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Q115295: Mac Gty: Third Party Gateway Systems for AppleTalk Mail

Q115295: Mac Gty: Third Party Gateway Systems for AppleTalk Mail

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Article: Q115295
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For Appletalk Networks
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0,3.1
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 10-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks, versions 3.0, 3.1 


Following is a comprehensive listing of all known gateways to Microsoft Mail for
AppleTalk Networks.

Service/System        GW Name/Reached via  GW Vendor        Telephone

All-In-One (DEC)      Mail*Link SMTP
                     via TCP/IP           StarNine         (510) 649-4949

All-In-One (DEC)      MailMate/MM          Alisa Systems    (818) 792-9474

All-In-One (DEC)      Pacer Post           Pacer Software   (619) 454-0565

AppleLink             Microsoft AppleLink
                     Gateway              Microsoft        On AppleLink

ARPANet               Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

AS/400 (IBM)          Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

BitNet (via Host)     Mail*Link SMTP/ 
                     Remote               StarNine         (510) 649-4949

cc:Mail               Mail*Link MHS        StarNine         (510) 649-4949

cc:Mail               Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

CEO (Data General)    Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

CompuServe            None available at this time

Da Vinci Mail         Mail*Link MHS        StarNine         (510) 649-4949

DeskMate (HP)         Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

DISOSS (IBM)          Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

Fax                   4Sight Fax           4Sight/ 
                                          CommForce        (515) 224-0211

Fax                   MS Gateway to Fax    Microsoft        (800) 227-4679

GE QuickComm          MS Mail LAN
                     Connector            GE Info Sys.     (800) 277-4679

IBM System /36 /38    Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

InBox Plus
 (Sitka Tops)        Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

Internet              Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

Liaison (Farallon)    Microsoft Liaison
                     Gateway              Microsoft        (800) 227-4679

MCI Mail              CommGate             MCI              (800) 444-6245

Message Router(DEC)   Pacer Post           Pacer Software   (619) 454-0565

MHS-based Systems     Mail*Link MHS        StarNine         (510) 649-4949

Mail for PC Networks  Connection Gateway   Microsoft        (800) 227-4679

Office (Wang)         Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

Office Vision (IBM)   Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

OS/VS Mail
AKA  (Data General)   Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

Pager                 Notify!              Ex Machina       (800) 238-4738

PowerShare (AOCE)     Mail*Link for
                     PowerShare/MS        StarNine         (510) 649-4949

PROFS (IBM)           Mail*Link SMTP
                     via TCP/IP           StarNine         (510) 649-4949

PROFS (IBM)           Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

QuickMail (CE)        Mail*Link
                     SMTP/QMMS/Remote     StarNine         (510) 649-4949

QuickMail (CE)        Postal Union         Information
                     MS-QM                Electronics      (607) 868-3331

SMTP                  Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

SMTP                  Postal Union/MS      Information
                     (SMTP)               Electronics      (607) 868-3331

SNADS                 Soft*Switch SNADS    Soft*Switch      (215) 640-7550

TCP/IP                Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

Tops 20 Mail          Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

Unix Mail             Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

(via TCP/IP)          GatorMail-M          StarNine         (510) 649-4949

Unix UUCP Async)      Mail*Link Remote     StarNine         (510) 649-4949

VMS Mail (VAX)        Alisa Mail           Alisa Systems    (818) 792-9474

VMS Mail (VAX)        Mail*Link SMTP       StarNine         (510) 649-4949

VMS Mail (VAX)        Pacer Post           Pacer Software   (619) 454-0565

X.25                  via X.400            World
X.400                 WorldTalk 400        Communications   (408) 567-5048

X.400                 Retix Open400        Retix            (800) 255-2333

Additional query words: 3.00 3.10

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbMailSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailATN300 kbMailATN310
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0,3.1


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