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Q174101: XFOR: OV/VM Connector Installation Instruction(LinkAge)

Q174101: XFOR: OV/VM Connector Installation Instruction(LinkAge)

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Article: Q174101
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): 4.0 SP3,5.5
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 20-DEC-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0 SP3, 5.5 


This article describes the requirements and steps needed to install the
Microsoft OV/VM Connector, (formerly the LinkAge Exchange-OV/VM Connector).

This is a summary of information in the LinkAge Message Exchange manual,
Exchange-OfficeVision/VM Connector Configuration Guide, Version 3, Release 2,
located on the LinkAge software CD.


Windows NT Server Hardware Requirements for the OV/VM Connector

LinkAge recommends that the connector be installed on an Exchange Connector
server separate from the Exchange Server user mailbox computer. If Exchange
Server and the LinkAge connectors are on the same computer running Windows NT
Server, a minimum of 64 MB of RAM is required with an additional 16 MB for each
additional type of LinkAge connector (Lotus Notes, SNADS, and cc:Mail). The hard
disk drive must be sized according to customer-specific Exchange Server
requirements, with an additional 1 GB for the LinkAge server components,
software, and data files.

Windows NT Server Software Requirements for the OV/VM Connector

- The version of Windows NT Server must be 3.51 Service Pack 4, 4.0 Service
  Pack 2, or later.

- The version of Exchange Server must be 4.0 Service Pack 3, 5.0, or later.

- The version of SNA Server must be 2.11 Service Pack 2, 3.0, or later.

- The version of SQL Server must be 6.5 with SP2 or later, if you are using
  Linkage Directory Exchange (LDE).

LinkAge Administration Program Requirements

The LinkAge Administration program can run on Windows 95, Windows NT Workstation,
and Windows NT Server. The Windows NT Server or Workstation account under which
the LinkAge Administrator runs must have rights to stop and start services on
the server running the Linkage Message Exchange (LME) Gateway (that is, it must
be a member of the Admin group on the local machine).

Full access to the Linkage share created during the Setup process.

A minimum of Admin privileges to the Exchange Server Organization, Site, and
Configuration containers.

OV/VM Software Requirements

- IBM PROFS Version 2, Release 2, Modification Level 3, or IBM OfficeVision/VM
  Release 2, Modification Level 0.

- RSCS Version 2.3.0 or 3.1.0 at PUT level 9202 or later.

- ACF/VTAM Version 3 for VM/SP or higher.

- SDLC, Ethernet, or Token Ring link to a properly configured SNA front- end
  processor running a version of ACF/VTAM that is compatible with ACF/VTAM
  version 3. You also have the option of connecting the Token Ring to an
  appropriately configured 3174.

Installation of the OV/VM Connector

There are two phases to installing the OV/VM Connector software. Phase One runs
Setup from a CD-ROM or floppy disk to copy files to the Exchange Server computer
where the connector will be installed. Phase Two runs the Setup program from the
LinkAge Software V3.2 program group (the Setup.exe program copied to the server
is different than the Setup.exe program on the CD) and configures the software
on the server.

Phase One:

  Run Setup in the Products directory, then apply the patch. The default is to
  install the LME component in a directory called Linkage at the root of the
  drive and not in the Exchsrvr directory.

  The Phase One Setup program creates a Linkage directory with 4 subdirectories
  and 62 files. The subdirectories are a Log directory no files, the MSGS
  directory with 4 files, an ODBC directory with 26 files, and the Setup
  directory with 12 files.

  NOTE: There is a patch folder included with your installation CD or floppy
  disk. You must apply the patch files after completing the first phase of
  Setup. To apply the patches after installing the LinkAge software, refer to
  the instructions located in the file provided with the patch disk or folder
  called Patches.txt. Linkage has provided a Patch.bat program that will do
  this function.

Phase Two:

- Installation of the PROFS Connector

  1. Double-click the Setup icon in the LinkAge Software folder.

  2. Read the message on the Welcome screen, and click Next. The Select
     Installation Option window appears.

  3. Click the Configure Connector option, and then click Next. The Select
     Connector to Configure window appears.

  4. Click the Exchange-OV/VM Connector option, then click Next. The Configure
     LinkAge Connector window appears.

  5. Update the names of the Server, Organization, and Site containers of the
     Microsoft Exchange Server computer to which the Linkage Exchange- OV/VM
     Connector will connect. (Note that you can have downstream Exchange Server
     computers that will connect to OV/VM through this Exchange Server
     computer. Only the server to which the LinkAge Connector is directly
     connected needs to be identified to the Connector.)

  6. Click Next. The Setup program validates the information you entered and
     ensures that Microsoft Exchange Server is running. Then the Connector Node
     ID window appears.

