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924 lines (693 loc) · 62.5 KB

File metadata and controls

924 lines (693 loc) · 62.5 KB

New in 0.30.0 (released 17/06/2018)

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • Note that the IssuesLabelsClient.RemoveFromIssue() methods which previously had no return value, will now return an IReadonlyList<Label>. This change is source compatible but not binary compatible.
  • The following [Obsolete] items have been removed from octokit, please use the indicated replacements:

Client Methods

  • OranizationsClient.GetAll() => GetAllForUser()
  • PullRequestsClient.Comment => ReviewComment
  • RepositoryBranchesClient.GetRequiredStatusChecksContexts() => GetAllRequiredStatusChecksContexts()
  • RepositoryBranchesClient.GetProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions() => GetAllProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
  • RepositoryBranchesClient.GetProtectedBranchUserRestrictions() => GetAllProtectedBranchUserRestrictions()
  • RepositoryTrafficClient.GetReferrers() => GetAllReferrers()
  • RepositoryTrafficClient.GetPaths() => GetAllPaths()
  • TeamsClient.GetMembership() => GetMembershipDetails()
  • TeamsClient.AddMembership() => AddOrEditMembership()
  • TeamsClient.AddMembership() => AddOrEditMembership()

Request Models

  • Remove unwanted ctor's from BranchProtectionUpdateSettings and UpdateTeam
  • NewIssue Assignee => Assignees
  • IssueUpdate Assignee => Assignees

Response Models

  • TeamMembership => TeamMembershipDetails

Release Notes

Milestone: GitHub Apps


Milestone: None


  • Added PreviousFileName field to PullRequestFile response - #1770 via @Kaneraz
  • Support PullRequestReviewEvent payloads using new response model PullRequestReviewEventPayload - #1767 via @Cyberboss
  • Add the ability to search issues by milestones, using SearchIssuesRequest.Milestone - #1788 via @mkArtak
  • Add an overload to IReleasesClient.Get() that allows retrieving a Release by the associated tag - #1793 via @tasadar2, @ryangribble
  • Add MaintainerCanModify field to PullRequest response and NewPullRequest and UpdatePullRequest requests - #1771 via @Cyberboss, @ryangribble
  • Enabled additional methods for preview "Nested Teams" support:
    • IRepositoriesClient.GetAllTeams()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.GetAllProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.UpdateProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.AddProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions()
    • IRepositoryBranchesClient.DeleteProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions() - #1795 via @MikhailTymchukDX, @ryangribble
  • Implement Pre Receive Environments API (Preview) for GitHub Enterprise - #1796 via @tasadar2, @ryangribble
  • Implement support for Label API Improvements, including additional fields (Description and Default), emoji support and searching for labels (SearchClient.SearchLabels()) - #1802 via @jozefizso, @ryangribble


  • Correct missing/incorrect XmlDoc entries for parameters on some methods - #1779 via @ryangribble
  • Parameter names in validation exception messages are now derived from the parameters themselves, rather than a literal string that was hopefully kept up to date - #1781 via @itaibh
  • Update Octokit build tooling to use .NET SDK 2.x (note that this is only an SDK tooling update - Octokit and Octokit.Reactive libraries are still targeting netstandard1.1) - #1784 via @ryangribble
  • Removed a number of [Obsolete] methods, members and constructors inline with our standard deprecation schedule - #1780 via @ryangribble
  • Ensure all response models have appropriate ctor's to allow mocking, and enforce with a convention test - #1798 via @tasadar2, @ryangribble

Documentation Updates

New in 0.29.0 (released 19/02/2018)

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • On February 22, 2018 19:00 UTC, GitHub will disable permanently the use of weak cryptogrpahic standards. Applications targeting .NET Framework 4.5.x will be affected, as that framework does not enable the now required protocol (TLS1.2) by default. This release will automatically enable this protocol, when the GitHubClient is constructed. Note that applications targeting .NET Framework 4.6+ or .NET Core should already have TLS1.2 enabled by default, and this release does nothing with enabled protocols on those platforms.
  • Affected clients that are unable to update, can include their own code change to enable TLS1.2 as an alternative to updating to this release.

Release Notes

Milestone: Missing Pagination Support


Milestone: None


  • Add InReplyToId property to PullRequestReviewComment response model, to indicate when a comment is in reply to another comment - #1715 via @thedillonb
  • Ensure the netstandard1.1 targeted package is compatible with AWS Lambda netcoreapp1.0 environment, by explicitly specifying the NetStandard.Library meta-package version - #1713 via @ryangribble
  • Add UpdatedAt property to Milestone response model, to indicate when it was last updated - #1722 via @shaggygi, @ryangribble
  • Support StatusEvent payloads, using new response model StatusEventPayload - #1732 via @itaibh
  • Octokit now handles DateTime and DateTimeOffset response fields whose API response is in an unexpected Unix epoch time format - #1735 via @itaibh
  • Add PullRequestReviewId property to PullRequestReviewComment response model, to indicate which PullRequestReview the comment is related to - #1739 via @mirsaeedi
  • Implement support for Repository Licenses, including adding License property to Repository response model, adding SpxId field to LicenseMetadata response model and a new IRepositoriesClient.GetLicenseContents() call - #1630 via @jozefizso, @M-Zuber, @ryangribble
  • Add MergeableState property to PullRequest response model, to indicate additional information about why a pull request can't be merged - #1764 via @ryangribble
  • Add Visibility property to EmailAddress response model, to indicate whether a primary email address is Public or Private - #1757 via @asapferg, @ryangribble


  • OAuthClient now handles GitHub Enterprise instances correctly in CreateAccessToken() and GetGitHubLoginUrl() methods - #1726 via @ryangribble
  • Using the same GitHubClient instance from multiple threads in parallel will no longer throw occasional exceptions, after making the GitHubSerializerStrategy internals thread-safe - #1748 via @daveaglick
  • Remove deserializer enum cache miss by correcting the case of AccountType parameter values - #1759 via @ryangribble
  • Add TLS1.2 to enabled security protocols (.NET Framework 4.5 only) to avoid SSL connectivity errors when GitHub deprecates weak algorithms on February 22 - #1758 via @ryangribble
  • Deserializer now handles nullable StringEnum<T> members - #1760 via @ryangribble

Documentation Updates

New in 0.28.0 (released 6/11/2017)

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • This release has been pushed out in response to CommitStatus.Id on GitHub exceeding Int32.MaxValue. We've made this field a long now... sorry about that!

