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Q248078: BUG: VSSVersion Collection Does Not Give Filenames

Q248078: BUG: VSSVersion Collection Does Not Give Filenames

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Article: Q248078
Product(s): Microsoft SourceSafe
Version(s): WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbAutomation kbSSafe500bug kbSSafe600bug _IK kbGrpDSSSafe
Last Modified: 01-MAY-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 


When looping through the VSSVersions collection, the name of the file that the
action is about is not readily available.


One workaround for the "Add" action is to compare the items in the project of
the version in question with the previous version. Whatever file is in the
current version and not in the previous version is the file that was added.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the
beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

NOTE: This procedure uses Microsoft Visual Basic, but the same could be done in
other languages.

1. Create a standard EXE project in Visual Basic.

2. Create a reference to the Microsoft SourceSafe 6.0 (or 5.0) library

3. Add a command button to Form1.

4. Double-click the button.

5. Paste the following code in the Command1_Click Sub:

  Dim SSDB As New VSSDatabase
  Dim SSItem As VSSItem
  Dim TempItem As VSSItem
  Dim oVersion As VSSVersion
  Dim verDate As Date
  Dim User As String
  Dim Comment As String
  Dim Action As String

  ' Open SourceSafe database
  ' NOTE: If your path to srcsafe.ini, username, and password information
  '       differ from what is listed below, please adjust it accordingly.

  SSDB.Open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\VSS\srcsafe.ini", "Admin", ""
  ' Get project to search
  Set SSItem = SSDB.VSSItem("$/Project_To_Retrieve_History")

  ' Loop through the Versions collection getting each event
  For Each oVersion In SSItem.Versions(VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_RECURSYES)
      ' Get the action for the current version
      Action = oVersion.Action
      ' Check what the action is and print out what we find.
      If InStr(1, Action, "Added", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
          ' Get the VSSItem the version contains
          Set TempItem = oVersion.VSSItem
          ' Get the date, username, and comment from the version item.
          verDate = oVersion.Date
          User = oVersion.UserName
          Comment = oVersion.Comment
          ' Print out the item we have
          Debug.Print "Added: " & TempItem.Name & " by " & User & " at " & Format(verDate, "General Date") & Comment
      End If

6. Run the program.

7. To implement the workaround mentioned above, paste the following (note that
  this is more than just the Command1_Click Sub):

  Dim SSDB As New VSSDatabase
  Dim SSItem As VSSItem
  Dim TempItem As VSSItem
  Dim oVersion As VSSVersion
  Dim verDate As Date
  Dim User As String
  Dim Comment As String
  Dim Action As String
  Dim tItem As VSSItem
  Dim oItem As VSSItem
  Dim bad As Boolean
  Dim sTempItem As VSSItem

  Private Sub Command1_Click()
      ' Open SourceSafe database
      ' NOTE: If your path to srcsafe.ini, username, and password information
      '       differ from what is listed below, please adjust it accordingly.
      SSDB.Open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\VSS\srcsafe.ini", "Admin", ""
      ' Get project to search
      Set SSItem = SSDB.VSSItem("$/Project_To_Retrieve_History")
      ' Loop through the Versions collection getting each event
      For Each oVersion In SSItem.Versions(VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_RECURSYES)
          ' Get the action for the current version
          Action = oVersion.Action
          ' Check what the action is and print out what we find.
          If InStr(1, Action, "Added", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
              ' Get the VSSItem the current version contains
              Set TempItem = oVersion.VSSItem
              ' Get the date, username, and comment from the version item.
              verDate = oVersion.Date
              User = oVersion.UserName
              Comment = oVersion.Comment
              ' See if we can use the Items collection
              If CheckItem = 1 Then
                  ' If we have a project and the items collection has items, print out each item in the collection.
                  ' We could have an items collection but have 0 items in it, so check for that case.
                  If TempItem.Type = VSSItemType.VSSITEM_PROJECT And TempItem.Items.Count > 0 Then
                      ' Get the previous version
                      Set sTempItem = TempItem.Version(TempItem.VersionNumber - 1)
                      ' Loop through the items at this version
                      For Each tItem In TempItem.Items
                          bad = False

                          ' Loop through the previous version
                          For Each oItem In sTempItem.Items
                              ' Check if the names are the same
                              If oItem.Spec = tItem.Spec Then
                                  ' Found the name, not the one we are looking for
                                  bad = True
                                  Exit For
                              End If
                          ' If this is the file added, print out the information
                          If bad = False Then
                              Debug.Print "Added: " & tItem.Name & " in " & TempItem.Name & " by " & User & " at " & Format(verDate, "General Date") & Comment<BR/>
                          Exit For   
                          End If
                      ' Otherwise just print out the item we have
                      Debug.Print "Added: " & TempItem.Name & " by " & User & " at " & Format(verDate, "General Date") & Comment
                  End If
                  ' No items collection, just print out the item we have
                  Debug.Print "Added: " & TempItem.Name & " by " & User & " at " & Format(verDate, "General Date") & Comment
              End If
          End If
  End Sub

  ' Purpose:  Check to see if we can look at the Items
  '           collection.  This keeps us from getting an
  '           error from SourceSafe.
  ' Inputs:   None
  ' Returns:  1 if the Items collection exists and can be used.
  '           0 if the Items collection does not exist.
  Private Function CheckItem()
      ' If we have a problem, go to the error handler
      On Error GoTo ErrHandler
      ' Try to access the Items collection and see if we succeed or not
      Dim i As Integer
      i = TempItem.Items.Count
      ' It worked, so return 1
      CheckItem = 1
      Exit Function
      ' Return 0 - meaning there is a problem
      CheckItem = 0
  End Function

8. Run the program.


Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Automation

Additional query words: automation

Keywords          : kbAutomation kbSSafe500bug kbSSafe600bug _IK kbGrpDSSSafe 
Technology        : kbSSafeSearch kbAudDeveloper kbSSafe600 kbSSafe500
Version           : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbnofix


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