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Netdata is a monitoring agent. It is designed to be installed and run on all your systems: physical and virtual servers, containers, even IoT.

The best way to install Netdata is directly from source. Our automatic installer will install any required system packages and compile Netdata directly on your systems.

!!! warning You can find Netdata packages distributed by third parties. In many cases, these packages are either too old or broken. So, the suggested ways to install Netdata are the ones in this page.

  1. Automatic one line installation, easy installation from source, this is the default
  2. Install pre-built static binary on any 64bit Linux
  3. Run Netdata in a docker container
  4. Manual installation, step by step
  5. Install on FreeBSD
  6. Install on pfSense
  7. Enable on FreeNAS Corral
  8. Install on macOS (OS X)
  9. Install on a Kubernetes cluster
  10. Install using binary packages

See also the list of Netdata package maintainers for ASUSTOR NAS, OpenWRT, ReadyNAS, etc.

Note: From Netdata v1.12 and above, anonymous usage information is collected by default and sent to Google Analytics. To read more about the information collected and how to opt-out, check the anonymous statistics page.

One-line installation

This method is fully automatic on all Linux distributions. FreeBSD and MacOS systems need some preparations before installing Netdata for the first time. Check the FreeBSD and the MacOS sections for more information.

To install Netdata from source, and keep it up to date with our nightly releases automatically, run the following:

bash <(curl -Ss

!!! note Do not use sudo for the one-line installer—it will escalate privileges itself if needed.

To learn more about the pros and cons of using nightly vs. stable releases, see our notice about the two options.

Click here for more information and advanced use of the one-line installation script.

Verify the integrity of the script with this:

[ "0ae8dd3c4c9b976c4342c9fc09d9afae" = "$(curl -Ss | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" ] && echo "OK, VALID" || echo "FAILED, INVALID"

It should print OK, VALID if the script is the one we ship.

The script:

  • detects the Linux distro and installs the required system packages for building Netdata (will ask for confirmation)
  • downloads the latest Netdata source tree to /usr/src/netdata.git.
  • installs Netdata by running ./ from the source tree.
  • installs to cron.daily, so your Netdata installation will be updated daily (you will get a message from cron only if the update fails).
  • For QA purposes, this installation method lets us know if it succeed or failed.

The script passes all its parameters to, so you can add more parameters to customize your installation. Here are a few important parameters:

  • --dont-wait: Enable automated installs by not prompting for permission to install any required packages.
  • --dont-start-it: Prevent the installer from starting Netdata automatically.
  • --stable-channel: Automatically update only on the release of new major versions.
  • --nightly-channel: Automatically update on every new nightly build.
  • --no-updates: Prevent automatic updates of any kind.
  • --local-files: Used for offline installations. Pass four file paths: the Netdata tarball, the checksum file, the go.d plugin tarball, and the go.d plugin config tarball, to force kickstart run the process using those files.

Example using all the above parameters:

bash <(curl -Ss --dont-wait --dont-start-it --no-updates --stable-channel --local-files /tmp/my-selfdownloaded-tarball.tar.gz /tmp/checksums.txt /tmp/manually.downloaded.go.d.binary.tar.gz /tmp/manually.downloaded.go.d.config.tar.gz

Note: --stable-channel and --local-files overlap, if you use the tarball override the stable channel option is not effective

Now that Netdata is installed, be sure to visit our getting started guide for a quick overview of configuring Netdata, enabling plugins, and controlling Netdata's daemon. Or, get the full guided tour of Netdata's capabilities with our step-by-step tutorial!

Linux 64bit pre-built static binary

You can install a pre-compiled static binary of Netdata on any Intel/AMD 64bit Linux system (even those that don't have a package manager, like CoreOS, CirrOS, busybox systems, etc). You can also use these packages on systems with broken or unsupported package managers.

To install Netdata from a binary package on any Linux distro and any kernel version on Intel/AMD 64bit systems, and keep it up to date with our nightly releases automatically, run the following:

bash <(curl -Ss

!!! note Do not use sudo for this installer—it will escalate privileges itself if needed.

To learn more about the pros and cons of using nightly vs. stable releases, see our notice about the two options.

If your system does not have bash installed, open the More information and advanced uses of the script dropdown for instructions to run the installer without bash.

This script installs Netdata at /opt/netdata.

Click here for more information and advanced use of this command.

