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Eblo Server

This a server side app for my application Eblo, which is used to check tech company engineering blogs. It was built with Swift and backed by Vapor.

If you've ever checked some tech company's engineering blog, it's likely that you want to check them more often than you did. Some tech companys' engineering blogs are quite useful, they'd like to share their best practice, latest do & learn etc.

This awesome repo collects quite a lot of those engineering blogs.

But still it is not easy for us to check whether there are updates. Why not make it easy for us to know that there are something new and check them out! You can think this app is a web crawler, it uses XPath to retrieve URL's information and saves them to database. Thanks to Vapor it is quite easy to provide access to those data through routing so you can get those information and develop your own app.

Supported Routes Description
Demo Articles Show all blogs fetched
Articles JSON Show all blogs fetched - JSON
Companies Show all companies
Yelp Yelp Blogs - JSON
Artsy Artsy Blogs - JSON
Gilt Gilt Blogs - JSON
Uber Uber Blogs - JSON
Gusto Gusto Blogs - JSON
Glow Glow Blogs - JSON
Linkedin Linkedin Blogs - JSON
Made Tech Made Tech Blogs - JSON
Azavea Azavea Blogs - JSON
Indeed Indeed Blogs - JSON
Spotify Spotify Blogs - JSON

Following are some snapshots that indicates the process of parsing blogs.

I also built an iOS client app which consumes data from this server app.

Run locally

To run this app locally, first you need to download and install Vapor. NOTE: This app is using Vapor 1. You can follow ray wenderlich's screencast to finish this step.

This app uses POSTGRESQL as its database, so you need to install POSTGRESQL first.

brew install postgres
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres // start your postgresql database service

Clone this repo to your computer.

git clone https:/jindulys/EbloVaporServer.git

Dependency management is via swift package manager, run.

swift package reset
swift package fetch
swift package generate-xcodeproj
open *.xcodeproj

Note: You might encounter some error related to Kanna, follow it instruction to install libs that are needed. Possibly you need

brew install libxml2
brew link --force libxml2
brew install pkg-config

Build this app to see whether it can be compiled correctly.

Before run this app, you need to setup your local database

psql -h localhost
createdb yourdatabase

Then you can check you database

 \l  // check all your database
 \connect yourdatabase // connect to your database

At this time one more step: update your postgresql.json file's content to

  "host": "",
  "user": "yourusername",
  "password": "",
  "database": "yourdatabase",
  "port": 5432

Now you can change target to App build and run your project and check your logs. Also you can check whether it works or not by typing http://localhost:8080/blog/article on your browser.

Run remotely

You can follow ray wenderlich's screencast to deploy your repo to Heroku.

You need to update your postgresql.json file's content to

  "url": "yourherokupostgresqlURL",
  "user": "username",
  "password": "",
  "database": "databasename",
  "port": 5432

Useful tips for your development

Database related

// To check your data base
// then, for check all relations.
// check all database you have
// connect to other data base
\connect your_other_database
// Show the schema for your table

Heroku related

// Deploy your updates to heroku
git push heroku master
// Check heroku logs
heroku logs -n 1500
// To clean up your heroku database.
heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL
// Then repush your code to heroku to restart the service.

Sometimes you need you cleanup your database, you need the following.

// Vapor clean up your database
vapor run prepare --revert
// Idk for why the revert step does not cleanup throughly, I need to manually delete my other tables.
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS companys_id_seq;

// Then to setup your database again
// build and run your project again.


  • more companies
  • RSS feeds
  • User login support
  • Topic learning

📖 Documentation

Visit the Vapor web framework's documentation for instructions on how to use this package.

💧 Community

You can reach me with wechat: jindulys_uw


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