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Q224493: XADM: Using ISSCAN to Remove Virus-Affected Messages/Attachments

Q224493: XADM: Using ISSCAN to Remove Virus-Affected Messages/Attachments

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Article: Q224493
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): 5.0,5.5
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): exc5 exc55 kbgraphxlinkcritical
Last Modified: 06-AUG-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 5.0, 5.5, on platform(s):
   - the hardware: DEC Alpha 
   - the hardware: Intel x86 


Isscan.exe is a new utility that enables administrators to scan the Exchange
Server 5.x private or public information store and remove message attachments
based on the attachment name or the message subject. This tool is most useful
for the removal of virus-infected attachments from the information store and
scans for the Melissa virus by default. The example included in this article
removes the ILOVEYOU Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) worm

The utility is available for both Intel and Alpha platforms. There is one version
for Exchange Server versions up to and including Exchange Server 5.0 Service
Pack 3 and Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 3, and another version for Exchange
Server 5.5 post-Service Pack 3.


Syntax for the command line is:

  isscan {-pri|-pub} [-fix] -test {badmessage |badattach | badattach2} [-c

The -fix parameter instructs the Isscan utility to remove the messages or
attachments found. Without the -fix parameter, the Isscan utility records all of
the messages and attachments it finds in a log file.

The -pri | -pub parameter instructs the Isscan utility to scan either the private
or public information store (the Priv.edb or Pub.edb file).

The -test badmessage parameter deletes attachments from the attachment table that
are determined to be associated with a bad message.

The -test badattach and -test badattach2 parameters delete attachments from the
attachment table that is determined to be bad.

The -c <critfile> parameter enables you to create a criteria file that the
Isscan utility uses as it searches the message and attachment databases. If this
is not specified, it defaults to the following (for the Melissa virus):

- The badmessage parameter deletes single attachments on messages with a
  subject that starts with "Important Message From," and a creation time after

- The badattach and badattach2 parameters delete attachments with a filename of
  "List.doc," and a size between 40,000 and 60,000 bytes.

- If the critfile parameter is specified, Isscan parses the case-sensitive
  entries in the file to determine the search criteria.

There are two types of entries in the file: attachment or message.

- An attachment entry has the following format. There is a space between ATTACH
  and <filename>, and a tab separates <minsize> from
  <filename> and <maxsize>.

  ATTACH <filename><A0><A0><A0><A0><A0><minsize><A0><A0><A0><A0><A0><maxsize>

- A message entry has the following format. There is a space between MSG and
  <start-of-subject>, and a tab between <start-of-subject> and

  MSG <start-of-subject><A0><A0><A0><A0><A0><yyyy/mm/dd>

NOTE: When you create the Criteria file, use an editor other than the MS-DOS
Editor to ensure proper formatting.
You can have multiple entries for each criterion. The attachment file names must
be in 8.3 format. If you have a long file name, use the 8.3 format for the file
name (for instance, use "Zipped~1.exe" for "Zippedfile.exe"). In addition, you
can specify up to 256 criteria in the criteria file. A sample file looks like
the following:

	ATTACH FirstAttachment.doc	40000	60000
	ATTACH SecondAttachment.vbs	40000	60000
	ATTACH ThirdAttachment.exe	20000	40000
	MSG Important Message From	1999/03/01
	MSG New version of virus	1999/03/28

IMPORTANT: As a safeguard, the filename and subject values cannot be fewer than
five characters long.

There can be two Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) types for an
attachment in Exchange Server: PR_ATTACH_FILENAME and/or

  ATTACH Zipped_Files.exe15000500000
  ATTACH Zipped~1.exe15000500000

The PR_ATTACH_FILENAME is the 8.3 filename used for backward compatibility with
16-bit clients.

You can use the Mdbvu32.exe file from the Exchange Server 5.5 CD-ROM to view
attachments in a user mailbox. For additional information, click the article
number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q214816 HOWTO: Use Mdbvu32.exe to Set/Create a Property on a Folder

The Isscan utility creates a report called either Isscan.pri or,
depending on whether you scan a private store or public store. This report
includes the following information:

- When run with the -test badmessage parameter, this report includes the sender
  and recipient of a message that is deleted.

