment (e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH) or some dynamic logic (e.g. when the process calls dlopen()).


$ ./ $$

Both implementations and basically yield the same results. The difference is just that prints the current in-process-memory shared object table as created and maintained by the dynamic linker. Whereas prints the linked shared libraries from the kernel's point of view. The main difference is then that the kernel resolves all symbolic links, e.g. may report /lib64/ while reports /usr/lib64/ on systems where /lib64 symlinks to /usr/lib64.

Related tools: Solaris 10 has pldd which works like - but also supports reading the in-memory linker table from a single core file. Glibc comes with a pldd command (doesn't support core files) but it's seriously broken for years (since glibc 2.19) - i.e. it goes into an endless loop instead of printing any results.


The pq (process query) utility queries task attributes such as process flags, number of threads or environment variables.


List all tasks that match the 'rcu' regular expression:

$ pq -e rcu -o pid aff cpu cls pri nice comm
    pid aff cpu cls pri nice            comm
      3   3   3 OTH   0  -20          rcu_gp
      4 0-3   0 OTH   0  -20      rcu_par_gp
     11 0-3   1 OTH   0    0       rcu_sched
     31 0-3   1 OTH   0    0 rcu_tasks_kthre
     32 0-3   1 OTH   0    0 rcu_tasks_rude_
     33 0-3   1 OTH   0    0 rcu_tasks_trace

List all processes and threads:

$ pq -a -t | { head -3 ; tail -5; }
    pid     tid    ppid aff cpu cls pri nice    syscall      rss            comm
      1       1       0 0-3   3 OTH   0    0          #    10872         systemd
      2       2       0 0-3   2 OTH   0    0          #        #        kthreadd
 118106  118106    1326 0-3   3 OTH   0    0          #     8828 systemd-userwor
 118107  118107    1326 0-3   1 OTH   0    0          #     8624 systemd-userwor
 118115  118115       2 0-3   0 OTH   0    0          #        # kworker/u8:6-btrfs-endio-write
 118117  118117  100290 0-3   0 OTH   0    0       read     3800              pq
 118118  118118       #   #   #   ?   #    #          #        #               #

List all processes owned by a user:

$ pq -u juser | { head -3 ; tail -5; }
    pid     tid    ppid aff cpu cls pri nice    syscall      rss            comm
   1855    1855       1 0-3   0 OTH   0    0 epoll_wait     8976         systemd
   1857    1857    1855 0-3   3 OTH   0    0          #     5856        (sd-pam)
  87182   87182    3546 0-3   2 OTH   0    0      futex    65096 chromium-browse
  95873   95873    5034 0-3   0 OTH   0    0       kill    11792             vim
 100284  100284   57938 0-3   3 OTH   0    0     select    26044             vim
 100290  100290  100284 0-3   0 OTH   0    0 rt_sigsuspend     8196             zsh

 118138  118138  100290 0-3   1 OTH   0    0       read     3364              pq

List all available attributes:

$ pq -o help

List all kernel threads whose CPU affinity can't be changed:

$ pq -a -k -o pid comm flags | grep 'pid\|NO_SETAFF' | head -4
    pid            comm flags

List attributes of two processes which are identified by their PIDs:

$ pq -p 48178 22548  -o pid tid uid comm loginuid threads env:OLDPWD cwd exe
    pid     tid  uid            comm   loginuid threads      env             cwd        exe
  48178   48178 1000       kwalletd5       1000       9 /home/juser       /home/juser /usr/bin/kwalletd5
  22548   22548 1000     Web Content       1000      30 /home/juser /proc/22549/fdinfo (deleted) /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox

Some attributes pq supports can also be queried with ps, tuna -P, pgrep or taskset -pc - but not all, and none of the other tools supports all of the interesting attributes on its own, such that one often needs to chain them together and/or add cat /proc/$pid/... commands, possibly wrapped in a long shell one-liner.

Also, using pq can be more efficient. For example, when querying just a single process (with -p $PID), pq really just reads a few files under /proc/$PID/ whereas ps even then traverses all process specific directories under /proc. For example on a Fedora 33 system:

$ strace ps -p 48178 2>&1 | grep '^open.*/proc' -c
$ strace ./pq -p 48178 2>&1 | grep '^open.*/proc' -c

Same ps behaviour can be observed on RHEL/CentOS 7, as well. Obviously, this gets very annoying fast on systems that hosts thousands of processes.