Release Notes


  • You can now use IGitHubClient.SetRequestTimeout(TimeSpan timeout) to set a custom timeout, particularly useful for lengthy operations such as uploading release assets. - #1693 via @pmiossec, @ryangribble


  • Update CommitStatus.Id field from int to long to prevent overflow exceptions - #1703 via @kzu


  • Correct rendering of HttpClient documentation page - #1699 via @scovetta

New in 0.27.0 (released 7/10/2017)

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • NewTeam.Permission has been changed to a nullable type Permission? and will no longer be sent unless explicitly set

Release Notes


  • Implement additional fields in Team response and NewTeam and UpdateTeam requests, for Privacy, Maintainers and Description where they were missing - #1669 via @ryangribble
  • Implement Organization filter in ISearchClient.SearchCode() - #1672 via @sepharg, @ryangribble
  • Implement team membership enhancements for role (Maintainer or Member) and state (Active or Pending) including new methods TeamsClient.AddOrEditMembership() and TeamsClient.GetMembershipDetails() and updating TeamsClient.GetAllMembers() to allow filtering by role. - #1670 via @ryangribble
  • Implement Nested Teams API (Preview) - #1682 via @ryangribble


  • Assembly versioning, NuGet package metadata and inter-package version dependencies should now be correct, after automating them via the build process - #1660 via @ryangribble, @mderriey
  • Octokit can now run in environments where PlatformNotSupported exception was encountered when initializing the API connection (eg AWS Lambda) - #1660 via @ryangribble, @mderriey
  • Intellisense should once again be available for Octokit libraries - sorry about that! - #1674 via @mderriey
  • ISearchClient.SearchRepo() now uses the correct values for the Forks search qualifiers (Include or Only) - #1680 via @ryangribble


  • Add convention tests to enforce API Pagination support and naming conventions - #1659 via @ryangribble
  • BranchProtection response class EnforceAdmins now provides a standard ctor allowing it to be mocked if required - #1679 via @ryangribble

New in 0.26.0 (released 31/8/2017)

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • This release contains the necessary Octokit changes to specify the required_pull_request_reviews field on Branch Protection updates, which becomes mandatory when the Protected Branches API graduates from preview mode on the 1st September

Release Notes


  • Implement RequiredPullRequestReviews support in IRepositoryBranchesClient.UpdateBranchProtection and additional granular methods to GetReviewEnforcement, UpdateReviewEnforcement and RemoveReviewEnforcement via @M-Zuber, @ryangribble

New in 0.25.0 (released 23/8/2017)

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • has been ported to dotnetcore 🎉 providing libraries targetting netstandard1.1 and net45 frameworks

  • Enum fields in Octokit response classes are now wrapped in an StringEnum<TEnum> helper class, to provide more robustness in dealing with unknown API values for these fields. Whilst the changes are backwards compatible, please consult the guidance on working with Enums for more information

  • IncludeAdmins field is no longer present in BranchProtectionRequiredStatusChecks and BranchProtectionRequiredStatusChecksUpdate classes, instead use the new EnforceAdmins field on BranchProtectionSettingsUpdate or the new explicit methods for configuring Admin Enforcement on protected branches. This was an upstream API breaking change so we couldn't follow our normal deprecation schedule

Release Notes

Milestone: CAKE Builds


Milestone: dotnetcore Support



  • Fix broken JSON deserialization in .NET 4.5 after VS2017 project update - #1647 via @mderriey

Milestone: None



  • Fix RepositoryTrafficClient to handle upstream API change in timestamps from Unix epoch time to ISO8601 - #1560 via @mderriey, @ryangribble
  • Fix more IssueTimelineClient deserialization exceptions by adding more new EventInfoState values - #1563 via @ryangribble
  • Fix NotificationsClient.MarkAsRead() exception by specifying a payload body in the PUT request - #1579 via @shiftkey, @ryangribble
  • Fix connection.GetLastApiInfo() was returning null in some situations - #1580 via @ryangribble
  • Fix even more IssueTimelineClient deserialization exceptions by adding even more new EventInfoState values (this is getting old!) - #1591 via @lynnfaraday, @ryangribble
  • NewRepositoryWebHook.ToRequest() no longer discards existing fields if they are set - #1623 via @ctolkien
  • Fix pagination on API calls that use Uri parameters (typically for requests that include some form of filtering) - #1649 via @ryangribble
  • Fixed RepositoryCommitsClient.GetSha1() to correctly obtain the sha1 of the specified commit, after the API went from preview to official - #1654 via @ryangribble


  • Remove obsolete constructor of RepositoryUpdate request class - #1569 via @eriawan
  • Remove unused Rx-Main dependency from LINQPad samples - #1593 via @NickCraver
  • Change response models 'Url' properties from Uri to string - #1585 via @mderriey
  • Remove obsolete branch protection methods/classes - #1620 via @ryangribble
  • Remove methods and members that were marked [Obsolete] in 0.23 or earlier - #1622 via @ryangribble

Documentation Updates

  • Fix Issue documentation samples (GetForRepository() should be GetForRepository()) - #1602 via @tnaoto
  • Fix Release documentation samples (ReleaseUpdate should be NewRelease) - #1611 via @watsonlu

New in 0.24.0 (released 17/1/2017)


