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AttentionBox: Efficient Object Proposal Generation based on AttentionMask


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AttentionBox: Efficient Object Proposal Generation based on AttentionMask. (Bachelor Thesis, Slides)

In my bachelor thesis, I evaluated AttentionMask with a box regressor replacing the segmentation module. With AttentionBox, I propose an efficient method generating object proposals with an average performance. AttentionBox decreases the runtime of AttentionMask by 32% because the boxes don't need to be derived from masks anymore. While running at 7fps, AttentionBox has a decent performance detecting small and tiny objects.


The system is based on AttentionMask, which is based on FastMask.


All methods were evaluated on boxes.

Method AR@10 AR@100 AR@1k ARS@100 ARM@100 ARL@100 time
BING 0.037 0.084 0.163 - - - 0.20s
EdgeBoxes 0.074 0.178 0.338 0.017 0.0138 0.505 0.31s
MCG 0.101 0.178 0.398 - - - 45s
DeepMaskZoom 0.191 0.378 0.511 0.141 0.493 0.617 1.35s
SharpMask 0.198 0.367 0.490 0.063 0.514 0.674 1.03s
SharpMaskZoom 0.202 0.397 0.533 0.147 0.519 0.648 2.02s
FastMask 0.227 0.430 0.568 0.175 0.549 0.692 0.33s
AttentionMask 0.214 0.426 0.570 0.210 0.508 0.673 0.22s
AttractioNet 0.326 0.532 0.660 0.317 0.621 0.771 1.63s
ZIP 0.335 0.539 0.612 0.319 0.630 0.785 1.13s
AttentionBox 0.219 0.429 0.560 0.219 0.525 0.649 0.15s


First 5k images of the MS COCO val2014 for different methods. The images show whether an object was found or not:

AttentionBox, AttentionMask, FastMask, AttractioNet

Results.json for the first 5k images of the MS COCO val2014 for different methods:

AttentionBox, AttentionMask, FastMask, AttractioNet

Tipp: Download files from Google Drive using gdown


The following is adapted from AttentionMask's Repository.


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Cuda 9.0
  • Python 2.7
  • OpenCV-Python
  • Python packages: scipy, numpy, python-cjson, setproctitle, scikit-image
  • COCOApi
  • Caffe (already part of this git)
  • Alchemy (already part of this git)

Hardware specifications

For the results of this thesis, I used the following hardware:

  • Intel i7-5930K 6 core CPU
  • 32 GB RAM
  • GTX Titan X GPU with 12 GB RAM


I assume Ubuntu 16.04 with Cuda 9.0, Python 2.7 and pip already installed.

First, install OpenCV-Python:

sudo apt-get install python-opencv

Then, clone and install COCOApi as described here.

Now, clone this repository, install the Python packages from requirements.txt if necessary, and install the requirements of Caffe (PyCaffe) following the official instructions. Edit the Makefile.config according to your system settings.

git clone https:/harm-matthias-harms/AttentionBox
cd AttentionBox
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd caffe
make pycaffe -j6
cd ..

Create new subdirectories for weights params and results results:

mkdir params results


After successful installation, AttentionBox can immediately be used without any training. Just download the weights (and the COCO dataset). However, you can also train AttentionBox with your own data. Note, however, that your own data should be in the COCO format.

Download dataset

Download the train2014 and val2014 splits from COCO dataset. The train2014 split is exclusively used for training, while the first 5000 images from the val2014 split are used for testing. After downloading, extract the data in the following structure:

---- data
     ---- coco
          ---- annotations
          |    |
          |    ---- instances_train2014.json
          |    |
          |    ---- instances_val2014.json
          ---- train2014
          |    |
          |    ---- COCO_train2014_000000000009.jpg
          |    |
          |    ---- ...
          ---- val2014
               ---- COCO_val2014_000000000042.jpg
               ---- ...

Download weights

For inference, you have to download the model weights for the final AttentionBox model: AttentionBox-final.

If you want to do the training yourself, download the initial ImageNet weights for the ResNet. Weight files should be moved into the params subdirectory.

Tipp: Download files from Google Drive using gdown


There are two options for inference. You can either generate proposals for the COCO dataset (or any other dataset following that format) or you can generate proposals for one image.

COCO dataset

For inference on the COCO dataset, use the script with the GPU id, the model name, the weights and the dataset you want to test on (e.g., val2014):

python 0 attentionBox-final --init_weights attentionBox-final.caffemodel --dataset val2014 --end 5000

By default, only the first 5000 images of a dataset are used.