Synchronize the write cache of an external USB disk, power it down and remove its device. Example:

$ ./ /dev/sdb

The main use cases for this is to power down an external disk gracefully instead of suddenly removing the power (i.e. when it's still running as it's unplugged) which should reduce mechanical stress. Also, the explicit flushing of the drive's cache shouldn't hurt. It should help after writing data directly to the disk (e.g. with dd) or with low-quality USB enclosures that don't flush the write cache on other synchronisation commands.

Related commands:

  • udisksctl power-off --block-device /dev/sdb - similar effect, only available on systems where the udisks2 service is available and running
  • eject /dev/sdb - may work for some hardware, unclear what features it supports for USB disks and doesn't really support error reporting. Doesn't work for the author under Fedora 27, i.e. it doesn't flush and it doesn't power-down.

See also Gracefully shutting down USB disk drives before disconnect on Unix-SE.


The purpose of searchb is quite simple: search if a file is included in another file and if it is report its offset. See also this Unix SE question about this use case.


$ searchb queryfile targetfile
$ searchb queryfile0 targetfile
$ echo $?

The obvious implementation choice is to map both files into memory and use a text-book text search algorithm such as Two-Way, BMH or KMP on it. Simple and at the same time efficient. A tiny complication is that POSIX mmap() doesn't allow mapping zero length files, thus, one has to add a special case for this (as - say - searching for a pattern in an empty file shouldn't be considered an error).

As a small case study, this repository contains several equivalent implementations of this small utility written in different languages: C, C++, Python, Go and Rust

Even with such a small example one can see the advantages, disadvantages and trade-offs associated with the different languages when it comes to system programming.


  • C: as always, some boilerplate error checking code necessary, otherwise straight forward. Unfortunately, POSIX doesn't specify the range equivalent to strstr(), but modern Unix-like operating systems like Linux provide memmem(). The Linux version of memmem() is highly optimized.
  • C++: the C++ STL doesn't include a convenient API for memory mapping a file, thus one either has to use the low-level C API or another library. Boost has 2 mmap APIs (in iostreams and interprocess) but both don't allow empty mappings. Libixxxutil does allow them thus it's used. The STL includes a generic search algorithm, although it doesn't have to better than a naive implementation. Boost also includes BMH and KMP implementations.
  • Python: just a few lines necessary to get the job done. Very elegant and the standard Python library contains all the needed pieces. Perhaps a tiny downer is that the search algorithm isn't available as orthogonal function, instead it's mmap.find(), bytes.find() etc. Likely, one implementation is shared, internally and the standard library is usually mature enough to expose all the obvious helper functions (like in this case).
  • Go: Similar to C and C++, Go also allows for an orthogonal implementation of memory mapping and searching. The standard library comes with bytes.Index() that implements some special cases for different pattern lengths (including Rabin-Karp) and works on any byte slices, while the Mmap() syscall also returns a zero copy byte slice. Still, one cannot call this implementation extremely elegant: Since Go doesn't have exceptions one has to invest in some repetitive error checking, there is nothing similar to RAII and the standard library doesn't include a high-level mmap API (heck, even the syscalls aren't part of the standard library). As a consequence, the Go version isn't much shorter than the C version
  • Rust: the view-like slice syntax, move-semantics etc. are well suited for this job, e.g. to allow for an orthogonal combination of memory mapping and search. Unfortunately, Rust's standard library neither contains a search algorithm for u8 byte slices (just for UTF strings) nor an mmap API. However, external crates are available for both tasks. Using those, the implementation is very short and elegant, as well. Although Rust also doesn't have exceptions, at least it has some syntactic sugar to avoid some error checking boilerplate code (e.g. the ? operator).
  • In general, most of the mid- to high-level memory map APIs in the different languages don't improve upon the POSIX limitation to fail on zero length mappings. Just returning an empty range simplifies its use (cf. the mmap() helper in the C and go versions and libixxxutil) as some special error handling can be omitted.
  • Performance: the C/C++/Python/Go/Rust versions are basically equally fast. The memmem() likely contains some SIMD code and the Rust search library has optional SIMD support, although it requires support for inline assembly, which isn't available in the current Rust stable (e.g. version 1.25).


silence is command wrapper that executes a command with its arguments such that its stdout/stderr are written to unlinked temporary files. In case the command exits with return code unequal zero, the temporary files are streamed to stdout and stderr of silence. Otherwise, the temporary files (under TMPDIR or /tmp) vanish when both silence and the called command exit.