  • Add GetAll method to OrganizationsClient - #1469 via malamour-work
  • Add missing fields to Repository class - HasPages, SubscribersCount, Size - #1473 via ryangribble
  • Allow base64 content for create/update file - #1488 via laedit
  • Add HtmlUrl field to Milestone class - #1489 via StanleyGoldman
  • Add support for passing sort options to IssueCommentsClient.GetAllForRepository() - #1501 via pjc0247
  • Rename PullRequest.Comment to PullRequest.ReviewComment for better accuracy - #1520 via bmeverett
  • Introduce AbuseException - #1528 via SeanKilleen
  • Add Id field to PullRequest class - #1537 via YunLi1988
  • Unparseable ApiErrors should now fall back to better default error messages - #1540 via SeanKilleen


  • Fix errors in ObservableEventsClient caused by incorrect return types - #1490 via StanleyGoldman
  • Add missing SecurityCritical attribute on GetObjectData() overrides - #1493 via M-Zuber
  • Fix exceptions in Events API by adding missing event types to EventInfo enumeration - #1536 via lynnfaraday
  • Add new AccountType "Bot" to prevent deserialization errors - #1541 via ryangribble

Documentation Updates

Breaking Changes

  • Creating and Editing Issues (and PullRequests) using NewIssue and IssueUpdate requests should now use the Assignees collection rather than the now deprecated 'Assigneefield. Both fields can't be specified on the same request, so any code still usingAssigneewill need to explicitly setAssigneestonull` to avoid Api validation errors.

  • OrganizationsClient.GetAll(string user) has been marked obsolete in favour of OrganizationsClient.GetAllForUser(string user)

  • PullRequest.Comment has been marked obsolete in favour of PullRequest.ReviewComment

  • Several EventsClient methods previously returned the incorrect Activity response class. This has been corrected to IssueEvent which although is now correct could break calling code that was written assuming this previous incorrect return type.

New in 0.23.0 (released 07/10/2016)


  • Added support to test whether a URL points to a GitHub Enterprise instance - #1404 via @haacked
  • Added granular methods for Protected Branches preview API - #1443 via @maddin2016
  • Repository Traffic preview API support - #1457 via @maddin2016
  • Preview API for merge/squash/rebase in repository settings - #1477 via @ryangribble
  • Added support for performing a rebase and merge through the API- #1479 via @ryangribble


  • Repository identifiers now use long instead of int - #1445 via @shana, #1485 via @ryangribble
  • Searching for C# through the GitHub API now uses the correct alias - #1463 via @dampir
  • Resolved deadlocking scenario in async/await usage - #1486 via @zzzprojects


  • LINQPad samples are now verified at build time - #1456 via @mderriey
  • More obsolete APIs removed - #1458 via @ryangribble
  • .NET Core support has been started - #1462 via @mderriey

Breaking Changes

Repository identifiers returned from the GitHub API will exceed Int32.MaxValue in around 12 months, based on current growth. We've decided to update everywhere we require (or return) a repository identifier from int to long so that these will continue to work in the future, and the implicit conversion from int to long means the impact should be manageable now.

MergePullRequest.Squash has been marked as obsolete in favour of the MergeMethod property - use PullRequestMergeMethod.Squash or PullRequestMergeMethod.Rebase if you want to change the merge behaviour when merging a pull request.

New in 0.22.0 (released 2016/09/01)


  • Timeline preview API support - #1435 via @alfhenrik
  • Initial groundwork for Branches API - #1437 via @ryangribble
  • Base branch can now be updated when updating a pull request - #1450 via @ryangribble
  • Enhancements to Protected Branches preview API - #1441 via @ryangribble


  • Redirect timeout when repository renamed - #1411 via @maddin2016

Breaking Changes

The new Branches client added in #1437 means that existing methods on I(Observable)RepositoryClient are now marked as obsolete. Please update your usages to the new endpoints as these will be removed in a future release:

  • client.Repository.GetBranch() => client.Repository.Branch.Get()
  • client.Repository.GetAllBranches() => client.Repository.Branch.GetAll()
  • client.Repository.EditBranch() => client.Repository.Branch.Edit()

There is also a change in how branch protection works with the API, due to upstream changes. The existing methods have been marked as obsolete, but for the sake of brevity here are the details about what you should be doing today.

The process for inspecting branch protection is now two steps:

  • first, check the branch returned by client.Repository.Branch.Get() or client.Repository.Branch.GetAll() has it's Protected property set to true.

  • then, a call to client.Repository.Branch.GetBranchProtection() will return the details about the protection settings for the given branch. If no protection is set for this branch, you will received a HTTP 404 response.

New in 0.21.1 (released 2016/07/29)


Due to a programming error in the tool to generate these release notes, additional features were not properly documented for the previous release:

  • Reactions preview API support for issues, issue comments, commit comments and PR comments - #1335, #1341, #1405 via @maddin2016, @alfhenrik
  • Repository Invitation preview API support - #1410 via @maddin2016
  • Added new fields for signature verification to Git Data Commit API - #1398 via @Sarmad93

No additional code changes have been made to this release.

New in 0.21.0 (released 2016/07/29)


This release adds support across for providing the repository Id rather than a name/owner pair. The repository Id does not change when transferring ownership of a repository, and is more robust for API callers. This work was lead by @dampir as part of Google Summer of Code 2016.