  7. Enter the Connector's Node ID, used to generate OV/VM proxy addresses for
     Exchange Server users. Consult the host administrator to learn the node ID
     assigned to Exchange Server. (If you are using only the Conversation
     Monitor System (CMS), then you can use the Network Job Entry (NJE) link ID
     as the OV/VM node ID.) You are also asked whether you want the Setup
     process to automatically generate OV/VM proxy addresses for Exchange
     Server users. If you want proxy addresses to be created automatically
     according to the default proxy address format, answer 'Yes' to this
     prompt. If you want to assign proxy addresses annually, specify 'No.' See
     "Updating the Exchange and OV/VM Directories Manually" on page 175 of the
     manual for additional details.

  8. Click Next. The Setup program copies a number of files to the Exchange
     Server computer, updates the LinkAge configuration file (Linkage.ini), and
     installs the following on the Exchange Server computer you specified in
     Step 5:

     Addressing Template

  An extension that allows an individual OV/VM user to be added to the
  recipient list of an Exchange Server message.

     Proxy Address Generator

  An extension that allows the generation of OV/VM proxy addresses for Exchange
  Server users.

     OV/VM Connector Property Page

  A property page that allow you to configure the Exchange-OV/VM Connector.

     Queue Viewer

  An extension that provides a view of Exchange Server queues used by the
  LinkAge Connector.

Configuring Connector-Specific Settings in Exchange Server

Use the Exchange Server Administrator program to configure settings on the
Exchange-OV/VM Connector property page using the instructions below:

1. In the Exchange Server Administrator program, click the Organization
  container, click Site, and click Connections.

2. Double-click the LinkAge Exchange-OV/VM Connector object The LinkAge
  Exchange-OV/VM Connector Properties page appears.

3. Click the Options tab and the Options property page appears. Update the
  fields on the page, referring to the on-line help for field descriptions. You
  can also click on the Message Tracking tab at this time to set message
  tracking options. Click OK when you have completed the page.

4. Select the Configuration container in the left pane of the window, then
  double-click on the Site Addressing Options object in the right pane. Select
  the Routing tab and verify that the entry for the OV/VM Connector appears in
  the list. If the entry does not appear, click the Recalculate Routing button
  to refresh the contents of the list. The entry for the connector must appear
  on the list for mail to be sent from Exchange Server to OV/VM.

Editing the Connector's OV/VM Directory File

The LinkAge Connector uses node information for each OV/VM, CMS, and Exchange
Server system to which the Connector is connected. This node information is
defined in a file called Ovdfile.dat in the Linkage\Tables directory. It
contains the VM node ID, OV/VM mailman ID (also known as the Distribution
Manager ID), and location code of the OV/VM, CMS, and Exchange Server systems.
The format of the file is as follows where each of the tokens is separated by
one or more blanks. The following sample file is shipped with the LinkAge

  OVCMNODE MAILMAN LOC (example of an entry for an OV/VM system)

  CMSNODE CMS CMS (example of an entry for an CMS system)
  EXCHNODE LOCAL LME (example of an entry for an exchange system)

Create a new entry for each OV/VM, Exchange Server, and CMS system to which the
Connector sends and from which the Connector receives mail, following the
guidelines below:

- Identifying OV/VM Systems in the Directory File

  The values for the node ID and the location code must match those specified in
  columns 1-8 and 17-19, respectively, for the REMLOC definition for other
  PROFS or OV/VM systems on your network. (Refer to Table 2-12 on page 26 of
  the manual for further information.). The value used for the mailman ID (also
  known as the Distribution Manager ID) should match the one used on the OV/VM

- Identifying CMS Systems in the Directory File

  For those VM systems that do not use PROFS or OV/VM, the value for the node ID
  should be the VM node ID of the CMS system. Use the keyword, CMS, for both
  the mailman ID and for the location code of each CMS node.

- Identifying Exchange Server Systems in the Directory File

  The node ID and the location code of this line should identify your Exchange
  Server node ID and location ID respectively. Consult the Host Administrator
  for the node ID assigned to Exchange Server. Use the keyword, LOCAL, for the
  mailman ID. In addition, all downstream Exchange Server sites (if they have
  different node IDs in their PROFS proxy site addressing rule) should also be
  registered in the Directory file. The LinkAge Exchange-OV/VM Connector is now

Starting the Connector

The Exchange-OV/VM Connector is registered as a Windows NT Server service during
installation. To start the Connector, you simply start the service.

1. On the Windows desktop, click Start, point to Settings, and then click
  Control Panel.

2. Double-click the Services icon. The Services window will open.

3. Highlight the LinkAge Exchange-OV/VM Connector service and click Start.

4. Click Close to close the Services window.

You can also configure the Connector service to start automatically whenever the
server is booted.

1. On the Windows desktop, click Start, Settings, Control Panel.

2. Double-click the Services icon. The Services window will open.

3. Highlight the LinkAge Exchange-OV/VM Connector service and click Startup. Set
  Startup Type to Automatic and click OK.

4. Click Close to close the Services window.

Additional query words: PROFS, LinkAge, IBM

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange550 kbZNotKeyword2 kbExchange400SP3
Version           : :4.0 SP3,5.5
Issue type        : kbhowto


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