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type-safe exception support for Python

docs · issues

rescue is a Python package that makes exceptions type-safe with minimal boilerplate

  • make exceptions an explicit part of the function contract
  • never forget to handle an exception
  • build type-safe error handling abstractions

import requests

from rescue import bind, unwrap, wrap_into_exc_handler

def safe_get(
  url: str
) -> Generator[requests.HTTPError, None, Dict[str, Any]]:
  resp = requests.get(url)
  except requests.HTTPError as e:
      yield from throw(e)
  return resp.json()
def return_empty_on_err(_: requests.HTTPError) -> Dict[str, Any]:
  return {}

data = unwrap(bind(safe_get(""), return_empty_on_err))


poetry add rescue

Enable the plugin in pyproject.toml:

disallow_untyped_defs = true
plugins = [


Imagine that a function you write can produce an error. Let's say that this error doesn't mean that your entire program (or thread of execution to be more precise) has to shut down, meaning the error can be handled in some way. You just have to remember to handle this particular error every time you call the function, just in case. Sounds easy enough, right?

Turns out, it's not easy. People (no matter the skill level) tend to forget about stuff like this and their programs crash unexpectedly. I am not writing software that people rely on for their life, but even an unresponsive web page can be a nuisance.

Fear not! A lot of smart people came up with all sorts of clever tooling to help people deal with errors explicitly in cases that call for it. This is my attempt at bringing some of these ideas to Python and mypy.

Let's say I've written a function:

def echo_even(user_input: int) -> int:
  if user_input % 2 != 0:
    raise ValueError("user_input must be an even number")
  return user_input

With this particular implementation if I forget to add an except clause when calling echo_even, my program will crash every time a user supplies an odd number. How do I make it impossible to call a function without explicitly handling every error it can produce? Thankfully, I can just use rescue.

throw instead of raise

Let's use rescue.throw to rewrite echo_even:

from typing import Generator
from rescue import throw

def echo_even(x: int) -> Generator[ValueError, None, int]:
  if x % 2 != 0:
    yield from throw(ValueError("x must be an even number"))
  return x

There is a lot to unpack here. Let's begin with Generator.

Generator type to encode error type information

Generator is an object that represents a function call that is ready to be evaluated, but evaluation is postponed until later. To evaluate a generator produced by rescue you unwrap it. As you can see from the example Generator is a generic type with three parameters, but rescue uses only two:

  • the type of every possible error that can be produced by the wrapped call
  • the return type of the wrapped call

Generators are actually have a lot of other applications, this explanation is only for the purposes of rescue.

A function that returns a generator becomes a generator function as opposed to a regular function. Generator functions make information about potential errors they can produce explicit through their type signature, which greatly simplifies reasoning about the code. But how does a regular function become a generator function?

yield from to produce generator functions

To make your function return a generator you use yield from inside of it. yield from takes a generator as an argument and returns a value if everything is ok. If the generator you yield from produces an error via throw then your generator function does too, which means you have to adjust the error type part of your function signature.

rescue provides a throw function as a replacement for raise. throw is a low-level function that returns a generator that always produces a given error when evaluated. That's why we had to specify ValueError as an error type for echo_even.

Let's look at another example:

from typing import Generator, Union
from rescue import throw

def divide_if_even(x: int, y: int) -> Generator[Union[ValueError, ZeroDivisionError], None, int]:
  if y == 0:
    yield from throw(ZeroDivisionError())

  x = yield from echo_even(x)
  return x // y

We pass a ZeroDivisionError() to throw and yield from it. We have to add ZeroDivisionError type to the type signature. We also yield from a generator that is returned by the call to echo_even and we know that this call can produce a ValueError, so we specify it in Generator[Union[ValueError, ZeroDivisionError], None, int] via Union.

