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GoGraph: A Graph Theory Golang Package

  Go Version   Build Status      GitHub release (latest SemVer including pre-releases)


This project endeavors to implement the following:

  • a working toolbox of graph theory primitives in the form of structs and functions
  • a complete set of functional unit tests using Golang's native go test functionality
  • a demonstration of the functionalities it provides via a main file
  • a modest, project-size appropriate CI build process
  • a semantically versioned progression of package improvements

Development Setup

Ensure you have the following prerequisites satisfied:

  • VS Code Extensions: Remote Containers
    • Download and install Microsoft's VS Code extension for developing in Remote Containers

Note: This is a VS Code Remote Containers development project: all development is done within a container to reduce initial time-to-develop. Getting this project up and running on your machine can be as simple as pulling down the repository, opening the project in VS Code, and clicking twice.


  • Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:jrcasso/gograph
  • Open the repository in VS Code
code gograph
  • In the bottom-left corner of the VS Code window, click, the highlighted "><" button (or navigate to the Remote Containers extension).
  • From the dropdown, select "Remote Containers: Reopen in Container"

That's it.

Development Details

VS Code will begin to build an image that is specified in .devcontainer/; it will be the container image that you develop in. When it's done, it'll automatically throw your entire VS Code interface/environment inside that container where you may begin deveopment. Utilitarian tools like git and all the things needed to run a Go program are in that environment. It's still a container, so all of the idempotency and innate destructivity of containers are in fact features of this development strategy. If everyone develops in the same way, the time-to-develop becomes incredibly small. This model, of course, fails for large projects - but this is not a large project. In any case, one can simply add Docker composition orchestration when that time comes.

Additional tooling that might be needed can be done so during container runtime; however, if it is something that should stick around for every other developer too (i.e. they might also run into this same issue), please modify the .devcontainer/Dockerfile and open a pull request.

Launch configurations have been created to facilitate debugging with VS Code's native debugger for both normal script execution as well as tests.