Verify the integrity of the script with this:

[ "23e0f38dfb9d517be16393c3ed1f88bd" = "$(curl -Ss | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" ] && echo "OK, VALID" || echo "FAILED, INVALID"

It should print OK, VALID if the script is the one we ship.

The script passes all its parameters to, so you can add more parameters to customize your installation. Here are a few important parameters:

  • --dont-wait: Enable automated installs by not prompting for permission to install any required packages.
  • --dont-start-it: Prevent the installer from starting Netdata automatically.
  • --stable-channel: Automatically update only on the release of new major versions.
  • --no-updates: Prevent automatic updates of any kind.
  • --local-files: Used for offline installations. Pass two file paths, one for the tarball and one for the checksum file, to force kickstart run the process using those files.

Example using all the above parameters:

bash <(curl -Ss --dont-wait --dont-start-it --no-updates --stable-channel --local-files /tmp/my-selfdownloaded-tarball.tar.gz /tmp/checksums.txt

If your shell fails to handle the above one liner, do this:

# download the script with curl
curl >/tmp/

# or, download the script with wget
wget -O /tmp/

# run the downloaded script (any sh is fine, no need for bash)
sh /tmp/
  • The static binary files are kept in repo binary-packages. You can download any of the .run files, and run it. These files are self-extracting shell scripts built with makeself.
  • The target system does not need to have bash installed.
  • The same files can be used for updates too.
  • For QA purposes, this installation method lets us know if it succeed or failed.

Now that Netdata is installed, be sure to visit our getting started guide for a quick overview of configuring Netdata, enabling plugins, and controlling Netdata's daemon. Or, get the full guided tour of Netdata's capabilities with our step-by-step tutorial!

Run Netdata in a Docker container

You can Install Netdata with Docker.

Install Netdata on Linux manually

To install the latest git version of Netdata, please follow these 2 steps:

  1. Prepare your system

    Install the required packages on your system.

  2. Install Netdata

    Download and install Netdata. You can also update it the same way.

Prepare your system

Try our experimental automatic requirements installer (no need to be root). This will try to find the packages that should be installed on your system to build and run Netdata. It supports most major Linux distributions released after 2010:

  • Alpine Linux and its derivatives

    • You have to install bash yourself, before using the installer.
  • Arch Linux and its derivatives

    • You need arch/aur for package Judy.
  • Gentoo Linux and its derivatives

  • Debian Linux and its derivatives (including Ubuntu, Mint)

  • Redhat Enterprise Linux and its derivatives (including Fedora, CentOS, Amazon Machine Image)

    • Please note that for RHEL/CentOS you need EPEL. In addition, RHEL/CentOS version 6 also need OKay for package libuv version 1.
  • SuSe Linux and its derivatives (including openSuSe)

  • SLE12 Must have your system registered with Suse Customer Center or have the DVD. See #1162

Install the packages for having a basic Netdata installation (system monitoring and many applications, without mysql / mariadb, postgres, named, hardware sensors and SNMP):

curl -Ss '' >/tmp/ && bash /tmp/ -i netdata

Install all the required packages for monitoring everything Netdata can monitor:

curl -Ss '' >/tmp/ && bash /tmp/ -i netdata-all

If the above do not work for you, please open a github issue with a copy of the message you get on screen. We are trying to make it work everywhere (this is also why the script reports back success or failure for all its runs).

This is how to do it by hand:

# Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libuv1-dev liblz4-dev libjudy-dev libssl-dev libmnl-dev gcc make git autoconf autoconf-archive autogen automake pkg-config curl python

# Fedora
dnf install zlib-devel libuuid-devel libuv-devel lz4-devel Judy-devel openssl-devel libmnl-devel gcc make git autoconf autoconf-archive autogen automake pkgconfig curl findutils python

# CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux
yum install autoconf automake curl gcc git libmnl-devel libuuid-devel openssl-devel libuv-devel lz4-devel Judy-devel make nc pkgconfig python zlib-devel

# openSUSE
zypper install zlib-devel libuuid-devel libuv-devel liblz4-devel judy-devel libopenssl-devel libmnl-devel gcc make git autoconf autoconf-archive autogen automake pkgconfig curl findutils python

Once Netdata is compiled, to run it the following packages are required (already installed using the above commands):

package description
libuuid part of util-linux for GUIDs management
zlib gzip compression for the internal Netdata web server
libuv Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O, version 1 or greater

Netdata will fail to start without the above.