  • Added new fields for Deployment and DeploymentStatus preview API - #1365 via @ErikSchierboom
  • Added new fields for signature verification to Git Data Tag API - #1420 via @Sarmad93
  • Added new fields for GitHub Pages preview API - #1421 via @dampir


  • Fix serialization of enum value attributes - #1402 via @maddin2016
  • Fix searching for repositories with underscore in name - #1418 via @dsplaisted, @shiftkey


  • Clarified obsolete warnings for Protected Branch preview API - #1428 via @ryangribble
  • Remove Obsolete items - #1422 via @ryangribble

Breaking Changes

After a long grace period, #1422 has removed these obsoleted members. These features exist in other parts of the API surface:

  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.Release
  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.Notification
  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.GitDatabase
  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.SshKey
  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.Repository.RepositoryComments
  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.Repository.CommitStatus
  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.Repository.RepoCollaborators
  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.Repository.Commits

This method is no longer supported through the API and has been removed from

  • I(Observable)GitHubClient.Authorization.RevokeAllApplicationAuthentications()

New in 0.20.0 (released 2016/06/15)


The big focus for this release is pagination support. This lets the caller control how much data to retrieve for GetAll* endpoints throughout Octokit. This was a team effort to apply this across the entire codebase, with contributions from @dampir, @devkhan, @prayankmathur, @SamTheDev and @shiftkey.

For more information about how to use pagination in your projects refer to the documentation:

  • Add Migrations preview API - #1141 via @devkhan
  • Add Issue Lock/Unlock functionality - #1185 via @prayankmathur
  • Added Commit Reference SHA-1 API - #1195 via @ryangribble
  • Add additional parameters to SearchIssuesRequest - #1228 via @ryangribble
  • Add Importer property to Meta endpoint - #1235 via @ryangribble
  • Raise HTTP 451 exception when repository has DMCA notice - #1239 via @devkhan
  • Add Merge and Squash preview API - #1245 via @Sarmad93
  • Add additional methods to IEventsClient - #1288 via @drasticactions
  • Add Organization Permissions preview API - #1342 via @ryangribble
  • Add GPG Keys preview API - #1343 via @alfhenrik


  • Renamed IUserKeysClient.GetAll() to IUserKeysClient.GetAllForCurrent() - #1139 via @M-Zuber
  • Add ItemStateFilter enum to differentiate between search and list endpoints - #1140 via @prayankmathur
  • RepositoriesClient.GetAllPublic() fails for Enterprise instanes due to URI structure - #1204 via @ryangribble
  • ConfigureAwait(false) usages added, eliminating deadlocks - #1248 via @shiftkey
  • Renamed CompareResult.MergedBaseCommit to fix serialization issue - #1265 via @kivancmuslu
  • Activity Feed now returns issues and repository events - #1288 via @drasticactions
  • Add Repository property to Issue response - #1292 via @M-Zuber
  • SearchCodeRequest now supports searching without specifying a term - #1338 via @dsplaisted
  • Add required Permission parameter to team management APIs - #1347 via @ryangribble
  • Add ClosedBy property to Issue - #1353 via @maddin2016


  • Deleting now-obsolete code - #1224 via @M-Zuber
  • Centralize and cleanup the Uris created in Octokit - #1287, #1290 via @dampir
  • Updated documentation links - #1289 via @radu-matei, #1250 via @SamTheDev

Breaking Changes

  • IUserKeysClient.GetAll() was named incorrectly when it was originally implemented and only works for the current user's keys. Update all usages to GetAllForCurrent().

  • CompareResult.MergedBaseCommit was never deserialized correctly, and has been marked as obsolete. You should use CompareResult.MergeBaseCommit instead (note the lack of a d).

  • IEventsClient.GetAllForRepository was incorrectly retrieving issue events before this release. Use the new IEventsClient.GetAllIssuesForRepository method if you still require issues, or continue to use IEventsClient.GetAllForRepository if you require all repository events.

  • IUsersClient has a property named Keys which has been renamed in the GitHub API documentation - Octokit has added the name GitSshKey to reflect this change, and Keys will be removed in a later release.

New in 0.19.0 (released 2016/03/11)


  • Add GetLatest endpoint for Releases API - #975 via @chenjiaming93
  • Add Enterprise License and Organization APIs - #1073 via @ryangribble
  • Add Locked property to PullRequest - #1089 via @M-Zuber
  • Add Enterprise Search Indexing API - #1095 via @ryangribble
  • Add support for Visibility and Affiliation to repository search - #1096, #1132 via @Sarmad93, @AlexP11223
  • Add Enterprise LDAP API - #1099 via @ryangribble
  • Add CreateBranch extension methods to IReferencesClient - #1103 via @M-Zuber
  • Additional Enterprise methods on User Administration Client - #1108 via @ryangribble
  • Complete UserKeysClient API - #1112 via @ryangribble
  • RepositoryContentsClient create, update and delete actions now specify branch - #1093 via @M-Zuber


  • StatisticsClient should not clobber /api/v3/ in path - #1085 via @shiftkey
  • Fix JSON deserialization of string containing hyphens to List property - #1094 via @ryangribble
  • Incorrect reference passed to RepositoryContentsClient.GetArchive - #1113 via @michael-kokorin


  • Add failing integration test for Issue Search API - #1083 via @hahmed
  • Add integration tests for IReleasesClient.GetLatest - #1090 via @M-Zuber
  • Remove extraneous Bcl .targets reference - #1100 via @shana
  • Add proper syntax highlighting to - #1117 via @tiesmaster
  • Fix issue with optional parameters in .\script\configure-integration-tests - #1118 via @Anubhav10
  • Update Issue creation sample code - #1131 via @AlexP11223
  • IJsonSerializer not used inside Connection - #1133 via @devkhan

Breaking Changes

ISshKeysClient has a number of methods which at the time should have been implemented in IUserKeysClient - these methods are marked as obsolete and will be removed in a future release:

  • ISshKeysClient.Get(int id)
  • ISshKeysClient.GetAll(string user)
  • ISshKeysClient.GetAllForCurrent()
  • ISshKeysClient.Create(SshKeyUpdate key)
  • ISshKeysClient.Update(int id, SshKeyUpdate key)
  • ISshKeysClient.Delete(int id)

New in 0.18.0 (released 2016/02/03)

