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Cerebro Puppet Module Puppet Forge

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with Cerebro
  3. Advanced usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This is a basic Puppet module to install and set up cerebro.

Cerebro is an open source elasticsearch web admin tool built using Scala, Play Framework, AngularJS, and Bootstrap. Cerebro is the follow up project to Kopf- a popular elasticsearch web admin plugin.


Setup requirements

Cerebro >= 0.9.0 requires Java 11. This module does not attempt to install Java for you.

Beginning with Cerebro

This will install OpenJDK 11 and Cerebro version 0.9.4 with default settings.

# install java
package { 'openjdk-11-jdk-headless':
  ensure => present,

# install Cerebro with default values
class { 'cerebro': }

Advanced usage

Connecting to multiple pre-configured clusters

You can provide specific targets to connect to with an array of hashes:

class { 'cerebro':
  targets => [ { name => 'Production Cluster',
                 host => 'http://prod:9200',
               { name => 'Dev Cluster',
                 host => 'http://dev:9200',
               }, ]

Or, through Hiera and Automatic Parameter Lookup:

  - name: 'Production Cluster'
    host: 'http://prod:9200'

  - name: 'Dev Cluster'
    host: 'http://dev:9200'

Proxyserver settings

You can provide a proxyserver url and type to download the original package.

class { 'cerebro':
  proxy_server => 'http://proxy.localnet:8080',
  proxy_type   => 'https',

Limiting access with basic or LDAP authentication

You can require login with a basic challenge:

class { 'cerebro':
  basic_auth_settings => {
    username => 'admin',
    password => '1234',

Or through LDAP:

class { 'cerebro':
  ldap_auth_settings => {
    url           => 'ldap://ldapserver.localnet:389',  # can also be 'ldaps://ldapserver.localnet:636' for example.
    base-dn       => 'ou=active,ou=Employee,dc=example,dc=com',
    method        => 'simple',  # can be 'simple' ,'simple_tls' or 'start_tls'
    user-template => '%[email protected]',
    bind-dn       => 'cn=ldap_reader,ou=active,ou=Employee,dc=example,dc=com',
    bind-pw       => 'T0ps3cr3t!', 
  ldap_group_search_settings => {
    base-dn => "ou=active,ou=Employee,dc=example,dc=com",
    user-attr => "uid",
    user-attr-template => "%s",
    group => "(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf=cn=Admins,ou=Security Groups,ou=Employee,dc=example,dc=com))",



Class: cerebro

  • version: Specify Cerebro version. Defaults to 0.9.4.
  • service_ensure: Determines whether the cerebro service should be running. Defaults to running.
  • service_enable: Determines whether the cerebro service should be enabled when the system is booted. Defaults to enabled.
  • secret: Specify secret string. Defaults to a random 32 bits string.
  • hosts: Specify a list of known hosts. None by default.
  • basepath: Specify application base path.
  • shell: Specify a shell for cerebro user.
  • manage_user: Specify whether creating user that cerebro process is executed as. Defaults to enabled.
  • cerebro_user: Specify the user that cerebro process is executed as. Defaults to 'cerebro'.
  • package_url: Specify a package location wher to download from. Defaults to "https:/lmenezes/cerebro/releases/download/v${version}/cerebro-${version}.tgz".
  • java_opts: Specify JAVA_OPTS variables.
  • java_home: Specify JAVA_HOME path.
  • basic_auth_settings: Specify basic authentication settings.
  • ldap_auth_settings: Specify LDAP authentication settings.
  • ldap_group_search_settings : Specify additional groupmembership filtering for LDAP.
  • address: Specify IP address cerebro listening on. Defaults to none, listening on all available interfaces.
  • port: Specify TCP port (1024-49151) Cerebro listening on. Defaults to port 9000.
  • proxy_server: Full address with portnumber for the proxyserver to use. Defaults to none.
  • proxy_type: type of proxyserver to use, can be one of "none", "http", "https" or "ftp". Defaults to none.


This module has been tested on:

  • Ubuntu 20.04


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https:/jpveldhuizen/puppet-cerebro.


Module for managing and configuring Cerebro.







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