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Deployment Scratchpad

RayBB edited this page May 17, 2024 · 1 revision

A note on docker-compose and docker compose

As of early 2023, following the installation instructions on Docker's website will install either Docker Desktop, which includes Docker Compose v2, or docker-ce and docker-compose-plugin (Linux only), both of which obviate the need to install docker-compose v1 separately.

Further, Compose V1 will no longer be supported by the end of June 2023 and will be removed from Docker Desktop. These directions are written for Compose V2, hence the use of docker compose rather than docker-compose. docker compose is meant to be a drop-in replacement for docker-compose.

To see an updated document, please review Docker Instructions

2021-04-21 -- Deployment

  • Open a terminal tab and log into ol-home0
  • Open so that you can monitor server status
  • Warn Slack channels openlibrary and openlibrary-g of imminent downtime!
  • On ol-home0 run cd /opt/openlibrary && sudo git pull origin master
  • On ol-home0 run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/
  • Run ./scripts/deployment/ to ensure the three servers are in sync.
    • They were not in sync :/ Had to git pull on ol-web2. Shouldn't be an issue after PR, I believe.
  • Copy static files out Docker image and put them on ol-www1 GO LINE BY LINE
# Make a backup of static assets
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo cp -r /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static_backup'
STATIC_DIR=/tmp/ol-static-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
docker cp $(docker create --rm oldev:latest):/openlibrary/static $STATIC_DIR
rsync -rvz $STATIC_DIR/ ol-www1:$STATIC_DIR
# TODO: There's another static dir!
ssh -A ol-www1 "sudo mkdir -p /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new && sudo cp -r $STATIC_DIR/* /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new"
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo chown -R openlibrary:openlibrary /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new'
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo rm -r /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static && sudo mv /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static'
  • Run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/ ol-web1 ol-covers0
  • Run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/ ol-home0 && docker restart openlibrary_infobase_nginx_1
  • Run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/ ol-web2

2021-04-15 -- Deployment

  • Open a terminal tab and log into ol-home0
  • Open a terminal tab and log into ol-covers0
  • Open a terminal tab and log into ol-web1
  • Open so that you can monitor server status
  • Warn Slack channels openlibrary and openlibrary-g of imminent downtime!
  • On ol-home0
    • cd /opt/openlibrary
    • sudo git checkout master && sudo git pull origin master
    • sudo make git
    • cd /opt/olsystem
    • sudo git checkout master && sudo git pull origin master # -- Enter GitHub userid & token
    • cd /opt/booklending_utils
    • sudo git checkout master && sudo git pull origin master # -- Enter userid & password
    • cd /opt/openlibrary
  • Repeat the same steps on ol-covers0 and ol-web1 # covers does not need booklending_utils
  • Run ./scripts/deployment/ to ensure the three servers are in sync.
  • On ol-home0 run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/
    • NOTE: Run sudo (note note: it superflously rsyncs the repos over to the other clients; we might want to rm the step? Or maybe not git pull?)
  • Copy static files out Docker image and put them on ol-www1
# Make a backup of static assets
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo cp -r /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static_backup'
STATIC_DIR=/tmp/ol-static-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
docker cp $(docker create --rm oldev:latest):/openlibrary/static $STATIC_DIR
rsync -rvz $STATIC_DIR/ ol-www1:$STATIC_DIR
# TODO: There's another static dir!
ssh -A ol-www1 "sudo mkdir -p /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new && sudo cp -r $STATIC_DIR/* /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new"
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo chown -R openlibrary:openlibrary /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new'
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo rm -r /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static && sudo mv /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static'
  • Run ~/ to ensure the three servers have the same Docker latest.
  • Deploy to ol-web2



  1. docker image ls
  2. Write down the Docker IMAGE ID that you want to roll back to.
  3. docker tag oldev:<IMAGE ID> oldev:latest
  4. Run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/
  5. Repeat the above steps as required on ol-covers0, ol-web1, ol-web2

EnvVariable $OLDEV_DOCKER_SHA for which Docker image to use oldev:latest vs oldev:SomeSHA

After finishes successfully,

Browse :

  • Software version [???]
  • Python version 3.8.6
  • Host
  • Browse other pages of the site looking for issues

Once things look stable and correct...