  • New: support for User Administration API (GitHub Enterprise) - #1068 via @paladique
  • New: support for Admin Stats API (GitHub Enterprise) - - #1049 via @ryangribble
  • New: support for Repository Pages API - #1061 via @M-Zuber
  • New: get stargazer creation timestamps - #1060 via @daveaglick
  • New: support for Protected Branches API - #996 via @ryangribble
  • New: support for creating Personal Access Tokens - #990 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: Milestone property added to PullRequest response - #1075 via @Eilon
  • Fixed: Add member role filter to OrganizationMembersClient.GetAll() - #1072 via @ryangribble
  • Fixed: Repository.Content.GetAllContents now support the root of the repository - #1064 via @naveensrinivasan, @shiftkey
  • Fixed: added Id and Locked to Issue, added CommitUrl to IssueEvent - #1039 via @gabrielweyer
  • Fixed: additional fields on Release and ReleaseAsset - #1009 via @gabrielweyer
  • Fixed: ApiException now includes JSON payload when .ToString()- #974 via @asizikov

Breaking Changes:

As part of reaching 1.0 we went through to audit the current implementation and identify areas that didn't align with our conventions. For this release, we're marking the endpoints as [Obsolete] and indicating the new location. These will be cleaned up in the next release:

  • IGitHubClient.Notifications -> IGitHubClient.Activity.Notifications - #1019 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.CommitStatus -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Status - #1043 via @RobPethick
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.Commits -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Commit - #1057 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.RepoCollaborators -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Collaborator - #1040 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Repository.RepositoryComments -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Comment - #1044 via @M-Zuber
  • IGitHubClient.Release -> IGitHubClient.Repository.Release - #1058 via @RobPethick
  • IGitHubClient.GitDatabase -> IGitHubClient.Git - #1048 via @RobPethick

Other breaking changes:

  • a public ApiExtensions.Get<T> extension method was causing a bunch of tests to be written in a confusing way. This has been ported to an interface method on IApiConnection but hopefully you're not referencing this method externally - see #1063 for more information.

  • IRepositoryContentsClient.GetArchiveLink is no longer correct, as the HTTP behaviour in Octokit was updated to follow redirects received from the server. See #986 for the last bits of cleanup.

  • IRepositoryContentsClient.GetAllContents(string owner, string name, string path, string reference) has been renamed to GetAllContentsByRef(string owner, string name, string path, string reference) to prevent overlap with methods on IRepositoryContentsClient which do not specify a path - and thus look at the root of the repository.

  • IssueEventPayload has two fields which are never populated from the API - Assignee and Label - these are now removed. You should use Issue.Assignee and Issue.Labels instead. See #1039 for more details.

  • PullRequest.MergeCommitSha is marked as obsolete by the GitHub API - we are cleaning up the behaviour for determining whether a PR has been merged in #997 - see the PR for more information.

  • IAuthorizationsClient.RevokeAllApplicationAuthentications is no longer available through the GitHub API - this will be removed in the next release.

Shout outs

A lot of extra work went into this release, and I wanted to thank those people who helped out - without their efforts we wouldn't be at this point:

  • @naveensrinivasan - for helping set up our Travis CI builds to test this on Mono - see #995 for the details
  • @hahmed - for contributing a bunch of documentation around the Octokit search APIs - see #955, #954 and #951
  • @JakesCode - for clarifying some documentation after he reported an issue - #1054
  • @ryangribble - for helping get our GitHub Enterprise testing off the ground - #987
  • @naveensrinivasan - for catching and addressing an issue with our LINQPad snippets - #987

New in 0.17.0 (released 2015/12/07)

  • New: NewRepositoryWebHook helper class useful for creating web hooks - #917 via @alfhenrik
  • New: Overloads to the GetArchive method of RepositoryContentsClient that accept a timeout - #918 via @willsb
  • Improved: Added EventsUrl to Issue - #901 via @alfhenrik
  • Improved: Added Committer and Author to the GitHubCommit object - #903 via @willsb
  • Improved: Made EncodedContent property of RepositoryContent public - #861 via @naveensrinivasan
  • Improved: Added ability to create deploy keys that are read only and can only be used to read repository contents and not write to them - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Content property to NewTreeItem to allow specifying content for a tree - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Description property to NewTeam to allow specifying a description for a team - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Description property to OrganizationUpdate to allow specifying a description for an organization - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added Before property to NotificationsRequest to find notifications updated before a specific time - #915 via @haacked
  • Improved: Renamed SignatureResponse to Committer and replaced CommitEntity with Committer - #916 via @haacked
  • Improved: Added URLs with more information to the PrivateRepositoryQuotaExceededException - #929 via @elbaloo
  • Improved: The Merge method of PullRequestsClient now throws more specific exceptions when pull request is not mergeable - #976 via @elbaloo and @shiftkey
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented specifying a commit message for pull request merges - #915 via @haacked
  • Fixed: Added System to required framework assemblies for the net45 NuGet package - #919 via @adamralph
  • Fixed: Change the HasIssues property of NewRepository to be a nullable boolean because it's optional - #942 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: Bug that caused downloading release assets to fail because it didn't handle the application/octet-stream content type properly - #943 via @naveensrinivasan
  • Fixed: JSON serialization bug with unicode characters - #972 via @naveensrinivasan

Breaking Changes:

  • NewDeployment constructor requires a ref as this is required for the API. It no longer has a default constructor.
  • NewDeploymentStatus constructor requires a DeploymentState as this is required for the API. It no longer has a default constructor.
  • The Name property of NewTeam is now read only. It is specified via the constructor.
  • Renamed SignatureResponse to Committer and removes CommitEntity, replacing it with Committer.
  • Changed the type of HasIssues property of NewRepository to be nullable.

