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Repository files navigation

This is one half of a two part ORM system.  This contains the common code, but individual classes
need to specify their relationships and how they should be saved to the database.  You could
write it all by hand, which would not be very bright, or you could generate it.

The generator is available in this project:

Here's the generator code (Ruby) for the models used in the example project:

class Objects < FrankORMGenerator
  project_name "FrankApp"
  directory "frankapp"
  author "Ian Terrell"
  frank_object :user do |user|
    user.string :username
    user.string :password
    user.number :awesomeness_code
    user.belongs_to :group
    user.has_many :comments
  frank_object :group do |group|
    group.string :name
    group.has_many :users
  frank_object :comment do |comment|
    comment.string :opinion
    comment.belongs_to :user

From the example:

NSLog(@"There are %d users and %d opinions from the last run.", [User count], [Opinion count]);
success = [User destroyAll] && [Opinion destroyAll];
NSLog(@"After a destroy all with success %d, there are now %d users and %d opinions", success, [User count], [Opinion count]);

User *frank = [User alloc];
frank.username = @"frank";
frank.password = @"secret";
NSLog(@"Before saving, Frank's pk is %d", [ intValue]);
success = [frank save];
NSLog(@"Frank's save had success %d and his pk is now %d", success, [ intValue]);
NSLog(@"There is now %d user", [User count]);

User *jeff = [User alloc];
jeff.username = @"jeff";
jeff.password = @"secret";
NSLog(@"Before saving, Jeff's pk is %d", [ intValue]);
success = [jeff save];
NSLog(@"Jeff's save had success %d and his pk is now %d", success, [ intValue]);
NSLog(@"There are now %d users", [User count]);

User *brian = [User alloc];
brian.username = @"brian";
brian.password = @"top'secret";
NSLog(@"Before saving, Brian's pk is %d", [ intValue]);
success = [brian save];
NSLog(@"Brian's save had success %d and his pk is now %d", success, [ intValue]);
NSLog(@"There are now %d users", [User count]);

NSLog(@"There are %d users with the password 'secret', they are:", [User countWhere:@"password = ?", @"secret"]);
for (User *u in [User findWhere:@"password = ?", @"secret"])
NSLog(@"User 3 is...");
User *user3 = [User findByPk:[NSNumber numberWithInt:3]];
NSLog(@"%@ identified by %@", user3.username, user3.password);

Opinion *o1 = [Opinion alloc];
o1.value = @"French fries are delicious.";
[o1 setUser:brian];
[o1 save];
NSLog(@"Who thinks french fries are delicious?  %@ does", o1.user.username);
Opinion *o2 = [Opinion alloc];
o2.value = @"Hamburgers are delicious.";
o2.userPk =;
[o2 save];
NSLog(@"Who thinks hamburgers are delicious?  %@ does", o2.user.username);

NSLog(@"Brian has %d opinions... they are:", [brian opinionsCount]);
for (Opinion *o in brian.opinions)


There are 3 users and 2 opinions from the last run.
After a destroy all with success 1, there are now 0 users and 0 opinions
Before saving, Frank's pk is 0
Frank's save had success 1 and his pk is now 1
There is now 1 user
Before saving, Jeff's pk is 0
Jeff's save had success 1 and his pk is now 2
There are now 2 users
Before saving, Brian's pk is 0
Brian's save had success 1 and his pk is now 3
There are now 3 users
There are 2 users with the password 'secret', they are:
User 3 is...
brian identified by top'secret
Who thinks french fries are delicious?  brian does
Who thinks hamburgers are delicious?  brian does
Brian has 2 opinions... they are:
French fries are delicious.
Hamburgers are delicious.


A really simple ORM suite built for the iPhone's SQLite3 database







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