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Harmony's go-sdk

This is a go layer on top of the Harmony RPC, included is a CLI tool that you can build with a simple invocation of make

See for detailed documentation on how to use the hmy CLI tools


Working directly on this repo can be challenging because of the upstream dependencies. Follow the README in the main repo for an already ready development environment: https:/harmony-one/harmony/blob/master/

...for the impatient:

$ docker run -it  harmonyone/main:stable /bin/bash
$ cd ../go-sdk
$ git pull -r origin master
$ make

Usage & Examples

hmy implements a fluent API, that is, there is a hierarchy of commands.

bash completions

once built, add hmy to your path and add to your .bashrc

. <(hmy completion)

invoke the following command to see the most command usages of hmy

$ hmy cookbook

Cookbook of Usage


1) Every subcommand recognizes a '--help' flag
2) If a passphrase is used by a subcommand, one can enter their own passphrase interactively
   with the --passphrase option. Alternatively, one can pass their own passphrase via a file
   using the --passphrase-file option. If no passphrase option is selected, the default
   passphrase of '' is used.
3) These examples use Shard 0 of Mainnet as argument for --node


1.  Check account balance on given chain
./hmy --node= balances <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS>

2.  Check sent transaction
./hmy --node= blockchain transaction-by-hash <SOME_TX_HASH>

3.  List local account keys
./hmy keys list

4.  Sending a transaction (waits 40 seconds for transaction confirmation)
./hmy --node= transfer \
    --from-shard 0 --to-shard 1 --amount 200 --passphrase

5.  Sending a batch of transactions as dictated from a file (the `--dry-run` options still apply)
./hmy --node= transfer --file <PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>
Check README for details on json file format.

6.  Check a completed transaction receipt
./hmy --node= blockchain transaction-receipt <SOME_TX_HASH>

7.  Import an account using the mnemonic. Prompts the user to give the mnemonic.
./hmy keys recover-from-mnemonic <ACCOUNT_NAME>

8.  Import an existing keystore file
./hmy keys import-ks <PATH_TO_KEYSTORE_JSON>

9.  Import a keystore file using a secp256k1 private key
./hmy keys import-private-key <secp256k1_PRIVATE_KEY>

10. Export a keystore file's secp256k1 private key
./hmy keys export-private-key <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --passphrase

11. Generate a BLS key then encrypt and save the private key to the specified location.
./hmy keys generate-bls-key --bls-file-path <PATH_FOR_BLS_KEY_FILE>

12. Create a new validator with a list of BLS keys
./hmy --node= staking create-validator --amount 10 --validator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> \
    --bls-pubkeys <BLS_KEY_1>,<BLS_KEY_2>,<BLS_KEY_3> \
    --identity foo --details bar --name baz --max-change-rate 0.1 --max-rate 0.1 --max-total-delegation 10 \
    --min-self-delegation 10 --rate 0.1 --security-contact Leo  --website --passphrase

13. Edit an existing validator
./hmy --node= staking edit-validator \
    --validator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --identity foo --details bar \
    --name baz --security-contact EK --website \
    --min-self-delegation 0 --max-total-delegation 10 --rate 0.1\
    --add-bls-key <SOME_BLS_KEY> --remove-bls-key <OTHER_BLS_KEY> --passphrase

14. Delegate an amount to a validator
./hmy --node= staking delegate \
    --delegator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --validator-addr <VALIDATOR_ONE_ADDRESS> \
    --amount 10 --passphrase

15. Undelegate to a validator
./hmy --node= staking undelegate \
    --delegator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --validator-addr <VALIDATOR_ONE_ADDRESS> \
    --amount 10 --passphrase

16. Collect block rewards as a delegator
./hmy --node= staking collect-rewards \
    --delegator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --passphrase

17. Check elected validators
./hmy --node= blockchain validator elected

18. Get current staking utility metrics
./hmy --node= blockchain utility-metrics

19. Check in-memory record of failed staking transactions
./hmy --node= failures staking

20. Check which shard your BLS public key would be assigned to as a validator
./hmy --node= utility shard-for-bls <BLS_PUBLIC_KEY>

21. Vote on a governance proposal on
./hmy governance vote-proposal --space=[harmony-mainnet.eth] \
	--proposal=<PROPOSAL_IPFS_HASH> --proposal-type=[single-choice] \
	--choice=<VOTING_CHOICE(S)> --app=[APP] --key=<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_OR_NAME>
PS: key must first use (hmy keys import-private-key) to import

22. Enter Console
./hmy command --net=testnet

Sending batched transactions

One may find it useful to send a batch of transaction with 1 instance of the binary. To do this, one can specify a JSON file with the transaction subcommand to dictate a batch of transaction to send off in sequential order.


hmy --node="" transfer --file ./batchTransactions.json

Note that the --wait-for-confirm and --dry-run options still apply when sending batched transactions

Transfer JSON file format

The JSON file will be a JSON array where each element has the following attributes:

Key Value-type Value-description
from string [Required] Sender's one address, must have key in keystore.
to string [Required] The receivers one address.
amount string [Required] The amount to send in $ONE.
from-shard string [Required] The source shard.
to-shard string [Required] The destination shard.
passphrase-file string [Optional] The file path to file containing the passphrase in plain text. If none is provided, check for passphrase string.
passphrase-string string [Optional] The passphrase as a string in plain text. If none is provided, passphrase is ''.
nonce string [Optional] The nonce of a specific transaction, default uses nonce from blockchain.
gas-price string [Optional] The gas price to pay in NANO (1e-9 of $ONE), default is 1.
gas-limit string [Optional] The gas limit, default is 21000.
stop-on-error boolean [Optional] If true, stop sending transactions if an error occurred, default is false.
true-nonce boolean [Optional] If true, send transaction using true on-chain nonce. Cannot be used with nonce. If none is provided, use tx pool nonce.