Netdata plugins and various aspects of Netdata can be enabled or benefit when these are installed (they are optional):

package description
bash for shell plugins and alarm notifications
curl for shell plugins and alarm notifications
iproute or iproute2 for monitoring Linux traffic QoS
use iproute2 if iproute reports as not available or obsolete
python for most of the external plugins
python-yaml used for monitoring beanstalkd
python-beanstalkc used for monitoring beanstalkd
python-dnspython used for monitoring DNS query time
python-ipaddress used for monitoring DHCPd
this package is required only if the system has python v2. python v3 has this functionality embedded
used for monitoring mysql or mariadb databases
python-mysqldb is a lot faster and thus preferred
python-psycopg2 used for monitoring postgresql databases
python-pymongo used for monitoring mongodb databases
nodejs used for node.js plugins for monitoring named and SNMP devices
lm-sensors for monitoring hardware sensors
libmnl for collecting netfilter metrics
netcat for shell plugins to collect metrics from remote systems

Netdata will greatly benefit if you have the above packages installed, but it will still work without them.

Netdata DB engine can be enabled when these are installed (they are optional):

package description
liblz4 Extremely fast compression algorithm, version r129 or greater
Judy General purpose dynamic array
openssl Cryptography and SSL/TLS toolkit

Netdata will greatly benefit if you have the above packages installed, but it will still work without them.

Install Netdata

Do this to install and run Netdata:

# download it - the directory 'netdata' will be created
git clone https:/netdata/netdata.git --depth=100
cd netdata

# run script with root privileges to build, install, start Netdata
  • If you don't want to run it straight-away, add --dont-start-it option.

  • You can also append --stable-channel to fetch and install only the official releases from GitHub, instead of the nightly builds.

  • If you don't want to install it on the default directories, you can run the installer like this: ./ --install /opt. This one will install Netdata in /opt/netdata.

  • If your server does not have access to the internet and you have manually put the installation directory on your server, you will need to pass the option --disable-go to the installer. The option will prevent the installer from attempting to download and install go.d.plugin.

Once the installer completes, the file /etc/netdata/netdata.conf will be created (if you changed the installation directory, the configuration will appear in that directory too).

You can edit this file to set options. One common option to tweak is history, which controls the size of the memory database Netdata will use. By default is 3600 seconds (an hour of data at the charts) which makes Netdata use about 10-15MB of RAM (depending on the number of charts detected on your system). Check [[Memory Requirements]].

To apply the changes you made, you have to restart Netdata.

Binary Packages

We provide our own flavour of binary packages for the most common operating systems that comply with .RPM and .DEB packaging formats.

We have currently released packages following the .RPM format with version 1.16.0. We have planned to release packages following the .DEB format with version 1.17.0. Early adopters may experiment with our .DEB formatted packages using our nightly releases. Our current packaging infrastructure provider is Package Cloud.

Netdata is committed to support installation of our solution to all operating systems. This is a constant battle for Netdata, as we strive to automate and make things easier for our users. For the operating system support matrix, please visit our distributions support page.

We provide two separate repositories, one for our stable releases and one for our nightly releases.

  1. Stable releases: Our stable production releases are hosted in netdata/netdata repository of package cloud
  2. Nightly releases: Our latest releases are hosted in netdata/netdata-edge repository of package cloud

Visit the repository pages and follow the quick set-up instructions to get started.

Other Systems


You can install Netdata from ports or packages collection.

This is how to install the latest Netdata version from sources on FreeBSD:

# install required packages
pkg install bash e2fsprogs-libuuid git curl autoconf automake pkgconf pidof Judy liblz4 libuv json-c

# download Netdata
git clone https:/netdata/netdata.git --depth=100

# install Netdata in /opt/netdata
cd netdata
./ --install /opt

To install Netdata on pfSense, run the following commands (within a shell or under the Diagnostics/Command prompt within the pfSense web interface).

Note that the first four packages are downloaded from the pfSense repository for maintaining compatibility with pfSense, Netdata, Judy and Python are downloaded from the FreeBSD repository.

pkg install pkgconf
pkg install bash
pkg install e2fsprogs-libuuid
pkg install libuv
pkg add
pkg add
ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
pkg add

Note: If you receive a Not Found error during the last two commands above, you will either need to manually look in the repo folder for the latest available package and use its URL instead, or you can try manually changing the netdata version in the URL to the latest version.

