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Using the Nodes View


As of v1.15.0 of Netdata, and in conjunction with our announcement post about the future of Netdata, we have enabled an entirely new way to view your infrastructure using the open-source Netdata agent in conjunction with Netdata Cloud: the Nodes View.

This view, powered by Netdata Cloud, provides an aggregated view of the Netdata agents that you have associated with your Netdata Cloud account. The main benefit of Nodes View is seeing the health of your infrastructure from a single interface, especially if you have many systems running Netdata. With Nodes View, you can monitor the health status of your nodes via active alarms and view a subset of real-time performance metrics the agent is collecting every second.

!!! attention "Nodes View is beta software!" The Nodes View is currently in beta, so all typical warnings about beta software apply. You may come across bugs or inconsistencies.

The current version of Nodes uses the API available on each Netdata agent to check for new alarms and the machine's overall health/availability. In the future, we will offer both polling via the API and real-time streaming of health status/metrics.

The Nodes View

To access the Nodes View, you must first be signed in to Netdata Cloud. To register for an account, or sign in to an existing account, visit our signing in guide for details.

Once you're signed in to Netdata Cloud, clicking on any of the Nodes Beta buttons in the node's web dashboard will lead you to the Nodes View. Find one (1) in the dropdown menu in the upper-right corner, a second (2) in the top navigation bar, and a third (3) in the dropdown menu in the top-left corner of the Netdata dashboard.

Annotated screenshot showing where to access Nodes View


The primary component of the Nodes View is a list of all the nodes with Netdata agents you have associated with your Netdata Cloud account via the Netdata Cloud registry.

A screenshot of the Netdata Cloud web interface

Depending on which view mode you're using, Nodes View will present you with information about that node, such as its hostname, operating system, warnings/critical alerts, and any supported services that are running on that node. Here is an example of the full view mode:

Annotated screenshot of the icons visible in the node entries

The background color of each Node entry is an indication of its health status:

Health status Background color
White Normal status, no alarms
Yellow 1 or more active warnings
Red 1 or more active critical alerts
Grey Node is unreachable (server unreachable [due to network conditions], server down, or changed URL)

Node overview

When you click on any of the Nodes, an overview sidebar will appear on the right-hand side of the Nodes View.

This overview contains the following:

  • An icon (1) representing the operating system installed on that machine
  • The hostname (2) of the machine
  • A link (3) to the URL at which the web dashboard is available
  • Three tabs (4) for System metrics, Services metrics, and Alarms
  • A number of selectors (5) to choose which metrics/alarms are shown in the overview
    • System tab: Overview, Disks, and Network selectors
    • Services tab: Databases, Web, and Messaging selectors
    • Alarms tab: Critical and Warning selectors
  • The visualizations and/or alarms (6) supported under the chosen tab and selector
  • Any other available URLS (7) associated with that node under the Node URLs header.

A screenshot of the system overview area in the Netdata Cloud web interface

By default, clicking on a Node will display the sidebar with the System tab enabled. If there are warnings or alarms active for that Node, the Alarms tab will be displayed by default.

The visualizations in the overview sidebar are live! As with all of Netdata's visualizations, you can scrub forward and backward in time, zoom, pause, and pinpoint anomalies down to the second.

System tab

The System tab has three sections: Overview, Disks, and Network.

Overview displays visualizations for CPU, System Load Average Disk I/O, System RAM, System Swap, Physical Network Interfaces Aggregated Bandwidth, and the URL of the node.

Disks displays visualizations for Disk Utilization Time, and Disk Space Usage for every available disk.

Network displays visualizations for Bandwidth for every available networking device.

Services tab

The Services tab will show visualizations for any supported services that are running on that node. Three selectors are available: Databases, Web, and Messaging. If there are no services under any of these categories, the selector will not be clickable.

Alarms tab

The Alarms tab contains two selectors: Critical and Warning. If there are no alarms under either of these categories, the selector will not be clickable.

Both of these tabs will display alarms information when available, along with the relevant visualization with metrics from your Netdata agent. The view link redirects you to the web dashboard for the selected node and automatically shows the appropriate visualization and timeframe.

A screenshot of the alarms area in the Netdata Cloud web interface

Filtering field

The search field will be useful for Netdata Cloud users with dozens or hundreds of Nodes. You can filter for the hostname of the Node you're interested in, the operating system it's running, or even for the services installed.

The filtering field will offer you autocomplete suggestions. For example, the options available after typing ng into the filtering field:

A screenshot of the filtering field in the Netdata Cloud web interface

If you select multiple filters, results will display according to an OR operator.

View modes

To the right of the filtering field is three functions that will help you organize your Visited Nodes according to your preferences.

Screenshot of the view mode, sorting, and grouping options

The view mode button lets you switch between three view modes:

  • Full mode, which displays the following information in a large squares for each connected Node:
    • Operating system
    • Critical/warning alerts in two separate indicators
    • Hostname
    • Icons for supported services

Annotated screenshot of the full view mode

  • Compact mode, which displays the following information in small squares for each connected Node:
    • Operating system

Annotated screenshot of the compact view mode

  • Detailed mode, which displays the following information in large horizontal rectangles for each connected Node:
    • Operating system
    • Critical/warning alerts in two separate indicators
    • Hostname
    • Icons for supported services

Annotated screenshot of the detailed view mode

Sorting, and grouping

The Sort by dropdown allows you to choose between sorting alphabetically by hostname, most recently-viewed nodes, and most frequently-view nodes.