Example of JSON file:

    "from": "one103q7qe5t2505lypvltkqtddaef5tzfxwsse4z7",
    "to": "one1zksj3evekayy90xt4psrz8h6j2v3hla4qwz4ur",
    "from-shard" : "0",
    "to-shard": "0",
    "amount": "1",
    "passphrase-string": "",
    "nonce": "35",
    "stop-on-error": true
    "from": "one103q7qe5t2505lypvltkqtddaef5tzfxwsse4z7",
    "to": "one1zksj3evekayy90xt4psrz8h6j2v3hla4qwz4ur",
    "from-shard" : "0",
    "to-shard": "0",
    "amount": "1",
    "passphrase-file": "./pw.txt",
    "gas-price": "1",
    "gas-limit": "21000",
    "true-nonce": true

Batched transaction response format

The return will be a JSON array where each element is a transaction log. The transaction log has the following attributes:

Key Value-type Value-description
transaction-receipt string The transaction hash/receipt if the CLI signed and sent a transaction, otherwise this key will not exist
transaction JSON Object The transaction parameters if --dry-run is toggled, otherwise this key will not exist.
blockchain-receipt JSON Object The transaction receipt from the blockchain if wait-for-confirm is > 0, otherwise this key will not exist.
raw-transaction string The raw bytes in hex of a sighed transaction if --dry-run is toggled, otherwise this key will not exist
errors JSON Array A JSON array of strings describing any error that occurred during the execution of a transaction. If no errors, this key will not exist.
time-signed-utc string The time in UTC as a string of roughly when the transaction was signed. If no signed transaction, this key will not exist.

Example of returned JSON Array:

    "errors": [
      "[2020-01-22 22:01:10.819406] strconv.ParseUint: parsing \"-1\": invalid syntax"
    "transaction-receipt": "0xf1706080ea9ac210ee2c12c69fb310be5a5da99582b7c783e2f741a3536abbfd",
    "blockchain-receipt": {
      "blockHash": "0xe6de09f4e0ca351257d301a50b4e2ca82646473dc1c4302b570bfab17d421850",
      "blockNumber": "0xb71",
      "contractAddress": null,
      "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x5208",
      "from": "one103q7qe5t2505lypvltkqtddaef5tzfxwsse4z7",
      "gasUsed": "0x5208",
      "logs": [],
      "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "shardID": 0,
      "status": "0x1",
      "to": "one1zksj3evekayy90xt4psrz8h6j2v3hla4qwz4ur",
      "transactionHash": "0xf1706080ea9ac210ee2c12c69fb310be5a5da99582b7c783e2f741a3536abbfd",
      "transactionIndex": "0x0"
    "time-signed-utc": "2020-01-22 22:01:11.468407"

Offline sign transfer

  1. Get Nonce From a Account. (Need to be online, but no passphrase required)
./hmy get-nonce --node= --from=[ONE address]
  1. Sign transfer and write to file. (Passphrase required, But no need to be online)
./hmy transfer --offline-sign --nonce=[nonce value from previous] --from=[ONE address] --to=[ONE address] --amount=1000 --from-shard=0 --to-shard=0 > signed.json
  1. send signed.json to Harmony blockchain! (Need to be online, but no passphrase required)
./hmy offline-sign-transfer --node= --file ./signed.json


The go-sdk code respects HMY_RPC_DEBUG HMY_TX_DEBUG as debugging based environment variables.

HMY_RPC_DEBUG=true HMY_TX_DEBUG=true ./hmy blockchain protocol-version

Contract Deploy

You can deploy the contract use the command;

./hmy command --node="" --net=testnet

Then you can test this code to deploy a smart contract

var abi = [{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"changeIt","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"number","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}]
var code = '0x60806040526212345660005534801561001757600080fd5b5060c8806100266000396000f3006080604052600436106049576000357c0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000900463ffffffff16806327b5c17514604e5780638381f58a146062575b600080fd5b348015605957600080fd5b506060608a565b005b348015606d57600080fd5b5060746096565b6040518082815260200191505060405180910390f35b62654321600081905550565b600054815600a165627a7a72305820294db9eed647c48762212fd43bf9ed7733c9d9f43b1ce5583bb4c2bae97fae770029'
var account = 'one1xjanr7lgulc0fqyc8dmfp6jfwuje2d94xfnzyd' // change this to your account address, support eth or one address
var myContract=eth.contract(abi)
contract ={from:account,data:code})

Wait for a few seconds and it's ready to use