Individual image

If you want to test AttentionBox on one of your images, call the script with the path to your image, the GPU id, the model name, and the weights:

python 0 attentionBox-final <your image path here> --init_weights=attentionBox-final.caffemodel

As a result, you get an image with the best 20 proposals as overlays. If you want to dive deeper into the set of proposals, you can store them all using the ret_masks variable in the script with the ret_scores variable for the objectness scores.


For the evaluation on the COCO dataset, you can use the script with the model name and the dataset used. --useSegm is a flag for using segmentation masks instead of bounding boxes.

python attentionBox-final --dataset val2014 --useSegm False --end 5000

By default, only the first 5000 images of a dataset are used.


To train AttentionBox on a dataset, you can use the script. It iterates over several epochs and saves as well as evaluates the result of each epoch (outputs in trainEval.txt). For validation, currently, the first 5000 images of the training set are used. However, we encourage you to use a split of val2014 that is disjunct to the first 5000 images as your own validation set. Lowering the learning rate has to be done manually. We lowered the learning rate after three consecutive epochs of not improving results on our validation set. The environmental variable EPOCH determines the next epoch to be run and is automatically incremented.

export EPOCH=1

Training on your own dataset

If you want to change the dataset form COCO to something else you have to follow the subsequent steps.

  1. You have to provide the annotations in the COCO-style. COCO-style means the annotation file has to be a JSON file similar to the COCO annotations. There are many tools on the web to change or create annotations accordingly.

  2. Change the shuffledData.txt. The only purpose of this file is to keep the data preprocessing in the data layer and the box selection layer in sync (loading the identical image, determining if the image should be flipped or slightly zoomed). Therefore this file keeps a randomly shuffled list of all indices of the dataset. In the case of the COCO dataset, it is a list of numbers from 0 to 82080 (82081 images in training set). Additionally, for each number, there is a random flag (0 or 1) for horizontally flipping the image for training as well as a number between 0 and 69 as a tiny zoom. A tiny zoom is a small number that is added on top of the max edge length to get some more variety in image sizes (check fetch() and fetch_image() in or for details). All three values are separated by a semicolon, and each line has one entry.

  3. In adjust ANNOTATION_TYPE and IMAGE_SET according to your new dataset. Furthermore, you may have to adjust ANNOTATION_FILE_FORMAT for the path to the annotations or IMAGE_PATH_FORMAT for the path to the images. The image format strings are used in alchemy/data/ for locating the images. Changes may have to be applied there as well, e.g., if the image file name does not start with the dataset name.

  4. The solver (models/*.solver.prototxt) has to be adapted if the dataset is of a different length than COCO. Change snapshot, display, and average_loss according to the number of images in your dataset.

  5. Change the value of the --step parameter when calling the training script to the number of images in your dataset.

  6. For inference, you may have to change the extraction of image_id in the script according to the image IDs in your dataset.

Speed up training or testing / Decrease network size

To speed up the training or testing phase as well as decreasing the network's memory footprint, removing one or multiple scales is a straightforward solution. However, this comes at the cost of (slightly) decreased performance in terms of AR. Usually removing scales 24, 48, and 96 results only in little changes in terms of AR. Removing scale 8 on the other hand results in large gains in terms of speed up and memory footprint. However, it decreases the performance on small objects significantly. For removing one or multiple scales, follow the subsequent steps.


Usually, it is no problem to test with fewer scales than you used for training. We will show here how to remove scale 128 from myModel. Removing other scales works accordingly.

  1. From the configs/myModel.json file remove 128 from the list RFs.
  2. In the models/myModel.test.prototxt remove the following elements:
    1. Remove top: "sample_128" from sample_concat layer.
    2. Remove the layers extractor_128 and conv_feat_1_128s.
    3. Remove top: "obj128_flags" and bottom: "obj128_checked" from the SplitIndices layer.
    4. Remove bottom: "obj128_checked" and bottom: "nonObj128_checked" from concatFlattendObj and concatFlattendNonObj layer, respectively.
    5. Remove the entire objectness attention at scale 128 block. This step is not necessary for scale 8, scale 16 and scale 24.
    6. Remove the entire shared neck at scale 128 block. This step is only necessary, if you remove a final scale from one of the branches (e.g. scale 96 or scale 128 from attentionBox-final). This step is not necessary for scale 8, scale 16 and scale 24.


  1. Follow the instructions for testing.
  2. Remove all elements in the models/myModel.train.prototxt file that have been removed from the models/myModel.test.prototx file.
  3. Furthermore, remove top: "objAttBox_128" and top: "objAttBox_128_org" from the data layer.
  4. Remove 128 from the attr in coco/

Removing an entire branch

If you remove scales 24, 48, 96(, 192), you can also remove the div3 branch from the base net (layers marked with _div3).