This is useful e.g. for job schedulers like cron, where the output is only of interest in the event of failure. With cron, the output of a program also triggers a notification mail (another trigger is the return code).

silence provides the -k option for terminating the child in case it is terminated before the child has exited. On Linux, this is implemented via installing SIGTERM as parent death signal in its child before it executes the supplied command. On other systems the parent death signal mechanism is approximated via installing a signal handler for SIGTERM that kills the child.

The utility is a C reimplementation of moreutils chronic that is written in Perl. Thus, it has less runtime overhead, especially less startup overhead. The unittests actually contain 2 test cases that fail for moreutils chronic because of the startup overhead. Another difference is that moreutils chronic buffers stdout and stderr lines in memory, where silence writes them to temporary files, thus avoiding memory issues with noisy long running commands. Also, moreutils chronic doesn't provide means to get the child killed when it is terminated. Other differences are documented in the unittest cases (cf. test/


silencce is a C++ implementation of silence. The main difference is the usage of exceptions, thus simplifying the error reporting.


Since 2014 (3.15) (cf. the development) Linux implements the RENAME_EXCHANGE flag with the renameat2(2) system call for atomically exchanging the filenames of two files. The swap utility exposes this functionality on the command line.


$ echo bar > bar; echo foo > foo
$ ls -i bar foo
1193977 bar  1193978 foo
$ cat bar foo
$ ./swap bar foo
$ ls -i bar foo
1193978 bar  1193977 foo
$ cat bar foo
$ ./swap bar foo
$ ls -i bar foo
1193977 bar  1193978 foo
$ cat bar foo

Beside the use cases mentioned in the renameat(2) man page, atomically filename swapping can be handy for e.g. log file rotation. There, any time window where the log filename is missing is eliminated.

The swap.c source code also functions as example of how a system call can be called when glibc doesn't provide a wrapper for it.

Not every filesystem necessarily supports RENAME_EXCHANGE. First supported by EXT4 in 2014, e.g. Btrfs supports it since 2016 (Linux 4.7). AUFS (a union FS) doesn't support RENAME_EXCHANGE, but Overlay FS does. AUFS isn't part of the Linux kernel (in contrast to Overlay FS) but used by some Docker versions, by default. Docker supports several storage backends and there is also a backend that uses Overlay FS. Some versions use that by default. On Linux, one can verify the type of the filesystem a file or directory is part of via:

$ stat -f -c %T somefile

User-Installed lists all the packages that were manually selected, i.e. that are marked as user-installed in the local package database because a user explicitly installed them. That means packages that were installed by the system installer or as automatic dependencies aren't listed.

It supports different distributions: Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, Termux, Debian and Ubuntu

Such a package list can be used for:

  • preparing a kickstart file
  • 'cloning' a good package selection of one system
  • restoring the package selection after a vanilla install (e.g. because of a major distribution version upgrade or a system recovery)

Excluding the automatically installed packages from the list protects against:

  • installing old dependency packages that are now obsolete on the new version of the distribution
  • wrongly marking the old dependency packages as user-installed on the new system
  • and thus making auto-cleaning after a future package removal of then unneeded dependency packages ineffective
  • failed installs due to dependency packages that are removed in the new distribution version

Example for restoring a package list on a Fedora system:

# dnf install $(cat example-org.pkg.lst)

Ignoring any unavailable packages:

# dnf install --setopt=strict=0 $(cat example-org.pkg.lst)

Build Instructions

Get the source:

$ git clone https:/gsauthof/utility.git
$ cd utility
# git submodule update --init

Out of source builds are recommended, e.g.:

$ mkdir utility-bin && cd utility-bin
$ cmake ../utility
$ make

Or to use ninja instead of make and create a release build:

$ mkdir utility-bin-o && cd utility-bin-o
$ cmake -G Ninja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../utility
$ ninja-build

Install it (for packaging):

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
$ DESTDIR=$PWD/out ninja install

If you want to directly install it into the final destination you can drop the DESTDIR=... part.


$ make check


$ ninja-build check

