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A script that detects bluetooth broadcasting Apple devices and shows if they are "FindMy" devices.


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Apple-FindMy device detector



FindMy Device Scanner: Shows you what Apple Find my devices have been in your vecinity for a length of time.

Application is tested on Windows, Linux, and mac and works on both.
Windows has an annoying flicker. I'm not sure what a good method of dealing with the screen buffering is.

Bluetooth device scanner in two routines

  • scanner routine
    • Detects and maintains a list of local Bluetooth devices and sorts and passes down an ingest path.
  • screen-writer routine.
    • Receives pre sorted list of devices on the ingest path, and prints them to a table.


scanner screenshot

Below is an AI generated breakdown of how this code works.

Screen Writer


Displays the output of the Bluetooth scanner in a neatly formatted table on the terminal screen. It does this by:

  1. Receiving device data: Reads the stream of scanned device data from a channel.
  2. Formatting the data: Prepares data rows for a table, including resolving company names and marking "Find My" devices.
  3. Table Management: Uses the go-pretty/table library to create, style, and render the table.
  4. Clearing the Screen: Ensures a clean display for each update.


  • screenWriter struct: Represents the component responsible for writing to the screen.
    • wg: WaitGroup for coordination.
    • ptab: A table.Writer instance from the go-pretty/table library.
    • header: The table's header row.
    • quit: Channel to signal stopping the writer.
    • readPath: Channel from which it receives device data


  • newWriter(...) Constructor for creating a screenWriter. Initializes the table writer and other settings.

  • startWriter(...) Bootstraps the screen writer process. Creates a screenWriter and starts its execution loop.

  • execute() The main loop of the screenWriter:

    • Waits for signals on the quit channel to stop.
    • Waits for device data on the readPath channel.
    • Calls Write to update the table when data arrives.
  • Write(devs []devContent) Handles the table updates:

    • Iterates over the received device data.
    • Calls helper functions like resolveCompanyIdent and isFindMyDevice to process device information.
    • Appends new rows to the table.
    • Clears the screen with clearScreen (you'll need to implement this function).
    • Renders the updated table.
    • Resets the table rows for the next update.
  • Helper Functions

  • resolveCompanyIdent(c *CorpIdentMap, t uint16) string:

    • Takes a pointer to the CorpIdentMap (c) and a company identifier (t).
    • Looks up the identifier in the map.
    • Returns the corresponding company name if found, or "Unknown" if not.
  • ingestCorpDevices(loc string) CorpIdentMap:

    1. Opens the YAML file at the given location (company_identifiers.yaml).
    2. Defines structs to model the YAML data.
    3. Uses a YAML decoder to read the file contents into the CompanyIdentifiers struct.
    4. Iterates over the decoded data, populating the CorpIdentMap.
    5. Returns the filled CorpIdentMap.
  • isFindMyDevice(b map[uint16][]byte) bool:

    • Takes the device's manufacturer data (b).
    • Iterates through the manufacturer data, checking if the first byte of any entry matches the "Find My" ID.
    • Returns true if a match is found, otherwise false.
  • getCompanyIdent(md manData) uint16:

    • Takes the device's manufacturer data (md).
    • If the data isn't empty, it simply returns the first manufacturer ID found (assumes that's how the company ID is embedded).

BLE Scanner

This code implements a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device scanner. Its essential functions are:

  1. Scanning for BLE Devices: Discovers nearby BLE devices and gathers their data.
  2. Storing Device Information: Maintains a list of discovered devices along with information like their addresses, manufacturer data, and the time they were last seen.
  3. Transmitting Device Data: Regularly sends the collected device data downstream for further processing.
  4. Managing Old Devices: Removes devices from the list if they haven't been seen within a specified time threshold.

Package and Imports

  • main: The main package for the executable program.
  • fmt: Standard input/output (I/O) formatting.
  • log: Simple logging.
  • reflect: Runtime type inspection.
  • sort: Sorting.
  • sync: Synchronization primitives (e.g., WaitGroup).
  • time: Time-related functions.
  • Bluetooth library (assumed to be TinyGo-specific).


Defines time intervals and buffer sizes for the scanning and data processing:

  • scanRate: How often to start a new scan.
  • scanBufferSize: Capacity of the channel receiving scan results.
  • scanLength: How long each scan lasts.
  • writeTime: How often to send the collected devices to the ingest path.
  • trimTime: How often to remove old devices from the storage.
  • oldestDevice: Maximum age for devices in storage.


  • scanner struct: Represents the BLE scanner object.
    • wg: WaitGroup for coordination.
    • adptr: Bluetooth adapter.
    • devices: Map storing device data (Key: UUID, Value: map[UUID]devContent)
    • count: Count of discovered devices.
    • start: Timestamp of when the scan began.
    • quit: Channel to signal stopping the scan.
    • ingPath: Channel to send device data.
  • DevContentList: A sortable slice of devContent structs.
  • ingestPath: A channel for transmitting the discovered device data.
  • devContent struct:** Represents information about a single BLE device
    • id: UUID of the device.
    • manufacturerData: Raw manufacturer data.
    • localName: Device's advertised name.
    • companyIdent: Company identifier extracted from manufacturer data.
    • lastSeen: Timestamp when the device was last observed.


  • scan(returnPath chan bluetooth.ScanResult): The core scanning function. Performs repeated scans and sends results on the returnPath channel.
  • newScanner(...): A constructor to create a new scanner object.
  • startScan(): Starts the scanner's main loop (scanning, writing data, and trimming).
  • startBleScanner(wg *sync.WaitGroup, ingPath ingestPath, q chan any): Bootstraps the scanner, sets up the Bluetooth adapter, and starts the scanning process.
  • scanlog(s string): Simple logging function.
  • TrimMap(): Removes stale device entries from the devices map.
  • sortAndPass(): Sorts the devices by ID and sends them on the ingPath.


A script that detects bluetooth broadcasting Apple devices and shows if they are "FindMy" devices.







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