New in 0.16.0 (released 2015/09/17)

  • New: Implemented GetMetadata method of IMiscellaneousClient to retrieve information from the Meta endpoint -#892 via @haacked
  • Improved: Add missing ClosedAt property to Milestone response - #890 via @geek0r
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when retrieving contributors for an empty repository - #897 via @adamralph
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented release uploads and will unblock the entire F# ecosystem - #895 via @naveensrinivasan

New in 0.15.0 (released 2015/09/11)

  • New: IRepositoryContentsClient.GetAllContents now has an overload to support specifying a reference - #730 via @goalie7960
  • New: Support for retrieving rate limit information from IMiscellaneousClient - #848 via @Red-Folder
  • New: Use GitHubClient.GetLastApiInfo() to get API information for previous request - #855 via @Red-Folder, @khellang
  • New: PreviousFileName returned to show renamed files in commit - #871 via @CorinaCiocanea
  • Improved: CommentUrl returned on Issue response - #884 via @naveensrinivasan
  • Improved: Issue and Code Search now accepts multiple repositories - #835 via @shiftkey
  • Improved: Search now accepts a range of dates - #857 via @ChrisMissal
  • Improved: Documentation on Issue response - #876 via @Eilon
  • Improved: Code Search now accepts FileName parameter - #864 via @fffej
  • Fixed: GetQueuedContent should return empty response for 204 No Content, instead of throwing - #862 via @haacked
  • Fixed: TeamClient.AddMembership sends correct parameter to server - #856 via @davidalpert
  • Obsolete: Authorization endpoint which does not require fingerprint - #878 via @niik

Breaking Changes:

  • #835 has changed the Repos property for SearchIssuesRequest and SearchCodeRequest are now of type RepositoryCollection so that multiple repositories can be searched.
  • The workarounds removed in #878 were added initially to support transitioning, but now we enforce the use of a fingerprint. See for more details.

New in 0.14.0 (released 2015/07/21)

  • New: Repository redirects are supported natively - #808 via @darrelmiller, @shiftkey
  • Fixed: Support for searching repositories without a search term - #828 via @alexandrugyori

New in 0.13.0 (released 2015/06/17)

  • Fixed: Added some missing Organization Teams methods - #795 via @phantomtypist, @shiftkey

New in 0.12.0 (released 2015/05/19)

  • New: Added support for repository hooks and forks - #776 via @kristianhald, @johnduhart and @AndyCross
  • Fixed: Merging a PR should permit specifying a SHA - #805 via @alfhenrik

New in 0.11.0 (released 2015/05/10)

  • New: Added overload to IRepositoryClient.GetAllPublic specifying a since parameter - #774 via @alfhenrik
  • New: Added IGistsClient.GetAllCommits and IGistsClient.GetAllForks implementations - #542 via @haagenson, #794 via @shiftkey
  • New: Added IRepositoryContentsClient.GetArchiveLink for getting archived code - #765 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: PullRequestFile properties were not serialized correctly - #789 via @thedillonb
  • Fixed: Allow to download zip-attachments - #792 via @csware

New in 0.10.0 (released 2015/04/22)

  • Fixed: renamed methods to follow GetAll convention - #771 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: helper functions and cleanup to make using Authorization API easier to consume - #786 via @haacked

Breaking Changes:

  • As part of #771 there were many method which were returning collections but the method name made it unclear. You might think that it wasn't much, but you'd be wrong. So if you have a method that no longer compile, it is likely that you need to set the prefix to GetAll to re-disocver that API.
  • CommitComment.Position is now a nullable int to prevent serialization issues.

New in 0.9.0 (released 2015/04/04)

  • New: added PullRequest.Files APIs - #752 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: PullRequestRequest now supports SortDirection and SortProperty - #752 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: Repository.Create now enforces a repository name - #763 via @haacked
  • Fixed: corrected naming conventions for endpoints which return a list of results - #766 via @alfhenrik
  • Deprecated: Repository.GetReadme and Repository.GetReadmeHtml - #759 via @khellang

Breaking Changes:

  • NewRepository constructor requires a name parameter
  • IRepositoriesClient.GetReadme -> IRepositoriesClient.Content.GetReadme
  • IRepositoriesClient.GetReadmeHtml -> IRepositoriesClient.Content.GetReadmeHtml
  • IFollowersClient.GetFollowingForCurrent -> IFollowersClient.GetAllFollowingForCurrent
  • IFollowersClient.GetFollowing -> IFollowersClient.GetAllFollowing

New in 0.8.0 (released 2015/03/20)

  • New: added MiscellaneousClient.GetGitIgnoreTemplates and MiscellaneousClient.GetGitIgnoreTemplates APIs - #753 via @haacked
  • New: added MiscellaneousClient.GetLicenses and MiscellaneousClient.GetLicense preview APIs - #754 via @haacked
  • New: enhancements to AuthorizationClient- #731 via @alfhenrik
  • Fixed: handled unsubscribe type for Issue events - #751 via @darrencamp
  • Fixes: ensure response models define readonly interfaces - #755 via @khellang

New in 0.7.3 (released 2015/03/06)

  • New: added Repository.GetAllPublic for searching public repositories - #691 via @rms81
  • New: added filters to Repository.GetAllForCurrent() - #742 via @shiftkey
  • Fixed: deserializing EventInfoType value with underscore now works - #727 via @janovesk
  • Deprecated: Repository.SubscriberCount has no data - #739 via @basildk
  • Deprecated: Repository.Organization has no data - #726 via @alfhenrik

New in 0.7.2 (released 2015/03/01)

  • Fixed: unshipped Orgs Permissions preview API changes due to excessive paging in some situations.