You must edit /usr/local/etc/netdata/netdata.conf and change bind to = to bind to =

To start Netdata manually, run service netdata onestart

Visit the Netdata dashboard to confirm it's working: http://<pfsenseIP>:19999

To start Netdata automatically every boot, add service netdata onestart as a Shellcmd entry within the pfSense web interface under Services/Shellcmd. You'll need to install the Shellcmd package beforehand under System/Package Manager/Available Packages. The Shellcmd Type should be set to Shellcmd.
Alternatively more information can be found in, for achieving the same via the command line and scripts.

If you experience an issue with /usr/bin/install being absent in pfSense 2.3 or earlier, update pfSense or use a workaround from

Note: In pfSense, the Netdata configuration files are located under /usr/local/etc/netdata


On FreeNAS-Corral-RELEASE (>=10.0.3 and <11.3), Netdata is pre-installed.

To use Netdata, the service will need to be enabled and started from the FreeNAS CLI.

To enable the Netdata service:

service netdata config set enable=true

To start the Netdata service:

service netdata start

Netdata on macOS still has limited charts, but external plugins do work.

You can either install Netdata with Homebrew

brew install netdata

or from source:

# install Xcode Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install

click Install in the software update popup window, then

# install HomeBrew package manager
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

# install required packages
brew install ossp-uuid autoconf automake pkg-config

# download Netdata
git clone https:/netdata/netdata.git --depth=100

# install Netdata in /usr/local/netdata
cd netdata
sudo ./ --install /usr/local

The installer will also install a startup plist to start Netdata when your Mac boots.

Note: Should you wish to install Netdata with TLS support:

  1. Install OpenSSL via brew by executing brew install openssl
  2. Run the installer with the extra CFLAGS and LDFLAGS, since your OpenSSL installation is not automatically symlinked to /usr/local
# install Netdata in /usr/local/netdata
cd netdata
CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/include" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/lib" sudo -E ./ --install /usr/local
Alpine 3.x

Execute these commands to install Netdata in Alpine Linux 3.x:

# install required packages
apk add alpine-sdk bash curl zlib-dev util-linux-dev libmnl-dev gcc make git autoconf automake pkgconfig python logrotate

# if you plan to run node.js Netdata plugins
apk add nodejs

# download Netdata - the directory 'netdata' will be created
git clone https:/netdata/netdata.git --depth=100
cd netdata

# build it, install it, start it

# make Netdata start at boot
echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n/usr/sbin/netdata" >/etc/local.d/netdata.start
chmod 755 /etc/local.d/netdata.start

# make Netdata stop at shutdown
echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env bash\nkillall netdata" >/etc/local.d/netdata.stop
chmod 755 /etc/local.d/netdata.stop

# enable the local service to start automatically
rc-update add local

The documentation previously recommended installing the Debian Chroot package from the Synology community package sources and then running Netdata from within the chroot. This does not work, as the chroot environment does not have access to /proc, and therefore exposes very few metrics to Netdata. Additionally, this issue, still open as of 2018/06/24, indicates that the Debian Chroot package is not suitable for DSM versions greater than version 5 and may corrupt system libraries and render the NAS unable to boot.

The good news is that the 64-bit static installer works fine if your NAS is one that uses the amd64 architecture. It will install the content into /opt/netdata, making future removal safe and simple.

When Netdata is first installed, it will run as root. This may or may not be acceptable for you, and since other installations run it as the netdata user, you might wish to do the same. This requires some extra work:

  1. Creat a group netdata via the Synology group interface. Give it no access to anything.
  2. Create a user netdata via the Synology user interface. Give it no access to anything and a random password. Assign the user to the netdata group. Netdata will chuid to this user when running.
  3. Change ownership of the following directories, as defined in Netdata Security:
chown -R root:netdata /opt/netdata/usr/share/netdata
chown -R netdata:netdata /opt/netdata/var/lib/netdata /opt/netdata/var/cache/netdata
chown -R netdata:root /opt/netdata/var/log/netdata

Additionally, as of 2018/06/24, the Netdata installer doesn't recognize DSM as an operating system, so no init script is installed. You'll have to do this manually:

  1. Add this file as /etc/rc.netdata. Make it executable with chmod 0755 /etc/rc.netdata.
  2. Edit /etc/rc.local and add a line calling /etc/rc.netdata to have it start on boot:
# Netdata startup
[ -x /etc/rc.netdata ] && /etc/rc.netdata start

Nightly vs. stable releases

The Netdata team maintains two releases of the Netdata agent: nightly and stable. By default, Netdata's installation scripts will give you automatic, nightly updates, as that is our recommended configuration.

