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Q150880: XADM: Running Administrator From Untrusted NT Domain

Q150880: XADM: Running Administrator From Untrusted NT Domain

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Article: Q150880
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 25-MAR-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5 


This article describes what you need to do to run the Microsoft Exchange
Administrator program in an untrusted NT domain when your Microsoft Exchange
Servers are in different NT Domains.


When you run the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program to connect to a
Microsoft Exchange Server, NT security is determined by user account that is
logged in. In other words, the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program passes
the NT security information from your current NT login to the Microsoft Exchange
Server. If the security credentials received by the Microsoft Exchange Server
are not in the permissions list on the three containers, Organization, SITE or
Configuration, of the Microsoft Exchange Server, an error indicating that you do
not have sufficient permissions will be displayed.

  Microsoft Exchange Administrator: A connection could not be made to the
  Microsoft Exchange server computer '<server name>'. You do not have the
  permissions required to complete the operation. Microsoft Exchange Director

If you are in an untrusted NT Domain and need to use the Exchange Admin.exe
program to connect to an Exchange Server, you will need to create a NT user
account in the untrusted domain with the same username and password as an
account in the Exchange Server's NT Domain. This account will also need to be
added, with Admin privilege, to the list of permissions on the Exchange Server's
Organization, Site and Configuration Containers.

Note: To connect, you must type in the Microsoft Exchange Server name. Browse
will not work for untrusted NT domains.

Also, if you are in an untrusted domain and logged in as any user (including
Administrator) and try to connect to a Microsoft Exchange Server with the
Microsoft Exchange Administrator program when there is no similar account
(includes both user and password) in the Microsoft Exchange Server Domain, you
will receive an error indicating that the Microsoft Exchange Server did not

  Microsoft Exchange Administrator: A connection could not be made to the
  Microsoft Exchange Server Computer '<server name>'. The Microsoft
  Exchange Server Computer does not respond. Microsoft Exchange Directory ID


If the Exchange Server computer is only a member server of the domain and not a
PDC or BDC, remote administration will not work. The Exchange Server must be
either a BDC or a PDC. This is the only way that the pass-through security will
work. The computer attempting to connect to the Exchange Server computer can be
either a member server or a Domain Controller.


See the NT resource Kit for more information on NT trusts.

See the Microsoft Exchange Administrator's Guide for more information on setting
permissions on Microsoft Exchange Server containers.

Additional query words:

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange500 kbExchange550 kbExchange400 kbZNotKeyword2
Version           : winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5
Issue type        : kbhowto kbinfo


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