  • Log out of ol-web1 and into ol-web2
  • Sync the repos
  • Run ~/ to ensure the repos and Docker latest match all other servers
  • Run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/ on ol-web2
  • ol-web2 goes green --> red --> green

Broswe :

  • Software version [???]
  • Python version 3.8.6
  • Host
  • Browse other pages of the site looking for issues

2021-04-08 -- FAILED

HALT DEPLOYMENT: docker-compose incompatibility discussed in #5007

2021-03-24 -- Deployment -- IMAGE ID b634610574fc -- Software ver f4f9233

  • Lot's of dependency updates after turning on dependabot
  • Follow 2021-03-15 gameplan below

Open an ssh tunnel; i.e. ssh -L 8080:ol-web1:8080 -qAy [email protected] Then you'll be able to test at localhost:8080

# Make a backup of static assets
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo cp -r /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static_backup'
STATIC_DIR=/tmp/ol-static-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
docker cp $(docker create --rm oldev:latest):/openlibrary/static $STATIC_DIR
rsync -rvz $STATIC_DIR/ ol-www1:$STATIC_DIR
# TODO: There's another static dir!
ssh -A ol-www1 "sudo mkdir -p /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new && sudo cp -r $STATIC_DIR/* /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new"
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo chown -R openlibrary:openlibrary /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new'
ssh -A ol-www1 'sudo rm -r /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static && sudo mv /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static-new /opt/openlibrary/openlibrary/static'

2021-03-15 -- Deployment

  • Open a terminal tab and log into ol-home0
  • Open a terminal tab and log into ol-covers0
  • Open a terminal tab and log into ol-web1
  • Open so that you can monitor server status
  • Warn Slack channels openlibrary and openlibrary-g of imminent downtime!
  • On ol-home0
    • cd /opt/openlibrary
    • sudo git checkout master && sudo git pull
    • sudo make git
    • cd /opt/olsystem
    • sudo git checkout master && sudo git pull # -- Enter GitHub userid & token
    • cd /opt/booklending_utils
    • sudo git checkout master && sudo git pull # -- Enter userid & password
    • cd /opt/openlibrary
  • Repeat the same steps on ol-covers0 and ol-web1 # covers does not need booklending_utils
  • Run ~/ to ensure the three servers are in sync.
  • On ol-home0 run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/
  • Start an old-style deploy: ssh -A ol-home /olsystem/bin/deploy-code openlibrary
  • Copy files out Docker image and put them on ol-www1
  • Run ~/ to ensure the three servers have the same Docker latest.


  1. docker image ls
  2. Write down the Docker IMAGE ID that you want to roll back to.
  3. docker tag oldev:<IMAGE ID> oldev:latest
  4. Run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/
  5. Repeat the above steps as required on ol-covers0, ol-web1, ol-web2

EnvVariable $OLDEV_DOCKER_SHA for which Docker image to use oldev:latest vs oldev:SomeSHA

After finishes successfully,

Browse :

  • Software version [???]
  • Python version 3.8.6
  • Host
  • Browse other pages of the site looking for issues

Once things look stable and correct...

  • Log out of ol-web1 and into ol-web2
  • Sync the repos
  • Run ~/ to ensure the repos and Docker latest match all other servers
  • Run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/ on ol-web2
  • ol-web2 goes green --> red --> green

Broswe :

  • Software version [???]
  • Python version 3.8.6
  • Host
  • Browse other pages of the site looking for issues

2021-03-04 -- Deployment...

Do old-style deploy EARLY

One cover job failed on an error -- Restarting the server cleaned it up.

Troubles on ol-home because of

  1. a lack of diskspace
    • Remove older files from ol-home:/opt/openlibrary/deploys/openlibrary
  2. Problems with one or more PRs in the deployment

2021-02-12 -- Deployment...

Check for red flags in nagios

How do I log in???