What's great about rescue is that you don't actually have to trace what generator functions can produce what errors, because if you forget that echo_even can produce a ValueError, mypy will let you know by failing to type check you code!

unwrap to evaluate

We can unwrap a generator to evaluate it only when it has None as the error type argument. For example, Generator[None, None, int] doesn't produce any errors and returns an int.

from rescue import unwrap

assert unwrap(add_one(5)) == 6

What about echo_even from our first example? It returns Generator[ValueError, None, int], how do we turn it into Generator[None, None, int] so we could unwrap it?

exc_handler to handle errors

You can bind an exception handler to any generator. A handler is a callable with a single parameter of the error type it can handle. We decorate it with a wrap_into_exc_handler call with the same type as argument:

from rescue import bind, unwrap, wrap_into_exc_handler

def return_zero(_: ValueError) -> int:
  return 0

assert unwrap(bind(echo_even(6), return_zero)) == 6
assert unwrap(bind(echo_even(5), return_zero)) == 0

If the execution of an echo_even(6) generator produces a ValueError the return_zero is executed with the error instance and its return value becomes the return value of unwrap. That way your error handlers don't interrupt your normal flow of execution as exceptions do. You still can interrupt the flow of your program, but you have to do that explicitly. There is a utility handler exc_to_box that can be useful:

from rescue import Box, bind, box_exc, unwrap

# a container for a potential error
box: Box[ValueError] = Box()

even_x = unwrap(
  bind(echo_even(1), box_exc(ValueError, box, default=0))

if box.content is not None:
  # here you know that `echo_even(1)` call produced an error and can act accordingly

Another great thing about handlers is that they themselves can be generator functions. In the case of turning a generator function into a handler you don't need to wrap it so instead of wrap_into_exc_handler we use exc_handler:

from typing import Generator
from rescue import bind, exc_handler, throw

def throw_runtime_error(_: ValueError) -> Generator[RuntimeError, None, int]:
  yield from throw(RuntimeError("caught a ValueError"))
  return 0

reveal_type(bind(echo_even(6), throw_runtime_error))  # Revealed type is "Generator[RuntimeError, None, int]"

In the example above throw_runtime_error handled ValueError, but because it itself can produce a RuntimeError we need another handler for the generator.


API interface Description
Generator A function call that is yet to be evaluated and has error type information attached.
yield from Evaluates a generator inside another generator function.
throw A function that returns a generator that always evaluates to a given error.
exc_handler Decorates a generator function as a handler of a particular exception type.
wrap_into_exc_handler Decorates a regular function as a handler of a particular exception type.
bind Returns a generator with a particular exception type removed from the error type signature.
unwrap Evaluates a generator that doesn't produce errors and returns a value.


Generator is an object that represents a function call that is ready to be evaluated, but evaluation is postponed until later. To evaluate a generator you unwrap it. Generator is a generic type with three parameters, but rescue uses only two:

  • the type of every possible error that can be produced by the wrapped call
  • the return type of the wrapped call

A function that returns a generator becomes a generator function as opposed to a regular function.

Invoking a generator function doesn't start execution, but returns a generator object. To actually call start the execution you should unwrap it.

yield from

from typing import Generator

def mul_even(x: int, n: int) -> Generator[ValueError, None, int]:
  value = yield from echo_even(x)
  return value * n

yield from takes a Generator object and evaluates it until it either returns successfully or yields an exception. yield from returns a value, but any error that occurs is passed to an appropriate handler.


from typing import Generator
from rescue import throw

def echo_even(x: int) -> Generator[ValueError, None, int]:
  if x % 2 != 0:
    yield from throw(ValueError("x must be an even number"))
  return x

throw halts the function and produces an error. It is supposed to be called via yield from as any other generator function.