New in 0.7.1 (released 2015/02/26)

  • New: SearchCodeRequest has overloads for owner and repository name - #705 via @kfrancis
  • New - support for preview Authorization API changes - #647 via @shiftkey
  • New - Account.Type to identify user or organization account - #714 via @shiftkey
  • Fixed: EventTypeInfo did not parse head_ref_deleted and head_ref_restored - #711 via @janovesk
  • Fixed: IssueUpdate.Labels did not support "no change" updates - #718 via @shiftkey
  • Fixed: ReleaseUploadAsset does not require protected setters - #720 via @shiftkey
  • Deprecated: Repository.WatchedCount has no data - #701 via @DaveWM

New in 0.7.0 (Released 2015/02/24)

  • New: Response models now use read-only properties - #658, #662 via @haacked, #663 via @khellang, #679 via @Zoltu
  • New: Added Truncated property to TreeResponse - #674 via @Zoltu
  • New: Added GetRecursive method to ITreesClient - #673 via @Zoltu
  • New: Added Merging client to Repository API: - #603 via @tabro
  • New: API internals are now read-only - #662 via @haacked
  • Fixed: Commit Status API now supports combined status- #618 via @khellang
  • Fixed: Changed IGistCommentsClient identifiers to string instead of int - #681 via @thedillonb
  • Fixed: Improved error message when repository creation fails - #667 via @gabrielweyer
  • Fixed: Team membership API was incorrect - #695 via @aneville

Breaking Changes

  • Response models are all read only. It is recommended that you subclass the model class if you need to contructor responses (e.g. for testing)
  • IResponse is now a readonly interface.
  • ApiResponse<T> accepts the strongly typed body as an argument.
  • IResponse<T> changed to IApiResponse<T>.

New in 0.6.2 (Released 2015/01/06)

  • New: Added Assignee and Label to EventInfo and IssueEvent repsonses - #644 via @thedillonb
  • New: Added BrowserDownloadUrl to ReleaseAsset response - #648 via @erangeljr
  • New: Added Stats to GitHubCommit and Patch to GitHubCommitFile - #646 via @thedillonb
  • New: Support for retrieving and manipulating repository contents using GitClient.Repository.Content - #649 via @haacked and @khellang
  • Fixed: updated enum values returned from EventInfo.Event - #644 via @thedillonb
  • Fixed: serialization issue with Head and Base in pull request - #606 via @mge
  • Fixed: SignatureResponse.Date is now a DateTimeOffset - #646 via @thedillonb

Breaking Changes:

  • EventInfo.InfoState is now EventInfo.Event
  • IssueEvent.InfoState is now IssueEvent.Event
  • SignatureResponse.Date has changed from Date to DateTimeOffset

New in 0.6.1 (Released 2014/12/23)

  • New: IOrganizationMembersClient.GetAll now has enum to filter 2FA - #626 via @gbaychev
  • Fixed: User.GravatarId and Author.GravatarId are marked as obsolete - #622 via @gbaychev
  • Fixed: Use DateTimeOffset.MinValue as default parameter for NotificationRequest.Since - #641 via @thedillonb

New in 0.6.0 (Released 2014/12/15)

  • Fixed: Typo in guard clause for ApiInfo - #588 via @karlbohlmark
  • Fixed: Documentation typos in NewRepository - #590 via @karlbohlmark
  • Fixed: Files array now included when fetching a commit - #608 via @kzu
  • Fixed: GetAllContributors return Contributions count - #614 via @SimonCropp

New in 0.5.3 (Released 2014/12/05)

  • New: Uploading release assets now supports an optional timeout value - #587 via @shiftkey

New in 0.5.2 (Released 2014/10/13)

  • New: Method to add repository to team - #546 via @kevfromireland
  • Fixed: PATCH parameters for releases, issues and pull requests are now nullable - #561 via @thedillonb

Breaking Changes:

  • PullRequestUpdate removed unused fields: Number, State, Base, and Head
  • ReleaseClient.Create now accepts a NewRelease parameter (was ReleaseUpdate)
  • ReleaseUpdate no longer requires a TagName in the constructor (see NewRelease)
  • ReleaseUpdate now has nullable Draft and Prerelease properties - only set these if you want to apply changes to the API
  • IssueUpdate.State is now a nullable ItemState
  • MilestoneUpdate.Number is now removed
  • MilestoneUpdate.State is now a nullable ItemState

New in 0.5.1 (Released 2014/10/08)

  • New: added XML docs to NuGet package for Maximum Intellisense - #586 via @shiftkey

New in 0.5.0 (Released 2014/10/07)

  • New: added more methods for users and orgs - #553 via @andrerod
  • New: added support for Universal Apps - #575 via @hippiehunter
  • New: added missing fields to Repository - #560 via @thedillonb
  • New: upgraded Octokit.Reactive to Rx 2.2.5 - #564 via @haacked
  • Fixed: added ItemState.All enum value so issue filtering can be bypassed - #550 via @MitjaBezensek
  • Fixed: remove trailing slash in ApiUrl that causes /team/{id}/repos to fail - #555 via @matt-gibbs
  • Fixed: PullRequest.Mergeable was misspelt, causing serialization issue - #576 via @jrowies
  • Fixed: serialization issue when parsing OAuthToken.Scope list - @shiftkey

Breaking Change: Readme.GetHtmlContent() would return a 404, due to Readme.HtmlUrl not accepting custom Accepts header. This method now uses Readme.Url internally, which will return a slightly different DOM.

New in 0.4.1 (Released 2014/07/22)

  • New: Added a public method for turning pages of requests into a flat observable - #544 via @haacked

New in 0.4.0 (Released 2014/07/14)

  • New: added Commit.CommentCount property - #494 via @gabrielweyer
  • New: added initial support for User Keys - #525 via @shiftkey
  • New: support for listing commits on a repository - #529 via @haagenson
  • New: support for Pull Request Comments - #531 via @gabrielweyer
  • Fixed: unassign milestone from issue - #526 via @shiftkey
  • Fixed: organization deserialization bug - #522 via @shiftkey
  • Fixed: Repository.MasterBranch -> Repository.DefaultBranch - #523 via @shiftkey
  • Improved: refinements to Releases API - #519 via @shiftkey
  • Improved: can delete registered emails for the authenticated user - #524 via @shiftkey

New in 0.3.5 (Released 2014/06/30)

  • Fix issue search filtering bug - #481 via @shiftkey
  • Fix methods to edit a release - #507 via @distantcam
  • Fix methods to edit a release assset - #514 via @haacked

New in 0.3.4 (Released 2014/05/01)