Nightly: We create nightly builds every 24 hours. They contain fully-tested code that fixes bugs or security flaws, or introduces new features to Netdata. Every nightly release is a candidate for then becoming a stable release—when we're ready, we simply change the release tags on GitHub. That means nightly releases are stable and proven to function correctly in the vast majority of Netdata use cases. That's why nightly is the best choice for most Netdata users.

Stable: We create stable releases whenever we believe the code has reached a major milestone. Most often, stable releases correlate with the introduction of new, significant features. Stable releases might be a better choice for those who run Netdata in mission-critical production systems, as updates will come more infrequently, and only after the community helps fix any bugs that might have been introduced in previous releases.

Pros of using nightly releases:

  • Get the latest features and bugfixes as soon as they're available
  • Receive security-related fixes immediately
  • Use stable, fully-tested code that's always improving
  • Leverage the same Netdata experience our community is using

Pros of using stable releases:

  • Protect yourself from the rare instance when major bugs slip through our testing and negatively affect a Netdata installation
  • Retain more control over the Netdata version you use

Offline installations

You can install Netdata on systems without internet access, but you need to take a few extra steps to make it work.

By default, the and download Netdata assets, like the precompiled binary and a few dependencies, using the system's internet connection, but you can also supply these files from the local filesystem.

First, download the required files. If you're using, you need the Netdata tarball, the checksums, the go.d plugin binary, and the go.d plugin configuration. If you're using, you need only the Netdata tarball and checksums.

Download the files you need to a system of yours that's connected to the internet. You can use the commands below, or visit the latest Netdata release page and latest go.d plugin release page to download the required files manually.

cd /tmp

curl -s >

# Netdata tarball
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*tar.gz" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi -

# Netdata checksums
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*txt" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi -

# Netdata dependency handling script
curl -s | wget -qi -

# go.d plugin 
# For binaries for OS types and architectures not listed on [go.d releases](https:/netdata/go.d.plugin/releases/latest), kindly open a github issue and we will do our best to serve your request
export OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') ARCH=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/i386/386/g' -e 's/i686/386/g' -e 's/x86_64/amd64/g' -e 's/aarch64/arm64/g' -e 's/armv64/arm64/g' -e 's/armv6l/arm/g' -e 's/armv7l/arm/g' -e 's/armv5tel/arm/g') && curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi -

# go.d configuration 
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*config.tar.gz" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi -

cd /tmp

curl -s >

# Netdata static64 tarball
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi -

# Netdata checksums
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*txt" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi -

Move downloaded files to the /tmp directory on the offline system in whichever way your defined policy allows (if any).

Now you can run either the or scripts using the --local-files option. This option requires you to specify the location and names of the files you just downloaded.

!!! note When using --local-files, the or scripts won't download any Netdata assets from the internet. But, you may still need a connection to install dependencies using your system's package manager. The scripts will warn you if your system doesn't have all the dependencies.

bash --local-files /tmp/netdata-version-number-here.tar.gz /tmp/sha256sums.txt /tmp/go.d-binary-filename.tar.gz /tmp/config.tar.gz /tmp/

bash --local-files /tmp/ /tmp/sha256sums.txt

Now that you're finished with your offline installation, you can move on to our getting started guide for a quick overview of configuring Netdata, enabling plugins, and controlling Netdata's daemon. Or, get the full guided tour of Netdata's capabilities with our step-by-step tutorial!

Automatic updates

By default, Netdata's installation scripts enable automatic updates for both nightly and stable release channels.

If you would prefer to manually update your Netdata agent, you can disable automatic updates by using the --no-updates option when you install or update Netdata using the one-line installation script.

bash <(curl -Ss --no-updates

bash <(curl -Ss --no-updates

With automatic updates disabled, you can choose exactly when and how you update Netdata.
