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File metadata and controls

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Adds support for drawing and editing vectors and markers on Leaflet maps.

Supports Leaflet 0.7.x and 1.0.0+ branches.

Please check out our Api Documentation

Upgrading from Leaflet.draw 0.1

Leaflet.draw 0.2.0 changes a LOT of things from 0.1. Please see BREAKING CHANGES for how to upgrade.

In this readme

## Customizing language and text in Leaflet.draw

Leaflet.draw uses the L.drawLocal configuration object to set any text used in the plugin. Customizing this will allow support for changing the text or supporting another language.

See Leaflet.draw.js for the default strings.


    // Set the button title text for the polygon button
    L.drawLocal.draw.toolbar.buttons.polygon = 'Draw a sexy polygon!';
    // Set the tooltip start text for the rectangle
    L.drawLocal.draw.handlers.rectangle.tooltip.start = 'Not telling...';
## Common tasks

The following examples outline some common tasks.

The following example will show you how to:

  1. Change the position of the control's toolbar.
  2. Customize the styles of a vector layer.
  3. Use a custom marker.
  4. Disable the delete functionality.
    var cloudmadeUrl = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        cloudmade = new L.TileLayer(cloudmadeUrl, {maxZoom: 18}),
        map = new L.Map('map', {layers: [cloudmade], center: new L.LatLng(-37.7772, 175.2756), zoom: 15 });
    var editableLayers = new L.FeatureGroup();
    var MyCustomMarker = L.Icon.extend({
        options: {
            shadowUrl: null,
            iconAnchor: new L.Point(12, 12),
            iconSize: new L.Point(24, 24),
            iconUrl: 'link/to/image.png'
    var options = {
        position: 'topright',
        draw: {
            polyline: {
                shapeOptions: {
                    color: '#f357a1',
                    weight: 10
            polygon: {
                allowIntersection: false, // Restricts shapes to simple polygons
                drawError: {
                    color: '#e1e100', // Color the shape will turn when intersects
                    message: '<strong>Oh snap!<strong> you can\'t draw that!' // Message that will show when intersect
                shapeOptions: {
                    color: '#bada55'
            circle: false, // Turns off this drawing tool
            rectangle: {
                shapeOptions: {
                    clickable: false
            marker: {
                icon: new MyCustomMarker()
        edit: {
            featureGroup: editableLayers, //REQUIRED!!
            remove: false
    var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw(options);
    map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (e) {
        var type = e.layerType,
            layer = e.layer;
        if (type === 'marker') {
            layer.bindPopup('A popup!');

Changing a drawing handlers options

You can change a draw handlers options after initialisation by using the setDrawingOptions method on the Leaflet.draw control.

E.g. to change the colour of the rectangle:

    rectangle: {
    	shapeOptions: {
        	color: '#0000FF'
# Contributing

To test you can install the npm dependencies:

npm install

and then use:

jake test


Documentation is build with Leafdoc, to generate the documentation use

jake docs

and the generated html documentation is saved to ./docs/leaflet-draw-latest.html


Touch friendly version of Leaflet.draw was created by Michael Guild (https:/michaelguild13).

The touch support was initiated due to a demand for it at National Geographic for their Map Maker Projected ( that was created by Michael Guild and Daniel Schep (https:/dschep)

Thanks so much to @brunob, @tnightingale, and @shramov. I got a lot of ideas from their Leaflet plugins.

All the contributors and issue reporters of this plugin rock. Thanks for tidying up my mess and keeping the plugin on track.

The icons used for some of the toolbar buttons are either from or inspired by them. <3 Glyphicons!

Finally, @mourner is the man! Thanks for dedicating so much of your time to create the gosh darn best JavaScript mapping library around.