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sgilda edited this page Feb 26, 2016 · 15 revisions

Features of Windup

Shared Data Model

Windup creates a shared data model graph that provides the following benefits.

  • It enables complex rule interaction, allowing rules to pass findings to other rules.

  • It enables 3rd-party plug-ins to interact with other plug-ins, rules and reports.

  • The findings in the data graph model can be searched and queried during rule execution and used for reporting purposes.


Windup can be extended by developers, users, and 3rd-party software.

  • It provides a plug-in API to inject other applications into Windup.

  • It enables 3rd-parties to create simple POJO plug-ins that can interact with the data graph.

  • This also means we do not have to invent everything. Users with domain knowledge can implement their own rules.

Better Rules

Windup provides more powerful and complex rules.

  • XML-based rules are simple to write and and easy to implement.

  • Java-based rule add-ons are based on OCPsoft Rewrite and provide greater flexibility and power creating when rules.

  • Rules can now be nested to handle more complex situations. This means you can nest simple statements rather than use complex XPATH or REGEX expressions.

  • Rules can be linked using and/or statements.

Work Estimation

Estimates for the level of effort are based on the skills required and the classification of migration work needed. Level of effort is represented as story points in the Windup reports.

Better Reporting

Windup reports are now targeted for specific audiences.

  • Project Management: Reports detail the type of work and estimation of effort to complete the tasks.

  • Developers: Reports provide hints and suggested code changes by class or file.

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