Not confident that all repos:

  1. are set to the master branch
  2. have no uncommitted changes
  3. git pull works properly

Created a script in ~cclauss/ to ensure repos are all using the same SHA on all hosts

When running deploy you must enter:

  1. GitLab id and password
  2. GitHub id and password

One Docker image download failed so needed to be halted and rerun.

After finishes successfully, run /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/ on:

  • ol-home0
  • ol-covers0
  • ol-web1
Creating openlibrary_covers_2    ... error
Creating openlibrary_memcached_1 ... done

ERROR: for openlibrary_covers_2  Cannot create container for service covers: failed to mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/openlibrary_ol-vendor/_data/infogami/infogami: mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/openlibrary_ol-vendor/_data/infogami/infogami: file exists

ERROR: for covers  Cannot create container for service covers: failed to mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/openlibrary_ol-vendor/_data/infogami/infogami: mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/openlibrary_ol-vendor/_data/infogami/infogami: file exists
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.


  • Software version [c446875]
  • Python version 3.8.6
  • Host
  • Browse -- No covers
    • Rerun /opt/openlibrary/scripts/deployment/ on ol-covers0
    • Do Old-style deploy

Old-style deploy: ssh -A ol-home /olsystem/bin/deploy-code openlibrary

Once things look stable and correct...

Broswe :

  • Software version [c446875]
  • Python version 3.8.6
  • Host
  • Browse -- Perfect!


2021-02-04 -- Deployment...

DO NOT sudo bash (or rsync will be unhappy)

OL-HOME0 cd /opt/openlibrary scripts/deployment/ Provide userid/password for Provide userid/token for Q: Why do we get dumped into emacs? (This was sudo bash) 4 minutes to docker-compose build --pull web 32 seconds to docker-compose run -uroot --rm home make i18n REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE oldev 7dbe17f2a809697acf53766bd89d60443653260d 9c8a9bb06afc 37 seconds ago 2.87GB 4 minutes to gzip 1 minute per server to rsync image plus repos Need to time docker load

2021-02-02 -- Process to update the infogami submodule...

pwd # openlibrary/vendor/infogami git pull upstream master # Ensure we have the latest infogami git status cd ../.. git status git branch git checkout -b update-infogami git add vendor/infogami git status git commit -m"update infogami" git push --set-upstream origin update-infogami # Create a PR and merge it


  • Using scripts/deployment
    • 4-minute docker build
    • need to time make i18n
    • 4-minute docker save
    • rsyncs fail :-(


  • solr-updater
    • Needed /opt/.petabox/dbserver, with perms for openlibrary user +x.
    • Something weird had happened on ol-home! the .offset files had disappeared :/ Seemed like solr-updater was stuck in a restart loop. Also infobase had been running on it for ~10h. Likely at some point the entire ol-home VM was restarted, causing supervisor to restart all the processes.
    • Remove the old processes from /etc/supervisor/conf.d, and ran sudo supervisorctl update
    • solr-updater is running ol-home0 from 2021-01-21 ; likely missed ~10h of edits or something. No clue how long the break was.
    • To check last edit + offset processed by solr-updater on ol-home0: docker-compose exec solr-updater cat '/solr-updater-data/solr-update.offset'
    • To get the last record/datetime: curl -s "ol-home0:7000/$(docker-compose exec solr-updater cat '/solr-updater-data/solr-update.offset')?limit=1"
  • import-bot
    • It launched ok, but we noticed that on both ol-home and ol-home0 we were getting loads of errors:
l: Response:
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:06 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [INFO] sleeping for 5 seconds before next attempt.
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.api] [INFO] POST /api/import/ia
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [WARNING] Failed to contact OL server. error=403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: Response:
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [ERROR] failed with internal error
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.imports] [INFO] set-status professioncallgi0000luca - failed internal-error None
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [INFO] importing istanbultocairoo0000hump
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.api] [INFO] POST /api/import/ia
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [WARNING] Failed to contact OL server. error=403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: Response:
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:11 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [INFO] sleeping for 5 seconds before next attempt.
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:16 [178] [openlibrary.api] [INFO] POST /api/import/ia
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:17 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [WARNING] Failed to contact OL server. error=403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: Response:
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:17 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [INFO] sleeping for 5 seconds before next attempt.
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:22 [178] [openlibrary.api] [INFO] POST /api/import/ia
importbot_1         | 2021-01-21 18:43:22 [178] [openlibrary.importer] [WARNING] Failed to contact OL server. error=403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: Response:
Response: None
2021-01-21 18:30:31 [2374] [openlibrary.importer] [ERROR] failed with internal error
2021-01-21 18:30:31 [2374] [openlibrary.imports] [INFO] set-status practicalapproac0000sime_g7a3 - failed internal-error None
0.0 (1): UPDATE import_item SET status = 'failed', error = 'internal-error', import_time = '2021-01-21T18:30:31.230473', ol_key = NULL WHERE id=2424861
2021-01-21 18:30:31 [2374] [openlibrary.importer] [INFO] importing catalogueofmisce00slei_5
2021-01-21 18:30:31 [2374] [openlibrary.api] [INFO] POST /api/import/ia
/opt/openlibrary/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see
2021-01-21 18:30:31 [2374] [openlibrary.importer] [WARNING] Failed to contact OL server. error=403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: Response:
2021-01-21 18:30:31 [2374] [openlibrary.importer] [INFO] sleeping for 5 seconds before next attempt.
2021-01-21 18:30:36 [2374] [openlibrary.api] [INFO] POST /api/import/ia
/opt/openlibrary/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see
2021-01-21 18:30:36 [2374] [openlibrary.importer] [WARNING] Failed to contact OL server. error=403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: Response:

2021-01-15 Deployment steps

Use the scripts from https:/internetarchive/openlibrary/pull/4395

  1. ol-home0: Run scripts/deployment/
    • NOTE: Login problem with booklending_utils (redo manually)
  2. ol-home0, ol-web1, ol-covers: Run scripts/deployment/
    • Run the script only until just before the docker-compose down step.
    • Open
    • Once all three hosts are ready, run commands from docker-compose down to the bottom of the script.
    • Check and
  3. Repeat step 2 only on the host ol-web2

NOTE: On both ol-web{1, 2}, the command docker-compose run -uroot --rm home make i18n failed with:

ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting
    COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60).

Manually re-running the command finished in a few seconds with no warnings or errors.

THINGS WE FORGOT: Old-style install on ol-home -- ssh -A ol-home /olsystem/bin/deploy-code openlibrary

2021-01-09 Deployment steps

  1. ol-home0: sudo git pull origin master the four repos
  2. ol-home0: build new Docker image
  3. ol-home0: docker save the image with both tags :SHA and :latest
    • Should we used date-time instead of :SHA?
  4. ol-home0: rsync the :SHA-tagged image to ol-web{1,2}, ol-covers
  5. ol-web{1,2}, ol-covers: docker image prune && docker load the image with both tags :SHA and :latest
  6. ol-home0: rsync the four repos to ol-web{1,2}, ol-covers
  7. all hosts: docker-compose up the appropriate docker services for that host

When is run on ol-home0 it should achieve steps 1. thru 4. above.


# https:/internetarchive/openlibrary/wiki/Deployment-Scratchpad

# This script must be run on ol-home0 to start a new deployment.

if [[ ${HOSTNAME:-$HOST} != "ol-home0" ]]; then
    echo "FATAL: Must only be run on ol-home0" ;
    exit 1 ;

# `sudo git pull origin master` the core Open Library repos:
# 1. https:/internetarchive/olsystem
# 2.
# 3. https:/internetarchive/openlibrary
# 4. https:/internetarchive/infogami
REPO_DIRS="/opt/olsystem /opt/booklending_utils /opt/openlibrary /opt/openlibrary/vendor/infogami"
    cd $REPO_DIR
    sudo git pull origin master

# These commands were run once and probably do not need to be repeated
sudo mkdir -p /opt/olimages || true
sudo chown root:staff /opt/olimages
sudo chmod g+w /opt/olimages
sudo chmod g+s /opt/olimages
docker image prune

# Build the oldev Docker production image
cd /opt/openlibrary
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
docker-compose build --pull web
docker-compose run -uroot --rm home make i18n