  • Improvements to "repository exists" exception result - #473 via @shiftkey
  • Encoding query parameters impacts search clients - #467 via @shiftkey

New in 0.3.3 (Released 2014/04/22)

  • Add methods to retrieve a team's members and to check if a user is a member of a team - #449 via @kzu
  • Add OAuth web flow methods - #462 via @haacked

New in 0.3.2 (Released 2014/04/16)

  • Allow passing a parameter to the Patch method - #440 via @nigel-sampson
  • Remove the redundant Team suffix from ITeamsClient - #451 via @kzu
  • Remove Immutable Collections dependency to support .NET 4 builds - #453 via @paulcbetts
  • Add method to retrieve raw bytes from a request - #457 via @haacked
  • Fix readonly deserialization bug in NetCore45 and related projects - #455 via @nigel-sampson

New in 0.3.1 (Released 2014/03/31)

  • Add support for comparing two commits - #428 via @shiftkey
  • Fix regression in throwing proper 2FA exception - #437 via @Haacked

New in 0.3.0 (Released 2014/03/19)

  • Add Portable Class Library support for Octokit package - #401 via @trsneed
  • Filter repository issues by users - #427 via @shiftkey

New in 0.2.2 (Released 2014/03/06)

  • Task-based and Observable-based APIs are now consistent - #361 #376 #378 via @shiftkey and @ammeep
  • "_links" JSON field serialization convention fix - #387 via @haacked
  • Added Feeds client - #386 via @sgwill
  • Added support for creating Gists - #391 via @Therzok and @rgmills
  • Make readonly collections truly readonly - #394 #399 via @Haacked
  • Internalize ProductHeaderValue - #406 via @trsneed
  • HttpClient.Send without cancellation token - #410 via @ammeep
  • Implement Repository Comments API - #413 via @Haacked @wfroese
  • Corrected Search response to match API - #412 #417 #419 #420 via @shiftkey

New in 0.2.1 (Released 2014/02/19)

  • Reverted the dependency on Reactive Extensions 2.2.2 which introduced breaking changes

New in 0.2.0 (Released 2014/02/19)

  • Fixed an issue where some new observable clients were not accessible - #376 via @shiftkey

New in 0.1.9 (Released 2014/02/19)

  • New client for searching users - #289 via @hahmed
  • New client for the statistics API - #296 via @ammeep
  • New client for managing deployments and deployment status - #298 via @pmacn
  • Added methods to repositories client for getting metadata such as contributors, languages, tags, etc. - #319 via @pmacn
  • Added GetAll and Add methods to the user emails client - #323 via @pmacn
  • New client for managing user followers - #343 via @alfhenrik
  • Add more methods for managing releases - #344 via @alfhenrik
  • New client for the activity watching API - #350 via @nigel-sampson
  • ObservableStarredClient can now be accessed via a property - #351 via @nigel-sampson
  • Emoji api now has Emoji type rather than dictionary - #354 via @haacked
  • New client for the Pull Requests API - #360 via @jpsullivan and @shiftkey
  • Now throws RepositoryExistsException when repository already exists - #377 via @haacked
  • Now throws PrivateRepositoryQuotaExceededException when private repository quota would be exceeded by a new repository - #379 via @haacked

New in 0.1.8 (Released 2014/01/22)

  • Added IRepositoryClient.GetAllBranches - #270 via @goalie7960
  • Install-Package should add reference to System.Net.Http - #286 via @alfhenrik
  • Return a more helpful error if invalid refs path provided - #288 via @alfhenrik
  • Refactor SearchIssuesRequest to match the API - #290 via @alfhenrik
  • Deprecate custom Releases Accept header - #291 via @shiftkey
  • Fix date format used in DateRange - #293 via @alfhenrik
  • Add base class for search requests - #301 via @hahmed
  • Deprecate IGitHubClient.Blob - #305 via @shiftkey
  • Improving Proxy Server support - #306 via @shiftkey
  • Add integration tests for IRepositoryClient.GetAllBranches - #309 via @lbargaoanu
  • Refactor SearchCodeRequest to match the API - #311 from @alfhenrik
  • Implemented Delete for IssueCommentsClient - #315 from @pmacn
  • Implemented missing methods for IssueLabels - #316 from @pmacn

New in 0.1.7 (Released 2013/12/27)

  • New client for repository search - #226 and @273 via @hahmed
  • Bugfix for creating/updating issue comments - #262 via @tpeczek
  • Bugfix for retrieving events - #264 via @shiftkey

New in 0.1.6 (Released 2013/12/18)

  • New client for managing Gists - #225 via @SimonCropp
  • New client for managing Git references - #238 via @khellang
  • Added missing Observable versions for Git objects client - #251 by @khellang
  • New client for Gist comments - #252 by @khellang
  • Lots of documentation - #253 by @pmacn
  • New client for managing issue labels - #256 by @andrerod

New in 0.1.5 (Released 2013/11/19)

  • New client for starring repositories
  • New client for retrieving commits
  • New client for managing an organization's teams and members
  • New client for managing blobs
  • New client for retrieving and creating trees
  • New client for managing collaborators of a repository

New in 0.1.4 (Released 2013/11/6)

  • New client for retrieving activity events
  • Fixed bug where concealing an org's member actually shows the member

New in 0.1.3 (Released 2013/11/5)

  • New Xamarin Component store versions of
  • New clients for managing assignees, milestones, and tags
  • New clients for managing issues, issue events, and issue comments
  • New client for managing organization members
  • Fixed bug in applying query parameters that could cause paging to continually request the same page

New in 0.1.2 (Released 2013/10/31)

  • New default constructors in Octokit.Reactive
  • New IObservableAssigneesClient in Octokit.Reactive

New in 0.1.1 (Released 2013/10/30)

  • Fixed problems with Microsoft.Threading.Tasks

New in 0.1.0 (Released 2013/10/30)

  • Initial release