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Q140316: INFO: All Variable Settings for Visual SourceSafe .INI File

Q140316: INFO: All Variable Settings for Visual SourceSafe .INI File

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Article: Q140316
Product(s): Microsoft SourceSafe
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbusage
Last Modified: 07-DEC-2001

The information in this article applies to:



Visual SourceSafe has many .ini file variables that allow you to customize the
Visual SourceSafe installation. This article lists all available .ini file


General Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
ComputerName             name or %env-var%         Blank (OS Name)
Editor                   PathName                  Blank
Keep_Checkedout          Yes|No                    No
Mark_Merges              Yes|No                    No
Recursive                Yes|No                    No
Reuse_Comment            Yes|No                    No
Temp_Path                RelativePath              temp
Update_No_Change         Update|Uncheckout|Ask     Uncheckout

View Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
CP_OnSelection           Yes|No                    Yes
Long_Filenames           Yes|No                    Yes
Lowercase_Files          Yes|No                    No
Refresh_Display          Yes|No                    Yes
Refresh_Interval         #Seconds                  300
Results_Window           Yes|No                    No
Status_Bar               Yes|No                    Yes
Toolbar                  Yes|No                    Yes

Toolbar Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Toolbar_Size             16|VW4                     No
ToolTips                 Yes|No                     Yes

Font Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value

Local File Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Append_EOL               Yes|No                    No
Compare                  Full|Checksum|Time        Checksum
Delete_Local             Yes|No                    No
Expand_Keywords_Locally  Yes|No                    Yes
Replace_Writable         Replace|Ask|Skip|Merge    Ask
SetTime                  Current|Mod|Update        Current
Smart_Mode               Yes|No                    No
Use_Readonly             Yes|No                    Yes

Command Dialogs Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Skip_Fcheckout           Yes|No                    No
Skip_Fdiff               Yes|No                    No
Skip_Fget                Yes|No                    No
Skip_Fhistory            Yes|No                    No
Skip_Funcheckout         Yes|No                    No
Skip_Pcheckout           Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Pdiff               Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Pget                Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Phistory            Yes|No                    Yes
Skip_Puncheckout         Yes|No                    Yes

Warning Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Warn_Destroy             Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Exit                Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Multiple_Checkout   Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Purge               Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Remove              Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Rollback            Yes|No                    Yes
Warn_Uncheckout          Yes|No                    Yes

File Type Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Binary_Masks             Extension List            Blank
File_Types               List of extensions        Blank
Relevant_Masks           Extension list            *.*

Command Line Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Checkout_Comment         Character String          Blank
Comment_Editor           Path and filename         Blank
Comment_Editor_Prompt    Yes|No                    Yes
Force_Dir                Yes|No                    No
Force_Prj                Yes|No                    No
Output                   @filename|none            None

General Admin Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Database_Name            Character String          Blank
Journal_File             Path and filename         Blank
Keyword_Masks            Extension list            Blank
Multiple_Checkouts       Yes|No                    No
Use_Network_Name         Yes|No                    Yes

Shadow (Admin) Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Shadow                   Path                      Blank
Shadow_EOL               r|rn|n                    rn
Shadow_Readonly          Yes|No                    Yes
Shadow_SetTime           Current|Mod|Update        Current

Macintosh Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Use_CKID                 Yes|No                    Yes

Merge Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Backup_Ext               Extension                 .org
Merge_Ext                Extension                 .mrg

Power User Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Comment_Template         Filename                  Blank
Diff_Context             Nbr of lines              0 (Unix/SS)
                                                  Infinite (Visual)
EOL                      r|rn|n                    RN
Extension Association    By Extension              None
Filetype                 Binary|Text|Auto-Detect   Auto-Detect
Indicate_Expandable      Yes|No                    Yes
Menu_Help                Yes|No                    Yes
Save_Settings            Yes|No                    No
                                                  (until user clicks)
Store_Deltas             Yes|No                    Yes
Visual_Diff_ChangeClr    R,G,B or Color Name
Visual_Diff_DeleteClr    R,G,B or Color Name
Visual_Diff_InsertClr    R,G,B or Color Name

Project Property Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Dir                      PerProject                None

Settings Made Automatically by Visual SourceSafe:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Columns                  Nbr of chars: #,#,#
Columns (UI)             Nbr of pixels: #, #, #
Columns_History          Nbr of chars #, #, #, #
Columns_History (UI)     Nbr of pixels #, #, #, #
Custom_Toolbar           List of one-letter        Yes
Dft_Report_Type          0|1|2 (Printer,File,      0
Diff_Format              SS|Unix|Visual            Visual
Diff_Ignore              c-es-w-                   c-es-w-
Diff_Width               Number                    79
Help_Pos                 x1,y1,x2,y2
Hist_Rect                x1,y1,x2,y2
History_Include_Files    Yes|No                    Yes
Maximized                Yes|No                    No
Preview_Rect             x1, y1, x2, y2
PrjWidth                 Nbr of chars: #
PrjWidth (UI)            Nbr of pixels: #
Project                  ProjectPath
Sort_Order               Name|Type|User|Date|Path  Name
Visual_Diff_Rect         x1,y1,x2,y2
Window                   x1,y1,x2,y2

Srcsafe.ini Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Data_Path                Path                      DATA
Lock_Timeout             Nbr of Seconds            10
Shadow_DOSName           Yes|No                    No
Shadow_Extension         Extension (eg ??V)        Blank
Users_Txt                Path and filename         users.txt

SourceSafe for MS-DOS Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
50_Line                  Yes|No
Color                    Color scheme
Height                   # of Lines                66
Port                     LPT1                      LPT1
Type                     Text|Postscript           Text
Width                    #Characters               80

UNIX Settings:

Variable                 Value Type                Default Value
Data_Secure              SUIDRoot|Open             SUIDRoot
Lock_Mode                Native|Lockfile           Native

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbusage 
Issue type        : kbinfo


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