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REST API application with OAuth2 server on Yii2

This is a Yii2 Rest App template configured with OAuth2 server (using https:/Filsh/yii2-oauth2-server). Resolved all problems on adaptation OAuth2 server extension, built directory structure with versions (as recommended in official guide), added some ready-to-use features for faster development.

You can use this template as a starting poing to create API side of your service.

Run on Docker

To quick run for testing code I've created this https:/ikaras/yii2-oauth2-rest-docker - it using Docker Compose to up LEMP stack with all need configurations and ready for requests. Just follow instructions in there.


Install via Composer

If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at

You can then install the application using the following commands:

composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.1"
composer create-project --stability="dev" --prefer-source ikaras/yii2-oauth2-rest-template .


  1. Configure your Web server i.e Nginx or Apache (see how here), to look at the application/api/www directory. I used domain api.loc in my tests.
  2. Change connection to your db in application/api/config/common.php
  3. Run migrations
php application/api/yiic migrate --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations --interactive=0 \
php application/api/yiic migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/filsh/yii2-oauth2-server/migrations --interactive=0 \
php application/api/yiic migrate --interactive=0 \
php application/api/yiic migrate --interactive=0 \


\application              # root folder for environment (frontend, backend, api, etc.)
  \api                   # here is code for build REST API with OAuth2 server
  | \common              # common controllers and models for versions
  | | \controllers       # for tests created only one ProductController
  | | \models            # and one model Product
  | \components          # global for API components (parents for project's controllers, models, filters)
  | |-APIModule.php      # parent for all module/versions
  | |-ActiveController.php # child of yii's rest ActiveController, parent for all ones in project
  | |-Controller.php     # child of yii's rest Controller
  | | \db                # contain parents for all project's ActiveRecord and ActiveQuery
  | | \filters           
  | | | -OAuth2AccessFilter.php # MAIN IMPROVEMENT: analyze action publicity and scopes to attach filter
  | | |                          # to authorize by access token
  | | \traits            # contain ControllersCommonTrait.php with configuration of filters, used in both rest controllers
  | \config
  | \migrations          # contain migrations for create users table, filling demo products and scopes
  | \models              # have User model
  | \versions            # directory for versions, each version is module as recommend in official yii2 guide
  | | \v1                # created for test 1st version with childs of ProductController and Product model
  | \www                 # public directory, containt index.php



  • Domain: api.loc (you can use also something like http://localhost/TestOAuth2/application/api/www/index.php/ if you don't want to use vhosts)
  • Version: v1
  • API point: /products, /products/<id>, /products/custom, /products/protected
  • User: login: [email protected], pass: 123123123
  • Scopes: default (default scope, CO :)), custom, protected - for accessing to /products/custom and /products/protected point


For test have been created active rest controller ProductController for manage Product model.

This controller has the following access rules (in yii2 format):

	public function accessRules()
		return [
			['allow' => true, 'roles' => ['?']],
			  'allow' => true, 
			  'actions' => ['view','create','update','delete'],
				'roles' => ['@'],
				'allow' => true,
				'actions' => ['custom'],
				'roles' => ['@'],
				'scopes' => ['custom'],
				'allow' => true,
				'actions' => ['protected'],
				'roles' => ['@'],
				'scopes' => ['protected'],

Each controller in the api can override method accessRules with access rules for itself. Rule can contain additional property - scope, this means access token should have addtional permissions.

So, from the rules, we understand that:

  • all actions of controller are opened (requests cab be without access token), but
  • actions view, create, update, delete - available only for authorized users
  • and for actions custom and protected needs additional scopes

Test requests

1. Request to public api points

    curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" "http://api.loc/v1/products"

2. Request to get access token

curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" "http://api.loc/oauth2/token" -XPOST \
-d '{"grant_type":"password","username":"[email protected]","password":"123123123","client_id":"testclient","client_secret":"testpass"}'

3. Request to get access token with scopes

curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" "http://api.loc/oauth2/token" -XPOST \
-d '{"grant_type":"password","username":"[email protected]","password":"123123123","client_id":"testclient","client_secret":"testpass","scope":"custom"}'

4. Request to protected api point

curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" \

What have been done?

  1. Got Yii2 framework and created general directory structure (see section Structure).
  2. Configured Yii2 as RESTful Web Service using official manual.
  3. Created parent classes to inherit for all components of the project (saved in components directory). For more information - look at Structure section too. Classes Controller and ActiveController are parents for all controllers what use the same trait. ControllersCommonTrait - it connects (redefine) all needed filters to controller's actions.
  4. Directory common consists from the common controllers and models for each versions.
  5. Then I attached and configured Filsh's Yii2 OAuth2 extension, his extension based on widely used OAuth2 Server Library for PHP. All detailed information you can find in these repositories. What I've configured:
  1. Developed OAuth2AccessFilter and replaced standard Yii2 AccessFilter (on ControllersCommonTrait for all controllers) for more comfortable using Scopes. About it read below.


As said in official OAuth2 Library docs:

The use of Scope in an OAuth2 application is often key to proper permissioning. Scope is used to limit the authorization granted to the client by the resource owner. The most popular use of this is Facebook’s ability for users to authorize a variety of different functions to the client (“access basic information”, “post on wall”, etc).

So, each token could have specific permissions to run corresponding API point. In out case, API point is actions.

In Yii2 we already have the tool to control access to particular action by user role, so I decided to expand it functionality to define scopes for action.

As result was created OAuth2AccessFilter which copy (not inherit, structure not allow to inherit) of standard AccessFilter logic to work with rules with additional logic to process scopes for private action by means of oauth2 module.

So, if user's role allows him to run action (API point), than will check if user's token has needed scopes to do it (if action has defined limited scopes). Example of using you can find in ProductController and it means that only authorized users with token which contain custom scope can have access to action custom.


Yii2 Rest APi Template with OAuth2 server







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