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Q258144: HOWTO: Get a List of All Pinned Files from OLE Automation in VB

Q258144: HOWTO: Get a List of All Pinned Files from OLE Automation in VB

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Article: Q258144
Product(s): Microsoft SourceSafe
Version(s): 5.0,6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbAutomation kbSSafe500 kbSSafe600 kbDSupport kbGrpDSSSafe
Last Modified: 01-MAY-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 


Visual SourceSafe OLE Automation does not expose any pinning functionality
directly, so there is no direct way to tell if a file is pinned from OLE
Automation. This article provides sample code to work around this problem and
retrieve this information.


The following sample assumes that you have a Microsoft Visual Basic project, and
that when you want to get the path information, you call the CheckPaths routine.
This sample can easily be modified to take a project as a parameter, or to do
something other than output the results with Debug.Print.

  ' Used to store VSSItem Objects.
  Public objVSSObject As VSSItem
  Public objVSSProject As VSSItem

  ' This routine begins the printing of all items that are pinned.
  Public Sub CheckPaths()
      ' Set On Error routine.
      On Error GoTo ErrHandler
      ' Used as a reference to the VSS database.
      Dim objVSSDatabase As New VSSDatabase
      ' Used to store the VSS Username, password and SrcSafe.ini data.
      Dim UserName As String
      Dim SrcSafeIni As String
      Dim Password As String
      ' Set up the username, password, database path.
      UserName = "Admin"
      Password = ""
      SrcSafeIni = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\VSS60a\srcsafe.ini"
      ' Attempt to log into SourceSafe.
      objVSSDatabase.Open SrcSafeIni, UserName, Password

      ' Create VSS Database object and set current item to $/ (root project).
      Set objVSSProject = objVSSDatabase.VSSItem("$/", False)
      ' Set the current project.
      objVSSDatabase.CurrentProject = objVSSProject.Spec

      ' Check for pinned files in this project.
      Call Links(objVSSProject)
      ' Iterate through all items in current project (false means ignore deleted items).
      For Each objVSSObject In objVSSProject.Items(False)
          ' Check to see what type of object we have.
          Select Case objVSSObject.Type
              ' Current item is a project.
              Case 0
                  ' Call procedure to check for existing sub projects of this
                  ' project.
                  Call CheckSubProjects(objVSSObject)
              ' Current Object is a file.
              Case 1
                  ' Do nothing for files.

              ' Unknown object type.
              Case Else
                  MsgBox ("Unknown object type encountered!")
          End Select
      ' Inform the user that we are finished.
      MsgBox "All Done"
      Set objVSSProject = Nothing
      Set objVSSObject = Nothing
      Set objVSSDatabase = Nothing
      Exit Sub

      Response = MsgBox(Err.Description, vbExclamation, "VSS")
      Set objVSSProject = Nothing
      Set objVSSObject = Nothing
      Set objVSSDatabase = Nothing
  End Sub

  ' This routine is passed a project item as a parameter. It checks for existing
  ' sub projects in the passed project and calls the links function to check for
  ' pinned files in this project.
  Public Sub CheckSubProjects(objVSSProject As VSSItem)
      Dim i As Integer

      ' Check for pinned files in this project.
      Call Links(objVSSProject)
      ' Iterate through each item of the project (false means ignore deleted).
      For Each objVSSObject In objVSSProject.Items(False)
          ' Check to see what type of object we have.
          Select Case objVSSObject.Type
              ' Current item is a project.
              Case 0
                  i = DoEvents
                  Call CheckSubProjects(objVSSObject)
              ' Current Object is a file.
              Case 1
                  ' Do nothing for files
              ' Unknown object type.
              Case Else
                  MsgBox ("Unknown object type encountered!")
          End Select
  End Sub

  Private Sub Links(objVSSFile As VSSItem)
      Dim objVSSVersion As VSSVersion
      Dim UnpinArray() As String
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim j As Integer
      Dim found As Boolean
      ' Set up array to store each time we get an unpin event.
      ReDim UnpinArray(40)
      i = 1
      found = False
      ' Loop through the projects events to see if we find a pin or unpin event.
      For Each objVSSVersion In objVSSFile.Versions
          If Left(objVSSVersion.Action, 6) = "Pinned" Then
              ' Check whether we already have an unpin event for this file.
              ' Because we are going through history from most recent to oldest,
              ' if we don't have an unpin event now, the file is pinned.
              For j = 1 To i
                  If InStr(1, objVSSVersion.Action, UnpinArray(j), vbTextCompare) > 0 And UnpinArray(j) <> "" Then
                      ' Found an unpin event; the file is not pinned.
                      found = True
                  End If

              ' If we didn't find an unpin event, print out the pin event that has the
              ' filename and version it is pinned at.
              If found = False Then
                  Debug.Print objVSSVersion.Action
              End If
          ElseIf Left(objVSSVersion.Action, 8) = "Unpinned" Then
              ' Store the unpin event in our array.
              UnpinArray(i) = Right(objVSSVersion.Action, Len(objVSSVersion.Action) - 10)
              i = i + 1
          End If

      Set objVSSVersion = Nothing
  End Sub


  Q257989 HOWTO: Pin and Unpin Files in SourceSafe from OLE Automation in
  Visual C++

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbAutomation kbSSafe500 kbSSafe600 kbDSupport kbGrpDSSSafe 
Technology        : kbSSafeSearch kbAudDeveloper kbSSafe600 kbSSafe500
Version           : :5.0,6.0
Issue type        : kbhowto


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