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Assignment 3 - Project Harrismus

Welcome to the repository for Project Harrismus. We are making a 'imgur-like' project, which allows users to upload images as a post, view filtered feeds of user's posts, and vote posts up or down within the feeds.


Required programs

This project requires you to install:

  • NodeJS
  • A package manager like npm
  • MongoDB (standalone or running in a docker container)

Installing dependencies

  1. Open a terminal in the project folder.

  2. Install dependencies for client:

cd client
npm install
  1. Install dependencies for server:
cd ..\server
npm install


Starting the client

The client will automatically be rebuilt when changes are made to the source files.

# Terminal 1
cd client
npm run watch

Starting the server

The commands below will start the mongo db and the server. Do this in a separate terminal window.

# Terminal 2
cd server
# start mongo db container and detaches output
# alternatively you can run a mongodb on port 27017 (default)
docker-compose -d
npm start


Project is split into client & server side. Please refer to package.json in both client and server to see all packages used for the project.

Server side

The server side runs Node on Express and provides basic routes and a GraphQL API endpoint to query data and perform actions.

DB access

The app uses Mongoose to interact with the mongo DB instance. All database connection, change and update logic is held within src/database/ files. Mongo.js opens the connection and populates the database with mock data using Casual.


The app uses Facebook's Graphql-js library to define GraphQL types and schemas. The types are defined in graphqlTypes.js and the schema itself is held in graphqlSchema.js. Each GraphQL type corresponds to a data type in the database. The schema defines the path for the request and how it is resolved to return data.


The app is secured by HTTPS and encrypts data using the private key and certificate file in ./SSL/. You will need to provide your own private key and certificate and put them in these files.

Client side

The client side is a React app that uses Redux to maintain the app state, an Apollo client to use the server's GraphQL endpoint, and Axios to issue other HTTP requests to the server.


Main file is main.jsx. It creates and intialises the react app with all middleware. routes.js provides the router and all routes within the app.

React components

All of the front facing ui of the app is held in the /components folder. These provide all react components that are in use throughout the app. As per Redux design guidelines, these are all presentational components - they do not contain any logic but instead perform actions by using props callbacks. Please refer to Redux Usage with React document for more information

Redux Containers

The next layer is the /containers file. These provide the basic logic of the app and are linked to a presentational component. Please refer to Redux Usage with React for container components. These files also perform any Apollo graphql requests that are necessary to be displayed on the page.

Redux actions & reducers

We define redux action generators in /actions. These provide methods that can be used by the containers to create actions to dispatch to a Redux reducer. The reducers are held in /reducers and provide all logic to update the application state. Please refer to Redux Reducers for more information.

Coding conventions

  1. CamelCase throughout code
    • Variables
    • Function names capitalized
    • When in doubt, camelcase it out
  2. Filenames should be all lowercase, words separated by underscore e.g. hot_page_post_list.jsx
  3. Use four spaces for indenting.
  4. Have a comment on every function that describes it purpose.
  5. Don't abbreviate local variables.
  6. Embedded function comments in //.
  7. Make use of error functions when given as function parameter.
  8. Make use of TODO and FIXME annotation:
// TODO: this todo statement is written all uppercase followed by a colon.
// FIXME: so is this fixme statement.
  1. Make use of semicolons on every line
  2. Expand route callback functions:
function(route, callback(){
    // callback code here
  1. Use newline for each method in method chaining and place dot in new line:
# good:



  1. Don't put a comma after the last json key value pair.
  2. Expand assignment when giving a json object its key value pairs.

    let human = {
        name: 'Kevin',
        age: 21

#bad (unnecessary comma after last key value pair):

    let human = {
        name: "Kevin",
        age: 21,

#bad (not expanded):

    let human = {name = "Kevin", age: 21};
  1. Use single quotes instead of double quotes in strings
  2. Function definitions with one space between function name and parenthesis:
function myFunction () {
    // space between function-name, parenthesis and brackets

function myFunction(){
    // no space between function-name, parenthesis and brackets


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