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Q119641: Mac GW: Solution for Possible Multiple MS Mail GW

Q119641: Mac GW: Solution for Possible Multiple MS Mail GW

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Article: Q119641
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For Appletalk Networks
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0,3.1
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 10-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks, versions 3.0, 3.1 


Support for gateways in Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks is provided by MS
Mail GW, also known as Gateway Services or GWS. There should be one MS Mail GW
per Mail gateway server on the Mail network.

Symptoms of more than one MS Mail GW include:

- Outgoing gateway messages sometimes disappear.

- Gateways report errors in trying to process messages.

If you suspect that multiple MS Mail GWs is causing a problem, then one way to
test this is to rename the gateway Mail server. To change the name of a Mail
server, sign into the server as Network Manager and change the name in Server
Settings. After the Mail server reboots, go to the Chooser and point MS Mail GW
at the gateway server again. Now test the gateway again.

NOTE: After renaming the Mail server, users who sign into this Mail server must
also go to the Chooser and re-establish connection with the re-named Mail
Server. However, the above steps do not affect communication with other Mail
servers. The new name of this Mail server will soon propagate to other Mail
servers on the network.


If there is more than one copy of MS Mail GW causing a problem, then the above
steps work because renaming the Mail server breaks the AppleTalk connection
between all copies of GWS on the network and the Mail server. If the gateway
works correctly now, then this probably indicates more than one GWS on the
network and the Network Manager must now try to find these extra copies.

NOTE: MS Mail GW version 3.1d registers itself on the network and may be found
using AppleTalk network tools. See the Mail 3.1d disks for more information. For
MS Mail GW prior to 3.1d, the Network Manager must do a machine by machine

Additional query words: 3.00 3.10

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbMailSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailATN300 kbMailATN310
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0,3.1


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