# Add a timestamp tag to the Docker image to facilitate rapid rollback
echo "FROM oldev:latest" | docker build -t "oldev:$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M)" -
docker image ls

# Compress the image in a .tar.gz file for transfer to other hosts
cd /opt/olimages
docker save oldev:latest | gzip > oldev_latest.tar.gz \*2

# Transfer the .tar.gz image to other hosts
REMOTE_HOSTS="ol-covers0 ol-web1 ol-web2"
    echo "Starting rsync of oldev_latest.tar.gz to $REMOTE_HOST..."
    rsync -a --no-owner --group --verbose oldev_latest.tar.gz "$REMOTE_HOST:/opt/olimages/"
    echo "Finished rsync of oldev_latest.tar.gz to $REMOTE_HOST..."

2021-01-07 Deploy


  1. To down/up infobase:
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
docker-compose down
docker volume rm openlibrary_ol-vendor openlibrary_ol-build openlibrary_ol-nodemodules
HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME" docker-compose up -d --no-deps infobase infobase_nginx affiliate-server
  1. To check for new errors on Sentry 😅

  1. @mek Modify fabfile to rsync ol code repos to the new servers in their expected directories
cp ol-home:/deploy/latest/opt/openlibrary ol-web1:/opt/openlibrary
  1. @mek Run old-style deploy from ol-home
ssh -A ol-home
/olsystem/bin/deploy-code openlibrary
  1. @mek Checkout infogami 7595ae7 on ol-home

  1. @cclauss ol-home0 pull latest code of all repo
  2. @cclauss ol-home0 build the image *1
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
docker-compose build --pull web
docker-compose run -uroot --rm home make i18n
  1. @cclauss Create /opt/olimages for everything
    • ol-web1
    • ol-web2
    • ol-covers0
    • @cdrini ol-home0
sudo mkdir -p /opt/olimages
sudo chown root:staff /opt/olimages
sudo chmod g+w /opt/olimages
sudo chmod g+s /opt/olimages
  1. @cdrini Docker save image
cd /opt/openlibrary
docker image prune # Not necessary; but cleanup
echo "FROM oldev:latest" | docker build -t "oldev:$(git rev-parse HEAD)" -

cd /opt/olimages

time docker save oldev:latest | gzip > oldev_latest.tar.gz \*2
# ~3 min, final file 820 MB ; image in docker container ls was 2.6 GB
  1. Modify fabfile to rsync docker image to all the hosts
cd /opt/olimages
# each takes ~18s
time rsync -a --no-owner --group --verbose oldev_latest.tar.gz "ol-web1:/opt/olimages/"
time rsync -a --no-owner --group --verbose oldev_latest.tar.gz "ol-web2:/opt/olimages/"
time rsync -a --no-owner --group --verbose oldev_latest.tar.gz "ol-covers0:/opt/olimages/"
  1. Do old style deploy using mek's code so that it doesn't try to rsync to ol-web{1,2} ol-covers0 ol-home0 *4
    • Put mek's changes into fab_file_changes.diff
ssh -A ol-home
/olsystem/bin/deploy-code openlibrary
  1. [x web1, x web2, x covers0] @cclauss git pull latest code
cd /opt/olsystem                    && sudo git pull origin master
cd /opt/booklending_utils           && sudo git pull origin master
cd /opt/openlibrary                 && sudo git pull origin master
cd /opt/openlibrary/vendor/infogami && sudo git pull origin master
cd /opt/openlibrary
  1. [x web1, x web2, x covers0] docker load on all hosts *3
    • The new docker image should have label "SHA" as well as "latest"
# ~2min
time docker image prune

# ~4min
time docker load < /opt/olimages/oldev_latest.tar.gz

cd /opt/openlibrary
echo "FROM oldev:latest" | docker build -t "oldev:$(git rev-parse HEAD)" -

for node in ol-web{1,2} ol-covers0

  1. Down / up
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
# WARNING! Moment of downtime 😬 
docker-compose down
docker volume rm openlibrary_ol-vendor openlibrary_ol-build openlibrary_ol-nodemodules
HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME" docker-compose up -d --scale covers=2 covers_nginx memcached
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
docker-compose down
# Remove these because they contain stale copies of the build/vendor/nodemodules files.
# Want to use the files inside the docker image since it's freshly built.
# NOTE: longer term, we likely don't want these volume mounted for production
docker volume rm openlibrary_ol-vendor openlibrary_ol-build openlibrary_ol-nodemodules
docker-compose run -uroot --rm home make i18n
HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME" docker-compose up --no-deps -d web