- When run with the -test badattach parameter, this report includes the file
  name of the attachment that is deleted.

- When run with the -test badattach2 parameter, this report includes the file
  name of the attachment that is deleted and the sender and recipient of the
  associated message.

When you run the Isscan utility with the -test badmessage parameter, it searches
the message folder table based on the specified message criteria. When you run
the Isscan utility with the -test badattach parameter, it searches the
attachment table based on the specified attachment criteria. Searching the
attachment table is faster, but it prevents the Isscan utility from obtaining
information about the sender and recipient of the message.

When you run the Isscan utility with the -test badattach2 parameter, it uses the
specified attachment criteria, but it checks attachments through the message
folder table instead of the attachment table. This makes the search slower, but
it enables the Isscan utility to obtain information about the sender and
recipient of the message. This is useful for viruses where the Subject field is
always different, which prevents you from a search based on message criteria.
The -test badattach2 parameter enables you to search based on attachment
criteria instead, while still obtaining information about the sender and


The following example removes any references to attachments in the PRIVATE
information store that contains the initial infection of the ILOVEYOU worm

1. Use Notepad to make a file called Critfile.txt that contains the following

  ATTACH LOVE-L~1.VBS		10000	50000
  ATTACH LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs	10000	50000

NOTE: A new variant to the ILOVEYOU virus surfaced, on 2/12/2001. The filename of
the attachment is:


To remove this file, use the following syntax in the criteria file:

  "ATTACH Annako~1.vbs 1 500000" (without the quotation marks)

2. Use Notepad to make a batch file named IsscanFixPri.bat, and enter the
  following on the first line in the file.

  isscan -fix -pri -c lovecrit.txt -test badattach

3. Copy Isscan.exe, Critfile.txt, and Delove.bat to the
  <drive>\Exchsrvr\Bin folder.

4. Stop the Exchange Server information store.

5. At a command prompt, change to the Exchsrvr\Bin folder, and run the batch

6. When Isscan completes, run the following from the command prompt.

  isinteg -fix -pri -test message

To check the PUBLIC information store, replace "-pri" with "-pub," and repeat the

A .zip archive that contains instructions, Isscan.exe, and batch files to remove
WORM viruses and repair both the private and public information store may be
downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center.

The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download

  Exchange Server 5.5 Updated Utility for Cleaning Worm Viruses (Intel):

  DownloadDownload now

  Exchange Server 5.5 Updated Utility for Cleaning Worm Viruses (DEC Alpha:

  DownloadDownload now

For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge

  Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current
virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was
posted. The file is stored on secure servers that prevent any unauthorized
changes to the file.

NOTE: The Wormhelp files are updates to the iloveyouhlp files

Important Notes

- This is only a method to clean an already affected Exchange Server database.
  This does not in any way prevent the virus from being introduced into the
  e-mail system.

- To prevent the virus from being introduced, enact a well planned anti-virus
  strategy at all Internet firewalls and at every desktop workstation.

- You can run the command, isinteg -fix -pri -test message, to delete the
  reference to the attachment--otherwise the message reports "Could not open
  one or more attachments." The message is not deleted with either the
  badmessage or the badattach switch. Only the attachment is removed on either

  However, no test removes the actual Paperclip icon.

- Isscan does not search for wildcard attachments or messages. The user must
  specify a file name that is at least five characters long. For example,
  searching for messages or attachments by specifying "*.doc" (without the
  quotation marks) does not work.

- The entries in the criteria file are case sensitive. For example, the
  following entries remove different variants of the ILOVEYOU virus:

  ATTACH LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs   10000   50000
  ATTACH LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs   10000   50000

The English version of this feature should have the following file attributes or

Component: ISSCAN

| File name  | Version    | 
| Isscan.exe | 5.5.2648.0 | 

Additional query words: melissa virus fun love iloveyou funlove isscan exe corrupt priv edb or pub list doc annakournikova jpg vbs mdbvu32

Keywords          : exc5 exc55 kbgraphxlinkcritical 
Technology        : kbExchangeSearch kbZNotKeyword2
Version           : :5.0,5.5
Issue type        : kbhowto


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