Think of it like raise that is actually reflected in the signature of a function.

mypy should understand that no code is ever executed after yield from throw(...), but it currently doesn't.


from rescue import wrap_into_exc_handler

def return_zero(_: ValueError) -> int:
  return 0

wrap_into_exc_handler turns a function into a generator function and calls exc_handler on it. The following is equivalent:

from typing import Generator
from rescue import exc_handler

def return_zero(_: ValueError) -> Generator[None, None, int]:
  if False:
    yield None
  return 0


from typing import Generator
from rescue import exc_handler, throw

def throw_runtime_error(_: ValueError) -> Generator[RuntimeError, None, int]:
  yield from throw(RuntimeError("caught a ValueError"))
  return 0

exc_handler requires an exception type and a generator function, which has a single parameter of the same type. The return value is of type ExcHandler, which is a callable with extra runtime information attached.

When rescue dispatches an exception at runtime it tries to find a matching handler. Even though handler has its parameter type annotated, this information may not be enough for rescue in more complex cases such as generic handlers.


from typing import Generator
from rescue import unwrap

def add_one(x: int) -> Generator[None, None, int]:
  if False:
    yield None
  return x + 1

assert unwrap(add_one(5)) == 6

unwrap evaluates a generator, but it only accepts the ones that have None as the error type argument. You can bind error handlers to a generator to reduce its error type to None.


  • exceptions are great at interrupting execution, so if you can't recover from an error then just raise an exception
  • bind is implemented via a mypy plugin, so you can't write code that is generic over arguments to bind
  • async/await is not supported, because yield from doesn't work with async

asyncio support

It's possible to use rescue with asyncio code, but:

  • you must avoid async/await syntax
  • you must annotate your top-level main function with Generator[None, None, None]
  • you must not call unwrap on async generator functions

I don't think it's worth it, but here's an example:

import asyncio
import types
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator
import httpx
from rescue import bind, throw, wrap_into_exc_handler

def safe_get(
        url: str
) -> Generator[httpx.HTTPStatusError, None, Dict[str, Any]]:
  client = httpx.AsyncClient()
  resp = yield from client.get(url)
  yield from client.aclose()
  except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e:
    yield from throw(e)
  return resp.json()

def main() -> Generator[None, None, None]:
  def return_empty_on_err(_: httpx.HTTPStatusError) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return {}

  value = yield from bind(safe_get(""), return_empty_on_err)


Python makes heavy use of exceptions due to its ask for forgiveness not permission philosophy. But exceptions have specific flaws that rescue tries to address:

  • exceptions hurt our ability for local reasoning
  • exceptions transfer control in a hard to track way

You can read more about different ways to model errors and their trade-offs in the section with reading materials.

Ability to reason locally

With the phrase “local reasoning”, I’m referring to the ability to understand the behavior (and thereby, the correctness) of a routine by examining the routine itself rather than examining the entire system.

-- Unyielding

The benefit from annotating types is twofold:

  • we can see the interface from the signature (that can also be achieved with documentation)
  • mypy guarantees that the implementation actually conforms to the interface

Sadly, exceptions are too prevalent in Python to be reflected in the type signature, which means:

  • there is no way of telling what exceptions a function can raise
  • there is no difference between forgetting to handle an exception and doing so intentionally

It seems that the former question has a solution – documentation. But for the documentation to be a reliable solution it must be reliably updated with the code and people must reliably read it. Humans are not good at being reliable, that's why there is a type of error called after us.

So the only real reliable solution is to read the implementation of every function we use. We also should not forget that any call of any other function can raise an exception, so we should read the implementation of the entire call tree. And that's the point when we lose our ability for local reasoning.

Predictable control flow

In Python the control flow is structured, which means you can follow it with your eyes from one line to the next. Even though if statements and for loops can skip some lines, they are bounded by the scope (be it function or module). The only ways to jump between scopes are:

  • to call a function (push onto the call stack)
  • to return a value (pop from the call stack)

The call stack makes it trivial to follow control flow because control eventually returns to the call site.

Except exceptions don’t respect the control flow of your program. When we raise an exception the control is transferred somewhere up the call stack, but not to the call site. This adds a dimension to the structure of our code that we have to keep track of. The inability to follow the execution sequence can lead to corrupted state and lacking test coverage.

Further reading


type-safe exceptions for Python đź‘·








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