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Q181952: XFOR: PAB Addresses Invalid After Converting to DirSync Server

Q181952: XFOR: PAB Addresses Invalid After Converting to DirSync Server

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Article: Q181952
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): 4.0,5.0,5.5
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbusage exc4 exc5 exc55
Last Modified: 27-FEB-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5 


Exchange users who send messages to Microsoft Mail custom recipients selected
from their personal address book (PAB) may receive non-delivery reports (NDRs).
The NDR includes the following:

  Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

     Subject:   <subject>
     Sent:   <date / time>

  The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

     <recipient> on <date / Time>
           The recipient name is not recognized
           MSEXCH:MSExchangeMTA:<Site>:<Server name>

In addition, the event viewer may log the following errors:

  Event ID:   2245
  Source:   MSExchangeMTA
  Type:   Warning
  Category:   Directory Access

  Directory operation (ds_read) failed with problem DS_E_NO_SUCH_OBJECT.
  Attribute . Directory Name (string):
  /O=<org>/OU=<site>/CN=<container>/CN=<MS MAIL PO>/CN=<USERDN>.
  [RD Server DISP:ROUTER 10 114] (8)

  Event ID:   142
  Source:   MsExchangeMTA
  Type:   Warning
  Category:   X400 Service

  The MTA was unable to route to recipient
  DN:/o=<org>/ou=<site>/cn=<container>/cn=<MS Mail PO>/cn=<Recipient
  DN>[ASCII 167]. The message (MTS-ID): <X400 address>, recipient:
  DN:/o=<org>/ou=<site>/cn=<container>/cn=<MS MailPO>/cn=<recipient
  DN>[ASCII 167], recipient number 1. Check the routing table for a
  possible incorrect routing configuration. [MTA DISP:ROUTER 10 119] (12)

  Event ID:   290
  Source:   MSExchangeMTA
  Type:   Warning
  Category:   X400 Service

  A non-delivery report (reason code unable-to-transfer and diagnostic
  code unrecognized-OR-name) is being generated for message <X400
  address>. It was originally destined for
  DN:/o=<org>/ou=<site>/cn=<container>/cn=<MS Mail
  PO>/cn=<recipient DN>[ASCII 167] (recipient number 1), and was to be
  redirected to . [MTA DISP:RESULT 16 136] (12)


This problem may occur after the Exchange Server computer is converted from a
dirsync requestor to a dirsync server. When the first dirsync process was run,
all MS Mail custom recipients participating in it were given a Distinguished
Name (DN). This DN consists of the user name followed by a hexadecimal number;
for example, AdminAB57B22C. This DN is used to uniquely identify each user
within Exchange. When Exchange users place custom recipients in their PAB, the
custom recipient's DN is also copied.

If the Exchange Server computer is converted from a dirsync requestor to a
dirsync server, the custom recipients are recreated in the Exchange global
address list (GAL) during dirsync, and each custom recipient is a given new DN.
The custom recipient addresses in the Exchange user's PAB are not automatically
updated and still contain the old DN. The custom recipient Net/PO/Alias names
will appear the same; however, the hexadecimal number immediately following the
name will be different.

When the Exchange user addresses messages to these custom recipients via the PAB,
the Exchange MTA reviews the X400 address. Because the DN hexadecimal numbers
are different, the MTA does not find a matching object in the directory, an NDR
is returned to the sender, and the above events are logged in the event log.


After the Exchange Server computer is converted to the dirsync server and
dirsync has occurred, all Exchange users should remove all custom recipients
from their PAB, select those custom recipients again from the Exchange global
address list (GAL), and add them again to the PAB. The Exchange users can also
manually enter the MS Mail users into the PAB instead of selecting them from the


A similar situation will arise in the global address list (GAL) and distribution
lists (DL) when you remove the dirsync requestor object. All custom recipients
will be deleted from the Exchange GAL and from all DLs. After the Exchange
Server computer is converted to a dirsync server and dirsync has occurred,
custom recipients will be recreated. Custom recipients, however, will not be
recreated in the distribution list and must be added manually.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbusage exc4 exc5 exc55 
Technology        : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange500 kbExchange550 kbExchange400 kbZNotKeyword2
Version           : :4.0,5.0,5.5
Issue type        : kbprb


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