  1. Hit a docker error: ERROR: Couldn't connect to docker daemon . Was not in docker group
# Make sure you're in the docker group, to avoid sudo-ing all the docker commands
sudo usermod -aG docker USER_NAME
# Exit/re-enter to take effect
  1. We might want a date-based instead of SHA-based image label, so that this is more human-readable (maybe date +%Y-%m-%dT%H%M)

  2. It looks like docker load reloads all the layers!

Here is docker image ls before:

drini@ol-web1:/opt/olimages$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
oldev                latest              24e7730de44e        3 weeks ago         2.55GB
openlibrary/olbase   latest              7107cde0123e        4 weeks ago         2.43GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              e7ad65c36ade        5 weeks ago         2.45GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              5bc304b7af6a        6 weeks ago         2.46GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              8b9ba7350023        8 weeks ago         2.46GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              089f94fd1626        8 weeks ago         2.45GB

It notes:

The image oldev:latest already exists, renaming the old one with ID sha256:24e7730de44e45356224fd9ec0f58eb39ef104f5e38b28227ff100ed67a1d0f6 to empty string
Loaded image: oldev:latest


drini@ol-web1:/opt/olimages$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
oldev                latest              8b1a1ec051bf        About an hour ago   2.58GB
<none>               <none>              24e7730de44e        3 weeks ago         2.55GB
openlibrary/olbase   latest              7107cde0123e        4 weeks ago         2.43GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              e7ad65c36ade        5 weeks ago         2.45GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              5bc304b7af6a        6 weeks ago         2.46GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              8b9ba7350023        8 weeks ago         2.46GB
openlibrary/olbase   <none>              089f94fd1626        8 weeks ago         2.45GB
  1. TODO for @cdrini: Remove all refs to ol-solr2 in olsystem

2020-12-10 Deploy


  • docker-compose run -uroot --rm home make i18n (Added after-the-fact)
  1. On web{1,2} chown /booklending_utils
sudo chown 999:staff -R /opt/booklending_utils
sudo chmod g+w -R /opt/booklending_utils
sudo find /opt/booklending_utils -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;
  1. Do a classic deploy so that ol-www1 has up-to-date static files
    • Confirm web{3,4} not restarted

for node in web{1,2}:

  1. [x, x] Down (down first so code in memory that's currently running is not out-of-sync with what's on the filesystem)
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
docker-compose down
  1. [x, x] Checkout
cd /opt/olsystem
git pull origin master
cd /opt/openlibrary
git pull origin master
cd /opt/openlibrary/vendor/infogami
git pull origin master
cd /opt/booklending_utils
git pull origin master
  1. [x, x] Build
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
docker-compose build --pull web
docker-compose run -uroot --rm home make i18n
  1. [x, x] Restart
export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.production.yml"
HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME PYENV_VERSION=3.8.6 docker-compose up -d --no-deps web

Sort of issue? On web2, got a weird issue; git pull origin master was not pulling that latest infogami. We think this is because of some odd funny business with .git and /openlibrary (which contains .git) being mounted.

  • Seems like I forgot the COMPOSE_FILE

Note: need to build to JS and everything else as well!

What is the status of https:/internetarchive/openlibrary/issues/2032 ?


  1. Merge your olsystem PR, and test running the old deploy code (should do checkout on all the nodes)
  1. Manually do it


  1. Try to docker save/load, and only build on ol-home
    • If we didn't mount /openlibrary...
  1. Do it manually

ol-www1 is what serves static files, so we need a way to build the js/css/components (inside docker), and then copy the files over to ol-www1

Creates a tar: docker save oldev:latest

??? Get to the other servers

docker load oldev.tar oldev:14f docker tag oldev:14f latest

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