The Group by dropdown lets you switch between alarm status, running services, or online status.

For example, the following screenshot represents the Nodes list with the following options: detailed list, frequently visited, and alarm status.

A screenshot of sorting, grouping, and view modes in the Netdata Cloud web interface

Play around with the options until you find a setup that works for you.

Adding more agents to the Nodes View

There is currently only one way to associate additional Netdata nodes with your Netdata Cloud account. You must visit the web dashboard for each node and click the Sign in button and complete the sign in process.

!!! note "" We are aware that the process of registering each node individually is cumbersome for those who want to implement Netdata Cloud's features across a large infrastructure.

Please view [this comment on issue #6318](https:/netdata/netdata/issues/6318#issuecomment-504106329) for how we plan on improving the process for adding additional nodes to your Netdata Cloud account.

Services available in the Nodes View

The following tables elaborate on which services will appear in the Nodes View. Alerts from other collectors, when entered an alarm status, will show up in the Alarms tab despite not appearing


These services will appear under the Databases selector beneath the Services tab.

Service Collectors Context #1 Context #2 Context #3
MySQL python.d.plugin:mysql, go.d.plugin:mysql mysql.queries mysql.connections
MariaDB python.d.plugin:mysql, go.d.plugin:mysql mysql.queries mysql.connections
Oracle Database python.d.plugin:oracledb oracledb.session_count oracledb.physical_disk_read_writes oracledb.tablespace_usage_in_percent
PostgreSQL python.d.plugin:postgres postgres.checkpointer postgres.archive_wal postgres.db_size
MongoDB python.d.plugin:mongodb mongodb.active_clients mongodb.read_operations mongodb.write_operations
ElasticSearch python.d.plugin:elasticsearch elastic.search_performance_total elastic.index_performance_total elastic.index_segments_memory
CouchDB python.d.plugin:couchdb couchdb.activity couchdb.response_codes
Proxy SQL python.d.plugin:proxysql proxysql.questions proxysql.pool_status proxysql.pool_overall_net
Redis python.d.plugin:redis redis.operations redis.connections
MemCached python.d.plugin:memcached memcached.cache memcached.connections
RethinkDB python.d.plugin:rethinkdbs rethinkdb.cluster_queries rethinkdb.cluster_clients_active rethinkdb.cluster_connected_servers
Solr go.d.plugin:solr solr.search_requests solr.update_requests

Web services

These services will appear under the Web selector beneath the Services tab. These also include proxies, load balancers (LB), and streaming services.

Service Collectors Context #1 Context #2 Context #3
Apache python.d.plugin:apache, go.d.plugin:apache apache.requests apache.connections
nginx python.d.plugin:nginx, go.d.plugin:nginx nginx.requests nginx.connections
nginx+ python.d.plugin:nginx_plus nginx_plus.requests_total nginx_plus.connections_statistics
lighthttpd python.d.plugin:lighttpd, go.d.plugin:lighttpd lighttpd.requests
lighthttpd2 go.d.plugin:lighttpd2 lighttpd2.requests lighttpd2.traffic
LiteSpeed python.d.plugin:litespeed litespeed.requests litespeed.requests_processing
Tomcat python.d.plugin:tomcat tomcat.accesses tomcat.processing_time tomcat.bandwidth
PHP FPM python.d.plugin:phpfm phpfpm.performance phpfpm.requests phpfpm.connections
HAproxy python.d.plugin:haproxy haproxy_f.scur haproxy_f.bin haproxy_f.bout
Squid python.d.plugin:squid squid.clients_requests squid.clients_net
Traefik python.d.plugin:traefik traefik.response_codes
Varnish python.d.plugin:varnish varnish.session_connection varnish.client_requests
IPVS proc.plugin:/proc/net/ip_vs_stats ipvs.sockets ipvs.packets
Web Log python.d.plugin:web_log, go.d.plugin:web_log web_log.response_codes web_log.bandwidth
IPFS python.d.plugin:ipfs ipfs.bandwidth ipfs.peers
IceCast Media Streaming python.d.plugin:icecast icecast.listeners
RetroShare python.d.plugin:retroshare retroshare.bandwidth retroshare.peers
HTTP Check python.d.plugin:httpcheck, go.d.plugin:httpcheck httpcheck.responsetime httpcheck.status
x509 Check go.d.plugin:x509check x509check.time_until_expiration


These services will appear under the Messaging selector beneath the Services tab.

Service Collectors Context #1 Context #2 Context #3
RabbitMQ python.d.plugin:rabbitmq, go.d.plugin:rabbitmq rabbitmq.queued_messages rabbitmq.erlang_run_queue
Beanstalkd python.d.plugin:beanstalk beanstalk.total_jobs_rate beanstalk.connections_rate beanstalk.current_tubes
